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  Sandau, Rainer, ed. (2010) Digital Airborne Camera - Introduction and Technology. Springer. ISBN 978-1-4020-8877-3. Volltext nicht online.

  Drebenstedt, Carsten and Fischer, Christian and Meyer, Uwe and Wu, Jianjun and Kong , Bing, eds. (2010) Latest Developements in Coal Fire Research: Bridging the Science, Economics and Politics of a Global Disaster. Wissenschaftliche Buchhandlung Freiberg. ISBN 978-3-86012-397-3. Volltext nicht online.

  Eyring, V. and Shepherd , T.G. and Waugh , D.W., eds. (2010) SPARC Report on the Evaluation of Chemistry-Climate Models. Volltext nicht online.

  Sausen, Robert and Velthoven, Peter F. J. van and Brüning, Claus and Blum, Anja, eds. (2010) Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Transport, Atmosphere and Climate (TAC-2). Forschungsbericht, 2010-10. DLR. ISSN 1434-8454. Volltext nicht online.

  Dillmann, Andreas and Heller, G. and Kreplin, Hans-Peter and Nitsche, Wolfgang and Peltzer, I., eds. (2010) New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics VII. Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, 112. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg New York Dodrecht London. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-14243-7. ISBN 978-3-642-14243-0. ISSN 1612-2909. Volltext nicht online.

  Zhang, Shengsheng and Yuan, Xiao-Zi and Hin, Jason Ng Cheng and Wang, Haijiang and Wu, Jinfeng and Friedrich, K. Andreas and Schulze, Mathias (2010) Effects of open-circuit operation on membrane and catalyst layer degradation in proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources, 195, pp. 1142-1148. Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2009.08.070. ISSN 0378-7753. Volltext nicht frei. file

  Abdo Sánchez, Elena and Khider, Mohammed and Martín Guerrero, Teresa M. and Jost, Thomas (2010) Sequential location Estimation For Satellite Navigation Receivers. The 25th National Symposium of the International Radio Scientific Union (URSI), 2010-09-15 - 2010-09-17, Bilbao, Spain. Volltext nicht online.

  Aberson, Sim and Cione, Joseph and Wu, Chun-Chieh and Bell, Michael M. and Halverson, Jeffrey and Fogarty, Chris and Weissmann, Martin (2010) Aircraft Observations of Tropical Cyclones. In: World Scientific Publishing Company Ltd. pp. 227-240. ISBN 981-4293-47-4. file

  Abu-Zurayk, Mohammad (2010) Development and evaluation of the adjoint approach for optimization of a coupled fluid-structure system. 17. DGLR / STAB Fachsymposium, 2010-11-09 - 2010-11-10, Berlin, Deutschland. Volltext nicht online.

  Adachi, Masayoshi and Schick, Michael and Brillo, Jürgen and Egry, Ivan and Watanabe, Masahito (2010) Surface tension and density measurement of liquid Si-Cu binary alloys. Journal of Materials Science, 45 (8), pp. 2002-2008. Springer. doi: 10.1007/s10853-009-4149-5. ISSN 0022-2461. Volltext nicht online.

  Adolf, Florian-Michael and Andert, Franz (2010) Onboard Mission Management for a VTOL UAV Using Sequence and Supervisory Control. In: Cutting Edge Robotics 2010 Cutting Edge Robotics. I-TECH Education and Publishing, Vienna. ISBN 978-3-902613-46-2. Volltext nicht online.

  Agostini, Francesco and Dalla Libera, Luciano and Rittweger, Jörn and Mazzucco, Sara and Jurdana, Mihaela and Mekjavic, Igor and Pisot, Rado and Gorza, Luisa and Narici, Marco and Biolo, Gianni (2010) Effects of inactivity on human muscle glutathione synthesis by a double-tracer and single-biopsy approach. The Journal of Physiology, 588 (24), pp. 5089-5104. Wiley. ISSN 0022-3751. file

  Aguilera Leal, Marina and Röckl, Matthias and Kloiber, Bernhard and de Ponte Müller, Fabian and Strang, Thomas (2010) Information-Centric Opportunistic Data Dissemination in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks. In: 13th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems. file

  Ahlefeldt, Thomas and Koop, Lars (2010) A new microphone array for aeroacoustic measurements in a cryogenic environment. Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 329 (22), pp. 4818-4819. Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.jsv.2010.06.001. Volltext nicht online.

  Ahlefeldt, Thomas and Koop, Lars and Lauterbach, Andreas and Spehr, Carsten (2010) Aeroakustische Messungen bei hohen Reynoldszahlen im kryogenen Windkanal. DAGA 2010: 36. Jahrestagung für Akustik, 2010-03-15 - 2010-03-18, Berlin, Deutschland. ISBN 978-3-9808659-8-2. Volltext nicht online.

  Ahlefeldt, Thomas and Koop, Lars and Lauterbach, Andreas and Spehr, Carsten (2010) ADVANCES IN MICROPHONE ARRAY MEASUREMENTS IN A CRYOGENIC WIND TUNNEL. BeBeC Berlin Beamforming Conference, 2010-02-24 - 2010-02-25, Berlin, Germany. ISBN 978-3-00-030027-1. Volltext nicht online.

  Ahlefeldt, Thomas and Lauterbach, Andreas and Koop, Lars (2010) Aeroacoustic Measurements of a Scaled Half Model at High Reynolds Numbers. 16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2010-06-07 - 2010-06-09, Stockholm, Sweden. ISBN 978-1-60086-744-6. Volltext nicht online.

  Ahlefeldt, Thomas and Spehr, Carsten and Koop, Lars and Lauterbach, Andreas and Kröber, Stefan and Henning, Arne (2010) Acoustic measurements in a cryogenic wind tunnel. Internoise 2010, 2010-06-13 - 2010-06-16, Lisbon, Portugal. Volltext nicht online.

  Aida, Saika and Kirschner, Michael and Wermuth, Martin and Kiehling, Reinhard (2010) Collision Avoidance Operations for LEO Satellites Controlled by GSOC. SpaceOps 2010 Conference, 2010-04-25 - 2010-04-29, Okinawa, Japan. file

  Albers, Silvana (2010) Zell- und molekularbiologische Untersuchungen zur NF-kB und p53 abhängigen Stressantwort nach Exposition mit weltraumrelevanten Strahlenqualitäten in Säugerzellen. Diploma, Philipps-Universität Marburg. Volltext nicht online.

  Alexopoulos, Spiros and Hoffschmidt, Bernhard and Rau, Christoph and Schmitz, Mark and Schwarzbözl, Peter and Pomp, Stefan (2010) Simulation Results for a Hybridizes Operation of a Gas Turbine or a Burner for a Small Solar Tower Power Plant. In: Proceedings. SolarPACES 2010 Conference, 2010-09-21 - 2010-09-24, Perpignan, Frankreich. Volltext nicht online.

  Algermissen, Stephan and Misol, Malte and Unruh, Oliver (2010) Active Reduction of Turbulent Boundary Layer Induced Noise. Other. DLR-Institut für Faserverbundleichtbau und Adaptronik. 34 S. file

  Alnasser, W. and Spindler, K. and Müller-Steinhagen, Hans (2010) Single phase and flow boiling heat transfer of water and ethanol in a mini-channel array. In: Tagungsband. IHTC-14, 2010-10-08 - 2010-10-13, Washington DC. Volltext nicht online.

  Alonso, R and Deeg, H and Kabath, Petr and Rabus, M (2010) Ground-based near-IR observations of the secondary eclipse of CoRoT-2b. Astronomical Journal, 139 (4), pp. 1481-1485. American Astronomical Society. doi: 10.1088/0004-6256/139/4/1481. ISSN 0004-6256. Volltext nicht online.

  Alrutz, Thomas and Vollmer, Daniel (2010) Recent Developments of TAU Adaptation Capability. In: MEGADESIGN and MegaOpt - German Initiatives for Aerodynamic Simulation and Optimization in Aircraft Design Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, Vol. 107. Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg. pp. 3-19. ISBN 978-3-642-04092-4. ISSN 1612-2909. Volltext nicht online.

  Altmann, Sebastian (2010) Untersuchungen zur Realisierung von kombinierten regenerativen Brennstoffzellen (URFC). Dissertation, Universität Stuttgart. Volltext nicht online.

  Altmann, Sebastian and Kaz, Till and Friedrich, K. Andreas (2010) Development of Bifunctional Electrodes for Closed-loop Fuel Cell Applications. Electrochemistry 2010: From Microscopic Understanding to Global Impact, 2010-09-13 - 2010-09-15, Bochum, Deutschland. file

  Andreßen, Panja and Conzelmann, Kristin and Jaeger, Sabine and Steiner, Agatha (2010) Psychometrische Eigenschaften eines Tests zum sozialen Verständnis für die Pilotenauswahl. Pabst Science. 47. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, 2010-09-26 - 2010-09-30, Bremen. file

  Andreßen, Panja and Pecena, Yvonne and Gundel, Alexander (2010) Alertness Management Training in Civil Aviation. In: Proceeding of the 29 EAAP Conference, pp. 320-324. 29. Conference of European Association of Aviation Psychology (EAAP), 2010-09-20 - 2010-09-24, Budapest, Ungarn. file

  Andrés-Hernández, M.D. and Stone, D. and Brookes, D.M. and Commane, R. and Reeves, C.E. and Huntrieser, H. and Heard, D.E. and Monks, P.S. and Burrows, J.P. and Schlager, H. and Kartal, D. and Evans, M.J. and Floquet, C.F.A. and Ingham, T. and Methven, J. and Parker, A.E. (2010) Peroxy radical partitioning during the AMMA radical intercomparison exercise. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (10), pp. 10621-10638. Copernicus Publications. doi: 10.5194/acp-10-10621-2010. file

  Angermann, Michael and Wendlandt, Kai and Guenther, Michael (2010) Communication architecture of an early warning system. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (NHESS). Copernicus Publications. doi: 10.5194/nhess-10-2215-2010. ISSN 1561-8633. Volltext nicht online.

  Angermann, Michael and Robertson, Patrick and Kemptner, Thomas and Khider, Mohammed (2010) A High Precision Reference Data Set for Pedestrian Navigation using Foot-Mounted Interial Sensors. International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation 2010, 2010-09-15 - 2010-09-17, Zurich, Switzerland. file

  Antreich, Felix and Nossek, Josef A. (2010) OPTIMUM CHIP PULSE SHAPE DESIGN FOR TIMING SYNCHRONIZATION. IEEE ICASSP 2011, 2011-05-22 - 2011-05-27, Prague, Czech Republic. Volltext nicht frei. file

  Appel, B. and Schubert, E and Wenzel, J. (2010) Simulator Trials - Positive Pressure Breathing. Committee Meeting SAE-10, 2010-05-25 - 2010-05-27, Saint José dos Campos, Brasilien. Volltext nicht online.

  Aquila, Valentina (2010) Global model studies on the distribution and composition of potential atmospheric ice nuclei. DLR-Forschungsbericht. DLR-FB--2010-12. Dissertation. 141 S. Volltext nicht online.

  Araujo, Francisco Celio and Degenhardt, Richard (2010) Substructure-based Block-diagonal Preconditioning for BEM Systems of Equations - Applications to the Micromechanical Analysis of General Composites. 8th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM 2010), 2010-09-19 - 2010-09-23, Rhodos, Greece. file

  Archambaud, Jean-Pierre and Arnal, Daniel and Godard, Jean-Luc and Hein, Stefan and Krier, Johann Valentin and Donelli, Raffaele S. and Hanifi, Ardeshir (2010) Transition control testing in the supersonic S2MA wind tunnel (SUPERTRAC project). In: IUTAM Bookseries, Vol. 18. Springer, Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York. pp. 75-80. doi: 10.1007/978-90-481-3723-7_10. ISBN 978-90-481-3722-0 (Print), 978-90-481-3723-7 (Online). ISSN 1875-3507. Volltext nicht online.

  Archinal, B. A. and Duxbury, T.C. and Scholten, F. and Oberst, J. and Danton, J. and Robinson, M.S. and Smith, D.E. and Neumann, G.A. and Zuber, M. and LROC Team, and LOLA Team, (2010) Tying LRO Data to the fundamental Lunar Laser Ranging Reference Frame. In: Lunar and Planetary Science XLI, 1533, p. 2609. Lunar and Planetary Institute. 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2010-03-01 - 2010-03-05, The Woodlands, Texas, USA. ISSN 1540-7845. Volltext nicht online.

  Ardaens, Jean-Sébastien and D'Amico, Simone and Montenbruck, Oliver (2010) Flight Results from the PRISMA GPS-Based Navigation. NAVITEC'2010, 2010-12-08 - 2010-12-10, Noordwijk, Netherlands. Volltext nicht online.

  Ardaens, Jean-Sébastien and Montenbruck , Oliver and D'Amico, Simone (2010) Functional and Performance Validation of the PRISMA Precise Orbit Determination Facility. ION International Technical Meeting 2010, 2010-01-25 - 2010-01-27, San Diego, California. Volltext nicht online.

  Arenberg, Jonathan and Riede, Wolfgang and Ciapponi, Alessandra and Allenspacher, Paul and Herringer, Jon (2010) An empirical investigation of the laser survivability curve. Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Material, 7842, 78421B-1-78421B-8. SPIE. doi: 10.1117/12.867349. Volltext nicht online.

  Arlt, Christine and Riedel, Ulrich (2010) Wirkungsweisen von Nanopartikeln in Faserkunststoffverbunden. Nationales Symposium SAMPE Deutschland e.V., 2010-02-24 - 2010-02-25, Clausthal-Zellerfeld. Volltext nicht online.

  Arlt, Christine and Riedel, Ulrich (2010) Wirkprinzipien nanoskaliger Verstärkung in Faserkunststoffverbunden. Wehrtechnisches Symposium „Leichtbauwerkstoffe auf Nanobasis“, Erding, Germany. Volltext nicht online.

  Arlt, Christine and Riedel, Ulrich and Wulz , Hans Georg (2010) Ceramic particles and carbon nanotubes in high performance CFRPs for aircraft and space applications: some truly benefits and mechanisms. In: Proceedings of ICAS, 27th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences. ICAS, 27th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, 2010-09-19 - 2010-09-24, Nice, France. ISBN 978-0-9565333-0-2. Volltext nicht online.

  Arnaudon, Alexandre (2010) Conception of an Autopilot for Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle FRAUKE. Master's, Institut supérieur de l'aéronautique et de l'espace. Volltext nicht online.

  Arndt, Christoph and Boxx, Isaac and Steinberg, Adam and Meier, Wolfgang and Carter, Campbell D. (2010) High Speed Laser Measurement Techniques for the Analysis of Transient Combustion Phenomena. In: Workshop CD. ISL. Measurement and Observation Techniques for Aerospace Research (MOTAR), 2010-03-29 - 2010-03-30, St. Louis, France. Volltext nicht online.

  Arndt, Christoph and Steinberg, Adam and Boxx, Isaac and Carter, Campbell D. and Meier, Wolfgang and Aigner, Manfred (2010) Flow field and flame dynamics of a gas-turbine model combustor during transition between thermo-acoustically stable and unstable states. In: Proceedings. ASME Turbo Expo 2010: Power for Land, Sea and Air, 2010-06-14 - 2010-06-18, Glasgow, UK. doi: 10.1115/gt2010-22830. Volltext nicht online.

  Arnold, Gabriele E. and Hiesinger, Harald and Helbert, Jörn and Peter, Gisbert and Walter, Ingo (2010) MERTIS−thermal infrared imaging of Mercury: advances in mid-IR remote sensing technology for planetary exploration. SPIE Infrared Remote Sensing and Instrumentation XVIII, 2010-08-25, San Diego. ISSN 0277-786X. Volltext nicht online.

  Arnold, Jürgen (2010) Using multibody dynamics for the simulation of flexible rotor blades - Modelling of an innovative blade layout based on beam approach. In: Proceedings "ERF 2010". ERF 2010 - 36th European Rotorcraft Forum, 2010-09-07 - 2010-09-09, Paris, France. Volltext nicht online.

  Arts, Tony and Corieri, Patricia and Asma, Cem and De Pascale, Nicoletto and Dobre, Claudia and Kirmse , Tania and Riethmuller, Michel (2010) How does an airplane fly? In: VKI. pp. 1-87. ISBN 978-2-87516-013-3. Volltext nicht online.

  Auer, Stefan and Bamler, Richard (2010) 3D Analysis of Trihedral Reflection Based on SAR Simulation Methods. In: 8th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR) (ISSN: 0196-2892), pp. 269-272. IEEEXplore. EUSAR 2010, 2010-06-07 - 2010-06-10, Aachen, Germany. ISBN 978-3-8007-3272-2. ISSN 0196-2892. file

  Auer, Stefan and Hinz, Stefan and Bamler, Richard (2010) Ray-Tracing Simulation Techniques For Understanding High-Resolution SAR Images. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 48, pp. 1445-1456. IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. ISSN 0196-2892. file

  Austin, John and Scinocca, J. and Plummer, D.A. and Oman, L. and Waugh, D. and Akiyoshi, H. and Bekki, S. and Braesicke, P. and Butchart, N. and Chipperfield, M.P. and Cugnet, D. and Dameris, Martin and Dhomse, S. and Eyring, V. and Frith, S. and Garcia, R.R. and Garny, H. and Gettelman, A. and Hardiman, S.C. and Kinnison, D. and Lamarque, J.F. and Mancini, E. and Marchand, M. and Michou, M. and Morgenstern, O. and Nakamura, T. and Pawson, S. and Pitari, G. and Pyle, J. and Rozanov, E. and Shepherd, T.G. and Shibata, K. and Teyssèdre, H. and Wilson, R.J. and Yamashita, Y. (2010) The decline and recovery of total column ozone using a multimodel time series analysis. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115 (D00M10), pp. 1-23. Wiley. doi: 10.1029/2010JD013857. Volltext nicht frei. file

  Austin, John and Struthers, H. and Scinocca, J. and Plummer, D.A. and Akiyoshi, H. and Baumgaertner, A.J.G. and Bekki, S. and Bodeker, G.E. and Braesicke, P. and Brühl, C. and Butchart, N. and Chipperfield, M.P. and Cugnet, D. and Dameris, Martin and Dhomse, S. and Frith, S. and Garny, H. and Gettelman, A. and Hardiman, S.C. and Jöckel, Patrick and Kinnison, D. and Kubin, A. and Lamarque, J.F. and Langematz, U. and Mancini, E. and Marchand, M. and Michou, M. and Morgenstern, O. and Nakamura, T. and Nielsen, J.E. and Pitari, G. and Pyle, J. and Rozanov, E. and Shepherd, T.G. and Shibata, K. and Smale, D. and Teyssèdre, H. and Yamashita, Y. (2010) Chemistry-climate model simulations of spring Antarctic ozone. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115 (D00M11), pp. 1-21. Wiley. doi: 10.1029/2009JD013577. file

  Ax, Holger and Stopper, Ulrich and Meier, Wolfgang and Aigner, Manfred and Güthe, Felix (2010) Experimental Analysis of the Combustion Behavior of a Gas Turbine Burner by Laser Measurement Techniques. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 132 (05), 051503_1-051503_9. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi: 10.1115/1.3205033. Volltext nicht online.

  Bachmann, Martin (2010) Vicarious CalVal for Hyperspectral Sensors. In: Online-Publikation auf Veranstaltungs-Webpage. HU Berlin / DIN - Reihe - CalVal: Kalibrierung und Validierung, 2010-11-17, Berlin. (In Press) Volltext nicht online.

  Bachmann, Martin and Habermeyer, Martin and Müller, Andreas and Müller, Rupert and Schneider, Mathias and Storch, Tobias (2010) Operational quality control for hyperspectral data. In: Proceedings of Hyperspectral Workshop 2010. ESA Communications Estec, Noordwjik, The Netherlands.. ESA Hyperspectral Workshop, 2010-03-17 - 2010-03-19, Frascati, Italien. ISBN 978-92-9221-247-6. ISSN 1609-042. Volltext nicht online.

  Bachmann, Martin and Makasy, Christine and de Miguel, Amaia and Müller, Andreas and Müller, Rupert and Neumann, Andreas and Palubinskas, Gintautas and Richter, Rudolf and Schneider, Mathias and Storch, Tobias and Walzel, Thomas and Kaufmann, Hermann and Guanter, Luis and Segl, Karl and Heege, Thomas and Kiselev, Viacheslav (2010) Processing Chain, Calibration and Data Quality Procedures of the Future Hyperspectral Satellite Mission EnMAP. In: Online-Publikation auf Missions-Webpage. HyspIRI Workshop 2010, 2010-08-24 - 2010-08-26, Pasadena, USA. Volltext nicht online.

  Backes, Andreas Wilhelm (2010) Kombinierte Messung der Zytotoxizität und Genotoxizität toxischer Substanzen mittels des Lux-Fluoro-Test. Dissertation, Universität zu Köln. Volltext nicht online.

  Baczyzmalski, D. and Meyer, R. (2010) Filterung im Frequenzbereich (Praktikantenbericht von D. Baczyzmalski). DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB-92517-10/B7. Volltext nicht online.

  Baecker, Natalie and Frings-Meuthen, Petra and Smith, Scott and Heer, Martina (2010) Short-term high dietary calcium intake during bed rest has no effect on markers of bone turnover in healthy men. Nutrition, 26 (5), pp. 522-527. Elsevier. Volltext nicht online.

  Bailardi, G. (2010) On the atomization behavior of Newtonian fluids with an impinging jet injector. Master's, Politecnico Milano. Volltext nicht online.

  Bailardi, G. and Negri, Michele and Ciezki, Helmut (2010) Several Aspects of the Atomization Behavior of Various Newtonian Fluids with a like-on-like Impinging Jet Injector. ILASS-Europe 2010, 2010-09-06 - 2010-09-08, Brno, Czech Republic. Volltext nicht online.

  Balling, Lothar and Wiedermann, Alexander and Braun, Jost and Rossig-Kruska, Frank and Dibelius, Günther and Mönig, Reinhard and Waltke, Ulrich and Bals, Herbert F.J. and Vogeler, Konrad and Sattelmayer, Thomas and Krebs, Werner and Hellat, Jaan and Eroglu, Adnan and Deuker, Eberhard and Kroll, Wolfgang and Heilos, Andreas and Huth, Michael and Karg, Jürgen and Waldinger, Roger and Köller, Ulf D. and van den Toorn, Bernd and Bolms, Hans-Thomas and Reichert, Arnd W. and Weigand, Bernhard and Schulte, Joachim and Müller, Michael and Janssen , Manfred and Maldfeld, Ekkehard and Verstege, Stefan and Böckel, Frank and Grote, Holger and Taut, Christine and Kollenberg, Wolfgang and Rettig, Uwe and Czech, Norbert and Berger, Christina and Grünling, Hermann W. and Becker, Bernhard and Paschmann, Willi and Wegen, Michael and Wutsdorff, Peter and Werner, Klaus and König, Olaf and Lechner, Christof and Stefan, L.F. Frank and Woditschka, Frank and Bauer, Andreas and Rofka, Stefan and Drobner, Olaf and Pahl, Andreas and Brummel, Hans-Gerd and Inceoglu, Ayhan and Bohrenkämper, Gerhard and Steinwachs, Christopher (2010) Stationäre Gasturbinen 2., neu bearbeitete Auflage. In: Stationäre Gasturbinen Spinger Verlag Berlin; Heidelberg . pp. 1-1120. ISBN 978-3-540-92787-7 // e-ISBN 978-3-540-92788-4 . Volltext nicht online.

  Banuti, Daniel and Hannemann, Klaus (2010) Flow control by energy deposition in hypersonic flow - some fundamental considerations. Conference Proceedings. 16th AIAA/DLR/DGLR International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, 2009-10-19 - 2009-10-22, Bremen, Germany. ISBN 978-1-60086-740-8. Volltext nicht online.

  Banuti, Daniel and Hannemann, Klaus (2010) Interfacial Area Transport Equation in Statistical-Eulerian-Eulerian Simulations of Multiphase Flow. In: New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics VII Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, 112. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 1-8. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-14243-7_1. ISBN 978-3-642-14242-0. ISSN 1612-2909. Volltext nicht online.

  Banuti, Daniel and Hannemann, Klaus and Longo, Jose (2010) Aspects of thermal flow control in hypersonic flight. CEAS Air and Space Conference, 2009-10-26 - 2009-10-29, Manchester, Great Britain. ISBN 1 85768 213 8. Volltext nicht online.

  Banuti, Daniel and Hannemann, Klaus (2010) Effect of Injector Wall Heat Flux on Cryogenic Injection. 46th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, 2010-07-25 - 2010-07-28, Nashville, USA. ISBN 978-1-60086-747-7. file

  Barnes, Jason W. and Soderblom, Jason M. and Brown, R. H. and Soderblom, L.A. and Stephan, K. and Jaumann, R. and Le Mouelic, S. and Rodriguez, S. and Sotin, C. and Buratti, B.J. and Baines, K. H. and Clark, R. N. and Nicholson, P. D. (2010) Constraining Waves on Titan's Northern Lake Jingpo Lacus using VIMS Specular Reflection Observations. In: AAS, 42. DPS- Meeting, 2010-10-03 - 2010-10-08, Pasadena, USA. Volltext nicht online.

  Barnes, Jason W. and Soderblom, J. M. and Brown, R. H. and Soderblom, L. A. and Stephan, K. and Jaumann, R. and Le Mouelic, S. and Rodriguez, S. and Sotin, C. and Buratti, B.J. and Baines, K.H. and Clark, R.N. and Nicholson, P.D. (2010) Constraining Waves on Titan's Northern Lake Jingpo Lacus using VIMS Specular Reflection Observations. 42nd annual meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society, 2010-10-03 - 2010-10-08, Pasadena, CA, USA. Volltext nicht online.

  Barnes, Jason W. and Bow, J. and Schwartz, J. and Brown, R. H. and Soderblom, J. M. and Hayes, A. and Le Mouélic, S. and Rodriguez, S. and Sotin, C. and Jaumann, R. and Stephan, K. and Soderblom, L. A. and Clark, R. N. and Buratti, B. J. and Baines, K. H. and Nicholson, P. D. (2010) Cassini/VIMS Discovery of Organic Evaporite Deposits in Titan's Dry Lakebeds. In: American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2010, abstract #P31C-1543 (P31C-1). 2010 AGU Fall Meeting, 2010-12-13 - 2010-12-17, San Francisco. file

  Barnouin, O.S. and Zuber, M.T. and Oberst, J. and Preusker, Frank and Smith, D.E. and Neumann, G.A. and Solomon, S.C. and Hauck, S.A. and Phillips, R.J. and Head III, J.W. and Prockter, L.M. and Robinson, M.S. (2010) The Morphology of Craters on Mercury: Results from the MESSENGER Flybys. In: Lunar and Planetary Science XLI, 1533, p. 1243. Lunar and Planetary Institute. 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2010-03-01 - 2010-03-05, Woodlands, Texas, USA. ISSN 1540-7845. Volltext nicht online.

  Barret , B. and Williams, J. E. and Bouarar, I. and Yang, X. and Josse, B. and Law, K. and Pham, M. and Le Flochmoen, E. and Liousse, C. and Peuch, V. H. and Carver, G. D. and Pyle, J. A. and Sauvage, B. and van Velthoven, P. and Schlager, H. and Mari, C. and Cammas, J.-P. (2010) Impact of West African Monsoon convective transport and lightning NOx production upon the upper tropospheric composition: a multi-model study. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10, pp. 5719-5738. Copernicus Publications. doi: 10.5194/acp-10-5719-2010. file

  Bartolf, Holger and Engel, Andreas and Schilling, Andreas and Ilin, Konstantin and Siegel, Michael and Hübers, H.-W. and Semenov, A. (2010) Current-assisted thermally activated flux liberation in ultrathin nanopatterned NbN superconducting meander structures. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 81 (024502). American Physical Society. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.81.024502. Volltext nicht online.

  Bartolome Calvo, Javier and Hannemann, Klaus (2010) Analysis of the Heat Transfer in Liquid Rocket Engine Cooling Channels. In: New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics VII Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, 112. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 441-448. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-14243-7_54. ISBN 978-3-642-14242-0. ISSN 1612-2909. Volltext nicht online.

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  Csizmadia, S (2010) Gravitational Perturbations in Exoplanetary Systems - Long periodic Perturbations in Eccentric Hierarchical Triple Systems. IAU Symposium 276, 2010-10-11 - 2010-10-15, Turin, Italien. Volltext nicht online.

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  Csizmadia, Szilard (2010) Transit modeling workshop report. CEST workshop, 2010-02-04 - 2010-02-05, Paris, Frankreich. Volltext nicht online.

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  Fröhlich, Maik and Peters, Manfred (2010) Titan und Titanlegierungen: Struktur, Gefüge, Eigenschaften. DGM-Seminar "Titan und Titanlegierungen", 2010-03-17 - 2010-03-18, Köln, Deutschland. (Unpublished) Volltext nicht online.

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  Fueten, Frank and Robinson, A. and Stesky, Robert and MacKinnon, Paula and Hauber, Ernst and Zegers, Tanja and Gwinner, Klaus (2010) Dip of chasm wall faults in Ophir Chasma, Valles Marineris, Mars. In: Lunar and Planetary Science XLI, 1533, Abstract 1449. Lunar and Planetary Institute. 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2010, 2010-03-01 - 2010-03-05, The Woodlands, Texas, USA. ISSN 1540-7845. file

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  Funke, St. and Michel, U. (2010) SODIX - Inverse Schallquellenanalyse an Flugzeugtriebwerken mit Mikrofonarrays. In: Fortschritte der Akustik DAGA 2010. 36. Deutsche Jahrestagung für Akustik. Springer. 36. Jahrestagung für Akustik - DAGA 2010, 2010-03-15 - 2010-03-18, Berlin, Deuschland. ISBN 978-3-9808659-8-2. Volltext nicht online.

  Funke , St. (2010) EO_tool m: Engine Order Analysis mit Matlab. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB-92517-10/B18. Volltext nicht online.

  Futterer, B. and Dahley, N. and Scurtu, N. and Egbers, C. and Plesa, A.-C. and Breuer, D. (2010) Geophysical flow simulation experiment ‘GeoFlow II' - steps towards a mantle convection experiment in spherical shells. EGU General Assembly 2010, 2010-05-02 - 2010-05-07, Wien, Österreich. Volltext nicht online.

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  Fürstenau, Norbert (2010) A nonlinear dynamics model for simulating long range correlations of cognitive bistability. Biological Cybernetics, 103 (3), pp. 175-198. Springer. doi: 10.1007/s00422-010-0388-4. ISSN 0340-1200. Volltext nicht frei. file

  Galenko, Peter and Kharchenko, Dmitrii and Lysenko, Irina (2010) Stochastic generalization for a hyperbolic model of spinodal decomposition. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 389, pp. 3443-3455. Elsevier. ISSN 0378-4371. Volltext nicht online.

  Gandolfi, D and Hébrard, G and Alonso, R and Deleuil, M and Guenther, E. and Fridlund, M and Endl, M and Eigmüller, P and Csizmadia, S and Havel, M and Aigrain, S and Auvergne, M and Baglin, A and Bonomo, A and Bordé, P and Bouchy, F and Bruntt, H and Cabrera, J and Carpano, S and Carone, L and Cochran, W.D. and Deeg, H and Dvorak, R and Eislöffel, J. and Erikson, A and Ferraz-Mello, S and Gazzano, J-C and Gibson, N and Gillon, M and Gondoin, P and Guillot, T and Hartmann, H. and Hatzes, A. and Jorda, L and Kabath, P and Léger, A and Llebaria, A and Lammer, H and MacQueen, P.J. and Mayor, M and Mazeh, T and Moutou, C and Ollivier, M and Pätzold, M and Pepe, F and Queloz, D and Rauer, H and Rouan, D and Samuel, B and Schneider, J. and Stecklum, B and Tingley, B and Udry, S and Wuchterl, G (2010) Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission XIV. CoRoT-11b: a transiting massive “hot-Jupiter” in a prograde orbit around a rapidly rotating F-type star. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 524, A55. EDP Sciences. doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/201015132. ISSN 0004-6361. Volltext nicht online.

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  Gardner, Anthony Donald and Richter, Kai and Rosemann, Henning (2010) Numerical Investigation of Air Jets for Dynamic Stall Control on the OA209 Airfoil. 36th European Rotorcraft Forum, 2010-09-07 - 2010-09-09, Paris, France. Volltext nicht online.

  Gawehn, T. and Gülhan, A. and Al-Hasan, N. S. and Giglmaier, M. and Adams, N.A. (2010) Analysis of Pseudo-Shock System Structure and Asymmetry in Laval Nozzles with Parallel Side Walls. 19th Interantional Shock Interaction Symposium, 2010-08-31 - 2010-09-03, Moscow. Volltext nicht online.

  Gebauer, S and Godolt, M and Grenfell, J L and Hedelt, Pascal and von Paris, Philip and Rauer, Heike (2010) On the Detectability of Biomarkers in Extrasolar Super-Earth Atmospheres. In: ASP conference series, 430, pp. 443-444. ASP. Pathways towards habitable planets, 2009-09-14 - 2009-09-18, Barcelona. ISBN 978-1-58381-740-7. Volltext nicht online.

  Gebauer, S and Grenfell, J L and Rauer, H (2010) 1D global mean column model & Biogeochemical modeling. Topic 1000 workshop, 2010-03-29 - 2010-03-31, Zeuthen, Deutschland. Volltext nicht online.

  Gebauer, S and Grenfell, J L and Rauer, Heike (2010) Modelling changes in atmospheric O2 abundances - outlook. 3rd HGF alliance week, 2010-03-08 - 2010-03-12, Berlin. Volltext nicht online.

  Gebauer, S and Grenfell, J L and Rauer, Heike (2010) Evolution of atmospheric O2 abundances in different Earth-like planetary atmospheres. 1st HGF Graduate Student Week, 2010-05-25 - 2010-05-27, Wandlitz, Germany. Volltext nicht online.

  Gebhard, S. and Peters, P.W.M. and Roth-Fagaraseanu, D. and Turley, F. and Voggenreiter, H. (2010) Particle impact damage in the gamma based TiAl alloy TNBV3B produced via three different processing routes. MaterialsScience and Engineering, 527 (21-22), pp. 5883-5891. Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.msea.2010.05.072. ISSN 0921-5093. Volltext nicht online.

  Gedon, Heiner and Heidenreich, Bernhard (2010) Lightweight Ceramic Armour for Vehicles. EUCOMAS 2010, 2010-06-07 - 2010-06-08, Berlin. Volltext nicht online.

  Geigle, Klaus Peter (2010) Laser-induced incandescence to understand soot formation and monitor industrial combustion. Seminar, 2010-10-12, Göttingen, Germany. Volltext nicht online.

  Geigle, Klaus Peter (2010) Research between fundamentals and application to industrial challenges: A German perspective from the DLR Institute of Combustion Technology. Humboldt Kolleg on University Research – Industry: Partnering Opportunities, 2010-06-21 - 2010-06-23, Rabat (Marokko). Volltext nicht online.

  Geigle, Klaus Peter and Hadef, Redjem and Zerbs, Jochen and Köhler, Markus and Sawchuk, Robert and Snelling, Dave R. (2010) Measurements in sooting laminar standard flames: LII and CARS. 4th international LII Workshop, 2010-04-18 - 2010-04-20, Varenna, Italien. Volltext nicht online.

  Geigle, Klaus Peter and Köhler, Markus and Snelling, Dave R. and Smallwood, Gregory J. and Thomson, Kevin (2010) Influence of pulsed laser heating on soot optical properties. In: Book of Abstracts WIPP. 33st International Combustion Symposium, 2010-08-01 - 2010-08-06, Beijing, China. Volltext nicht online.

  Geigle, Klaus Peter and Köhler, Markus and Thomson, Kevin and Smallwood, Gregory J. and Snelling, Dave R. (2010) Optical Properties of Laser Heated Soot Aggregates. In: Proceedings. 32nd International Energy Agency Task Leaders Meeting, 2010-07-25 - 2010-07-29, Nara, Japan. Volltext nicht online.

  Geigle, Klaus Peter and Thomson, Kevin and Gareau, Daniel (2010) How much does the LII laser pulse influence soot particles - heated line-of-sight attenuation. In: Workshop CD. ISL. Measurement and Observation Techniques for Aerospace Research (MOTAR), 2010-03-29 - 2010-03-30, St. Louis, France. Volltext nicht online.

  Geigle, Klaus Peter and Thomson, Kevin and Smallwood, Gregory J. and Zizak, Giorgio (2010) Synopsis of recent LII research activities as presented on the 4th international workshop on LII. 32nd International Energy Agency Task Leaders Meeting, 2010-07-25 - 2010-07-29, Nara, Japan. Volltext nicht online.

  Geigle, Klaus Peter and Thomson, Kevin A. and Smallwood, Gregory J. and Snelling, Dave R. (2010) Influence of Pulsed Laser Heating on the Optical Properties of Soot. 4th international LII Workshop, 2010-04-18 - 2010-04-20, Varenna (Italy). Volltext nicht online.

  Geigle, Klaus Peter and Zerbs, Jochen and Grisch, Frédéric and Orain, Mikael and Guin, Christian (2010) Laser-based measurements in an aero-engine combustor. German-French Laser Kolloquium, 2010-11-05 - 2010-11-06, Berlin. Volltext nicht online.

  Geigle, Klaus Peter and Zerbs, Jochen and Guin, Christian (2010) Laser-induced incandescence for soot measurements in technical flames at increased pressure at the ONERA M1 test rig. In: Proceedings. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2010, 2010-08-31 - 2010-09-02, Hamburg, Deutschland. Volltext nicht frei. file

  Geisler, Reinhard (2010) Volume Resolving PIV. Seminar an NAL, Experimental Aerodynamics Division, 2010-11-16, Bangalore, India. Volltext nicht online.

  Geisler, Reinhard and Schröder, Andreas and Kompenhans, Jürgen (2010) Extension of the PIV Technique to the Observation of a Volume of the Flow. Seminar an der Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), 2010-09-16, Nanjing, China. Volltext nicht online.

  Geisler, Reinhard and Schröder, Andreas and Over , Benedikt (2010) Background Oriented Schlieren (BOS) Measurement at a Micro Thruster Nozzle — A Feasibility Study. Seminar an NAL, Experimental Aerodynamics Division, 2010-11-15, Bangalore, India. Volltext nicht online.

  Geiß, Christian and Nast, Michael and Schillings, Christoph and Taubenböck, Hannes and Esch, Thomas and Wurm, Michael (2010) Potenzialmodellierung von Wärmenetzen basierend auf höchst aufgelösten Fernerkundungsdaten. In: Fernerkundung im urbanen Raum. Erdbeobachtung auf dem Weg zur Planungspraxis WBG, Darmstadt. pp. 162-169. ISBN 978-3-534-23481-3. Volltext nicht online.

  Gelau, Christhard and Baumann, Martin and Pauzie, Annie (2010) HUMANIST Contributions for the Development of Guidelines and Standards on HMI. In: The Safety of Intelligent Driver Support Systems: Design, Evaluation and Social Perspectives Ashgate. Volltext nicht online.

  Gelhausen, Marc (2010) A nested logit-model based on Kohonen’s Self-Organizing Maps for airport and access mode choice in Germany. Innovative Marketing, 6 (2), pp. 48-68. ISSN 1814-2427. Volltext nicht online.

  Gelhausen, Marc (2010) Ein Modell zur strategischen Netzwerkplanung im Passagierluftverkehr unter Wettbewerbsbedingungen. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress (DLRK) 2010, 2010-08-31 - 2010-09-02, Hamburg. file

  Gelhausen, Marc (2010) MODELLING AIRLINE COMPETITION IN PASSENGER AIR TRANSPORT MARKETS – A GAME-THEORETIC APPROACH. European Transport Conference (ETC) 2010, 2010-10-11 - 2010-10-13, Glasgow, GB. file

  Gerber, Edwin P. and Baldwin, Mark P. and Akiyoshi, Hideharu and Austin, John and Bekki, Slimane and Braesicke, Peter and Butchart, Neal and Chipperfield, Martyn P. and Dameris, Martin and Dhomse, Sandip and Frith, Stacey M. and Garcia, Rolando R. and Garny, Hella and Gettelman, Andrew and Hardiman, Steven C. and Karpechko, Alexey and Marchand, Marion and Morgenstern, Olaf and Nielsen, J. Eric and Pawson, Steven and Peter, Tom and Plummer, David A. and Pyle, John A. and Rozanov, Eugene and Scinocca, John F. and Shepherd, Theodore G. and Smale, Dan (2010) Stratosphere-troposphere coupling and annular mode variability in chemistry-climate models. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115 (D00M06), pp. 1-15. Wiley. doi: 10.1029/2009JD013770. file

  Gerlinger, Peter and Nold, Karina and Aigner, Manfred (2010) Influence of Reaction Mechanism, Grid Spacing and Inflow Conditions on the Numerical Simulation of Lifted Supersonic Flames. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 62, pp. 1357-1380. Wiley. doi: 10.1002/fld.2076. Volltext nicht online.

  Gerz, Thomas (2010) Required Meteorological Data for Advanced Wake Vortex Advisory Systems. Air Traffic and Meteorology, 2010-11-09 - 2010-11-10, Toulouse, Frankreich. Volltext nicht online.

  Gerz, Thomas (2010) Das DLR Projekt Wetter und Fliegen - Aktuelle Arbeiten. DFS Nutzerkonferenz Wetter, 2010-03-19, Langen. Volltext nicht online.

  Gerz, Thomas (2010) Wetterinformationen für den Flugverkehr. Kolloquium am Institut für Luft- und Raumfahrt der RWTH, 2010-07-20, Aachen. Volltext nicht online.

  Gerz, Thomas (2010) Tailored and On-time Weather Information for (Air-) Transportation. WGs Meeting of COST TU0702, 2010-10-11, Lisboa. Volltext nicht online.

  Gerz, Thomas and Mirza, A. (2010) MET data provision and server of FLYSAFE - concept and realisation of the Weather. FAA / EUROCONTROL Technical Interchange Meeting 2010-01, 2010-04-07 - 2010-04-08, Washington DC, USA. Volltext nicht online.

  Gerzen, Tatjana (2010) Das Inverse Problem hinter der 3D Rekonstruktion der Elektronendichteverteilungen in der Ionosphäre. Instituts-Kolloquium , 2010-03-23, Neubrandenburg. Volltext nicht online.

  Gerzer, R. (2010) Die Internationale Raumstation als Großlabor. Flugmedizin, Tropenmedizin, Reisemedizin (FTR), 17:107. ISSN 1864-4538. Volltext nicht online.

  Gerzer, R. (2010) Flights to Moon and Mars: Challenges for Medicine. 4th International Symposium for hypoxia in medical research, training and rehabilitation, 2010-01-29 - 2010-01-30, Innsbruck, Österreich. Volltext nicht online.

  Gerzer, R. (2010) Astronauten als Symbole der Zukuntsaufgaben der Medizin. AFH Alliance, 2010-04-19 - 2010-04-20, Berlin, Deutschland. Volltext nicht online.

  Gerzer, R. (2010) Effects of 105 days confinement on blood pressure. Global Lunar Conference, 2010-05-31 - 2010-06-03, Beijing, China. Volltext nicht online.

  Gerzer, R. (2010) Einführung in Luft- und Raumfahrtmedizin. Fortbildung Flugmedizin für Pneumologen, 2010-02-12 - 2010-02-13, Köln, Deuschtland. Volltext nicht online.

  Gerzer, R. (2010) Raumfahrtmedizin. Fliegerarztlehrgang des Flugmedizinischen Instituts der Luftwaffe, 2010-02-17, Fürstenfeldbruck, Deutschland. Volltext nicht online.

  Gerzer, R. (2010) Zurück zum Mond, nach vorne zum Mars: Zukunftsherausforderungen für Raumfahrtmedizin und -pharmazie. Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft Regionalgruppe Köln, 2010-04-08, Köln, Deutschland. Volltext nicht online.

  Gerzer, R. (2010) Astronauten als Symbole der Zukunftsaufgaben der Medizin. AFH Alliance, 2010-04-19, Berlin, Deutschland. Volltext nicht online.

  Gerzer, R. (2010) Astronauten als Symbole der Zukunftsaufgaben der Medizin. Parlamentarischer Abend, 2010-04-19, Berlin, Deutschland. Volltext nicht online.

  Gerzer, R. (2010) Zurück zum Mond, nach vorne zum Mars: Zukunftsaufgaben der Medizin. Medzinische Gesellschaft der Universität Mainz, 2010-05-10, Mainz, Deutschland. Volltext nicht online.

  Gerzer, R. (2010) Space Life, an International PhD program at DLR. 6th International Conference on Aerospace Medicine, 2010-09-22 - 2010-09-25, Thessaloniki, Griechenland. Volltext nicht online.

  Gerzer, R. (2010) Connecting Competence for E-Health Services - What Customers Expect, What Healthcare Has to Deliver. Global e-Health Forum, 2010-10-26, Hamburg, Deutschland. Volltext nicht online.

  Gerzer, Rupert (2010) Zwischen Weltraum und Weltmeisterschaft: Forschung für Gesundheit und Leistung. Parlamentarischer Abend der Deutschen Sporthochschule Köln, 2010-04-01, Köln, Deutschland. Volltext nicht online.

  Gerzer, Rupert (2010) Analog Facilities and International Collaboration. ISMS, 2010-05-20 - 2010-05-23, Houston, USA. Volltext nicht online.

  Gerzer , R. (2010) Flights to Moon and Mars: Challenges for Medicine. 4th Int. Symposium for Hypoxia in Medical Research, Training and Rehabilitation, 2010-01-29 - 2010-01-30, Innsbruck, Österreich. Volltext nicht online.

  Gesemann, Sebastian and Schanz, Daniel and Schröder, Andreas and Petra, Stefania and Schnörr, Christoph (2010) Recasting Tomo-PIV Reconstruction as Constrained and L1-Regularized Non-Linear Least Squares Problem. 15th International Symposium on Application Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, 2010-07-05 - 2010-07-08, Lisbon, Portugal. Volltext nicht online.

  Gettelman, Andrew and Hegglin, Michaela and Son, S.-W. and Kim, J. and Fujiwara, M. and Birner, T. and Kremser, S. and Rex, M. and Añel, A.J. and Akiyoshi, H. and Austin, J. and Bekki, S. and Braesicke, P. and Brühl, C. and Butchart, N. and Chipperfield, M. and Dameris, Martin and Dhomse, S. and Garny, Hella and Hardiman, S.C. and Jöckel, Patrick and Kinnison, D.E. and Lamarque, J.F. and Mancini, E. and Marchand, M. and Michou, M. and Morgenstern, O. and Pawson, S. and Pitari, G. and Plummer, D.A. and Pyle, J.A. and Rozanov, E. and Scinocca, J.F. and Shepherd, T.G. and Shibata, K. and Smale, D. and Teyssèdre, H. and Tian, W. (2010) Multimodel assessment of the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere: Tropics and global trends. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115 (D00M08), pp. 1-22. Wiley. doi: 10.1029/2009JD013638. ISSN 0148-0227. file

  Gibbesch, Andreas and Krenn, Rainer and Herrmann, Florian and Schäfer, Bernd and Rebele, Bernhard and Allouis, Elie and Diedrich, Thomas (2010) Multi-Body System and Contact Simulation within the Design Development of Planetary Surface Exploratin Systems. In: Proceedings. ISAIRAS 2010, 2010-08-29 - 2010-09-01, Sapporro, Japan. Volltext nicht frei. file

  Giese, B. (2010) The Topography of Enceladus and Implications. Enceladus as an active moon, 2010-06-14 - 2010-06-18, Bern, CH. Volltext nicht online.

  Giese, B. and Helfenstein, P. and Thomas, P. C. and Ingersoll, A. P. and Perry, J. and Wagner, R. and Neukum, G. and Porco, C. C. (2010) The morphology of an active zone near Enceladus’ south pole and implications. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. EGU General Assembly 2010, 2010-05-02 - 2010-05-07, Vienna, Austria. Volltext nicht online.

  Giese, B. (2010) The topography of Enceladus. In: EPSC Abstracts, 5, p. 675. Europlanet. European Planetary Science Congress, 2010-09-19 - 2010-09-24, Rome, Italy. file

  Giesen, Adolf (2010) The Outstanding Qualities of Fiber Lasers and Thin Disk Lasers. DPG Spring Meeting 2010, 2010-03-08 - 2010-03-12, Hannover. Volltext nicht online.

  Giger, Kaspar and Henkel, Patrick and Günther, Christoph (2010) Joint Satellite Code and Carrier Tracking. In: Proc. of ION Int. Technical Meeting. ION Int. Technical Meeting, 2010-01-25 - 2010-01-27, San Diego, USA. Volltext nicht online.

  Gillon, M and Hatzes, A. and Csizmadia, S and Fridlund, M and Deleuil, M and Aigrain, S and Alonso, R and Auvergne, M and Baglin, A and Barge, P and Barnes, S.I. and Bonomo, A and Bordé, P and Bouchy, F and Bruntt, H and Cabrera, J and Carone, L and Carpano, S and Cochran, W.D. and Deeg, H and Dvorak, R and Endl, M and Erikson, A and Ferraz-Mello, S and Gandolfi, D and Gazzano, J-C and Guenther, E. and Guillot, T and Havel, M and Hébrard, G and Jorda, L and Léger, A and Llebaria, A and Lammer, H and Lovis, C and Mayor, M and Mazeh, T and Montalbán, J. and Moutou, C and Ofir, A and Ollivier, M and Pätzold, M and Pepe, F and Queloz, D and Rauer, H and Rouan, D and Samuel, B and Santerne, A and Schneider, J. and Tingley, B and Udry, S and Weingrill, J and Wuchterl, G (2010) Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission XII. CoRoT-12b: a short-period low-density planet transiting a solar analog star. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 520, A97. EDP Sciences. doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/201014981. ISSN 0004-6361. Volltext nicht online.

  Gillon, M. and Lanotte, A.A. and Barman, T. and Miller, N and Demory, B.-O. and Deleuil, M and Montalbán, J. and Bouchy, F and Collier Cameron, A. and Deeg, H and Fortney, J.J. and Fridlund, M and Harrington, J. and Magain, P and Moutou, C and Queloz, D and Rauer, Heike and Rouan, D and Schneider, J. (2010) The thermal emission of the young and massive planet CoRoT-2b at 4.5 and 8 µm. Astronomy and Astrophysics (511), A3. EDP Sciences. doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/200913507. ISSN ISSN 0004-6361. Volltext nicht online.

  Gleich, Dusan and Kseneman, Matej and Datcu, Mihai (2010) Despeckling of TerraSAR-X Data Using Second-Generation Wavelets. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 7 (1), pp. 68-72. IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. doi: 10.1109/LGRS.2009.2020610. Volltext nicht online.

  Gläser, Philipp and Haase, Isabel and Scholten, Frank and Oberst, Jürgen (2010) Precision Registration of LRO Altimeter Tracks and Stereo Terrain Models – Implications for Surface Slopes and Roughness. In: EPSC Abstracts Vol. 5, EPSC2010-296, 2010, 5 (EPSC2010-296). EPSC 2010, 2010-09-19 - 2010-09-24, Rom, Italien. Volltext nicht online.

  Godolt, M and Gans, F and Stracke, Barbara and Gebauer, S and Kitzmann, D and Porada, P and Stock, Joachim and von Paris, Philip (2010) Introduction into Topic 1000. 1st HGF Graduate Student Week, 2010-05-25 - 2010-05-27, Wandlitz, Germany. Volltext nicht online.

  Godolt, M and Gebauer, S and Grenfell, J L and Hedelt, P and Rauer, H (2010) Towards modelling atmospheric composition for jungle-desert-waterworlds. Topic 1000 workshop, 2010-03-29 - 2010-03-31, Zeuthen, Deutschland. Volltext nicht online.

  Godolt, M and Gebauer, S and Grenfell, J L and Hedelt, Pascal and Rauer, Heike (2010) Modelling studies of jungle, desert and water worlds. 3rd HGF alliance week, 2010-03-08 - 2010-03-12, Berlin. Volltext nicht online.

  Godolt, M and Grenfell, J L and Hamann-Reinus, A and Kunze, M and Langematz, U and Rauer, Heike (2010) Influence of the spectral stellar flux distribution on atmospheric dynamics of extrasolar Earth-like planets. In: ASP Conference Series, 430, pp. 445-447. pathways towards habitable planets, 2009-09-14 - 2009-09-18, Barcelona, Spanien. ISBN 978-1-58381-740-7. Volltext nicht online.

  Godolt, M and Grenfell, J L and Hamann-Reinus, A and Kunze, M and Langematz, U and Rauer, Heike (2010) Influence of the spectral stellar flux distribution on atmospheric dynamics of extrasolar Earth-like planets. 1st HGF Graduate Student Week, 2010-05-25 - 2010-05-27, Wandlitz, Germany. Volltext nicht online.

  Godolt, M and Hamann-Reinus, A and Grenfell, J L and Kunze, M and Langematz, U and Rauer, Heike (2010) Influence of the stellar spectral flux distribution on atmospheric dynamics of Earth-like extrasolar planets. ExoClimes Conference, 2010-09-07 - 2010-09-10, Exeter, UK. Volltext nicht online.

  Gomez, Ines and Datcu, Mihai (2010) System Design Considerations for Image Information Mining in Large Archives. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 7 (1), pp. 13-17. IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. doi: 10.1109/LGRS.2009.2028439. Volltext nicht online.

  Goos, Elke (2010) Untersuchung wichtiger Verbrennungs- und Rußbildungsreaktionen aromatischer Kohlenwasserstoffe. - Investigation of important reactions for combustion and soot formation of aromatic hydrocarbons. Project Report. 2009 DAAD PPP - USA D/07/10590 . 3 S. Volltext nicht online.

  Goos, Elke and Burcat, Alexander (2010) Thermochemistry. In: Handbook of Combustion, 1. Wiley & Sons, VCH. pp. 135-152. ISBN 978-3-527-32449-1. Volltext nicht online.

  Goos, Elke and Burcat, Alexander (2010) Extended Third Millennium Ideal Gas and Condensed Phase Thermochemical Database. 1st Annual Meeting, COST European Cooperation in Science and Technology, CM0901 - Detailed Chemical Models for Cleaner Combustion, 2010-09-15 - 2010-09-17, Nancy, France. Volltext nicht online.

  Goos, Elke and Burcat, Alexander (2010) Ab initio molecular and thermodynamic properties of methylbutanoate, a bio diesel surrogate fuel compound, and its decomposition products. In: Book of Abstracts WIPP. 33st International Combustion Symposium, 2010-08-01 - 2010-08-06, Beijing, China. Volltext nicht online.

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  Henning, Arne and Koop, Lars and Ehrenfried, Klaus (2010) Causality Correlation in Aeroacoustic Experiments by Means of Simultaneous PIV and Microphone-Array Measurements. BeBeC Berlin Beamforming Conference, 2010-02-24 - 2010-02-25, Berlin, Germany. ISBN 978-3-00-030027-1. Volltext nicht online.

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  Henning, Arne and Koop, Lars and Ehrenfried, Klaus and Kröber, Stefan and Spehr, Carsten (2010) Anwendung der Particle-Image-Velocimetry für Akustische und Aeroakustische Untersuchungen. DAGA 2010 36. Jahrestagung für Akustik , 2010-03-15 - 2010-03-18, Berlin, Germany. ISBN 978-3-9808659-8-2. Volltext nicht online.

  Henning, Arne and Schröder, Andreas and Koop, Lars and Agocs, Janos (2010) Causality Correlation Analysis on a Cold Jet by Means of Simultaneous PIV and Microphone Measurements. 16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2010-06-07 - 2010-06-09, Stockholm, Sweden. ISBN 978-1-60086-744-6. Volltext nicht online.

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  Keil, Manfred and Gessner, Ursula and Hüttich, Christian and Colditz, Rene (2010) Large-scale vegetation assessments in southern Africa: concepts and applications using multi-source remote sensing data. In: Klaus Hess Publishers, Göttingen & Windhoek. pp. 32-45. ISBN 978-3-933117-46-5. Volltext nicht online.

  Kereszturi, A. and Möhlmann, D. and Berczi, Sz. and Ganti, T. and Horvath, A. and Kuti, A. and Sik, A. (2010) Seepages and the astrobiological potential of polar dunes on Mars. In: Astrobiology: Physical Origin, Biological Evolution and Spatial Distribution Space Science, Exploration and Policies. Nova Science Publishers. pp. 97-113. ISBN 978-1-60741-290-8. Volltext nicht online.

  Kerminen, V.-M. and Petäjä, T. and Manninen, H. E. and Paasonen, P. and Nieminen, T. and Sipilä, M. and Junninen, H. and Ehn, M. and Gagné, S. and Laakso, L. and Riipinen, I. and Vehkamäki, H. and Kurten, T. and Ortega, I. K. and Dal Maso, M. and Brus, D. and Hyvärinen, A. and Lihavainen, H. and Leppä, J. and Lehtinen, K. E. J. and Mirme, A. and Mirme, S. and Hõrrak, U. and Berndt, T. and Stratmann, F. and Birmili, W. and Wiedensohler, A. and Metzger, A. and Dommen, J. and Baltensperger, U. and Kiendler-Scharr, A. and Mentel, T. F. and Wildt, J. and Winkler, P. M. and Wagner, P. E. and Petzold, Andreas and Minikin, Andreas and Plass-Dülmer, C. and Pöschl, U. and Laaksonen, A. and Kulmala, M. (2010) Atmospheric nucleation: highlights of the EUCAARI project and future directions. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10, pp. 10829-10848. Copernicus Publications. doi: 10.5194/acp-10-10829-2010. ISSN 1680-7316. file

  Keromnes, Alan and Donohoe, Nicola and Curran, Henry and Herzler, Jürgen and Naumann, Clemens and Griebel, Peter (2010) Ignition Delay Time Measurements and Validation of Reaction Mechanism for Hydrogen at Gas Turbine Relevant Conditions. In: Proceedings. The Future of Gas Turbine Technology, 5th International Conference, 2010-10-27 - 2010-10-28, Brussels, Belgium. file

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  Kessler, Roland and Rütten, Markus and Pennecot, Julien (2010) Simulation of the Flow in a Human Nose. In: New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics VII Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, Vol. 112. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 521-528. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-14243-7_64. ISBN 978-3-642-14242-0. ISSN 1612-2909. Volltext nicht online.

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  Kick, Thomas and Braun-Unkhoff, Marina and Naumann, Clemens and Riedel, Uwe (2010) Investigation on the combustion behaviour of small alcohols. 1st Annual Meeting, COST European Cooperation in Science and Technology, CM0901 - Detailed Chemical Models for Cleaner Combustion, 2010-09-15 - 2010-09-17, Nancy, France. Volltext nicht online.

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  Kirchgässner, Ursula and Putze, Uwe and von Schönermark, Maria and Haala, Norbert (2010) Anforderungen an die Auswertung UAV-gestützter Fernerkundungsdaten. In: DGPF-Tagungsband (DGPF: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung), 19. Dreiländertagung (D - A - CH) der Gesellschaften für Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung, 2010-06-30 - 2010-07-03, Wien, Österreich. (In Press) Volltext nicht online.

  Kirmse, Tania (2010) Untersuchung des Einflusses aero-optischer Effekte auf Deformationsmessungen in transsonischen Strömungen. 17. DGLR-Fach-Symposium der STAB, 2010-11-09 - 2010-11-10, Berlin, Deutschland. Volltext nicht online.

  Kirmse, Tania and Gardner, Anthony Donald and Krombholz, Christian (2010) Density Effects in Model Deformation Measurements on a NACA 0010 Profile in a Transonic Flow. 14th International Symposium on Flow Visualization ISFV , 2010-06-21 - 2010-06-24, Daegu, Korea. Volltext nicht online.

  Kirmse, Tania and Schröder, Andreas and Kompenhans, Jürgen and Martinez Schramm, Jan and Karl, Sebastian and Hannemann, Klaus (2010) Application of Particle Image Velocimetry and the Background Oriented Schlieren Technique in the High Enthalpy Shock Tunnel Göttingen (HEG). Seminar an der Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), 2010-09-16, Nanjing, China. Volltext nicht online.

  Kitzmann, D and Patzer, B and von Paris, Philip and Godolt, M and Grenfell, J L and Rauer, Heike (2010) Influence of clouds on the emission spectra of Earth-like extrasolar planets. In: ASP Conference Series, 430, pp. 475-476. Pathways towards habitable planets, 2009-09-14 - 2009-09-18, Barcelona. ISBN 978-1-58381-740-7. Volltext nicht online.

  Kitzmann, D and Patzer, B and von Paris, Philip and Godolt, M and Rauer, Heike (2010) Thermal Emission Spectra of Earth-like Extrasolar Planets and the Effects of Cloud Layers. EPSC 2010, 2010-09-19 - 2010-09-24, Rome, Italy. Volltext nicht online.

  Kitzmann, D and Patzer, B and von Paris, Philip and Godolt, M and Rauer, Heike (2010) Influence of clouds in the atmospheres of Earth-like extrasolar planets. 1st HGF Graduate Student Week, 2010-05-25 - 2010-05-27, Wandlitz, Deutschland. Volltext nicht online.

  Kitzmann, D and Patzer, B and von Paris, Philip and Godolt, M and Rauer, Heike (2010) Influence of clouds in the atmospheres of Earth-like extrasolar planets. ExoClimes Conference, 2010-09-07 - 2010-09-10, Exeter, UK. Volltext nicht online.

  Kitzmann, D and Patzer, A B C and von Paris, Philip and Godolt, M and Stracke, B and Gebauer, S and Grenfell, J L and Rauer, H (2010) Clouds in the atmospheres of extrasolar planets I. Climatic effects of multi-layered clouds for Earth-like planets and implications for habitable zones. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 511, A66. EDP Sciences. doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/200913491. ISSN 0004-6361. Volltext nicht online.

  Kitzmann, D and Patzer, B and von Paris, Philip (2010) Radiative energy budget and clouds. Topic 1000 workshop, 2010-03-29 - 2010-03-31, Zeuthen, Deutschland. Volltext nicht online.

  Kitzmann, D and Patzer, B and von Paris, Philip and Godolt, M and Rauer, H (2010) Influence of clouds in the atmospheres of Earth-like extrasolar planets. Annual Meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft, 2010-09-13 - 2010-09-17, Bonn, Deutschland. Volltext nicht online.

  Kitzmann, D and Patzer, B and von Paris, Philip and Rauer, H (2010) Reflection and thermal emission spectra of Earth-like extrasolar planets affected by clouds. COSPAR 38th scientific assembly, 2010-07-18 - 2010-07-25, Bremen, Deutschland. Volltext nicht online.

  Klassen, Ina (2010) Charged colloids as model systems for metals. Südwestdeutscher Verlag für Hochschulschriften. ISBN 978-3-8381-1553-5. Volltext nicht online.

  Klatt, Enrico (2010) 1. Zwischenbericht 2010 Projekt OVABSOL - Projektpartner DLR-BK. DLR-Interner Bericht, Project Report. DLR-IB 435-2011/09. DLR. (Unpublished) Volltext nicht online.

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  Klein, Christian and Bruse, Martin and Egami, Yasuhiro and Henne, Ulrich and Ondrus, Validimir and Beifuss, Uwe (2010) Development of a Highly Sensitive Temperature-Sensitive Paint (TSP) for Measurements at Ambient (0 – 60 °C) Conditions. DLR-ONERA MOTAR Meeting, 2010-03-29 - 2010-03-30, Saint Louis, France. Volltext nicht online.

  Klein, Christian and Fey, Uwe and Koop, Lars and Stasicki, Boleslaw and Kompenhans, Jürgen (2010) Advanced measurement techniques for industrial use: - Pressure Sensitive Paint (PSP) - Temperature Sensitive Paint (TSP) - Microphone Array Technique (MAT) - Video Stroboscope (QVT). Seminar an der Beijing University, 2010-09-06, Beijing, China. Volltext nicht online.

  Klein, Christian and Fey, Uwe and Koop, Lars and Stasicki, Boleslaw and Kompenhans, Jürgen (2010) Advanced measurement techniques for industrial use: - Pressure Sensitive Paint (PSP) - Temperature Sensitive Paint (TSP) - Microphone Array Technique (MAT) - Video Stroboscope (QVT). Seminar an der Tianjin University, 2010-09-09, Tianjin, China. Volltext nicht online.

  Klein, Christian and Fey, Uwe and Koop, Lars and Stasicki, Boleslaw and Kompenhans, Jürgen (2010) Advanced measurement techniques for industrial use: - Pressure Sensitive Paint (PSP) - Temperature Sensitive Paint (TSP) - Microphone Array Technique (MAT) - Video Stroboscope (QVT). Seminar an der Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), 2010-09-13, Nanjing, China. Volltext nicht online.

  Klein, Christian and Henne, Ulrich and Sachs, Werner and Beifuß, Uwe and Ondrus, Vladimir and Mai, Holger and Bruse, Martin (2010) Instationäre Druckmessung mittels Pressure-Sensitive Paint (PSP) am flexiblen Flügelmodell AEROSTABIL-A im DNW-TWG. 17. DGLR-Fach-Symposium der STAB, 2010-11-09 - 2010-11-10, Berlin, Deutschland. Volltext nicht online.

  Klein, Christian and Sachs, Werner and Henne, Ulrich and Borbye, J. (2010) Determination of Transfer Function of Pressure-Sensitive Paint. 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting , 2010-01-04 - 2010-01-07, Orlando, Florida, USA. ISBN 978-1600-86739-2. Volltext nicht online.

  Klein, Christian and Sachs, Werner and Henne, Ulrich and Egami, Yasuhiro and Mai, Holger and Ondrus, Vladimir and Beifuss, Uwe (2010) Application of Pressure-Sensitive Paint for Determination of Dynamic Surface Pressures on a 30 Hz Oscillating 2D profile in Transonic Flow. In: New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics VII Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, Vol. 112. Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg. pp. 323-330. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-14243-7_40. ISBN 978-3-642-14242-0. ISSN 1612-2909. Volltext nicht online.

  Klein, Doris and Heldens, Wieke and Einig, K. and Zaspel, B. and Wegner, B. (2010) Neue Beobachtungstechniken der Flächeninanspruchnahme und ihre Anwendunsgmöglichkeiten in der Praxis. Other. Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik. 12 S. Volltext nicht online.

  Klein, Ralf and Wettemann, Julia and Esch, Thomas and Himmler, Vitus and Schmidt, Martin (2010) Das Indikatorenset Flächenbarometer - Neue Methoden zur Beobachtung der Flächeninanspruchnahme in Deutschland. Project Report. Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik. 255 S. Volltext nicht online.

  Klein , Christian and Beifuss, Uwe and Bruse, Martin and Egami, Yasuhiro and Henne, Ulrich and Ondrus, Vladimir (2010) Development of a Highly Sensitive Temperature-Sensitive Paint (TSP) for Measurements at Ambient (0 – 60 °C) Conditions. Seminar an China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center (CARDC), 2010-10-26, Mianyang, Sichuan, China. Volltext nicht online.

  Klein , Christian and Henne, Ulrich and Sachs, Werner and Engler, Rolf and Egami, Yasuhiro and Mai, Holger and Ondrus, Vladimir and Beifuss, Uwe (2010) Application of PSP for Determination of unsteady Surface Pressures in Transonic Flow. Seminar an China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center (CARDC), 2010-10-26, Mianyang, Sichuan, China. Volltext nicht online.

  Kleinhans, Maarten and Van de Kasteele, Hester and Hauber, Ernst (2010) Palaeoflow reconstruction from fan delta morphology on Mars. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 294, pp. 378-392. Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2009.11.025. Volltext nicht frei. file

  Klevanski, Josef (2010) Analyse der Stabilität und Steuerbarkeit von elastischen mehrstufigen Raumtransportsystemen in der Vorentwurfsphase. DLR-Forschungsbericht. DLR-FB 2010-08. Dissertation. DLR. 171 S. Volltext nicht online.

  Kloiber, Bernhard and Strang, Thomas and de Ponte-Mueller, Fabian and Rico Garcia, Cristina and Roeckl, Matthias (2010) An Approach for Performance Analysis of ETSI ITS-G5A MAC for Safety Applications. ITST 2010, 2010-11-09 - 2010-11-11, Kyoto, Japan. file

  Knapmeyer, Martin and Faber, C. and Krause, Christian and Fischer, Hans-Herbert and Seidensticker, Kurt (2010) Recent Laboratory Studies for CASSE: Material parameter and Source Location Determination. 5th Philae SOWG/LOWG Workshop, 2010-06-01 - 2010-06-04, Milton Keynes. Volltext nicht online.

  Knapmeyer, Martin and Faber, Claudia and Krause, C. and Fischer, Hans-Herbert and Seidensticker, Kurt (2010) Multi-Component Decomposition of Elastic Velocities in Cometary Materials as Measured by the CASSE Experiment. EGU General Assembly 2010, 2010-05-02 - 2010-05-07, Wien, Österreich. Volltext nicht online.

  Knapmeyer, Martin and LUNETTE SEIS Modeling team, . (2010) Identification of Lunar Deep Moonquake Clusters by means of Back Azimuth and Travel Time Differences. Lunette-Selene2-GEMS2 SEIS Workshop, 2010-06-23 - 2010-06-25, Saint Maur des Fosses, Frankreich. Volltext nicht online.

  Knapmeyer, Martin and Weber, R. (2010) Steps towards the determination of deep moonquake source orientations. European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC) 2010, 2010-09-24 - 2010-09-29, Rom, Italy. Volltext nicht online.

  Knappe, Katja (2010) Messung von Persönlichkeitsaspekten mit Einfluss auf die Leistungsentfaltung in hochautomatisierten Systemen - Erprobung eines Forschungsfragebogens. Diploma, Universität Hamburg. Volltext nicht online.

  Kneifel, Stefan and Löhnert, Ulrich and Battaglia, Alessandro and Crewell, Susanne and Siebler, Dominik (2010) Snow scattering signals in ground-based passive microwave radiometer measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115 (D16214), pp. 1-17. Wiley. doi: 10.1029/2010JD013856. file

  Kniss, Artjom (2010) Kompaktierung und Fixierung von trockeneneFaserhalbzeugen für die automatisierte Fertigung von Faserverbundstrukturen. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 435-2010/18. Diploma. Bauweisen- und Konstruktionsforschung. 60 S. Volltext nicht online.

  Knoblach, Andreas (2010) Identification of Linear Parameter Varying Grey Box Models Representing Axes 2 and 3 of an Industrial Robot. Diploma, Technische Universität München. Volltext nicht online.

  Knobloch, K. and Bake, F. (2010) Dynamic probes for acoustic pressure and temperatur measurements in full-scale aero engines. MOTAR-Meeting, 2010-03-28 - 2010-03-29, Saint Louis, France. Volltext nicht online.

  Knobloch, K. and Lahiri, C. and Bake, F. (2010) Dynamic probe for the measurement of acoustic pressure in aero-engines. In: Proceedings XX Biannual Smaposium on Meauring Techniques in Turbomachinery. XX Biannual Symposium on Measuring Techniques in Turbomachinery, 2010-09-23 - 2010-09-24, Milano, Italien. Volltext nicht online.

  Knobloch, K. and Lahiri, C. and Bake, F. (2010) HAT - ein neuer Versuchstand für Thermoakustik-Untersuchungen in Berlin. DLR Workshop "Diagnostik in Verbrennung DIV 6", 2010-08-27 - 2010-08-28, Göttingen, Deutschland. Volltext nicht online.

  Knopp, Tobias (2010) A modification of DDES based on a detection of attached boundary layers and flow separation. 17. DGLR-Fach-Symposium der STAB, 2010-11-09 - 2010-11-10, Berlin, Deutschland. file

  Knopp, Tobias (2010) A modification of hybrid RANS-LES methods of DES-type for flows around airplane wings. Workshop on Calibration of Viscosity Models for Turbulent Flows, 2010-10-08 - 2010-10-09, Goettingen, Germany. filefile

  Knopp, Tobias and Zhang, Xiaoqin and Lube, Gert (2010) Assessment of resolution quality for LES. EUROMECH 504 Large Eddy Simulation for Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics, 2009-03-23 - 2009-03-25, Muenchen; Germany. file

  Knopp, Tobias (2010) Universal Wall Functions for Aerodynamic Flows: Turbulence Model Consistent Design, Potential and Limitations. In: MEGADESIGN and MegaOpt - German Initiatives for Aerodynamic Simulation and Optimization in Aircraft Design Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, 112. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 55-71. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-04093-1_5. ISBN 978-3-642-04092-4. ISSN 1612-2909. Volltext nicht frei. file

  Knopp, Tobias (2010) Improved Wall Functions Based on the 1D Boundary Layer Equations for Flows with Significant Pressure Gradient. In: New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics VII Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, 112. Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 51-58. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-14243-7_7. ISBN 978-3-642-14242-0. ISSN 1612-2909. Volltext nicht frei. file

  Knopp, Tobias and Zhang, Xiaoqin and Kessler, Roland and Lube, Gert (2010) Enhancement of an Industrial Finite-Volume Code for Large-Eddy-Type Simulation of Incompressible High-Reynolds Number Flow Using Near-Wall Modelling. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 199 (13-16), pp. 890-902. Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.cma.2009.01.005. Volltext nicht frei. file

  Knutti, R. and Abramowitz, G. and Collins, M. and Eyring , V. and Gleckler, P.J. and Hewitson, B. and Mearns, L. (2010) Good Practice Guidance Paper on Assessing and Combining Multi Model Climate Projections. IPCC Expert Meeting on Assessing and Combining Multi Model Climate Projections, 2010-01-25 - 2010-01-27, Boulder, USA. Volltext nicht online.

  Koch, Christian (2010) Introduction to Occultation Technique. International Space Weather Initiative (ISWI) Summer School, 2010-10-28 - 2010-11-04, Bahir Dar, Äthiopien. Volltext nicht online.

  Koch, Christian (2010) Ionosphärische Messmethoden und deren Anwendung. DLR Sommerschule Neustrelitz, 2010-09-06 - 2010-09-11, Neustrelitz. Volltext nicht online.

  Koch, Roland (2010) Key Analysis Errors and Airborne Wind Lidar Observations. Diploma, Univ. Innsbruck / DLR-IPA. Volltext nicht online.

  Koch, Stefan and Rosemann, Henning and Fey, Uwe and Egami, Yasuhiro (2010) Titel confidential. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 224-2008 C 38. Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.. 67 S. Volltext nicht online.

  Kokhanovsky, Alexander A. and Budak, Vladimir P. and Cornet, Celine and Duan, Minzheng and Emde, Claudia and Katsev, Iosif L. and Klyukov, Dmitriy A. and Korkin, Sergey V. and C-Labonnote, L. and Mayer, Bernhard and Min, Qilong and Nakajima, Teruyuki and Ota, Yoshifumi and Prikhach, Alexander S. and Rozanov, Vladimir V. and Yokota, Tatsuya and Zege, Eleonora P. (2010) Benchmark results in vector atmospheric radiative transfer. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 111, pp. 1931-1946. Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2010.03.005. file

  Kokhanovsky, Alexander A. and Deuzé, J.L. and Diner, D.J. and Dubovik, O. and Ducos, F. and Emde, Claudia and Garay, M.J. and Grainger, R.G. and Heckel, A. and Herman, M. and Katsev, I.L. and Keller, J. and Levy, R. and North, P.R.J. and Prikhach, A.S. and Rozanov, V.V. and Sayer, A.M. and Ota, Yoshifumi and Tanré, D. and Thomas, G.E. and Zege, Eleonora P. (2010) The inter-comparison of major satellite aerosol retrieval algorithms using simulated intensity and polarization characteristics of reflected light. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 3, pp. 909-932. Copernicus Publications. doi: 10.5194/amt-3-909-2010. file

  Koller, T. and Zetzsche, M. and Müller-Steinhagen, Hans (2010) Entwicklung und Betrieb eines Gebäudekühlsystems mit einer Ammonika/Wasser Absorptionkältemaschine und Eisspeichern. Kälte, Klima Aktuell KKA, pp. 68-71. Bauverlag. ISSN 0722-4605. Volltext nicht online.

  Koller, T. and Zetzsche, M. and Müller-Steinhagen, Hans (2010) Gebäudekühlsystem mit NH3/H2O-Absorptionskältemaschine und Eisspeicher - Erkenntnisse aus Entwicklung und Betrieb. Kälte, Klima Aktuell KKA, Ausgabe 2010, pp. 68-71. Bauverlag BV, Gütersloh. Volltext nicht online.

  Kompenhans, Jürgen (2010) Industrial Applications of Image Based Measurement Techniques in Aerodynamics – Problems, Progress and Future Needs. In: Scientific.Net: Materials Science Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland. pp. 126-130. doi: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.437.126. ISBN 0-87849-273-9. Volltext nicht online.

  Kompenhans, Jürgen (2010) Industrial applications of image based measurement techniques in aerodynamics – Problems, progress and future needs. Seminar an der Beijing University, 2010-09-06, Beijing, China. Volltext nicht online.

  Kompenhans, Jürgen (2010) Industrial applications of image based measurement techniques in aerodynamics – Problems, progress and future needs. Seminar an der Tianjin University, 2010-09-09, Tianjin, China. Volltext nicht online.

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  Kompenhans, Jürgen and Schröder, Andreas and Willert, Christian and Kähler, Christian (2010) The development of Particle Image Velocimetry towards a versatile experimental tool for turbulence research. Seminar an der Tianjin University, 2010-09-10, Tianjin, China. Volltext nicht online.

  Kompenhans, Jürgen and Schröder, Andreas and Willert, Christian and Kähler, Christian (2010) The development of Particle Image Velocimetry towards a versatile experimental tool for turbulence research. Seminar an der Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), 2010-09-17, Nanjin, China. Volltext nicht online.

  Konietschke, Rainer and Tobergte, Andreas and Preusche, Carsten and Tripicchio, Paolo and Ruffaldi, Emanuele and Webel, Sabine and Bockholt, Ulrich (2010) A Multimodal Training Platform for Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery. In: Proceedings of, pp. 449-454. 19th International Symposium in Robot und Human Interactive Communication, 2010-09-12 - 2010-09-15, Viareggio; italy. ISBN 978-1-4244-7989-4. Volltext nicht frei. file

  Konle, H. J. and Paschereit, C. O. and Röhle, I. (2010) Application of Fiber-Optical Microphone for Thermo-Acoustic Measurements. In: Proceedings of the ASME TURBO EXPO (Paper GT2010-22022). ASME Turbo Expo 2010: Power for Land, Sea and Air, 2010-06-14 - 2010-06-18, Glasgow, United Kingdom. ISBN 9780791838723 . Volltext nicht online.

  Konle, H. J. and Paschereit, C. O. and Röhle, I. (2010) Laseroptische Messung des akustischen Dämpfungsverhaltens von Linern. In: Fortschritte der Akustik DAGA 2010. 36. Deutsche Jahrestagung für Akustik. Springer. 36. Jahrestagung für Akustik - DAGA 2010, 2010-03-15 - 2010-03-18, Berlin, Deuschland. ISBN 978-3-9808659-6-8. Volltext nicht online.

  Konle, H. J. and Spitalny, M. and Paschereit, C. O. and Bake, F. and Röhle, I. (2010) A new approach for setting up and applying a fiber-based Fabry-Perot interferometer. Measurement Science and Technology (Vol. 21). Institute of Physics (IOP) Publishing. Volltext nicht online.

  Konrath, Robert and Otter, Dirk and Geisler, Reinhard and Agocs, Janos and Mattner, Hartmut and Roosenboom, Eric and Fey, Uwe and Kompenhans, Jürgen and Quest, Jürgen and Kühn, Christian (2010) Adaptation of PIV for Application in Cryogenic Pressurized Wind Tunnel Facilities at High Reynolds Numbers. Seminar an der Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), 2010-09-16, Nanjing, China. Volltext nicht online.

  Konrath, Robert and Otter, Dirk and Geisler, Reinhard and Agocs, Janos and Mattner, Hartmut and Roosenboom, Eric and Fey, Uwe and Quest, Jürgen and Kühn, Christian (2010) Adaptation of PIV for Application in Cryogenic Pressurized Wind Tunnel Facilities at High Reynolds Numbers. 15th International Symposium on Application Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, 2010-07-05 - 2010-07-08, Lisbon, Portugal. Volltext nicht online.

  Konrath, Robert and Roosenboom, Eric and Schröder, Andreas and Otter, Dirk and Pallek, Dieter (2010) Vortical flow field investigations on a stationary and pitching UCAV model using PIV. EWA Trade Association PIV Steering Group Meeting, 2010-07-08, Lisbon, Portugal. Volltext nicht online.

  Konrath, Robert and Roosenboom, Eric and Schröder, Andreas and Pallek, Dieter and Otter, Dirk (2010) Static and Dynamic SACCON PIV Tests, Part II: Aft Flow Field. 28th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, 2010-06-28 - 2010-07-01, Chicago, Il, USA. ISBN 978-1-60086-745-6. Volltext nicht online.

  Konrath, Robert and Schlager, Benedikt and Kirmse, Tania and Kompenhans, Jürgen and Möller, Thorsten and Wokoeck, Ralf and Emge, M. and Radespiel, Rolf (2010) Simultaneous Measurements of Unsteady Aerodynamic Loads, Flow Velocity Fields, Position and Wing Deformations of MAVs in Plunging Motion. In: New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics VII Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, Vol. 112. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 331-338. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-14243-7_41. ISBN 978-3-642-14242-0. ISSN 1612-2909. Volltext nicht online.

  Koop, Lars (2010) CEAS-ASC workshop. Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 329 (22), pp. 4810-4811. Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.jsv.2010.06.001. Volltext nicht online.

  Koop, Lars and Ahlefeldt, Thomas and Quest, Jürgen and Leuckert, Janin and Nitsche, Wolfgang (2010) Akustische Lokalisation von Strömungsablösung im ETW. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2010, 2010-08-31 - 2010-09-02, Hamburg, Deutschland. ISBN 978-3-932182-68-5. ISSN 1868-8764. Volltext nicht online.

  Koop, Lars and Kröber, Stefan and Henning, Arne (2010) Acoustic Pressure-Velocity-Probe Calibration using High-Speed PIV. 15th International Symposium on Application Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, 2010-07-05 - 2010-07-08, Lisbon, Portugal. Volltext nicht online.

  Koop, Lars and Kröber, Stefan and Henning, Arne and Ahlefeldt, Thomas and Spehr, Carsten and Ehrenfried, Klaus (2010) Microphon-Array Messungen in Windkanälen mit geschlossener Messstrecke. DAGA 2010: 36. Jahrestagung für Akustik, 2010-03-15 - 2010-03-18, Berlin, Deutschland. ISBN 978-3-9808659-8-2. Volltext nicht online.

  Koop, Lars (2010) Experimentelle Methoden zur Lokalisation und Charakterisierung aeroakustischer Quellterme. 4. DEGA-Symposium, 2010-11-19, München, Deutschland. Volltext nicht online.

  Koopman, Johannes (2010) Numerische Auslegung einer gestuften schadstoffarmen Flugtriebwerksbrennkammer. DLR-Forschungsbericht. DLR-Forschungsbericht 2010-02. DLR, Institut für Antriebstechnik. 147 S. Volltext nicht online.

  Kosc, Alicja (2010) Optimierung der Parameter einer P-Band Gruppenantenne für elektrisches Beam-Pointing für Flugzeug-SAR. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 551-3/2010. Other. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). 61 S. file

  Kosc, Alicja (2010) Simulation, Aufbau und Test einer Antennenzeile als Untegruppe einer P-Band Antenne für Flugzeug-SAR Anwendung. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 551-3/2011. Diploma. Institut für Hochfrequenztechnik und Radarsysteme. 91 S. file

  Kovalev, Alexander and Jahn, Andreas and Weiss, Andreas and Scheller, Piotr Roman and Vorobyov, Kyrylo and Kriescher, Michael and Friedrich, Horst E. (2010) Влияние изотермического α'-мартенсита на механические свойства и коррозионную стойкость высоколегированных литых Cr-Mn-Ni-сталей (russisch). Other. (Submitted) file

  Kraas, Birk and Madlener, Reinhard and Pulvermüller, Benedikt and Schroedter-Homscheidt, Marion (2010) Viability of a concentrating solar power forecasting system for participation in the Spanish electricity market. SolarPaces 2010, 2010-09-21 - 2010-09-24, Perpignan, Frankreich. Volltext nicht online.

  Krach, Bernhard (2010) SENSOR FUSION BY BAYESIAN FILTERING FOR SEAMLESS PEDESTRIAN NAVIGATION. Dissertation, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. file

  Kramer, F. and Grüneberger, R. and Thiele, F. and Wassen, E. and Hage, W. and Meyer, R. (2010) Wavy riblets for turbulent drag reduction. AIAA: 5th Flow Control Conference, Topic: Boundary layer control, 2010-06-28 - 2010-07-01, Chicago. Volltext nicht online.

  Krenkel, Lars and Wagner, Claus and Wolf, Uschi and Scholz, Alexander and Terekhov, Maxim and Rivoire, Julien and Schreiber, Laura (2010) Protective Artificial Lung Ventilation: Impact of an Endotracheal Tube on the Flow in a Generic Trachea. In: New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics VII Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, Vol. 112. Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg . pp. 505-512. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-14243-7_62. ISBN 978-3-642-14242-0. ISSN 1612-2909. Volltext nicht online.

  Kreuter, A. and Emde, Claudia and Blumthaler, M. (2010) Measuring the influence of aerosols and albedo on sky polarization. Atmospheric Research, 98, pp. 363-367. Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2010.07.010. file

  Kreuz, Michael (2010) Analyzing airlines potential cost savings when reducing delays in international air traffic. The Second ENRI International Workshop on ATM/CNS, 2010-11-10 - 2010-11-12, Tokio, Japan. file

  Krimmelbein, Normann (2010) Automatic Transition Prediction for Three-Dimensional Configurations with Focus on Industrial Application. 40th Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, 2010-06-28 - 2010-07-01, Chicago, Illinois, USA. Volltext nicht frei. file

  Krombholz, Christian (2010) Benutzerhandbuch - Digital Mockup-Camera-Toolbox für - CATIA V5 -. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 224-2010 A 41. 25 S. Volltext nicht online.

  Krug, C. and Brandl, R. and Boonzaier, C. and Cabral, J. and Esler, K. J. and Grant, P. B. C. and Heelemann, S. and Horn, A. and Keil, Manfred and Kongor, R. Y. and Meyer, J. and Nottebrock, H. and Poschlod, P. and Reisch, C. and Rösner, S. and Samways, M. J. and Schurr, F. M. and Vrdoljak, S. (2010) Keeping the Cape Lowland archipelago afloat. In: Hess Publishers, Göttingen & Windhoek. pp. 151-179. ISBN 978-3-933117-47-2. Volltext nicht online.

  Krumbein, Andreas and Krimmelbein, Normann (2010) Automatic Transition Prediction for Unsteady Airfoil Flows Using the eN-Method. Geschäftsstelle der AG STAB, c/o DLR, Bunsenstr. 10, 37073 Göttingen. 17. DGLR-Fach-Symposium der STAB, 2010-11-09 - 2010-11-10, Berlin, Deutschland. file

  Krumbein, Andreas and Krimmelbein, Normann and Schrauf, Géza (2010) Automatic Transition Prediction for Three-Dimensional Aircraft Configurations using the DLR TAU Code. In: New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics VII Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, Vol. 112. Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 101-108. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-14243-7_13. ISBN 978-3-642-14242-0. ISSN 1612-2909. Volltext nicht online.

  Kröber, Stefan and Ehrenfried, Klaus and Koop, Lars and Lauterbach, Andreas (2010) In-Flow Calibration Approach for Improving Beamforming Accuracy. Berlin Beamforming Conference Bebec2010, 2010-02-24 - 2010-02-25, Berlin, Germany. ISBN 978-3-00-030027-1. Volltext nicht online.

  Kröber, Stefan and Ehrenfried, Klaus and Koop, Lars and Lauterbach, Andreas and Henning, Arne (2010) Systematic Comparison of Microphone Array Measurements in Open and Closed Wind Tunnels. 16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2010-06-07 - 2010-06-09, Stockholm, Sweden. ISBN 978-1-60086-744-6. Volltext nicht online.

  Krüger, Dirk and Hennecke, Klaus and Meyr, Thomas and Anthrakidids, Anette and Walder, Markus and Lokurlu, Ahmed and Saidi, Karim and Fischer, Stephan and Croy, Reiner (2010) P3 – Solare Prozesdampferzeugung für einen Industriebetrieb. 13. Kölner Sonnenkolloqium, 2010-06-29, Köln, Deutschland. file

  Krüger, Dirk and Krüger, Joachim and Pandian, Juvaraj and Feldhoff, Fabian and Eck, Markus and Eickhoff, Martin and Hennecke, Klaus (2010) Kanchanaburi Solar Thermal Power Plant with Direct Steam Generation. In: Proceedings. SolarPACES 2010 Conference, 2010-09-21 - 2010-09-24, Perpignan, Frankreich. Volltext nicht online.

  Krüger, Dirk and Krüger, Joachim and Pandian, Yuvaraj and Feldhoff, Jan Fabian and Eck, Markus and Eickhoff, Martin and Hennecke, Klaus (2010) Kanjanaburi Solar Thermal Power Plant with Direct Steam Generation – Layout. 16th SolarPACES Conference, 2010-09-21 - 2010-09-24, Perpignan, Frankreich. file

  Krüger, M. and Weysser, F. and Voigtmann, Th. (2010) From equilibrium to steady-state dynamics after switch-on of shear. Physical Review E, 81, 061506. American Physical Society. Volltext nicht online.

  Krüger, Michael and Müller-Steinhagen, Hans (2010) Verfahrensentwicklung für SOFC-Hybridkraftwerke mit integrierter Kohlevergasung. VDI-Expertenforum: Thermodynamik-Kolloquium und Ingenieurdaten, 2010-10-04 - 2010-10-06, Bayreuth. (Unpublished) Volltext nicht online.

  Krüger, Wolf and Wetzel, Anja and Spieck, Martin and Baaran, Jens (2010) Aeroelasticity and sizing in a multilevel modeling approach for preliminary design. In: Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics Advances in Collaborative Civil Aeronautical Multidisciplinary Design Optimization, Volume 233. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.. pp. 103-125. ISBN 978-1-60086-725-5. Volltext nicht online.

  Kröhnert, Anna and Gebhardt, Lutz (2010) Untersuchung des Einflusses der Vereinfachung der Flugzeuggeometrie auf die Charakteristiken des Seitenleitwerks. 17. DGLR / STAB Fachsymposium, 2010-11-09 - 2010-11-10, Berlin, Deutschland. Volltext nicht online.

  Kseneman, Matej and Gleich, Dusan and Espinoza-Molina, Daniela and Datcu, Mihai (2010) Despeckling and information extraction from SLC Synthetic Aperture Radar Images using Huber-Markov model and Gauss-Markov Random Fields. In: EUSAR 2010 Electronic Proceedings, pp. 849-852. VDE Verlag. EUSAR 2010, 2010-06-07 - 2010-06-10, Aachen. ISBN 978-3-8007-3272-2. Volltext nicht online.

  Kulmala, Markku and Riipinen, Ilona and Nieminen, Tuomo and Hulkkonen, Mira and Sogacheva, Larisa and Manninen, Hanna E. and Paasonen, Pauli and Petäjä, Tuukka and Dal Maso, Miikka and Aalto, Pasi P. and Viljanen, Ari and Usoskin, Ilya and Vainio, Rami and Mirme, Sander and Mirme, Aadu and Minikin, Andreas and Petzold, Andreas and Horrak, Urmas and Plaß-Dülmer, Christian and Birmili, Wolfram and Kerminen, Veli-Matti (2010) Atmospheric data over a solar cycle: no connection between galactic cosmic rays and new particle formation. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10, pp. 1885-1898. Copernicus Publications. file

  Kunze, M and Hamann-Reinus, A and Langematz, U and Godolt, M and Grenfell, J L and Rauer, Heike (2010) GCM studies related to the early Earth. 3rd HGF Alliance week, 2010-03-08 - 2010-03-12, Berlin, Germany. Volltext nicht online.

  Kunze, Markus and Braesicke, Peter and Langematz, Ulrike and Stiller, Gabriele and Bekki, Slimane and Brühl, Christoph and Chipperfield, Martyn and Dameris, Martin and Garcia, Rolando and Giorgetta, Marco (2010) Influences of the Indian Summer Monsoon on water vapour and ozone concentrations in the UTLS as simulated by Chemistry-Climate Models. Journal of Climate, 23, pp. 3525-3544. American Meteorological Society. doi: 10.1175/2010JCLI3280.1. file

  Kunze, M. and Godolt, M. and Hamann-Reinus, A. and Langematz, U. and Rauer, H. and Jöckel, Patrick (2010) The sensitivity of the EMAC model to spectrally resolved irradiances during the Archean. COSPAR 38th scientific assembly, 2010-07-18 - 2010-07-25, Bremen, Deutschland. Volltext nicht online.

  Kunze, M. and Hamann-Reinus, A. and Langematz, U. and Godolt, M. and Rauer, H. and Jöckel, Patrick (2010) The sensitivity of the ECHAM/MESSy Atmospheric Chemistry model to selected early Earth parameters during the Archean. EGU General Assembly, 2010-05-02 - 2010-05-07, Vienna, Austria. Volltext nicht online.

  Kurzeck, Bernhard (2010) Combined friction induced oscillations of wheelset and track during the curving of metros and their influence on corrugation. WEAR. Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.wear.2010.10.049. ISSN 0043-1648. Volltext nicht online.

  Kurzeck, Bernhard (2010) Next Generation Train - Bericht zu den Simulationsrechnungen 2010 (Fahrzeug Systemdynamik). DLR-Interner Bericht. IB 515-10-19. 63 S. Volltext nicht online.

  Kurzeck, Bernhard and Hecht, Markus (2010) Dynamic simulation of friction-induced vibrations in a light railway bogie while curving compared with measurement results. Vehicle System Dynamics, 48 (Supp 1), pp. 121-138. Taylor & Francis. doi: 10.1080/00423111003669045. ISSN 0042-3114. Volltext nicht online.

  Kurzeck, Bernhard and Valente, Luciano (2010) The mechatronic track guiding concept for the DLR "Next Generation Train". In: Proceedings 8th International Conference on Railway Bogies and Running Gears. 8th International Conference on Railway Bogies and Running Gears, 2010-09-13 - 2010-09-16, Budapest, Ungarn. (In Press) Volltext nicht online.

  Köhler, Markus and Brockhinke, Andreas and Braun-Unkhoff, Marina and Kohse-Höinghaus, Katharina (2010) Quantitative Laser Diagnostic and Modeling Study of C2 and CH Chemistry in Combustion. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 114 (14), pp. 4719-4734. American Chemical society (ACS). doi: 10.1021/jp908242y. Volltext nicht online.

  Köhler, Markus and Geigle, Klaus Peter (2010) Charakterisierung einer rußenden turbulenten Jet-Flamme mittels LII, CARS und PIV. In: Workshop CD. DLR-interner Workshop DIV6 - Diagnostik in Verbrennung, 2010-10-27 - 2010-10-28, Göttingen. Volltext nicht online.

  Köhler, Markus and Geigle, Klaus Peter and Meier, Wolfgang and Crosland, Brian and Thomson, Kevin A. and Smallwood, Gregory J. (2010) Sooting turbulent jet flame: characterization and quantitative soot measurements. 4th international LII Workshop, 2010-04-18 - 2010-04-20, Varenna (Italy). Volltext nicht online.

  König, Reinhard (2010) Zwischenbericht zur flugbetrieblichen Bewertung von ILS-Steilanflugverfahren (3,2°, CAT I) am Flughafen Frankfurt Main. DLR-Interner Bericht, Project Report. DLR-IB 111-2010/03. Institut für Flugsystemtechnik. 44 S. Volltext nicht online.

  Kühne, R. (2010) Der Elektrobus - umweltgerechtes und energieeffizientes Verkehrssystem für die Stadt der Zukunft. In: Tagungsband. ECOMOBIL - Mobilität neu entdecken, 2010-11-15 - 2010-11-17, Offenburg. (In Press) Volltext nicht online.

  Kühne, R. and Ruhe, M. and Bei, X. (2010) Sustainable Mobility and Sustainable Transport for Medium-Size Cities in China. In: Conference Proceedings. International Conference on Traffic & Transportation Studies, 2010-08-03 - 2010-08-05, Kunming, China. Volltext nicht online.

  Kühne, Reinhart (2010) Metrasys - Güterverkehr in Shanghai, Güterverteilzentrumskonzept im Bezirk Jiading. Transportlogisitik in Megacities der Zukunft, 2010-04-15, Konstanz. (Unpublished) Volltext nicht online.

  Kühne, Reinhart (2010) Mobilie Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik-Anwendungen - Konzepte, Wünsche, Visionen und Wirklichkeit -. Kommunikationsnetze und -dienste für den Verkehr der Zukunft , 2010-03-22, Stuttgart. (Unpublished) Volltext nicht online.

  Kühne, Reinhart (2010) Aspekte der zukünftigen Mobilität. Der Neue Montagskreis, 2010-02-22, Stuttgart. (Unpublished) Volltext nicht online.

  Kühne, Reinhart (2010) Die Zukunft der Mobilität für Personen und Güter in der modernen Gesellschaft. Frühlingsfest der VDI-Neckargruppe , 2010-05-08, Heilbronn. (Unpublished) Volltext nicht online.

  Kühne, Reinhart (2010) Electric Busses - An Energy efficient urban transportation means. Energy. Elsevier. Volltext nicht online.

  Kühne, Reinhart and Lüdtke, Axel (2010) Traffic breakdowns and freeway capacity as extreme value statistics. Tristan VII, 2010-06-20 - 2010-06-25, Tromso, Norwegen. Volltext nicht online.

  Kühnlein, Martina and Frieß, Martin (2010) Mikrostrukturelle Charakterisierung von faserverstärkten Rohren (C/C-SiC) auf der Basis von Wickeltechnik. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 435-2010/25. Bachelor's. Volltext nicht online.

  Käsler, Yvonne and Rahm, Stephan and Simmet, Rudolf and Kühn, Martin (2010) Wake measurements of a multi-MW wind turbine with coherent long-range pulsed doppler wind lidar. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 27, pp. 1529-1532. American Meteorological Society. doi: 10.1175/2010JTECHA1483.1. file

  Kästner, Martina and Heimann, Dietrich (2010) Effect of Atmospheric Variability and Aircraft Flight Parameters on the Refraction of Sonic Booms. Acta acustica united with Acustica, 96, pp. 425-436. Hirtzel. doi: 10.3813/AAA.918295. Volltext nicht online.

  Lai, Goujun and Gongxin, Shen and Geisler, Reinhard (2010) Angular Effects in Digital Off-axis Holography. Chinese Optics Letters, Vol. 7 (12), pp. 1126-1130. Optical Society of America. doi: 10.3788/COL20090712.1126. ISSN 1671-7694/2009/121126-05. Volltext nicht online.

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  Lamarque, J.-F. and Bond, T.G. and Eyring, V. and Granier, C. and Heil, A. and Klimont, Z. and Lee, D. and Liousse, C. and Mieville, A. and Owen, B. and Schultz, M.G. and Shindell, D. and Smith, S.J. and Stehfest, E. and Van Aardenne, J. and Cooper, O.R. and Kainuma, M. and Mahowald, N. and McConnell, J.R. and Naik, V. and Riahi, K. and van Vuuren, D.P. (2010) Historical (1850–2000) gridded anthropogenic and biomass burning emissions of reactive gases and aerosols: methodology and application. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10, pp. 7017-7039. Copernicus Publications. doi: 10.5194/acp-10-7017-2010. Volltext nicht online.

  Lambert, Markus and Kessler, Roland (2010) Radiation Heat Transfer in Mixed Convection Flows. In: New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics VII Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, Vol. 112. Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 563-570. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-14243-7_69. ISBN 978-3-642-14242-0. ISSN 1612-2909. Volltext nicht online.

  Lammel, Oliver (2010) Hochtemperaturverbrennung - Eingeschlossene Jetflamme. Project Report. 21 S. Volltext nicht online.

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