Items where Subject is "Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics (until 2012)"
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- Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics (until 2012) (2981)
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- Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics (until 2012) (2981)
Abadia, D. and Preusche, C. (2000) Comparative Analysis and Development of Control Systems for the DLR<BR>Light Weight Robot. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-00-11. Diploma. 257 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Aberger, Martin (2003) Modellierung und Identifikation eines CYCLO-Getriebes für Industrieroboter. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 515-03/1. Diploma. 84 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Aberger, Martin and Otter, Martin (2002) Modeling Friction in Modelica with the Lund-Grenoble Friction Model. In: Proc. of 2nd International Modelica Conference, Oberpfaffenhofen, March 18-19, pp. 285-294. Modelica 2002, 2002-03-18 - 2002-03-19, Oberpfaffenhofen. |
Abiko, Satoko and Hirzinger, Gerd (2007) An Adaptive Control for a Free-Floating Space Robot by Using Inverted Chain Approach. In: Proceedings of IROS. IEEE/RSJ 2007 International Conference on Intelligent RObots and Systems, 2007-10-29 - 2007-11-02, San Diego, CA, USA. |
Abiko, Satoko and Hirzinger, Gerd (2008) Computational efficient Algorithms for Operational Space Formulation of Branching Arms on Space Robots. In: Proceedings of IROS. IEEE/RSJ 2008 International Conference on Intelligent RObots and Systems, 2008-09-22 - 2008-09-26, Nice, France. |
Abiko, Satoko and Hirzinger, Gerd (2007) On-line Parameter Adaptation for a Momentum Control in the Post-Grasping of a Tumbling Target with Model Uncertainty. In: Proceedings of IROS. IEEE/RSJ 2007 International Conference on Intelligent RObots and Systems, 2007-10-29 - 2007-11-02, San Diego, CA, USA. |
Aced López, Sebastian (2012) Design and Construction of an EMG Multichannel Acquisition System Prototype. Master's, POLITECNICO DI TORINO. |
Ackermann, J. (1998) Robust Unilateral Decoupling of the Influence of the Yaw Motion. In: Proceedings AVCS'98. AVCS'98, Amiens (France), July 1-3, 1998. Volltext nicht online. |
Ackermann, J. (1998) Active Steering for Better Safety, Handling and Comfort. In: Plenar Lecture, pp. 1-9. AVCS'98, Amiens (France), July 1-3, 1998. Volltext nicht online. |
Ackermann, J. (1999) Robust Control for Car Steering. In: Control and Its Applications Springer Verlag. pp. 1-15. ISBN 1-85233-150-x. Volltext nicht online. |
Ackermann, J. (2003) A Three-Step Design Procedure for Automatic Car Steering. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-03-03. 22 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Ackermann, J. and Blue, P. and Bünte, T. and Güvenc, L. and Kaesbauer, D. and Kordt, M. and Muhler, M. and Odenthal, D. (2002) Robust Control. In: The Parameter Space Approach Springer London Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 1-483. ISBN 1-85233-514-9. Volltext nicht online. |
Ackermann, J. and Bünte, T. (1998) Handling Improvement of Robust Car Steering. In: Proceedings AVCS'98, pp. 112-117. AVCS'98, Amiens (France), July 1-3, 1998. Volltext nicht online. |
Ackermann, J. and Bünte, T. (1999) Robust prevention of limit cycles for robustly decoupled car steering dynamics. Kybernetika, 35 (1), pp. 105-116. Volltext nicht online. |
Ackermann, J. and Bünte, T. and Odenthal, D. and Guldner, J. and Sienel, W. (1998) Robust Control for Car Steering. Project Report, DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-98-15. 40 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Ackermann, J. and Muhler, M. (2000) Representing multiple objectives in parameter space. In: Proceedings ROCOND 2000, Prag. 3rd IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design, Czech. Republik, 2000. Volltext nicht online. |
Ackermann, J. and Odenthal, D. (1998) Robust Steering Control for Active Rollover Avoidance of Vehicles with Elevated Center of Gravity. In: Proceedings AVCS'98, pp. 118-123. AVCS'98, Amiens (France), July 1-3, 1998. Volltext nicht online. |
Ackermann, J. and Odenthal, D. (1999) Damping of vehicle roll dynamics by gain scheduled active steering. In: Proceedings ECC'99. ECC'99, Karlsruhe, Germany, 1999. Volltext nicht online. |
Ackermann, J. and Odenthal, D. and Bünte, T. (1999) Advantages of active steering. In: Proceedings ISATA 1999, pp. 263-270. 32nd International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation, Vienna, 1999. Volltext nicht online. |
Ackermann, J. (1977) Entwurf durch Polvorgabe. at - Automatisierungstechnik, 25 (6), pp. 173-179. Walter de Gruyter GmbH. ISSN 0178-2312. |
Ackermann, J. (1980) Parameter Space Design of Robust Control Systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (25), pp. 1058-1072. IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. ISSN 0018-9286. |
Ackermann, J. (1972) Der Entwurf linearer Regelungssysteme im Zustandsraum. at - Automatisierungstechnik (7), pp. 297-300. Walter de Gruyter GmbH. ISSN 0178-2312. |
Ackermann, J. and Kaesbauer, D. (2001) Design of Robust PID Controllers. Proc. of European Control Conference, ECC, 2001-09-04 - 2001-09-07, Porto. |
Ackermann, J. and Kaesbauer, D. and Bajcinca, N. (2002) Discrete-Time Robust PID and Three-Term Control. Proc. of 15th IFAC World Congress b'02, 2002-07-21 - 2002-07-26, Barcelona. |
Ackermann, Jürgen and Walter, Wolfgang and Bünte, Tilman (2004) Automatic Car Steering using Robust Unilateral Decoupling. In: Proceedings. Intern. Conf. on Advances in Vehicle Control and Safety, 2004-10-28 - 2004-10-31, Genoa (Italy). |
Adolf, Florian-Michael and Hirschmüller, Heiko (2010) Surface Meshing and Simplication of High Resolution Urban Terrain Data for 3D Path Planning. UAV 2010, 2010-06-21 - 2010-06-23, Dubai. Volltext nicht online. |
Adolf, Florian-Michael and Hirschmüller, Heiko (2011) Meshing and Simplification of High Resolution Urban Surface Data for UAV Path Planning. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 61. Springer. doi: 10.1007/s10846-010-9478-8. ISSN 0921-0296. Volltext nicht online. |
Aggravi, Marco (2011) Implementation of the Object Motion-Decoupled Internal Force Control and evaluation on the multingered robotic hand DLR Hand II. Master's, University of Siena. Volltext nicht online. |
Ajoudani, A. and Gabiccini, M. and Tsagarakis, N. and Albu-Schäffer, Alin and Bicchi, Antonio (2012) TeleImpedance: Exploring the Role of Common-Mode and Configuration-Dependant Stiffness. In: 2012 IEEE/RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots. HUMANOIS 2012, 2012-11-29 - 2012-12-01, Osaka. doi: 10.1109/HUMANOIDS.2012.6651545. Volltext nicht online. |
Aksun-Güvenc, B. and Güvenc, L. and Odenthal, D. and Bünte, T. (2001) Robust two degree of freedom vehicle steering control satisfying mixed sensitivity constraint. In: Proc. of ECC'2001, pp. 1198-1203. European Control Conference, 2001-09-04 - 2001-09-07, Porto, Portugal. |
Aksun-Güvene, B. and Bünte, T. and Odenthal, B. and Güvenc L., (2001) Robust two degree of freedom vehicle steering controller design. American Control Conference, 2001-06-25 - 2001-06-27, Arlington, VA, USA. |
Albu-Schäffer, A. and Fischer, M. and Schreiber, G. and Schoeppe, F. and Hirzinger, G. (2004) Soft Robotics: What Cartesian Stiffness Can We Obtain With Passively Compliant, Uncoupled Joints? IROS 2004 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Sendai, Japan, Sept. 28-Oct.2, 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Albu-Schäffer, A. and Hirzinger, G. (2000) State Feedback Controller for Flexible Joint Robots: A globally approach implemented on DLR's light-weight robots. In: Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE/RSJ, 1087-1093-. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Takamatsu, Japan, Oct.31-Nov.5. Volltext nicht online. |
Albu-Schäffer, A. and Hirzinger, G. (2001) Parameter identification and passivity based joint control for a 7DOF torque controlled light weight robot. In: Conference Proceedings ICRA 2001, III, pp. 2852-2858. ICRA International Conference on Robotics & Automation, Seoul, Korea, May 21-26, 2001. ISBN 0-7803-6576-3. Volltext nicht online. |
Albu-Schäffer, A. and Hirzinger, G. (2001) A globally stable state feedback controller for flexible joint robots. In: Advanced Robotics Special Issue, Vol. 15. Volltext nicht online. |
Albu-Schäffer, A. and Hirzinger, G. (2003) Cartesian Compliant Control. In: Control Problems in Robotics: Applied Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, or Computer Science Springer Verlag. pp. 135-151. ISBN 3540002510. Volltext nicht online. |
Albu-Schäffer, A. and Ott, C. and Frese, U. and Hirzinger, G. (2003) Cartesian Impedance Control of Redundant Robots: Recent Results with the DLR-Light-Weight-Arms. In: CD. 2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Taipei, Taiwan, Sept. 14-19, 2003. Volltext nicht online. |
Albu-Schäffer, A. and Ott, C. and Hirzinger, G. (2004) A Passivity Based Cartesian Impedance Controller for Flexible Joint Robots Part II: Full State Feedback, Impedance Design and Experiments. In: Proceedings, pp. 2666-2672. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation ICRA, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, April 26 - May 1, 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Albu-Schäffer, Alin and Bicchi, A. and Chatila, R. and Luca De, A. and Giralt, G. and Hirzinger, Gerd and Mattone, R. and Oriolo, G. and Schiavi, R. and Siciliano, B. and Tonietti, G. and Vendittelli, M. and Villani, L. (2005) Physical Human-Robot Interaction in Anthropic Domains: Safety and Dependability. In: Proceedings. 4th IARP/IEEE-RAS/EURON Workshop on Technical Challenges for Dependable Robots in Human Environments, 2005-06-16 - 2006-06-18, Nagoya. Volltext nicht online. |
Albu-Schäffer, Alin and Hirzinger, G. (2002) Cartesian Impedance Control Techniques for Torque Controlled LightWeight Robots. In: Proceedings ICRA 2002, pp. 657-663. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Washington D.C, USA, May 2002. Volltext nicht online. |
Albu-Schäffer, A. and Ott, C. and Hirzinger, G. (2004) Passivity Based Cartesian Impedance Control for Flexible Joint Manipulators. 6th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS), Stuttgart, Sept. 1-3, 2004. Volltext nicht frei. |
Albu-Schäffer, Alin and Ott, Christian and Petit, Florian (2012) Energy Shaping Control for a Class of Underactuated Euler-Lagrange Systems. SYROCO 12, 2012-09-05 - 2012-09-07, Dubrovnik. doi: 10.3182/20120905-3-HR-2030.00132. |
Ali, Haider and Nadia, Figueroa (2012) Segmentation and Pose Estimation of Planar Metallic Objects. CRV 2012, 2012-05-27 - 2012-05-30, Toronto, Canada. doi: 10.1109/CRV.2012.56. |
Altmann, F. (2004) Identifizierung eines magnetorheologischen Dämpfers, Vorbereitung des Modells eines leichten individuellen Stadt-Autos (LISA) zur Simulation unter Verwendung des semi-aktiven Dämpfers. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-04-27. Diploma. 101 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Andreasson, Johan and Möller, Andreas and Otter, Martin (2000) Modeling of a Racing Car with Modelica's Multi-Body Library. In: Workshop Proceedings, pp. 159-166. Modelica 2000 Workshop,, 2000-10-23 - 2000-10-24, Lund, Sweden. |
Aneke, P.I. (1998) Application of Disturbance Decoupling to Active Car Steering. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-98-14. Diploma. 101 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Anseaume, Boris (2003) Programmierung einer Schnittstelle und High-Level Routinen zur Ansteuerung eines 6D Koordinatenmessgerätes für Roboter. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 515-03/10. Diploma. 94 S. Volltext nicht frei. |
Arbesmeier, Martin (2012) Development of a Multimodal Interface for Teleoperating a Humanoid Robot for Remote Service Tasks. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 572-2012/25. Master's. Universität Regensburg. 174 S. Volltext nicht frei. |
Arbib, Michael and Metta, Giorgio and Smagt van der, Patrick (2008) Handbook of Robotics, Neurorobotics: From Vision to Action. Chap. 62. Springer-Verlag. 1453 S. ISBN I978-3-540-23957-4. Volltext nicht online. |
Arbter, K. and Hirzinger, G. and Langwald, J. and Wei, G.-Q. and Wunsch, P. (2000) Proven Techniques for Robust Visual Servo Control. In: Robust Vision for Vision-Based Control of Motion IEEE Press, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., New York. pp. 109-125. ISBN 0-7803-5378-1. Volltext nicht online. |
Arbter, K. and Kish, D. (2004) Ein Entwurfswerkzeug für Farbklassifikatoren in Echtzeitanwendungen. 10. Workshop Farbbildverarbeitung 2004, Koblenz, Okt. 7-8, 2004,. Volltext nicht online. |
Arbter, K. and Langwald, J. and Hirzinger, G. and Wei, G.Q. and Wunsch, P. (1998) Proven Techniques for Robust Visual Servo Control. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Workshop: Robust Vision for Vision-Based Control of Motion, Leuven, Belgium. Volltext nicht online. |
Arbter K., (1998) Camera tracking trough image recognition systems. 18. Kongress der DGE-BV, München, 25.03.1998. Volltext nicht online. |
Arbter K., and Feussner H., and Wei G.-Q., and Ungeheuer A., and Hirzinger G., and Siewert J. R., (2000) Autonomer Roboterassistent für die laparoskopische Chirurgie. 12. Forumsgespräch, Ulm, 17.11.2000. Volltext nicht online. |
Arnold, M. and Schupp, G. (2004) Numerische Sensitivitätsanalyse mit Anwendungen in der Pfadverfolgung. Südostdeutsches Kolloquium zur Numerischen Mathematik, Jena, 14. Mai 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Arnold, Martin and Pfeiffer, Andreas (2003) Energy conservation in modified Nyström methods for separable Hamiltonian systems. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., GAMM, 2003-03-24 - 2003-03-28, Padua. |
Artigas, J. and Preusche, C. and Hirzinger, G. (2004) Wave Variables based Bilateral Control with a Time Delay Model for Space Robot Applications. In: VDI-Bericht 1841, pp. 101-108. Robotik 2004, München, 17.-18.06.2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Artigas, J. and Reintsema, D. and Preusche, C. and Hirzinger, G. (2004) DIMSART: A Real Time - Device Independent Modular Software. ICINCO - 1st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation & Robotics, Setubal , Portugal, August 25-28, 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Artigas Esclusa, J. and Preusche, C. (2003) Development and Implementation of Bilateral Control using the Wave Variables Theory in the ROKVISS Experiment. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-03-14. Diploma. Volltext nicht online. |
Artigas Esclusa, Jordi and Reintsema, Detlef and Preusche, Carsten and Hirzinger, Gerd (2006) DIMSART: A Real Time Device Independent Modular Software Architecture For Robotic And Telerobotic Applications. In: Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics I Springer. ISBN 1-4020-4136-5. Volltext nicht online. |
Atzori, Manfredo and Castellini, Claudio and Müller, Henning (2012) Spatial Registration of Hand Muscle Electromyography Signals. In: International Workshop on Biosignal Interpretation, pp. 239-242. Proceedings of 7th International Workshop on Biosignal Interpretation, 2012-07-02 - 2012-07-04, Como/Mailand, Italien. |
Atzori, Manfredo and Gijsberts, Arjan and Heynen, Simone and Mittaz-Hager, Anne-Gabrielle and Castellini, Claudio and Caputo, Barbara and Müller, Henning (2012) Experiences in the creation of an electromyography database to help hand amputated persons. In: 24th Medical Informatics Europe Conference, 180, pp. 828-832. IOS Press. MIE - 24th European Medical Informatics Conference, 2012-08-26 - 2012-08-29, Pisa, Italien. doi: 10.3233/978-1-61499-101-4-828. ISSN 1386-5056. |
Atzori, Manfredo and Gijsberts, Arjan and Mittaz-Hager, Anne-Gabrielle and Deriaz, Olivier and van der Smagt, Patrick and Castellini, Claudio and Caputo, Barbara and Mueller, Henning (2012) Building the NINAPRO Database: A Resource for the Biorobotics Community. In: Proceedings of BioRob 2012, pp. 1258-1265. BioRob 2012, 2012-06-24 - 2012-06-27, Rom, Italien. doi: 10.1109/BioRob.2012.6290287. |
Auberger, R. and Hagn, U. (2001) Konzeption und Entwicklung von Gelenken für einen Roboter in medizinischen Applikationen. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-01-12. Diploma. Volltext nicht online. |
Augustine, Marcus and Mair, Elmar and Stelzer, Annett and Ortmeier, Frank and Burschka, Darius and Suppa, Michael (2012) Landmark-Tree Map: a Biologically Inspired Topological Map for Long-Distance Robot Navigation. IEEE International Robotics and Biomimetics. Volltext nicht frei. |
Bahls, T. and Nickl, M. and Jörg, S. (2004) Entwicklung einer programmierbaren PCI-Karte zur Echtzeitbildverarbeitung im Bereich Robotik. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-04-17. Diploma. 141 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Bajcinca, N. (2001) The Method of Singular Frequencies for Robust Control Design in an Affine Parameter Space. In: Proc. of MED'01, pp. 100-105. 9th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, June 27-29, 2001. ISBN 953-6037-35-1. Volltext nicht online. |
Bajcinca, N. (2003) Systematischer regelungstechnischer Entwurf für Steer-by-Wire. PKW Lenksysteme, Haus der Technik, Essen, 2.-3. April. Volltext nicht online. |
Bajcinca, N. (2003) Regelung und Aktuatorik von Steer-by-Wire Systemen. In: Innovationen bei Lenksystemen, C2665, pp. 1-8. IIR Innovative Lenksysteme Nürtingen. Volltext nicht online. |
Bajcinca, N. (2004) xPCLabDesk: Eine Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstelle für Rapid-Control-Prototyping und Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulationen mit xPC Target. In: Virtuelle Instrumente in der Praxis, Begleitband zum Kongress, pp. 198-203. Hüthig. VIP 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Bajcinca, N. (2004) Computation of stable regions in PID parameter space for time-delay systems. Proc. of 5th IFAC Workshop on Time-Delay Systems, September 8-10, 2004 Leuven. Volltext nicht online. |
Bajcinca, N. and Balazs, M. (1999) Regelungstechnische Modellierung eines Aktuators mit Planeten-Wälz-Gewindespindel-Getriebe. Project Report, DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-99-12. 31 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Bajcinca, N. and Bose, L. and Bünte, T. and Odenthal, D. and Sporer, N. and Albu-Schäffer, A. (2002) A Driving Simulator for Steer-by-Wire Control Design. International Automotive Conference, Stuttgart, 4.-5. June 2002. Volltext nicht online. |
Bajcinca, N. and Hauschild, M. (2004) Steer-by-Wire Lenkung: Algorithmen, Aktuatorik und Rapid-Control-Prototyping. Tagung Aktive Sicherheit durch Fahrerassistenz 11.-12. März 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Bajcinca, Naim (2005) Robuste Regelung für Steer-by-Wire Lenksysteme. 39. Regelungstechnisches Kolloquium, 2005-02-25, Boppard. Volltext nicht online. |
Bajcinca, Naim (2005) Robust Autonomous Car Steering Based on Vehicle Dynamics Inversion. CCA 2005, 2005-08-28 - 2005-08-31, Toronto. Volltext nicht online. |
Bajcinca, N. (2004) Rapid-Control-Prototyping und Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulationen mit xPC Target und xPCLabDesk/LabVIEW. NI 2. Automotive-Technologietag, , 12. Mai 2004, 2004-05-12, Böblingen. |
Bajcinca, N. and Cortesao, R. and Hauschild, M. and Bals, J. and Hirzinger, G. (2003) Haptic Control for Steer-by-Wire Systems. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2003-10-27 - 2003-11-01, Las Vegas, USA. |
Bajcinca, N. and Hauschild, M. and Cortesao, R. (2003) Robust Torque Control for Steer-by-Wire Vehicles. 11th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), 2003-06-30 - 2003-07-03, Coimbra, Portugal. |
Bajcinca, N. and Hulin, T. (2004) RobSin: A New Tool for Robust Design of PID and Three-Term Controllers based on Singular Frequencies. Proc. of CACSD/ISIC/CCA 2004, 2004, Taipe. |
Bajcinca, N. and Koeppe, R. and Ackermann, J. (2002) Design of Robust Stable Master-Slave Systems with Uncertain Dynamics and Time-Delay. Proc. of 15th IFAC World Congress b'02, 2002-07-21 - 2002-07-26, Barcelona. |
Bajcinca, N. and Muhler, M. (2002) Singular Value and Structured Singular Value Bounds in Parameter Space. Proc. of 10th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED 2002,, 2002-07-09 - 2002-07-12, Lisboa. |
Bajcinca, N. and Naunin, D. (2003) Model-Matching Design of Robust Vehicle Steer-by-Wire Systems. DLR-Interner Bericht, Project Report. 515-03-21. |
Bajcinca, Naim (2005) A necessary stabilization condition for PID control. Acc'05, 2005-06-08 - 2005-06-10, Portland, USA. |
Bals, J. (2003) Interaktion von Mechanik und Regelungstechnik bei flexiblen Flugzeugen und Robotern. Technisch-wissenschaftliches Seminar Hochleistungsstrukturen im Leichtbau in Luft- und Raumfahrzeugen, Sonderkonstruktionen, 26.11.03. Volltext nicht online. |
Bals, Johann and Schedl, Manfred and Kuhn, Martin and Schweiger, Christian and Lemke, Peter (2007) EOSYS Mechatronische Systeme. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 515-07-38. Diploma. Volltext nicht online. |
Bals, Johann and Hofer, Gerhard and Pfeiffer, Andreas and Schallert, Christian (2003) Object-Oriented Inverse Modelling of Multi-Domain Aircraft Equipment Systems with Modelica. In: 3rd International Modelica Conference, Linköping, Sweden, November 3-4, pp. 377-384. Modelica 2003, 2003-11-03 - 2003-11-04, Linköping (Sweden). |
Bals, Johann and Joos, Hans-Dieter and Looye, Gertjan and Varga, Andras (2003) Tools for Design and Simulation of UAV Flight Control. In: Proc. ODAS 2003, S3-1-S3-11. 5th ONERA-DLR Aerospace Symposium, Toulouse June 4-6, 2003-06-04 - 2003-06-06, Toulouse, Frankreich. |
Bartelsen, Jan and Mayer, Helmut and Hirschmüller, Heiko and Kuhn, Andreas and Michelini, Mario (2012) Orientation and Dense Reconstruction of Unordered Terrestrial and Aerial Wide Baseline Image Sets. In: ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. The XXII Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2012-08-25 - 2012-09-01, Melbourne, Australia. doi: 10.5194/isprsannals-I-3-25-2012. ISSN 2194-9042. Volltext nicht online. |
Baur, Marcus and Ungethüm, Jörg and Treffinger, Peter and Otter, Martin and Schweiger, Christian (2006) Alternative Vehicles - Modelica Bibliothek zur Simulation von alternativen Fahrzeugkonzepten. In: VDI-Berichte, 1931. VDI Verlag GmbH. Steuerung und Regelung von Fahrzeugen und Motoren - AUTOREG 2006, 2006-03-07 - 2006-03-08, Wiesloch (Deutschland). ISBN 3-18-091931-0. ISSN 0083-5560. Volltext nicht online. |
Bauschat, J.-M. and Mönnich, W. and Willemsen, D. and Looye, G. (2001) Flight Testing Robust Autoland Control Laws. In: AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, pp. 1-11. AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, Montréal (Canada), 6-9 August 2001. Volltext nicht online. |
Ben Amor, Heni and Kroemer, Oliver and Hillenbrand, Ulrich and Neumann, Gerhard and Peters, Jan (2012) Generalization of human grasping for multi-fingered robot hands. IROS 2012, 2012-10-07 - 2012-10-12, Vilamoura, Portugal. doi: 10.1109/iros.2012.6386072. |
Bernard, Markus and Kondak, Konstantin and Maza, Ivan and Ollero, Anibal (2011) Autonomous Transportation and Deployment with Aerial Robots for Search and Rescue Missions. Journal of Field Robotics, 28 (6), pp. 914-931. Wiley. ISSN 1556-4959. Volltext nicht online. |
Bertleff, W. and Sporer, N. (2002) DLR-Sensorantrieb - Momentenregelung mit einem Fixedpoint-Prozessor. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-02-03. Diploma. 65 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Bertrand, R. and Schäfer, B. and Winnendael van, M. and Reider, R. (2000) European Tracked Micro-Robot for Planetary Surface Exploration. Space Technology, 20 (2), pp. 55-64. Volltext nicht online. |
Biagiotti, L. and Liu, H. and Hirzinger, G. and Melchiorri, C. (2003) Cartesian Impedance Control for Dexterous Manipulation. IEEE/ RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Las Vegas, USA, 27.10.-01.11.2003. Volltext nicht online. |
Binder, M. and Schreiber, G. (2002) Interaktive Steuerung einer mobilen Plattform mit dem DLR-Leichtbauroboter. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-02-26. Diploma. 67 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Birbach, Oliver and Bäuml, Berthold and Frese, Udo (2012) Automatic and Self-Contained Calibration of a Multi-Sensorial Humanoid's Upper Body. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2012-05-14 - 2012-05-18, USA. doi: 10.1109/icra.2012.6225004. |
Blue, P. and Güvenc, L. and Odenthal, D. (2001) Large envelope flight control satisfying H-infinity robustness and performance specifications. American Control Conference, , June 25-27, 2001, 2001-06-25 - 2001-06-27, Arlington, VA, USA. |
Blue, P. and Odenthal, D. and Muhler, M. (2002) Designing Robust Large Envelope Flight Controllers for High-Performance Aircraft. Proc. of AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit, 2002-08-05 - 2002-08-08, Monterey, CA. |
Bochert, Thomas (2005) Modellierung und Simulation von Flugzeugsystemen. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 515-07-39. Other. Fachhochschule München. Volltext nicht online. |
Bodenmüller, T. and Hirzinger, G. (2004) Online Surface Reconstruction from Unorganized 3D-Points for the DLR Hand-Guided Scanner System. In: Proceedings, pp. 285-292. 2nd Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission, Thessaloniki, Greece, Sept. 6-9, 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Bodenmüller, Tim (2009) Streaming Surface Reconstruction from Real Time 3D Measurements. Dissertation, Technische Universität München. |
Boge, Toralf and Rupp, Thomas and Landzettel, Klaus and Wimmer, Tilman and Mietner, Christian and Bosse, Jürgen and Thaler, Bernhard (2009) Hardware in the Loop Simulator für Renezvous und Docking Manöver. Deutsche Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2009, 2009-09-08 - 2009-09-10, Aachen, Deutschland. |
Borman, A. (2001) Development of an Interface Between the DSblock Model Specification and the Numerical Solver DASSL. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-01-08. Diploma. Volltext nicht frei. |
Bornschlegl, E. and Hirzinger, G. and Maurette, M. and Mugnuolo, R. and Visentin, G. (2003) Space Robotics in Europe, a Compendium. i-SAIRAS 7th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space, Nara, Japan, 19-23 May 2003. Volltext nicht online. |
Borrell Lopez-Doriga, D. and Schäfer, B. and Krenn, R. (2001) Manipulator Design for Malfunctioned Satellite Capturing. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-01-06. Diploma. 135 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Borst, C. and Fischer, M. and Haidacher, S. and Liu, H. and Hirzinger G., (2003) DLR Hand II: Experiments and Experiences with an Anthropomorphic Hand. In: CD. 2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Taipei, Taiwan, Sept. 14-19, 2003. Volltext nicht online. |
Borst, C. and Fischer, M. and Hirzinger, G. (2003) Grasping the Dice by Dicing the Grasp. In: Proceedings. 2003 IEEE/RSY, GI International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Las Vegas, 2003. Volltext nicht online. |
Borst, C. and Fischer, M. and Hirzinger, G. (2004) Grasp Planning: How to Choose a Suitable Task Wrench Space. In: Proceedings, pp. 319-325. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation ICRA, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, April 26 - May 1, 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Borst, C. and Fischer, M. and Hirzinger, G. (1999) A fast and robust grasp planner for arbitrary 3D objects. In: Proceedings, pp. 1890-1896. ICRA 1999 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Detroit, Michigan, May 10-15, 1999. Volltext nicht online. |
Borst, C. and Fischer, M. and Hirzinger, G. (2004) Calculating Human Like Grasp Shapes: Pinch Grasps. In: Advances In Human Robot Interaction Series : Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, Vol. 14. Springer Verlag. ISBN 3-540-23211-7. Volltext nicht online. |
Borst, Ch. and Fischer, M. and Hirzinger, G. (2002) Calculating hand configurations for precision and pinch grasps. In: Proceedings IROS 2002, pp. 1553-1559. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robotis and Systems (IROS), Lausanne, Switzerland, Oct. 2002. Volltext nicht online. |
Borst, Christoph and Zacharias, Franziska and Schmidt, Florian and Leidner, Daniel and Roa, Maximo A. and Hertkorn, Katharina and Grunwald, Gerhard and Falco, Pietro and Natale, Ciro and Maggio, Emilio (2012) Observation and Execution. In: Advanced Bimanual Manipulation springer tracts in advanced robotics , 80. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 59-122. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-29041-1_2. ISBN 978-3-642-29040-4 . ISSN 1610-7438. Volltext nicht online. |
Boulenger, Y. and Kraemer, E. and Liu, H. and Seitz, N. and Hirzinger, G. (2001) An Intelligent Linear Actuator and Its Control System. 2001 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, Como, Italy, 8-11 July 2001. Volltext nicht online. |
Bowles, Paul and Tiller, Michael and Elmqvist, Hilding and Brück, Dag and Mattsson, Sven Erik and Möller, Andreas and Olsson, Hans and Otter, Martin (2001) Feasibility of Detailed Vehicle Modeling. In: SAE-Paper 01P-421. SAE 2001 World Congress, 2001-03-05 - 2001-03-08, Detroit (USA). |
Braun, D. J. and Petit, Florian and Huber, Felix and Haddadin, Sami and van der Smagt, Patrick and Albu-Schäffer, Alin and Vijayakumar, Sethu (2012) Optimal Torque and Stiffness Control in Compliantly Actuated Robots. 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems , 2012-10-07 - 2012-10-12, Vilamoura, Portugal. doi: 10.1109/iros.2012.6385991. Volltext nicht online. |
Broxvall, M. and Preusche, C. (2000) Haptic Rendering for Six Degrees of Freedom. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-00-12. Diploma. 63 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Brucker, Manuel and Leonard, Simon and Bodenmüller, Tim and Hager, Gregory D (2012) Sequential Scene Parsing Using Range and Intensity Information. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2012-05-14 - 2012-05-18, St. Paul, USA. doi: 10.1109/icra.2012.6224978. Volltext nicht frei. |
Brunner, B. and Landzettel, K. and Schreiber, G. and Steinmetz, B.M. and Hirzinger, G. (1999) A Universal Task Level Ground Control and Programming System for Space Robot Applications - The MARCO Concept and it's Application to the ETS VII Project. In: Proceedings of the 5th iSAIRAS, pp. 507-514. ESA SP-440. 5th iSAIRAS International Symposium on Artifical Intelligence, Robotics, and Automation in Space, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 1.-3.06.1999. Volltext nicht online. |
Brunner, B. and Vogel, J. and Hirzinger, G. (2001) Aufgabenorientierte Fernprogrammierung von Robotern. at Automatisierungstechnik (Methoden und Anwendungen der Steuerungs-, Regelungs- und Informationstechnik), 49. Jahrgang (7), pp. 312-319. Volltext nicht online. |
Brüßhaber, Corinna and Trosset, Anna Maria (2010) Hochauflösende Oberflächenmodelle und Multispektrale Bilddaten der UltraCamX für den praktischen Einsatz in der städtischen Fernerkundung am Beispiel der Berliner Innenstadt 2008. AGIT 2010, 2010-07-07 - 2010-07-09, Salzburg, Austria. |
Burbridge, Chris and Saigol, Zeyn and Borst, Christoph and Dearden, Richard (2012) Learning Operators for Manipulation Planning. In: Proceedings, pp. 686-693. Intelligent Robots and Systems. IROS 2012, 2012-10-07 - 2012-10-12, Vilamoura, Portugal. doi: 10.1109/IROS.2012.6385889. ISBN 978-1-4673-1737-5. ISSN 2153-0858. Volltext nicht frei. |
Burger, Robert (2005) Analyse von Verfahren zum parallelen Betrieb von Echtzeit- und Standard-Betriebssystemen auf einer CPU am Beispiel der Steuerung der DLR-Hand-II. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-05-13. Diploma. 75 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Buro, C. and Schuster, W. (1983) A S T H M A - Eine anwendungsorientierte Benutzerschnittstelle. DLR-Forschungsbericht. DLR-IB 515-83/10. DLR. 68 S. (Unpublished) |
Butterfass, J. and Hirzinger, G. and Knoch, S. and Liu, H. (1998) DLR's Multisensory Articulated Hand Part I: Hard- and Software Architecture. In: Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE ICRA, 3, pp. 2081-2086. Omnipress. ICRA'98, Leuven, Belgien, 1998. ISBN 0-7803-4758-7 (auf CD). Volltext nicht online. |
Butterfaß, J. (2000) Eine hochintegrierte multisensorielle Vier-Finger-Hand für Anwendungen in der Servicerobotik. In: Eine hochintegrierte multisensorielle Vier-Finger-Hand für Anwendungen in der Servicerobotik Berichte aus der Robotik. Shaker Verlag, Aachen. pp. 1-152. ISBN 3-8265-7295-5. Volltext nicht online. |
Butterfaß, J. and Fischer, M. and Grebenstein, M. and Haidacher, S. and Hirzinger, G. (2004) Design and Experiences with DLR Hand II. In: CD Proceedings. ISORA2004 International Symposium on Robotics and Applications, Sevilla, Spanien, 26.06.-01.07.2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Butterfaß, J. and Grebenstein, M. and Liu, H. and Hirzinger, G. (2001) DLR-Hand II: Next Generation of a Dextrous Robot Hand. In: Conference Proceedings ICRA 2001, I, pp. 109-114. ICRA International Conference on Robotics & Automation, Seoul, Korea, May 21-26, 2001. ISBN 0-7803-6576-3. Volltext nicht online. |
Butterfaß, J. and Hirzinger, G. and Knoch, S. and Liu, H. (1998) DLR's Multisensory Articulated Hand; Part I: Hard- and Software Architecture. IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Leuven, Belgium. Volltext nicht online. |
Böhme, S. (2003) Automatisierte Identifikation von Robotern. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-03-20. Diploma. Volltext nicht online. |
Börner, Anko and Suppa, Michael and Abmayr, Thomas and Bodenmüller, Tim and Eckardt, Andreas and Hirschmüller, Heiko and Scheibe, Karsten and Strackenbrock, Bernhard (2006) Ein modulares Sensorsystem zur multiskalaren Erfassung von dreidimensionalen Objekten. In: Geoinformatik und Erdbeobachtung, 26. Jahrestagung der DGPF, Berlin-Adlershof 2006, 15, pp. 319-326. DGPF. DGPF-Jahrestagung 2006, 2006-09-11 - 2006-09-13, Berlin. ISSN 0942-2870. Volltext nicht online. |
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Bünte, T. (2003) MechatronicCarLab - Eine System-Entwicklungsumgebung mit realen und virtuellen mechatronischen Fahrzeug-Komponenten. DLR-Nachrichten (Sonderheft Verkehr), 106, pp. 78-85. Volltext nicht online. |
Bäuml, Berthold and Schmidt, Florian and Wimböck, Thomas and Birbach, Oliver and Dietrich, Alexander and Fuchs, Matthias and Friedl, Werner and Frese, Udo and Borst, Christoph and Grebenstein, Markus and Eiberger, Oliver and Hirzinger, Gerd (2011) Catching Flying Balls and Preparing Coffee: Humanoid Rollin’Justin Performs Dynamic and Sensitive tasks. |
Bäuml, Berthold and Wimböck, Thomas and Hirzinger, Gerd (2010) Kinematically Optimal Catching a Flying Ball with a Hand-Arm-System. |
Börner, Anko and Hirschmüller, Heiko and Neidhardt, Michael and Scheibe, Karsten and Wohlfeil, Jürgen and Zuev, Sergey (2007) Ableitung photogrammetrischer Produkte mit der MFC-Kamera. Dreiländertagung 2007, Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der SGPBF, DGPF und OVG, 2007-06-19 - 2007-06-21, Muttenz (Schweiz). Volltext nicht online. |
Börner, Anko and Hirschmüller, Heiko and Scheibe, Karsten and Suppa, Michael and Wohlfeil, Jürgen (2008) MFC - a modular line camera for 3D world modelling. In: Lecture notes in computer science 4931, pp. 319-326. Springer. Robot Vision, International Workshop RobVis 2008, 2008-02-18 - 2008-02-20, Auckland, New Zealand. ISBN 3-540-78156-0. Volltext nicht online. |
Bünte, T. (2000) Mapping of Nyquist/Popov theta-stability margins into parameter space. In: Proceedings ROCOND 2000, Prag. 3rd IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design, 2000, Prague, Chech. Republic,. |
Bünte, T. and Odenthal, D. and Aksun-Güvenc, B. and Güvenc, L. (2001) Robust vehicle steering control design based on the disturbance observer. In: Preprints of IFAC, 1, pp. 107-116. 3rd IFAC Workshop on Advances in Automotive Control,, March 28-30, 2001, 2001-03-28 - 2001-03-30, Karlsruhe. |
Bünte, Tilman (2001) Die Anwendung des Parameterraumverfahrens auf Ortskurvenkriterien. at Automatisierungstechnik, 49 (12), pp. 547-556. |
Bünte, Tilman (2004) Mechatronic Carlab - Eine System-Entwicklungsumgebung mit realen und virtuellen mechatronischen Fahrzeug-Komponenten. Automobiltechnologie in Bayern, 1, pp. 36-41. media mind GmbH & Co. KG. |
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Castellini, Claudio and Koiva, Risto (2012) Using surface electromyography to predict single finger forces. In: Proceedings of BioRob 2012, pp. 1266-1272. Proceedings of BioRob 2012, 2012-06-24 - 2012-06-27, Rom, Italien. doi: 10.1109/BioRob.2012.6290294. |
Castellini, Claudio and Passig, Georg and Zarka, Emanuel (2012) Using ultrasound images of the forearm to predict finger positions. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 20 (6), pp. 788-797. IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. doi: 10.1109/TNSRE.2012.2207916. |
Castellini, Claudio and Passig, Georg (2011) Ultrasound image features of the wrist are linearly related to finger positions. In: Proceedings of IROS - International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp. 2108-2114. IROS 2011, 2011-09-25 - 2011-09-30, San Francisco, USA. |
Castellini, Claudio and Smagt van der, Patrick and Sandini, Giulio and Hirzinger, Gerd (2008) Surface EMG for Force Control of Mechanical Hands. In: Proceedings of ICRA, pp. 725-730. International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2008-05-19 - 2008-05-23, Pasadena, California. |
Castellini, Claudio and Tommasi, Tatiana and Noceti, Nicoletta and Odone, Francesca and Caputo, Barbara (2011) Using Object Affordances to Improve Object Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development, 3 (3), pp. 207-215. IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. doi: 10.1109/TAMD.2011.2106782. ISSN 1943-0604. |
Castellini, Claudio and van der Smagt, Patrick (2011) Preliminary evidence of dynamic muscular synergies in human grasping. 15th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR 2011), 2011-06-20 - 2011-06-23, Tallinn, Estonia. |
Chalon, Maxime and Grebenstein, Markus and Wimboeck, Thomas and Hirzinger, Gerd (2010) The thumb: Guidelines for a robotic design. International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2010), 2010-10-18 - 2010-10-22, Tapei, Taiwan. ISBN 978-1-4244-6674-0. ISSN 2153-0858. |
Chavdar, Papazov and Haddadin, Sami and Parusel, Sven and Krieger, Kai and Burschka, Darius (2012) Rigid 3D Geometry Matching for Grasping of Known Objects in Cluttered Scenes. International Journal of Robotics Research, 31 (4), pp. 538-553. SAGE Publications. doi: 10.1177/0278364911436019. ISSN 0278-3649. Volltext nicht online. |
Chen, C.-C. and Schäfer, B. and Rebele, B. (2005) Simulation of free-floating robots based on superposition of satellite base and manipulator motions. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-05-03. 110 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Chen, Zhaopeng and Lii, Neal Y. and Jin, Minghe and Fan, Shaowei and Liu, Hong (2010) Cartesian Impedance Control on Five-Finger Dexterous Robot Hand DLR-HIT II with Flexible Joint. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. The 3rd International Conference of Intelligent Robotics and Applications(ICIRA 2010), 2010-11-10 - 2010-11-12, Shanghai, China. |
Chen, Zhaopeng and Lii, Neal Y. and Wimböck, Thomas and Fan, Shaowei and Jin, Minghee and Borst, Christoph and Liu, Hong (2010) Experimental Study on Impedance Control for the Five-Finger Dexterous Robot Hand DLR-HIT II. IEEE. The 2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems(IROS 2010), 2010-10-18 - 2010-10-22, Taipei, Taiwan. |
Chen, Zhaopeng and Lii, Neal Y. and Wimböck, Thomas and Shaowei, Fan and Hong, Liu (2011) Experimental Evaluation of Cartesian and Joint Impedance Control with Adaptive Friction Compensation for the Dexterous Robot Hand DLR-Hit II. International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, 8 (4), pp. 649-671. World Scientific Publishing Co. doi: 10.1142/S0219843611002605. ISSN 0219-8436. |
Chen, Zhaopeng and Lii, Neal Y. and Wu, Ke and Liu, Hong and Xue, Zhixing and Jin, Minghe and Liu, Yiwei and Fan, Shaowei and Lan, Tian (2009) Flexible FPGA-Based Controller Architecture for Five-fingered Dexterous Robot Hand with Effective Impedance Control. IEEE. The 2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO 2009), 2009-12-19 - 2009-12-23, Guilin, China. |
Christaller, T. and Decker, M. and Gilsbach, J.M. and Hirzinger, G. and Lauterbach, K. and Schweighofer, E. and Schweitzer, G. and Sturma, D. (2002) Perspektiven für menschliches Handeln in der zukünftigen Gesellschaft. In: Robotik Wissenschaftsethik und Technikfolgenbeurteilung, 14. Springer Verlag. ISBN 3-540-42779-1. Volltext nicht online. |
Cimander, Gerald (2003) Echtzeitsimulation und Optimierung eines Automatikgetriebes. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 515-03/11. Diploma. 59 S. Volltext nicht frei. |
Clauss, Christoph and Elmqvist, Hilding and Mattsson, Sven Erik and Otter, Martin and Schwarz, Peter (2002) Mixed Domain Modeling in Modelica. Forum on Specification and Design Languages, 2002-09-23 - 2002-09-27, Marseille, France. |
Cortesao, R. and Bajcinca, N. (2004) Model-Matching Control for Steer-by-Wire Vehicles with Under-Actuated Structure. Proc. of IROS 2004, Sendai, Japan,. Volltext nicht online. |
Cortesao, R. and Koeppe, R. (1999) Explicit Force Control for Manipulators in the Presence of Noise. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-99-17. 18 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Cortesao, R. and Koeppe, R. (1999) Multisensor Data Fusion for Skill Transfer Systems. In: Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems. International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems, Taipei, Taiwan, August 1999. Volltext nicht online. |
Cortesao, R. and Koeppe, R. (1999) Data Fusion Design for Skill Transfer Systems. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation. 7th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Barcelona, Spanien, Oktober 1999. Volltext nicht online. |
Cortesao, R. and Koeppe, R. (1999) Sensor Fusion for Skill Transfer Systems. In: Proceedings of the IROS'99, pp. 1014-1019. International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS'99), Kyongju, Korea, 17.-21.10.1999. Volltext nicht online. |
Cortesao, R. and Koeppe, R. and Nunes, U. (2001) Compliant Motion Control With Stochastic Active Observers. In: 2001 IEEE/RSJ IROS, IEEE Catalog No. 01CH37180, pp. 1876-1881. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots, and Systems (IROS), Maui, Hawaii, USA, Oct. 29-Nov. 03, 2001. ISBN 0-7803-6614-X. Volltext nicht online. |
Cortesao, R. and Koeppe, R. and Nunes, U. and Hirzinger, G. (2000) Force Control with a Kalman Active Observer Applied in a Robotic Skill Transfer System. Machine Intelligence&Robotic Control, 2 (2), pp. 19-27. Volltext nicht online. |
Cortesao, R. and Koeppe, R. and Nunes, U. and Hirzinger, G. (1999) Discrete Force Control Design for Manipulators with Kalman Observers. In: Proceedings of the ISAS'2000. 6th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis, ISAS'2000, Orlando, USA, 23.-26.07.2000. Volltext nicht online. |
Cortesao, R. and Koeppe, R. and Nunes, U. and Hirzinger, G. (2000) Explicit Force Control for Manipulators with Active Observers. In: Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE/RSJ, pp. 1075-1080. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Takamatsu, Japan, Oct.31-Nov.5. Volltext nicht online. |
Cortesão, R. and Koeppe, R. and Nunes, U. and Hirzinger, G. (2001) Stochastic Active Observers - Theory and A Robotic Force Control Application. 10th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), Budapest, Hungary, Aug. 22-25, 2001. Volltext nicht online. |
Cortesão, R. and Koeppe, R. and Nunes, U. and Hirzinger, G. (2002) Data Fusion for Compliant Motion Tasks Based on Human Skills. In: Proceedings IROS 2002, pp. 1529-1534. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Lausanne, Switzerland, Oct. 2002. Volltext nicht online. |
Coskun, Mehmet Evren (2012) Calibration of Virtual Contact Forces with Real Contact Scenarios. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 572-2012/07. Master's. TU München. 85 S. Volltext nicht frei. |
Cusumano, F. and Lampariello, R. (2004) Analysis of the Inverse Kinematics of a Free-Floating Robot for the Grasping of a Tumbling Target in Teleoperation. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-04-02. Diploma. 192 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Cusumano, F. and Lampariello, R. and Hirzinger, G. (2004) Development of tele-operation control for a free-floating robot during the grasping of a tumbling target. In: CD Proceedings. IMG 2004 International Conference on Intelligent Manipulation and Grasping, Genova, Italy, July 1-2, 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
De Stefano, Marco (2012) Motion analysis of a free-tumbling satellite and experimentation of the grasping task with two fixed-base LWR robots. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 572-2012/05. Master's. University Rome. 191 S. Volltext nicht frei. |
Deml, B. and Ortmaier, T. and Weiss H., (2004) Minimally Invasive Surgery: Empirical Comparison of Manual and Robot Assisted Force Feedback Surgery. In: Proceedings, pp. 403-406. Eurohaptics 2004, München, Germany, June 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Denkena, B. and Friederichs, J. and Wedler, Armin (2009) koSePro - Wirtschaftliche, adaptronische und sichere Schlüsselkomponenten für die Servicerobotik in der Produktion. In: koSePro - Wirtschaftliche, adaptronische und sichere Schlüsselkomponenten für die Servicerobotik in der Produktion PZH Verlag. ISBN 978-3-941416-19-2. Volltext nicht online. |
Denkena, B. and Friederichs, J. and Wedler, Armin (2007) Adaptronische und sichere Schlüsselkomponenten im Anwendungsgebiet moderner Automation. In: GMA-Kongress 2007: Automation im gesamten Lebenszyklus, pp. 865-873. GMA-Kongress2007: Automation im gesamten Lebenszyklus, 2007-06-12 - 2007-06-13, Baden-Baden. Volltext nicht online. |
Denkena, B. and Friederichs, J. and Wedler, Armin and Bertram, O. (2008) Safety mechatronics for industrial collision detection in human-machine interaction. In: 53. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, pp. 51-52. 53. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, 2008-09-08 - 2008-09-12, Ilmenau. Volltext nicht online. |
Denkena, B. and Hesse, P. and Friederichs, J. and Wedler, Armin (2007) Schlüsselkomponenten für Roboter in der Produktion Roboterhaut und Sicherheitskonzept für die Mensch-Roboter Kooperation. In: Schlüsselkomponenten für Roboter in der Produktion Roboterhaut und Sicherheitskonzept für die Mensch-Roboter Kooperation Springer Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 158-162. Volltext nicht online. |
Denkena, B. and Hesse, P. and Friederichs, J. and Wedler, Armin (2007) Schlüsselkomponenten für Roboter in der Produktion. 20. Fachgespräch Autonome Mobile Systeme (AMS), 2007-10-18 - 2007-10-19, Kaiserslautern. ISBN 978-3-540-74763-5. Volltext nicht online. |
Denkena, B. and Wedler, Armin and Friederichs, J. (2008) New Compliant Mc-Kibben Actuator Driven by Pneumatic Actuators as a Hexapod Platform in Robotic Applications. In: 10th ESA-Workshop on Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation - ASTRA. 10th ESA-Workshop on Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation - ASTRA, 2008, Noordwijk, Netherland. Volltext nicht online. |
Denkena, B. and Wedler, Armin and Friederichs, J. and Hackbarth, A. and Hackelöer, F. (2008) New Compliant Hexapod Tool for Industrial Robotic Applications Driven by Pneumatic McKibben Actuators. In: 11th International Conference on New Actuators/5th International Exhibition on Smart Actuators and Drive Systems, pp. 153-156. 11th International Conference on New Actuators & 5th International Exhibition on Smart Actuators and Drive Systems, 2008-06-09 - 2008-06-11, Bremen. Volltext nicht online. |
Denkena, B. and Wedler, Armin and Hackbarth, A. and Hackelöer, F. and Friederichs, J. (2008) Hexapoder Roboter mit McKibben Muskeln als Ausgleichs- und Dämpfungseinheit für den Einsatz von Robotern in der Produktion. Roboter Kongress 2008, 2008-06-11 - 2008-06-12, München. Volltext nicht online. |
Denkena, B. and Wratil, P. and Friederichs, J. and Wedler, Armin (2008) Sichere Antriebsfunktionen für Roboter - Safety Inside. wt Werkstattstechnik, pp. 745-751. Werkstattstechnik online. ISSN 1436-5006. Volltext nicht online. |
Depner, D. and Sporer, N. (2002) Verarbeitung eines Sensorsignals zur Optimierung einer Momentenregelung. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-02-11. 65 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Dieing, Falk (2002) Implementierung und Evaluierung eines verteilten Rechensystems zur Parallelisierung von Berechnungssequenzen aus der mehrzieligen Entwurfsoptimierung mechatronischer Systeme. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 515-02/23. Diploma. 95 S. Volltext nicht frei. |
Dietrich, Alexander and Wimböck, Thomas and Albu-Schäffer, Alin and Hirzinger, Gerd (2012) Integration of Reactive, Torque-Based Self-Collision Avoidance Into a Task Hierarchy. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 28 (6), p. 1278. IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. doi: 10.1109/TRO.2012.2208667. ISSN 1552-3098. Volltext nicht online. |
Dietrich, Alexander and Wimböck, Thomas and Albu-Schäffer, Alin and Hirzinger, Gerd (2012) Integration of Reactive, Torque-Based Self-Collision Avoidance Into a Task Hierarchy. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 28 (6), pp. 1278-1293. IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. doi: 10.1109/TRO.2012.2208667. ISSN 1552-3098. |
Dietrich, Alexander and Wimböck, Thomas and Albu-Schäffer, Alin and Hirzinger, Gerd (2012) Reactive Whole-Body Control: Dynamic Mobile Manipulation Using a Large Number of Actuated Degrees of Freedom. IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, 19 (2), pp. 20-33. IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. doi: 10.1109/MRA.2012.2191432. ISSN 1070-9932. |
Dietze, C. and Herrmann, Florian and Kuß, Sebastian and Lange, C. and Scharringhausen, M. and Witte, L. and van Zoest, T. and Yano, H. (2010) Landing and mobility concept for the small asteroid lander MASCOT on asteroid 1999 JU3. 61st International Astronautical Congress, IAC Prague, CZ, 2010-09-27 - 2010-10-01, Prague. |
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Frese, U. and Bäuml, B. and Haidacher, S. and Schreiber, G. and Schäfer, I. and Hähnle, M. and Hirzinger, G. (2001) Off-the-Shelf Vision for a Robotic Ball Catcher. In: 2001 IEEE/RSJ IROS, IEEE Catalog No. 01CH37180, pp. 1623-1629. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots, and Systems (IROS), Maui, Hawaii, USA, Oct. 29-Nov. 03, 2001. ISBN 0-7803-6614-X. Volltext nicht online. |
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Friedl, W. and Hagn, U. (2004) Konzeption und Entwicklung eines spiegelgestützten Lasertriangulationssensors. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-04-20. Diploma. 129 S. Volltext nicht online. |
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Fuchs, A. and Arnold, M. and Führer, C. (2004) Efficient Jacobian evaluation of implicit time integration in multibody dynamics. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-04-36. 24 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Fuchs, Stefan (2012) Calibration and Multipath Mitigation for Increased Accuracy of Time-of-Flight Camera Measurements in Robotic Applications. Dissertation, Technische Universität Berlin. Volltext nicht online. |
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Gao, X.H. and Jin, M.H. and Jiang, L. and Xie, Z.W. and He, P. and Yang, L. and Liu, Y.W. and Wei, R. and Cai, H.G. and Liu, H. and Butterfass, J. and Grebenstein, M. and Seitz, N. and Hirzinger, G. (2003) The HIT/DLR Dexterous Hand: Work in Progress. In: CD. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Taipei, Taiwan, Sept. 14-19, 2003. Volltext nicht online. |
Garofalo, Gianluca and Ott, Christian and Albu-Schäffer, Alin (2012) Walking control of fully actuated robots based on the Bipedal SLIP model. Dynamic Walking 2012, 2012-05-21 - 2012-05-24, Florida, USA. Volltext nicht online. |
Garofalo, Gianluca and Ott, Christian and Albu-Schäffer, Alin (2012) Walking control of fully actuated robots based on the Bipedal SLIP model. ICRA (IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation), 2012-05-14 - 2012-05-18, St. Paul, USA. doi: 10.1109/icra.2012.6225272. |
Geist, C. and Albu-Schäffer, A. (2003) Untersuchung des Einsatzes von Gelenk-Beschleunigungssensoren zur Regelung eines elastischen Robotergelenkes. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-03-18. Diploma. 79 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Giencke, B. and Preusche, C. (2002) Steuerung des haptischen Diplays PHANToM(TM) mit Echtzeit Linux. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-02-24. Volltext nicht online. |
Gierlach, Dominikus (2012) Modellierung der Beteiligung spinaler Strukturen an der Handmuskelregelung beim Greifen. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 572-2012/36. Diploma. TU München. 107 S. Volltext nicht frei. |
Gil, J.J. and Sanchez, E. and Hulin, T. and Preusche, C. and Hirzinger, G. (2007) Stability Boundary for Haptic Rendering: Influence of Damping and Delay. In: Proceedings. IEEE. International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Rom. Volltext nicht online. |
Gobert, Christian (2004) Aufbereitung der Eingangsdaten zu POALib: Dokumentation der Untersuchung verschiedener Interpolations- / Approximationsmethoden und Entwicklung einer Methode zur Approximation durch Splines. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 515-07-40. Volltext nicht online. |
Goes, L.C.S. and Soares, A.M.S. and Grandinetti, F.J. and Schäfer, B. (1999) Dynamic Modelling and Control of Multibody Experiments with Flexible Links. EURODINAME'99, Günzburg, 11.-16.07.1999. Volltext nicht online. |
Gombert, B. and Hirzinger, G. (1999) Mechatronik Komponenten - Von der Weltraum-Robotik zum Automobil. Symposium Zulieferer Innovativ, Ingolstadt, 07.07.1999. Volltext nicht online. |
Goron, Lucian Cosmin and Balint-Benczedi, Ferenc and Marton, Zoltan-Csaba and Michael, Beetz (2012) Incremental Modeling and Object Classification based on the Segmentation from Cluttered Settings. In: LC3D - Low Cost 3D: Sensors, Algorithms, Applications. LC3D - Low Cost 3D: Sensors, Algorithms, Applications, 2012-12-04 - 2012-12-05, Berlin, Germany. Volltext nicht online. |
Goshozono, T. and Tsumaki, Y. and Abe, K. and Uchiyama, M. and Koeppe, R. and Hirzinger, G. (1999) Construction and Verification of an Integrated Space Teleoperation System. 17th Annual Conference of Robotic Society Japan, Hiratsuka, Japan, 9.-11.09.1999. Volltext nicht online. |
Gowrishankar, Ganesh and Jarrassé, Nathanaël and Haddadin, Sami and Albu-Schäffer, Alin and Burdet, Etienne (2012) A versatile biomimetic controller for contact tooling and haptic exploration. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2012-05-14 - 2012-05-18, Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA. doi: 10.1109/ICRA.2012.6225057. Volltext nicht online. |
Goß, Andreas (2012) Development of a Human Finger Model with the CAE Software SIMPACK. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 572-2012/24. Master's. Hochschule Regensburg. 94 S. Volltext nicht frei. |
Grebenstein, M. and Chalon, M. and Friedl, W. and Haddadin, S. and Wimbock, T. and Hirzinger, G. and Siegwart, R. (2012) The hand of the DLR Hand Arm System: Designed for interaction. The International Journal of Robotics Research, 31 (13), p. 1531. SAGE Publications. doi: 10.1177/0278364912459209. ISSN 0278-3649. Volltext nicht online. |
Grebenstein, Markus and Chalon, Maxime and Friedl , Werner and Haddadin, Sami and Wimböck, Thomas and Hirzinger, Gerd and Siegwart, Roland (2012) The Hand of the DLR Hand Arm System: Designed for Interaction. The International Journal of Robotics Research, 31 (13), 1531 -1555. SAGE Publications. doi: 10.1177/0278364912459209. ISSN 0278-3649. Volltext nicht online. |
Grewe, J. and Hirzinger, G. and Koeppe, R. and Strobl, C. and Willberg, B. (2001) Compliant-Force-Torque-Sensor. 10th International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region(RAAD2001), Vienna, May 16-18, 2001. Volltext nicht online. |
Grewe, J. and Stelter, J. and Hirzinger, G. (1999) Untersuchungen an einem optisch messenden nachgiebigen Kraft-Momenten-Sensor. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-99-02. Diploma. 77 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Grimm, Christian (2011) Concept Development and Design of a Flexible Metallic Wheel with an Adaptive Mechanism for Soft Planetary Soils. Master's, Luleå University of Technology. |
Grimm, W. and Moritz, K. (1985) Optimale Flugmanöver· in MR-LK-Szenarien. DLR-Forschungsbericht. DLR-IB 515-84/10. DLR. 54 S. (Unpublished) |
Grunwald, G. and Schreiber, G. and Albu-Schäffer, A. and Hirzinger, G. (2001) Touch: Another Type of Human Interaction with a Redundant Service Robot. 10th IEEE International Workshop on Robot Human Communication, Bordeaux-Paris, Sept. 18-21, 2001. Volltext nicht online. |
Grunwald, G. and Schreiber, G. and Albu-Schäffer, A. and Hirzinger, G. (2004) Touch: The Intuitive Type of Human and Robot Interaction. In: Advances In Human Robot Interaction Series : Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, Vol. 14. Springer Verlag. ISBN 3-540-23211-7. Volltext nicht online. |
Gröger, M. and Kübler, B. and Hirzinger, G. (2004) Selection of Qualified Colour Markers for Heart Surface Tracking. BMT 2004 38. DGBMT Jahrestagung, Fachtagung Biomedizinische Technik, Ilmenau, 22.-24. Sept. 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Gröger, M. and Ortmaier, T. (2000) Robust tracking of natural landmarks of the beating heart. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-00-05. Diploma. 94 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Gröger, M. and Ortmaier, T. and Sepp, W. and Hirzinger, G. (2002) Tracking Local Motion on the Beating Heart. In: Proceedings of SPIE, pp. 233-241. SPIE Medical Imaging 2002, San Diego, USA, Februar 2002. Volltext nicht online. |
Gröger, M. and Sepp, W. and Ortmaier, T. and Hirzinger, G. (2001) Reconstruction of Image Structure in Presence of Specular Reflections. In: Proceedings, Pattern Recognition DAGM Symposium, pp. 53-60. Pattern Recognition, 23rd DAGM Symposium, Munich, Germany, September 2001. ISBN 3-540-42596-9. Volltext nicht online. |
Guldner, J. and Sienel, W. and Tan, H.-S. and Ackermann, J. and Patwardhan, S. and Bünte, T. (1999) Robust automatic steering control for look-down reference systems with front and rear sensors. IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology, 7 (1), pp. 2-11. Volltext nicht online. |
Gustus, Agneta and Stillfried, Georg and Visser, Judith and Jörntell, Henrik and van der Smagt, Patrick (2012) Human hand modelling: kinematics, dynamics, applications. Biological Cybernetics. Springer. doi: 10.1007/s00422-012-0532-4. |
Görner, Martin and Wimböck, Thomas and Baumann, Andreas and Fuchs, Matthias and Bahls, Thomas and Grebenstein, Markus and Borst, Christoph and Butterfass, Jörg and Hirzinger, Gerd (2008) The DLR-Crawler: A Testbed for Actively Compliant Hexapod Walking Based on the Fingers of DLR-Hand II. In: Proceedings of IROS, pp. 1525-1531. IEEE/RSJ 2008 International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2008-09-22 - 2008-09-26, Nice, France. |
Haddadin, Sami and Haddadin, Simon and Khoury, Augusto and Rokahr, Tim and Parusel, Sven and Burgkart, Rainer and Bicchi, Antonio and Albu-Schäffer, Alin (2012) On Making Robots Understand Safety: Embedding Injury Knowledge into Control. International Journal of Robotics Research, 31 (13), pp. 1578-1602. SAGE Publications. doi: 10.1177/0278364912462256. Volltext nicht online. |
Haddadin, Sami and Haddadin, Simon and Khoury, Augusto and Rokahr, Tim and Parusel, Sven and Burgkart, Rainer and Bicchi, Antonio and Albu-Schäffer, Alin (2012) A truly safely moving robot has to know what injury it may cause. 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2012-10-07 - 2012-10-12, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal. doi: 10.1109/iros.2012.6386163. Volltext nicht online. |
Haddadin, Sami and Huber, Felix and Albu-Schäffer, Alin (2012) Optimal Control for Exploiting the Natural Dynamics of Variable Stiffness Robots. 2012 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2012-05-14 - 2012-05-18, Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA. doi: 10.1109/icra.2012.6225190. Volltext nicht online. |
Haddadin, Sami and Huber, Felix and Krieger, Kai and Weitschat, Roman and Albu-Schäffer, Alin and Wolf, Sebastian and Friedl, Werner and Grebenstein, Markus and Petit, Florian and Reinecke, Jens and Lampariello, Roberto (2012) Intrinsically Elastic Robots: the Key to Human Like Performance. In: International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp. 4270-4271. 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2012-10-07 - 2012-10-12, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal. doi: 10.1109/iros.2012.6386289. ISBN 978-1-4673-1737-5. ISSN 2153-0858. |
Haddadin, Sami and Özparpucu, Mehmet Can and Albu-Schäffer, Alin (2012) Optimal Control for Maximizing Potential Energy in Variable Stiffness Joints. 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , 2012-12-10 - 2012-12-13, Maui, Hawaii, USA. Volltext nicht online. |
Haddadin, Sami and Krieger, Kai and Mansfeld, Nico and Albu-Schäffer, Alin (2012) On Impact Decoupling Properties of Elastic Robots and Time Optimal Velocity Maximization on Joint Level. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2012-10-07 - 2012-10-12, Vilamoura, Portugal. doi: 10.1109/iros.2012.6385913. ISBN 978-1-4673-1735-1. Volltext nicht online. |
Haddadin, Sami and Mansfeld, Nico and Albu-Schäffer, Alin (2012) Rigid vs. Elastic Actuation: Requirements & Performance. 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2012-10-07 - 2012-10-12, Vilamoura, Portugal. doi: 10.1109/IROS.2012.6386227. ISBN 978-1-4673-1735-1. Volltext nicht online. |
Haddadin, Sami and Parusel, Sven and Belder, Rico and Albu-Schäffer, Alin and Hirzinger, Gerd (2012) Safe Acting and Manipulation in Human Environments: A Key Concept for Robots in our Society. ARSO, A Worshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts, Half-Moon Bay, USA. |
Hagn, Ulrich and Nickl, Matthias and Jörg, Stephan and Passig, Georg and Bahls, Thomas and Nothhelfer, Alexander and Hacker, Franz and Le-Tien, Luc and Albu-Schäffer, Alin and Konietschke, Rainer and Grebenstein, Markus and Warpup, Rebecca and Haslinger, Robert and Frommberger, Mirko and Hirzinger, Gerd (2008) The DLR MIRO: A versatile lightweight robot for surgical applications. Industrial Robot, 35 (4), 324 -336. EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LIMITED. doi: 10.1108/01439910810876427. ISSN ISSN 0143-991X. |
Hagn, Ulrich and Nickl, Matthias and Jörg, Stephan and Tobergte, Andreas and Kübler, Bernhard and Passig, Georg and Gröger, Martin and Fröhlich, Florian and Seibold, Ulrich and Konietschke, Rainer and Le-Tien, Luc and Albu-Schäffer, Alin and Grebenstein, Markus and Ortmaier, Tobias and Hirzinger, Gerd (2008) DLR MiroSurge -- towards versatility in surgical robotics. Proceedings of CURAC, 2008-09-24 - 2008-09-26, Leipzig. |
Hagn, Ulrich and Nickl, Matthias and Jörg, Stephan and Tobergte, Andreas and Kübler, Bernhard and Passig, Georg and Gröger, Martin and Fröhlich, Florian and Seibold, Ulrich and Konietschke, Rainer and Le-Tien, Luc and Albu-Schäffer, Alin and Grebenstein, Markus and Ortmaier, Tobias and Hirzinger, Gerd (2008) DLR MiroSurge -- towards versatility in surgical robotics. In: Proceedings of CURAC, pp. 143-146. 7. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Computer- und Roboterassistierte Chirurgie e.V., 2008-09-24 - 2008-09-26, Leipzig. ISBN 978-3-00-025798-8. Volltext nicht online. |
Hagn, Ulrich and Konietschke, Rainer and Tobergte, Andreas and Nickl, Mathias and Jörg, Stefan and Kübler, Bernhard and Passig, Georg and Gröger, Martin and Fröhlich, Florian and Seibold, Ulrich and Le-Tien, Luc and Albu-Schäffer, Alin and Nothhelfer, Alexander and Hacker, Franz and Grebenstein, Markus and Hirzinger, Gerd (2009) DLR MiroSurge - A Versatile System for Research in Endoscopic Telesurgery. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Volume, pp. 183-193. Springer. doi: 10.1007/s11548-009-0372-4. |
Haidacher, S. and Butterfaß, J. and Fischer, M. and Grebenstein, M. and Jöhl, K. and Kunze, K. and Nickl, M. and Seitz, N. and Hirzinger, G. (2003) DLR Hand II: Hard- and Software Architecture for Information Processing. In: CD. 2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Taipei, Taiwan, Sept. 14-19, 2003. Volltext nicht online. |
Haidacher, S. and Hirzinger, G. (2002) Contact Point Identification in Multi-Fingered Grasps Exploiting Kinematic Constraints. In: Proceedings ICRA 2002, pp. 1597-1603. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation ICRA, Washington D.C., USA, May 2002. Volltext nicht online. |
Haidacher, S. and Hirzinger, G. (2004) Position sensors for robotic-hand grasping. SPIE International Technical Group Newsletter, Vol 13, No. 1, April 2004, 6and10-. Volltext nicht online. |
Haidacher, S. and Hirzinger G., (2003) Estimating Finger Contact Location and Object Pose from Exteroceptive Measurements in 3-D Grasping. In: CD. 2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Taipei, Taiwan, Sept. 14-19, 2003. Volltext nicht online. |
Hausamann, Dieter and Kaiser, Ingo (2005) Das DLR_School_Lab Oberpfaffenhofen – ein außerschulischer Lernort aus der Luft- und Raumfahrtforschung. Verhandlungen, 40. ISSN 04200195. Volltext nicht online. |
Hauschild, M. and Sporer, N. (2002) Torque Control of the Harmonic Drive Gear using the DLR Torque Sensor. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-02-12. Diploma. 88 S. Volltext nicht online. |
He, P. and Jin, M.H. and Yang, L. and Wei, R. and Liu, W.Y. and Cai, H.G. and Liu, H. and Seitz, N. and Butterfaß, J. and Hirzinger, G. (2004) High Performance DSP/FPGA Controller for Implementation of HIT/DLR Dexterous Robot Hand. In: Proceedings, pp. 3397-3402. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation ICRA, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, April 26 - May 1, 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Hecker, S. (2002) APC-HQ investigation with generic flexible AC-model. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-02-20. 6 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Hecker, S. and Varga, A. (2004) Generalized LFT-Based Representation of Parametric Uncertain Models. European Journal of Control, 10 (4), pp. 326-337. |
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Heckmann, Andreas (2006) A Brake Model with Thermoelastic Disc for the Analysis of Vehicle Judder Vibrations. In: Vehicle System Dynamics, 44 (S1), pp. 360-367. 19th Symposium of the IAVSD, 2005-08-28 - 2005-09-02, Milan, Italy. ISSN 0042-3114. Volltext nicht frei. |
Heller, S. and Bünte, T. (2003) MODELICA vehicle dynamics library: Implementation of driving maneuvers and a controller for active car steering. In: 3rd International Modelica Conference, Linköping, Sweden, November 3-4, pp. 19-28. Modelica 2003, 2003, Amsterdam. |
Heller, Stefan (2003) Fahrdynamikmodellierung, Reglerimplementierung und Simulation mit MODELICA/DYMOLA. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 515-03/17. Diploma. 63 S. Volltext nicht frei. |
Henner, Wolfgang (2003) Aufbau einer Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstelle für Rapid-Control-Prototyping an einem Fahrsimulator. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 515-03/09. Diploma. 135 S. Volltext nicht frei. |
Hennig, R. and Sporer, N. and Albu-Schäffer, A. (2002) Inbetriebnahme und Regelung von Harmonic Drive Antriebsmodulen mit DLR Drehmomentensensorik. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-02-02. Diploma. 93 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Herdt, A. and Perrin , N. and Wieber, P.-B. (2012) LMPC based online generation of more efficient walking motions. In: 2012 IEEE/RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots. HUMANOIS 2012, 2012-11-29 - 2012-12-01, Osaka. doi: 10.1109/HUMANOIDS.2012.6651549. Volltext nicht online. |
Herrmann, Florian and Kuß, Sebastian and Schäfer, Bernd (2011) Mobility Challenges and Possible Solutions for Low-gravity Planetary Body Exploration. 11th Symposium on Advanced Space Technologies in Robotics and Automation: ASTRA 2011, 2011-04-12 - 2011-04-14, Noordwijk, the Netherlands. |
Hillenbrand, U. and Brunner, B. and Borst, C. and Hirzinger, G. (2004) The Robutler: a Vision-Controlled Hand-Arm System for Manipulating Bottles and Glasses. In: CD. ISR 2004 35th International Symposium on Robotics, Paris-Nord Villepinte Exhibition Centre (France), 23-26 March 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Hillenbrand, U. and Hirzinger, G. (2000) Object Recognition and Pose Estimation from 3D-Geometric Relations. In: Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering Systems and Allied Technologies, Volume 1, pp. 113-116. IEEE. KES'2000, Brighton, UK, 30.08.-1.09.2000. ISBN 0-7803-6400-7. Volltext nicht online. |
Hillenbrand, U. and Hirzinger, G. (2002) Probabilistic Search for Object Segmentation and Recognition. In: Proceedings European Conference on Computer Vision 2002, Vol. 2352, pp. 791-806. Springer. European Conference on Computer Vision 2002, Kopenhagen, May 2002. Volltext nicht online. |
Hillenbrand, U. and Ott, C. and Brunner, B. and Borst, C. and Hirzinger, G. (2004) Towards Service Robots for the Human Environment: the Robutler. MECHROB 2004 Mechatronics & Robotics Conference, Aachen, Germany, Sept. 13-15, 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Hillenbrand, Ulrich and Roa, Maximo A. (2012) Transferring functional grasps through contact warping and local replanning. IROS 2012, 2012-10-07 - 2012-10-12, Vilamoura, Portugal. doi: 10.1109/iros.2012.6385989. |
Hillenbrand, Ulrich (2008) Pose Clustering From Stereo Data. Proceedings of VISAPP International Workshop on Robotic Perception, 2008-01-22 - 2008-01-25, Madeira, Portugal. |
Hillenbrand, Ulrich and Lampariello, Roberto (2005) Motion and Parameter Estimation of a Free-Floating Space Object from Range Data for Motion Prediction. In: Proceedings of i-SAIRAS. 8th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space, 2005-05-09 - 2005-09-09, Munich, Germany. |
Hilsenbeck, Barbara (2012) Untersuchung der Dekomposition von sEMG Signalen & Erstellung einer grafischen Benutzeroberfläche zur Echtzeitvorhersage von Fingerkräften mittels sEMG Signalen. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 572-2012/15. Bachelor's. Hochschule Karlsruhe. 47 S. Volltext nicht frei. |
Hirschmüller, Heiko (2011) Semi-Global Matching - Motivation, Developments and Applications. In: Photogrammetric Week 11, pp. 173-184. Wichmann. Photogrammetric Week, 2011-09-09 - 2011-09-13, Stuttgart, Germany. |
Hirschmüller, Heiko and Buder, Maximilian and Ernst, Ines (2012) Memory Efficient Semi-Global Matching. The XXII Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2012-08-25 - 2012-09-01, Melbourne, Australia. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirschmüller, Heiko (2008) Stereo Processing by Semi-Global Matching and Mutual Information. in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 30 (2), pp. 328-341. |
Hirschmüller, Heiko and Mayer, Helmut and Neukum, G. (2006) Stereo Processing of HRSC Mars Express Images by Semi-Global Matching. In: Processing of HRSC Mars Express Images by Semi-Global Matching. International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information, 2006-09-27 - 2006-09-30, Goa, India. |
Hirschmüller, Heiko and Scharstein, Daniel (2009) Evaluation of Stereo Matching Costs on Images with Radiometric Differences. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 31 (9), pp. 1582-1599. IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. ISSN 0162-8828. |
Hirzinger, G. (1999) Robotics-Helpful Tool or Competitor of surgeons. Jährlicher Kongreß der Internationalen Gesellschaft für minimal-invasive Chirurgie, Paris, 23.-26.06.1999. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (1999) Spitzentechnologie beim DLR:Robotik. Ausbildungsseminar: Raumfahrtaktivitäten in Deutschland, Toulouse, 14.09.1999. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (1999) Raumfahrt-Robotik-Spinn-Off-Potential auch auf der Erde. 10-Jahersfeier des IPVR - Festkolloquium,Stuttgart, 6.05.1999. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (1999) Mechatronik - Von der Weltraum-Robotik bis zur Medizintechnik. Akademische Feier anlässlich der ersten Absolventen, Amberg, 20. 05.1999. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (1999) Mechatronik - Von der Weltraum-Robotik bis zur Chirurgie der Zukunft. 76. Tagung der Vereinigung der Bayerischen Chirurgen, München, 22.-24.07.1999. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (1999) Weltraumrobotik - Spinoff-Potential auch für die Medizin. XXX. Jahrestagung des Internationalen Förderkreises für Raumfahrt, Salzburg, 24.-27.06.1999. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (1999) Sensorgeführte Roboter. Gedätisches Kolloquium, München, 18.03.1999. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (1999) Raumfahrtrobtik und ihr Technologie-Transfer-Potential. Kolloquium der Fakultät Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik der Universität Stuttgart im Wintersemester 1998/1999, Stuttgart, 14.01.1999. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (1999) Robotics in Medicine: Basics. 5th International Workshop on Computer Assisted Surgery & Rapid Prototyping in Medicine, Erlangen, 14.-16.10.1999. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (1999) Advances in Robotics. 7th Symposium on Intelligent Robotics and Systems, Coimbra, Portugal, Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2000) Zum Stand der Robotik - Vom Weltraum zur Chirurgie. Gastvortrag am Kirchhoff-Institut für Physik, Heidelberg, 27.07.2000. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2000) Operative Medizin 2020: Schwerpunkt Visionen - Organersatz/Tissue Engineering, Gentherapie, Telechirurgie: Was könnte in 20 Jahren machbar sein? Fest der Bayern, Regensburg, 22.07.2000. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2000) Maschinengestütztes Operieren, Mechatronik und Robotik. 4. Visualchirurgischer Stammtisch Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Schwerin,7.07.2000. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2000) Maschinengestütztes Operieren, Mechatronik und Robotik. 19. Norddeutsche Chirurgen-Konferenz, Lübeck, 03.03.2000. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2000) Mechatronische Systeme - Von der Weltraum-Robotik zur terrestrischen Roboter-, Fahrzeug- und Medizin-Technik. Vorlesung: Mechatronik, München, 23.03.2000. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2000) Robotics: Slow progress to an inevitable future. European Hospital, Vol. 9 (4), 8-. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2000) Mechatronik und Robotik in der Chirurgie der Zukunft. Management & Krankenhaus, 19. Jahrgang (11), pp. 46-47. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2000) Robotik und Mechatronik - Zukunftstechnologien für Raumfahrt und terrestrische Anwendungen. Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Oberpfaffenhofen, 04.12.2000. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2000) Mechatronik und Robotik in der Chirurgie der Zukunft. Management & Krankenhaus, 19. Jahrgang (12), 19-. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2000) Robotik und Mechatronik - Zukunftstechnologien für Raumfahrt und terrestrische Anwendungen. Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, 04.Dez.. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2000) New robot technologies for space and terrestrial applications. In: Proceedings. 1st Interantional Conference on Mechatronics and Robotics (M&R), St.Petersburg, Russia, May 22-26. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2000) Robotik in der Medizin. 64. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Unfallchirurgie (TRAUMA 2000), Hannover 13.09.. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2000) Optimization of the Human-Machine Interfaces for Surgery. World Congress of High-Tech Medicine, Hannover, 17.10.00. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2000) Virtual Design and Realization of Mechatronic Systems. European Unigraphics User Group, Stuttgart, 16.10.00. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2000) Minimal invasive Medizin, Therapieplanung, Robotik. Kongress Medizin Innovativ, Nürnberg, Okt. 11-12. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2000) Future of robotics in medicine. HGF Symposium Medizin-Technik, Workshop on Strategic Considerations of Medical Imaging and Robotics, Berlin, Nov. 13-15. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2000) Mechatronics and telerobotics - key technologies for a new robot generation in space and terrestrial applications. In: Proceedings. ICARCV The Sixth International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, Singapore, Dec. 5-8. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2002) Robotik - Schlüsseltechnik für die schonende Chirurgie der Zukunft. Symposium Robotik und Manipulatoreinsatz in der Chirurgie, Tübingen, 22.03.2002. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2001) Mechatronik und Robotik - Schlüsseltechnologien für die Chirurgie der Zukunft. 1. Ostbayerisches Fachforum für Mechatronik, Roding, 16.03.2001. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2001) Advances Telerobotoc Systems - From Space to Surgery. 1st IFAC Telematic Applications in Automation and Robotics (TA2001), Weingarten, July 24-26, 2001. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2001) Mechatronische Systeme - Design und Realisierung von Mechatronischen Systemen. DaimlerChrysler EDM-Forum 2001, Stuttgart, 12.07.2001. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2001) Towards a new robot generation - from space to surgical applications. Distinguished Lecture Series, Vancouver, Sept. 27, 2001. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2001) Towards a new robot generation - from space to surgical applications. CSS Speaker Series, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Sept. 28, 2001. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2001) On the interaction between human hand and robot - from space to surgery. IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interaction (ROMAN2001), Bordeaux and Paris, France, Sept. 18-21, 2001. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2001) Mechatronische Systeme - Von der Weltraumrobotik in die Medizin- und Fahrzeugtechnik. 1. Oberfränkische Mechatronik-Fachtagung, Kronach, 26. Okt. 2001. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2001) New trends in Mechatronics - from Space to Surgery. International Symposium on Mechatronics - The Challenges of the new Millenium in Research and Education, Budapest, Nov. 9, 2001. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2002) Interaktion - Trends und neue Verfahren. 3. RTT VR Konferenz, Landshut, 08.03.2002. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (1998) Neue Instrumente für ein neue Chirurgie: Konzepte und Erfahrungen. Rechner- und sensorgestützte Chirurgie, Heidelberg, 30.10.1998. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (1998) Space-Robotics - impacts for a new terrestrial robot generation. 7th International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region (RAAD 98), Smolenice, Slovakia. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2002) Robotik und Mechatronik - Vom Weltraum in den Operationssaal. Raumfahrtkongress 2002, 33. Jahrestagung des Internationalen Förderkreises für Raumfahrt, Hermann Oberth - Wernher von Braun (IFR) e.V., Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 06.07.02. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2003) Space Robotics and its many terrestrial applications. 46th esa - IRC Meeting, Füssen, 21-23 May 2003. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2003) Auf dem Weg zum Robo Sapiens - Trends aus Robotik und Automation. VDE/VDI-AK Informationstechnik, München, 12. Feb. 2003. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2003) Kraftrückkopplungssysteme - gezielte Interaktion zwischen Mensch und Maschine. BAIKA / BAIKEM Mechatronik für den Automobilbau, Nürnberg, 20. Mai 2003. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2003) Advances in robotics and mechatronics - from space to surgery. In: CD-ROM Proceedings. 11th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Rhodes, Greece, June 17-20, 2003. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2003) Neue Roboter-Technologien und -Anwendungen - vom Weltraum bis zur Medizin. OTTI-Profiforum Industrieroboter auf dem Weg zu mehr Intelligenz, Regensburg, 3./4. Nov. 2003. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2003) Zukunftsperspektiven in der minimal-invasiven Chirurgie-Robotik. In: Proceedings. 2. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Computer- und Roboterassistierte Chirurgie (CURAC), Nürnberg, 5. Nov. 2003. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2003) Eine neue Robotergeneration für den Einsatz in der Weltraumfahr, Medizin und Industrie. In: CD-Proceedings. ManiRob 2003, Bonn, 11./12. Nov. 2003. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2003) Auf dem Weg zum robo sapiens: Trends in der Mechatronik für Service-Roboter. In: Proceedings. Technologieforum Service-Roboter, Stuttgart, 11./12. November 2003. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2003) Towards a new robot generation for space and terrestrial applications. Verleihung einer Ehren-Professur, Harbin/China, 19.09.2003. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2004) Robotik und die virtuellen Welten. Internationale Statustagung Virtuelle und Erweiterte Realität, Leipzig, 19.-20. Februar 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2004) Robotik und die virtuelle 3 D-Welt vom Mars bis Oberbayern bis zur Chirurgie der Zukunft. Sportweltspiele der Medizin, Sonderveranstaltung High Tech Standort Bayern, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 10-17. Juli 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2004) From Robot Vision to Multi-sensory 3 D-World Modelling. XXth ISPRS Congress International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Istanbul, Turkey, 12.-23. July 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2004) Zukunftige Marktpotenziale für die Bundesrepuplik Deutschland. VDI/VDE Workshop Technisches 3D Sehen - für Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit in der Produktion, im Verkehr und der Medizin, Berlin-Teltow, 30.07.2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2004) Fusion von Laserscans und Bilddaten-Ergebnisse aus der Raumfahrt und Robotik unterstützen die virtuelle Rekonstruktion und Denkmalpflege. Tagung Rekonstruktion - Alternativen zur baulichen Wiederherstellung, Paderborn, Heinz-Nixdorf-MuseumsForum, 16.-17. Sept. 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2004) Technologietransfer-Beispiele aus dem BKM. Bayerisches Fachforum Mechatronik, Augusburg, 6. Okt. 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2004) Innovative Robotersysteme und Komponenten - von der Raumfahrt bis zur Medizin. VDE Kongress 2004, Berlin, 18.-20. Okt. 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2004) Robotik - Schlüsseltechnik für die künftige minimal invasive Chirurgie. VDE Kongress 2004, Berlin 18.-20. Okt. 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2004) Perspektiven der Robotertechnik. Symposium für Führungskräfte und Leiter der Entwicklung der Diehl Stiftung & Co KG, Lengenfeld, 18.-19. Nov. 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2004) Robotik, Mechatronik und die virtuellen Welten. VDI-Technikforum 2004, München, 23. Nov. 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2004) Neue Roboter-Technologien und -Anwendungen - vom Weltraum bis zur Medizin. In: Tagungsband, CD. Otti Kolleg Profiforum Roboter auf dem Weg zu mehr Intelligenz, Regensburg, 29.-30. Nov. 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. (2005) Weltraum-Robotik im DLR - Ergebnisse, Perspektiven und terrestrische Spin-Offs. Kolloqium Universität Würzburg, Lehrstuhl Informatik VII, 27.06.2005. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. and Albu-Schäffer, A. and Hähnle, M. and Schaefer, I. and Sporer, N. (2001) On a New Generation of Torque Controlled Light-Weight Robots. In: Conference Proceedings ICRA 2001, IV, pp. 3356-3363. ICRA International Conference on Robotics & Automation, Seoul, Korea, May 21-26, 2001. ISBN 0-7803-6576-3. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. and Bals, J. and Brunner, B. and Koeppe, R. and Schedl, M. (1998) Towards a new robot generation. 5th International Symposium on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR'98), Miedzyzdroje, Poland. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. and Bodenmüller, T. and Hirschmüller, H. and Liu, R. and Sepp, W. and Suppa, M. and Abmayr, T. and Strackenbrock, B. (2005) Photo-realistic 3D modelling - From robotics perception towards cultural heritage. International Workshop on Recording, Modeling and Visualization of Cultural Heritage, Asona, Switzerland, May 22-27, 2005. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. and Brunner, B. and Butterfaß, J. and Fischer, M. and Grebenstein M., and Landzettel, K. and Schedl, M. (2001) Space robotics - towards advanced mechatronic components and powerful telerobotic systems. In: CD i-SAIRAS 2001. i-SAIRAS 2001, 6th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics & Automation in Space, St-Hubert, Quebec, Canada, June 18-22,2001. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. and Brunner, B. and Koeppe, R. and Vogel, J. (1998) Advanced Telerobotics. In: Autonomous Robotic Systems pp.99-124. Springer Verlag. ISBN 1-85233-036-8. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. and Brunner, B. and Lampariello, R. and Landzettel, K. and Schott, J. and Steinmetz, B.-M. (2000) Advances in Orbital Robotics. In: Proceedings of the ICRA'2000, 1, pp. 898-907. International Conference on Robotics and Automation, San Francisco, USA, 22.-28.04.2000. ISBN 0-7803-5886-4. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. and Brunner, B. and Lampariello, R. and Landzettel, K. and Schreiber, G. and Steinmetz, B.M. (2000) A Unified Ground Control and Programming Methodology for Space Robotics Applications - Demonstrations on ETS-VII. In: Conference Proceedings of the International Symposium on Robotics 2000, pp. 422-427. International Symposium on Robotics (ISR 2000), Montreal, Canada, May 2000. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. and Brunner, B. and Landzettel, K. and Schaefer, I. and Sporer, N. and Butterfaß, J. and Schedl, M. (2001) Space robotics - DLR's telerobotic concepts, lightweight arms and articulated hands. 10th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR2001), Budapest, Hungary, Aug. 22-25, 2001. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. and Butterfass, J. and Grebenstein, M. and Hähnle, M. and Schaefer, I. and Sporer, N. (2000) A Mechatronics Approach to the Design of Light-Weight Arms. 9th International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region, Maribor, Slovenia, 1.-3.06.2000. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. and Butterfass, J. and Knoch, S. and Liu, H. (1998) DLR's Multisensory 4-Fingered Hand. 6th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED'98), Alghero, Italy, June 9-11. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. and Butterfaß, J. and Fischer, M. and Grebenstein, M. and Hähnle, M. and Liu, H. and Schaefer, I. and Spoerer, N. (2000) A Mechatronics Approach to the Design of Light-Weight Arms and Multifingered Hands. In: Proceedings of the ICRA'2000, 1, pp. 46-54. International Conference on Robotics and Automation, San Francisco, USA, 22.-28.04.2000. ISBN 0-7803-5886-4. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. and Butterfaß, J. and Fischer, N. and Grebenstein, M. and Hähnle, M. and Koeppe, R. and Liu, H. and Schaefer, I. and Sporer, N. and Schedl, M. (2000) A new generation of light-weight robot arms and multifigered hands. In: Proceedings. ISER 2000, International Symposium on Experimental Robotics, Hawaii, USA, Dec.. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. and Butterfaß, J. and Grebenstein, M. and Hähnle, M. and Schaefer, I. and Sporer, N. (2001) Robonauts need light-weight arms and articulated hands. Harmonic Drive International Symposium, Matsumoto, Nagano, Japan, Nov. 20-21, 2001. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. and Butterfaß, J. and Grebenstein, M. and Schaefer, I. and Sporer, N. and Fischer, M. and Liu, H. and Albu-Schäffer, A. and Schedl, M. and Neumann, P. (2001) Space Robotics - Driver for a new mechatronic Generation of light-weight arms and multifingered hands. In: Proceedings, pp. 1160-1168. 2001 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM'01), Como, Italy, July 8-12, 2001. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. and Butterfaß, J. and Liu, H. (1999) Dei 4-fingrige DLR-Hand - Ein mechatronisches Paradebeispiel. Technik in Bayern (3/99), pp. 35-36. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. and Gombert, B. (1999) Die Space Mouse bei der CAD-Arbeit. F&M Feinwerktechnik Mikrotechnik Mikroelektronik (3), pp. 64-65. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. and Koeppe, R. (1996) Das BMBF-Projekt NERES: Schlussbericht. Project Report, DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-96-2. 206 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. and Koeppe, R. (2000) Towards a New Robot Generation - From Space to Surgical Applications. In: Proceedings, pp. 3-31. 18th International Mechatronics Forum/IEEE Forum Mechatronics and Regional Area II, Kagawa University, Japan, Nov. 1-2. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. and Koeppe, R. (2000) Towards a New Robot Generation - From Space to Surgical Applications. In: Spechal Lecture, Mechatronics and Regional Area II, pp. 3-33. IEEE 18th International Mechatronics Forum, Nagoya, Japan, Nov. 1-2. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. and Koeppe, R. and et al., (1998) Neuronale Skills Intelligenter Roboter. In: Statustagung des BMBF Intelligente Systeme, pp. 199-221. Statustagung des BMBF Intelligente Systeme, Neu-Ulm, 2./3.12.1998. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. and Landzettel, K. and Brunner, B. and Schaefer, I. and Fischer, M. and Grebenstein, M. and Sporer, N. and Schott, J. and Schedl, M. and Deutrich, C. (1999) DLR's Robotics Lab - Recent developements in Space Robotics. 5th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation, Noordwijk, The netherlands, 1.-3.06.1999. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. and Landzettel, K. and Brunner, B. and Schäfer, I. and Fischer, M. and Grebenstein, M. and Sporer, N. and Schott, J. and Schedl, M. and Deutrich, C. (1999) DLR's Robotic Lab - Recent Developments in Space Robotics. In: Proceedings of the 5th iSAIRAS. iSAIRAS 5th International Symposium on artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 1.-3.06.1999. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. and Meusel, P. and Grewe, J. (2000) Sensorgeführte Montage am bewegten Objekt mittels nachgiebigem Kraft-Momenten-Sensor. Fachtagung Robotik 2000, Berlin, 29./30.06.2000. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. and Reintsema, D. (1999) Bedeutung der Telerobotik für verteilte Autotomie. 7.Internationales Münchner Symposium für Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie, München, 17.04.1999. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. and Sporer, N. and Albu-Schäffer, A. and Hähnle, M. and Krenn, R. and Pascucci, A. and Schedl, M. (2002) DLR's torque-controlled light weight robot III - are we reaching the technological limits now? In: Proceedings ICRA 2002, pp. 1710-1716. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation ICRA, Washington D.C., USA, May 2002. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. and Sporer, N. and Butterfaß, J. and Schedl, M. and Grebenstein, M. and Liu, H. and Hähnle, M. and Neumann, P. and Eiberger, O. (2002) Eine neue Generation von Leichtbau-Robotern mit mehrfingrigen Händen. ROBOTIK 2002, Forum am Schlosspark, Ludwigsburg, 19./20. Juni 2002. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. and Sporer, N. and Schedl, M. and Butterfaß, J. and Grebenstein, M. (2002) Robotics and Mechatronics in Aerospace. In: Proceedings, AMC2002 - Maribor, pp. 19-27. Tiskarna tehniskih fakultet, Maribor, Slovenia. 7th International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC), Maribor, Slovenia, July 3-5, 2002. ISBN 0-7803-7479-7. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. and Sporer, N. and Schedl, M. and Butterfaß, J. and Grebenstein, M. (2002) Torque-controlled light weight arms and articulated hands - do we reach technological limits now? In: CD. 8th International Symposium on Experimental Robotics (ISER'02), Sant'Angelo d'Ischia, Italy, July 8-11, 2002. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, Gerhard and Bals, Johann and Otter, Martin and Stelter, Johannes (2005) The DLR-KUKA Success Story. IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, [12] ([3]), pp. 16-23. ISSN [1070-9932]. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger, G. and Fischer, M. and Brunner, B. and Koeppe, R. and Otter, M. and Grebenstein, M. and Schaefer, I. (1999) Advances in Robotics: The DLR Experience. The International Journal of Robotics Research, Specia (Vol.18), pp. 1064-1087. |
Hirzinger, G. and Landzettel, K. and Brunner, B. and Fischer, M. and Preusche, C. and Reintsema, D. and Albu-Schäffer, A. and Schreiber, G. and Steinmetz, B.M. (2004) DLR's robotics technologies for on-orbit servicing. In: Special Issue Service Robots in Space, Vol. 1. VSP, Netherlands. ISBN ISSN 0169-1864. Volltext nicht frei. |
Hirzinger, Gerd (2007) Eine neue Robotergeneration für Raumfahrt, Dienstleistung und Chirurgie. it - Information Technology. Oldenburg, Wissenschaftsverlag. |
Hirzinger G., and Butterfaß J., and Grebenstein, M. and Hähnle, M. and Schaefer I., and Sporer, N. (2000) Robonatus need light-weight arms and articulated hands. In: Proceedings. ASTRA 2000 6th ESA Workshop on Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, Dec. 5-7. Volltext nicht online. |
Hirzinger. G., (2005) Robotik und Mechatronik. Innovationskongress der deutschen Hochschulmedizin, Berlin, 23./24.06.2005. Volltext nicht online. |
Hochberg, Leigh R. and Bacher, Daniel and Jarosiewicz, Beata and Masse, Nicolas Y. and Simeral, John D. and Vogel, Joern and Haddadin, Sami and Liu, Jie and Cash, Sydney S. and van der Smagt, Patrick and Donoghue, John P. (2012) Reach and grasp by people with tetraplegia using a neurally controlled robotic arm. Nature, 485 (7398), pp. 372-375. Nature Publishing Group. doi: 10.1038/nature11076. |
Hofstee, J. and Kier, T. and Cerulli, C. and Looye, G. (2003) A Variable, Fully Flexible Dynamic Response Tool for Special Investigations (VarLoads). Proceedings International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics 2003, June 4-6, 2003, 2003-06-04 - 2003-06-06, Amsterdam. |
Hohenbichler, N. (2002) Auslegung robuster PID-Regler für Totzeitsysteme. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-02-18. 51 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Holzäpfel, Frank and Kladetzke, Jan and Schwarz, Carsten and De Visscher, Ivan and Winckelmans, G. (2008) Airspace Simulation for Take-Off and Departure. Project Report. 38 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Holzäpfel, Frank and Kladetzke, Jan (2012) Wake Vortex Scenarios Simulation Package for Take-Off and Departure. DLR-Forschungsbericht, Project Report. DLR-FB--2012-02. DLR. 20 S. |
Holzäpfel, Frank and Frech, Michael and Tafferner, Arnold and Hahn, Klaus-Uwe and Schwarz, Carsten and Joos, Hans-Dieter and Korn, Bernd and Lenz, Helge (2005) Wake Vortex Scenarios Simulation Package 2. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 553-1/2005. 87 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Holzäpfel, Frank and Frech, Michael and Tafferner, Arnold and Hahn, Klaus-Uwe and Schwarz, Carsten and Joos, Hans-Dieter and Korn, Bernd and Lenz, Helge (2005) Quantitative Risk Assessment: Wake Vortex Scenarios Simulation Package - WakeScene. 3rd annual WakeNet2 Europe Workshop, 2005-11-29 - 2005-11-30, Brétigny (F). Volltext nicht online. |
Holzäpfel, Frank and Frech, Michael and Gerz, Thomas and Tafferner, Arnold and Hahn, Klaus-Uwe and Schwarz, Carsten and Joos, Hans-Dieter and Korn, Bernd and Lenz, Helge and Luckner, Robert and Höhne, Gordon (2009) Aircraft Wake Vortex Scenarios Simulation Package - WakeScene. Aerospace Science and Technology, 13, pp. 1-11. Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.ast.2007.09.008. ISSN 1270-9638. |
Holzäpfel, Frank and Gerz, Thomas (2008) The DLR Project Wirbelschleppe - Detecting, Characterizing, Controlling, Attenuating, Understanding, and Predicting Aircraft Wake Vortices. DLR-Forschungsbericht. DLR-FB-2008-15. Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre > Wolkenphysik und Verkehrsmeteorologie. 128 S. |
Holzäpfel, Frank and Kladetzke, Jan and Amelsberg, Swantje and Lenz, Helge and Schwarz, Carsten and De Visscher, Ivan (2009) Aircraft Wake Vortex Scenarios Simulation Package for TakeOff and Departure. Journal of Aircraft, 46 (2), pp. 713-717. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). doi: 10.2514/1.39346. ISSN 0021-8669. |
Hoogen, J. and Preusche, C. and Anton, O. and Schmidt, G. and Hirzinger, G. and Reinhart, G. (2002) Multimodale telepräsente Mikro-und Makromontage über das Internet. ROBOTIK 2002, Forum am Schlosspark, Ludwigsburg, 19./20. Juni 2002. Volltext nicht online. |
Horn, M.K. (1983) A Fortran program for· solving state/control-constraint optimal control problems with system equations having expressions involving tabular data. DLR-Forschungsbericht. DLR_IB 515-83/1. DLR. 126 S. (Unpublished) |
Horn, M.K. (1983) A Numerical Solution of State/Control-Constraint Optimal Control Problems with Piecewise Continuous Derivatives using RKF45T. DLR-Forschungsbericht. DLR-IB 5I5-83/2. DLR. 68 S. (Unpublished) |
Horn, M.K. (1983) RKF45T - A Runge-Kutta 4/5 Software Package with User-Supplied stops involving the Dependent Variables and First Derivatives. DLR-Forschungsbericht. DLR-IB 515-83/3. DLR. 134 S. (Unpublished) |
Hornung, Rachel (2012) Single-Class Discrimination for Robot Anomaly Detection. Master's, Technische Universität München. |
Hu, H. and Gao, X. and Li, J. and Wang, J. and Liu, H. (2004) Calibrating Human Hand for Teleoperating the HIT/DLR Hand. In: Proceedings, pp. 4571-4576. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation ICRA, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, April 26 - May 1, 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Huber, M. and Hagn, U. and Konietschke, R. (2004) Konzeption eines Supportsystems für die Chirurgierobotik. DLR-Interner Bericht. 514-04-12. Diploma. 162 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Huber, Felix (2012) Optimal control concepts for intrinsic elastic joint robots. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 572-2012/04. Diploma. Institut für Robotik. 106 S. Volltext nicht frei. |
Huffel, Sabine Van and Sima, Vasile and Varga, Andras and Hammarling, Sven and Delebecque, Francoise (2004) High-Performance Numerical Software for Control. IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 24 (1), pp. 60-76. |
Hulin, T. (2003) Software-Werkzeug zur Auslegung von robusten PID-Reglern. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-03-12. Diploma. 93 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Hulin, Thomas and Hertkorn, Katharina and Preusche, Carsten (2012) Interactive Features for Robot Viewers. In: Intelligent Robotics and Applications - 5th International Conference, ICIRA 2012, Montreal, QC, Canada, October 3-5, 2012, Proceedings, Part III, 7508, pp. 181-193. Springer. International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications, 2012-10-03 - 2012-10-05, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-33503-7_19. ISBN 978-3-642-33502-0. |
Hähnle, Matthias and Sporer, Norbert (2005) Drehmomentgeregelte Servoantriebe für Industrie, Fahrsimulatoren und Steer-by-Wire. In: Tagungsband Augsburg 15.6. - 16.6.2005, pp. 195-204. ifm Internationales Forum für Mechatronik, 2005-06-15 - 2005-06-16, Augsburg. ISBN 3-937002-03-0. Volltext nicht online. |
Höpler, R. (2005) A Unifying Object-oriented Methodology to Consolidate Multibody Dynamics Computations in Robot Control. In: Fortschritt-Berichte VDI 8, 1054. VDI Verlag. pp. 1-115. ISBN 3-18-505408-3. Volltext nicht online. |
Höpler, Robert and Otter, Martin (2001) A Versatile C++ Toolbox for Model Based, Real Time Control Systems of Robotic Manipulators. In: Proc. of 2001 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp. 2208-2214. 2001 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2001-10-29 - 2001-11-03, Maui, USA. ISBN 0-7803-6614-X. |
Höpler, Robert and Stelzer, Maximilian and Stryk, Oskar von (2004) Integrated, Object-oriented Dynamics Modeling for Design, Trajectory Optimization, and Control of Legged Robots. Advances in Simulation Techniques for Applied Dynamics, 2004, Halle. |
Höpler, Robert and Thümmel, Michael (2004) Symbolic Computation of the Inverse Dynamics of Elastic Joint Robots. Proc. of the 2004 IEEE Intern. Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2004-04-26 - 2004-05-01, New Orleans (USA). |
Höppner, Hannes and Lakatos, Dominic and Urbanek, Holger and Castellini, Claudio and van der Smagt, Patrick (2011) The Grasp Perturbator: Calibrating human grasp stiffness during a graded force task. In: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 3312-3316. Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2011 IEEE International Conference on, 2011-05-09 - 2011-05-13, Shanghai, China. |
Jankovic, Marko (2012) A Ground Experiment to Simulate a Free-floating Robot Capturing a Spacecraft. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 572/18. Master's. University of Rome. 158 S. |
Jaschinski, A. and Duffek, W. (1984) Studien zum Grenzzyklusverhalten und zum dynamischen Bogenlauf des MAN-Radiallaufwerks. DLR-Forschungsbericht. DLR-IB 515-84/1. DLR. 38 S. (Unpublished) |
Jaumann, R. and Hirzinger, G. (2009) Stereobilder vom Mars. Technik in Bayern, Ausgabe Nord (5), pp. 36-38. MuP Medien Gruppe. ISSN 1610-6555. Volltext nicht online. |
Ji, Yang (2007) Stability and Quality Tests of an Electric Network for a More Electric Aircraft Architecture. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 515-07-44. Diploma. Technische Universität München. Volltext nicht online. |
Jia-Wei, L. and Liu, H. and He-Gao, C. (2003) A new algorithm for three-finger force-closure grasp of polygonal objects. In: CD. 2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Taipei, Taiwan, Sept. 14-19, 2003. Volltext nicht online. |
Joos, H.-D. (2000) Zwischenbericht: Erste Untersuchungen zur Struktur und Auslegung von ALC-Funktionen Regulatoransatz. Project Report, DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-00-09. 10 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Joos, H.-D. (2001) Active Loads Control EO-Control Function Design. Project Report, DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-01-11. Volltext nicht online. |
Joos, H.-D. (2004) MOPS - Multi-Objective Parameter Synthesis; User's Guide V4.0. Project Report, DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-04-21. 56 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Joos, H.-D. and Ballauf, C. (2000) Behandlung von ALC-Problemen mit Hilfe des mehrzieligen Entwurfswerkzeuges MOPS. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-00-08. 72 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Joos, H.-D. and Finsterwalder, R. (1999) Multi-Objective Design Assessment and Control Law Synthesis Tuning for Flight Control Development. In: Proceedings of CACSD'99, pp. 433-438. IEEE International Symposium on Computer Aided Control System Design, Hawaii, August 22-27, USA. ISBN ISBN 0-7803-5449-4. Volltext nicht online. |
Joos, H.-D. and Looye, G. and Moormann, D. (2000) Prozesstechnologie zur Auslegung robuster Flugregelungen am Beispiel einer Reglerstruktur mit Dynamischer Inversion. Workshop der DGLR-Fachausschüsse T5.1 und T5.3, Flugplanung, Flugregelung, Flugmanagement, Ottobrunn, 10.-11. April 2000. Volltext nicht online. |
Joos, Hans - Dieter and Looye, Gertjan and Willemsen, D. and Mönnich, Wulf and Bauschat, Michael (2000) Automatisierte Auslegung eines robusten Autopilotensystems. In: DGLR-Jahrbuch 2000, I. DGLR, Bonn. Jahrestagung der DGLR 2000, Leipzig. |
Joos, Hans-Dieter and Bals, Johann and Looye, Gertjan and Schnepper, Klaus and Varga, Andras (2002) A multi-objective optimisation-based software environment for control systems design. In: Proc. of CCA/CACSD 2002, pp. 7-14. IEEE International Conference on Control Applications and International Symposium on Computer Aided Control Systems Design, 2002-09-18 - 2002-09-20, Glasgow, Scotland (UK). |
Jörg, S. and Langwald, J. and Natale, C. and Stelter, J. and Hirzinger, G. (2000) Flexible Robot-Assembly using a Multi-Sensory Approach. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2000, 4, pp. 3687-3694. International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2000, San Francisco, 24.04.2000. ISBN 0-7803-5886-4. Volltext nicht online. |
Jörg, S. and Langwald, J. and Nickl, M. (2004) FPGA based Real-Time Visual Servoing. In: Proceedings CD Rom. ICPR 2004 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Cambridge, United Kingdom, Aug. 23-26, 2004. ISBN 0-7695-2128-2. Volltext nicht online. |
Kaesbauer, D. (2000) Solving nonlinear parametric mapping equations. In: Proceedings ROCOND 2000, Prag. 3rd IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design, Prague, Czech. Republic, 2000. Volltext nicht online. |
Kaesbauer, D. and Ackermann, J. (1999) Fragility and stabilizing directions in controller parameter space. In: Proceedings ECC'99. ECC'99, Karlsruhe, Germany, Sept. 1999. Volltext nicht online. |
Karlsson, Lars and Bidot, Julien and Lagriffoul, Fabien and Saffiotti, Alessandro and Hillenbrand, Ulrich and Schmidt, Florian (2012) Combining task and path planning for a humanoid two-arm robotic system. TAMPRA 2012, 2012-06-25, São Paulo, Brazil . Volltext nicht online. |
Kasper, C. and Hagn, U. and Grebenstein, M. and Wallrapp, O. (2004) Entwicklung einer Instrumenteneinheit zum präzisen Setzen von Pedikelschrauben mit einem navigierten Medizinroboter. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-04-18. Diploma. 98 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Kazi, Arif and Merk, Günther and Otter, Martin and Fan, Hui (2002) Design optimisation of industrial robots using the Modelica multi-physics modeling language. In: Proceedings of the 33rd ISR 2002, pp. 347-352. 33rd International Symposium on Robotics, 2002-10-07 - 2002-10-11, Stockholm (Schweden). |
Kielhöfer, S. and Suppa, M. (2003) Fehleranalyse und Modellierung eines 3D-Laserscansystems. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-03-02. Diploma. 67 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Kienitz, Karl-Heinz (2005) Schaltende Aktuatoren mit Schaltungseinschränkungen in Lageregelungssystemen. In: VDI-Bericht 1883, pp. 865-873. VDI-Verlag. GMA-Kongress 2005: Automation als interdisziplinäre Herausforderung, 2005-06-07 - 2005-06-08, Baden-Baden. ISBN 3-18-091883-7. |
Kier, Thiemo and Looye, Gertjan and Hofstee, Jeroen (2005) Development of Aircraft Flight Loads Analysis Models with Uncertainties for Pre-Design Studies. Proc. of IFASD 2005, International Forum on Aroelasticity and Structural Dynamics 2005, 2005-06-28 - 2005-07-01, München. |
Klodmann, Julian and Konietschke, Rainer and Albu-Schäffer, Alin and Hirzinger, Gerhard (2011) Static Calibration of the DLR Medical Robot MIRO, a Flexible Lightweight Robot with Integrated Torque Sensors. IROS 2011, 2011-09-25 - 2011-09-30, San Francisco, CA, USA. Volltext nicht online. |
Klodmann, Julian (2010) Kalibration des medizinischen Leichtbauroboters MIRO hinsichtlich der elastischen Roboterkinematik, der internen Momentensensorik und der Massenparameter. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 515-2010/22. Diploma. Institut für Mechatronische Systeme. 118 S. Volltext nicht frei. |
Klöckner, Andreas (2010) ELWIRA: Flying robot platform for control, guidance and mission experiments. 4th International UAV World Conference & Exhibition, 2010-11-03 - 2010-11-04, Frankfurt, Deutschland. |
Koeppe, R. (2000) Towards a New Robot Generation - From Space to Surgical Applications. Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, Nov. 7. Volltext nicht online. |
Koeppe, R. (2001) Towards advanced mechatronic components for powerful space telerobotic systems. Advanced Science Institute 2001, New Frontiers of Intelligent Robotics, Tokyo 20-29, 2001. Volltext nicht online. |
Koeppe, R. (2001) Dexterous space telerobotic systems for orbital operations. Robotics Theme Day, Bremen, Germany, August 21. Volltext nicht online. |
Koeppe, R. (2001) Robot Compliant Motion based on Human Skill. Dissertation, ETH Zürich. Volltext nicht online. |
Koeppe, R. (2001) Towards a New Robot Generation: From Space to Surgical Applications. 4th German-American Frontiers of Engineering Symposium, Essen, Oct. 10-13, 2001. Volltext nicht online. |
Koeppe, R. and Albu-Schäffer, A. and Preusche, C. and Schreiber, G. and Hirzinger, G. (2001) A New Generation of Compliance Controlled Manipulators with Human Arm Like Properties. In: Proceedings, pp. 125-135. 10th International Symposium of Robotics Research, ISRR'01, Lorne, Victoria, Australia, Nov. 9-12, 2001. Volltext nicht online. |
Koeppe, R. and Hirzinger, G. (1999) Sensorimotor Skill Transfer of Compliant Motion. In: Robotics Research: The 9th International Symposium, pp. 239-246. Springer Verlag. 9th International Symposium of Robotics Research, Snowbird, Utah, USA, 8.-13.10.1999. Volltext nicht online. |
Koeppe, R. and Hirzinger, G. (1999) Emerging Technologies for Personal Robotics. US/EURO Workshop on Personal Robotics, Toulouse, 14./15.01.1999. Volltext nicht online. |
Koeppe, R. and Hirzinger, G. (1999) Sensorimotor Compliant Motion from Geometric Perception. In: Proceedings of the IROS'99, pp. 805-811. International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS'99), Kyongju, Korea, 17.-21.10.1999. Volltext nicht online. |
Koeppe, R. and Hirzinger, G. (2000) A Signal-Based Approach to Localization and Navigation of Autonomous Compliant Motion. In: Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE/RSJ, pp. 2317-2324. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Takamatsu, Japan, Oct.31-Nov.5. Volltext nicht online. |
Koeppe, R. and Hirzinger, G. (2001) From Humans to a New Generation of Manipulators: Control and Design Principles. In: CD-Proceedings. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE), New York, Nov. 11-16, 2001. Volltext nicht online. |
Koeppe, R. and Hirzinger, G. (2001) Feeding R&D from Government Research Labs to Industry: A European Perspective. Commercialisation Panel, 10th International Symposium of Robotics Research, ISRR'01, Lorne, Victoria, Australia, Nov. 9-12, 2001. Volltext nicht online. |
Koeppe, R. and Hirzinger, G. (1998) Neural Perception and Manipulation in Robotics in Tutorial: Neural Fuzzy Systems and Their Applications to Robotics and International. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Leuven, Belgium. Volltext nicht online. |
Koeppe, R. and Meusel, P. and Hirzinger, G. (2000) Technologien für die Kraftregelung von Industrie- und Servicerobotern. In: Robotik 2000, pp. 159-165. VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf,Deutschland. VDI/VDE Konferenz für Robotik 2000, 28./29.06.2000. Volltext nicht online. |
Koeppe, R. and Smagt, P. van der and Albu-Schäffer, A. and Arbter, K. and Fischer, M. and Lange, F. and Hirzinger, G. (1999) Neuronale Perzeption und Manipulation multisensorieller Manipulatoren und Roboterhände. DLR-Mitteilung. 1999-02. 46 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Koiva, Risto and Hilsenbeck, Barbara and Castellini, Claudio (2012) FFLS: An accurate linear device for measuring synergistic finger contractions. In: Proceedings of EMBC 2012, pp. 531-534. EMBC 2012, 2012-08-28 - 2012-09-01, San Diego, USA. doi: 10.1109/EMBC.2012.6345985. |
Konietschke, R. and Ortmaier, T. (2002) Aufbauoptimierung für Roboter in medizinischen Anwendungen. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-02-06. Diploma. 121 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Konietschke, R. and Ortmaier, T. and Weiss, H. and Engelke, R. and Hirzinger, G. (2003) Link Length Optimisation of a Medical Robot in Minimally Invasive Surgery. CARS 2003, London, 25.6.03-28.6.03. Volltext nicht online. |
Konietschke, R. and Ortmaier, T. and Weiss, H. and Engelke, R. and Hirzinger, G. (2003) Optimal Design of a Medical Robot for Minimally Invasive Surgery. 2. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Computer- und Roboterassistierte Chirurgie (CURAC), Nürnberg, 4.-7. November 2003. Volltext nicht online. |
Konietschke, R. and Ortmaier, T. and Weiss, H. and Hirzinger, G. and Engelke, R. (2004) Manipulability and Accuracy Measures for a Medical Robot in Minimally Invasive Surgery. In: Proceedings. 9th International Symposium on Advances in Robot Kinematics(ARK), Sestri Levante, Italy, June 28 - July 1, 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Konietschke, R. and Weiss, H. and Ortmaier, T. and Hirzinger, G. (2004) A Preoperative Planning Procedure for Robotically Assisted Minimally Invasive Interventions. CURAC 2004 3. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Computer- und Roboterassistierte Chirurgie e.V., München, 8.-9. Okt. 2004. Volltext nicht frei. |
Konietschke,, Rainer and Hagn, Ulrich and Nickl, Mathias and Jörg, Stefan and Tobergte, Andreas and Passig, Georg and Seibold, Ulrich and Le-Tien, Luc and Kübler, Bernhard and Gröger, Martin and Fröhlich, Florian and Rink, Christian and Albu-Schäffer, Alin and Grebenstein, Markus and Ortmaier, Tobias and Hirzinger, Gerd (2009) The DLR MiroSurge – A Robotic System for Surgery. In: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 1589-1590. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Kobe, Japan. |
Korb, W. and Bodenmüller, T. and Eggers, G. and Ortmaier, T. and Schneberger, M. and Suppa, M. and Wiechnik, J. and Marmulla, R. and Hassfeld, S. (2004) Oberflächenbasierte Patientenregistrierung mit einem handgeführten Laserscanner. BMT 2004; Biomedizinische Technik, 38. Jahrestagung der DGBMT Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik im VDE, Ilmenau, Germany, Sept. 22-24, 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Korb, W. and Bodenmüller, T. and Eggers, G. and Ortmaier, T. and Schneberger, M. and Suppa, M. and Wiechnik, J. and Marmulla, R. and Hassfeld, S. (2004) Surface-based Image-to-Patient-Registration Using a Hand-guided Laser-range Scanner System. CARS 2004; Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 18th International Congress and Exhibition, Chicago, USA, June 23 26, 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Kordt, M. (1998) Robust Synergetic Design of a Structural Dynamic Engine out. Project Report, DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-98-12. 59 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Kordt, M. and Ackermann, J. (2000) Nonlinear model reduction method and CAE-tool development, decoupled car steering dynamics. In: Proceedings MATHMOD 2000. MATHMOD, Vienna, 2000. Volltext nicht online. |
Kordt, M. and Ballauf, C. and Joos, H.-D. (2002) Lastenreduktion an Großflugzeugen durch aktive Bedämpfung der Koplanarbewegung des Höhenleitwerks. at Automatisierungstechnik, 50 (9), pp. 451-457. Volltext nicht online. |
Kordt, M. and Ballauf, C. and Joos, H.-D. (2001) Load Alleviation for Large Aeroplanes by Active Mode Control of the Coplanar Motion of the Horizontal Tailplane. Proc. of IFASD International Forum on Aeroelasticity Structural Dynamics, 2001-06-05 - 2001-06-07, Madrid. ISBN 84-931375-6-1. |
Kortüm, W. and Vaculin, O. (2004) Is Multibody Simulation Software Suitable for Mechatronic Systems? In: Computational Mechanics in Vehicle System Dynamics, 40, pp. 1-16. Taylor & Francis. 5th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2002-07-07 - 2002-07-12, Vienna, Austria. ISBN 9026519702. |
Kraemer, E. and Schott, J. and Hirzinger, G. (1999) EuTEF - Basic End-Effector Breadboards. DLR-Interner Bericht. 516-99-14. 11 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Kraemer, E. and Schott, J. and Hirzinger, G. (1999) EuTEF - Design of the Standard Grasping Unit and the Basic End-Effector. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-99-15. 25 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Krauß, M. (2012) Structural simulation of the "DLR Artificial Skin" with ANSYS. Other, DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 572-12-29. RMC. 17 S. |
Krenn, R. (1999) Servicing Test Facility: Software Reference Manual, Version 1.0. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-99-01. 67 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Krenn, R. and Hirzinger, G. (2004) Modular, Generic Inverse Kinematics Algorithm Applied to Kinematically Redundant Space Manipulators. 8th ESA Workshop on Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation (ASTRA), Noordwijk, The Netherlands, Nov. 2-4, 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Krenn, R. and Schäfer, B. (1999) Limitations of Hardware-in-the-loop Simulations of Space Robotics Dynamics using Industrial Robots. 5th iSAIRAS Symposium, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 1.-3.07.1999. Volltext nicht online. |
Krenn, R. and Schäfer, B. (2001) On HIL Simulation of Space Robot Contact Dynamics by Force/Torque Sensor Feedback. Contact Dynamics Workshop, Montreal, Canada, June 22, 2001. Volltext nicht online. |
Krenn, R. and Schäfer, B. (2001) On HIL Simulation of Space Robot Contyct Dynamics by Force/Torque Sensor Feedback. Contact Dynamics Workshop, CSA St-Hubert, Montreal, Canada, June 22, 2001. Volltext nicht online. |
Krenn, R. and Schäfer, B. (2002) Dynamics Modelling and Simulation Environment for Rapid Manipulator Design. In: PAMM, Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, pp. 1-2. GAMM, Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung, Augsburg, Germany, March 25-28, 2002. Volltext nicht online. |
Krenn, R. and Schäfer, B. (2003) Generic Inverse Kinematics Approach for Robotics Applications. In: (CD) PAMM 2003, Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. GAMM 2003, Padua, Italien, 28 März 2003. Volltext nicht online. |
Krenn, R. and Schäfer, B. and Hirzinger, G. (2003) Software Environment for Assembly, Modeling and Online-Simulation of Redundant Light-Weight Manipulators. i-SAIRAS 7th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space, Nara, Japan, May 19-23, 2003. Volltext nicht online. |
Krenn, R. and Schäfer, B. and Hirzinger, G. (2002) Dynamics Simulation and Assembly Environment for Rapid Manipulator Design. 7th ESA Workshop on Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 19-21 November 2002. Volltext nicht online. |
Krenn, R. and Schäfer, B. and Hirzinger, G. (2004) Assembly and Simulation Environment for Redundant Manipulator Systems Based on DLRs 3rd Robot Generation. In: CD. ISR 2004 35th International Symposium on Robotics, Paris-Nord Villepinte Exhibition Centre (France), 23-26 March 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Krenn, Rainer and Hirzinger, Gerd (2008) Contact Dynamics Simulation for Space Robotics Applications. In: Proceedings of IROS. IEEE/RSJ 2008 International Conference on Intelligent RObots and Systems, 2008-09-22 - 2008-09-26, Nice, France. |
Krämer, E. and Liu, H. and Seitz, N. and Hirzinger, G. (2002) A Multisensory Linear Actuator System. IEEE/ASMA Transactions on Mechatronics, 7 (2), pp. 182-185. Volltext nicht online. |
Krüger, W. and Vaculin, O. and Spieck, M. (2004) Evaluation of Active Damping for Reduction of Noise, Vibration and Motion of Ground Vehicles by Multibody Simulation. Symposium Habitability of Combat and Transport Vehicles: Noise, Vibration and Motion, 2004-10-04 - 2004-10-08, Prague, Czech Republic. |
Krüger, W. and Vaculin, O. and Spieck, M. (2004) Semi-Active Suspension Systems for Road and Off-Road Vehicles - an Overview. Journal of Middle European Construction and Design of Cars - MECCA, II (4), pp. 1-14. |
Kuhn, Martin (2004) Entwurf eines nichtlinearen Beobachters zur Roboterregelung. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-2004/37. Diploma. TU München. 82 S. Volltext nicht frei. |
Kübler, B. and Hagn, U. and Seibold, U. (2003) Entwicklung einer integrierten Antriebseinheit für ein minimal invasives Zangeninstrument in der robotergestützten Chirurgie. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-03-05. Diploma. 132 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Kübler, Bernhard (2004) Development of actuated and sensor integrated forceps for minimally invasive robotic surgery. CURAC 2004 3. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Computer- und Roboterassistierte Chirurgie e.V., München, 8.-9. Okt. 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Kübler, Bernhard and Seibold, Ulrich and Hirzinger, Gerd (2005) Development of actuated and sensor integrated forceps for minimally invasive robotic surgery. International Journal Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 1 (3), pp. 96-107. Volltext nicht online. |
Kühn, T. and Schmid, T. (2002) Strömungsmechanische Untersuchungen am linksventrikulären Unterstützungssystem DLR LVAS 3. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-02-27. Diploma. 110 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Kübler, Bernhard and Wimmer, A. and Bärenweiler, R. and Hausamann, P. and Gruber, R. and Hirzinger, G. (2012) Ultraschallgestützte, quasi-taktile Rückkopplung zur Gefäßdetektion in der minimal invasiven, robotergestützten Chirurgie. CURAC 2012, 2012-11-15 - 2012-11-16, Düsseldorf, Deutschland. |
Lakatos, Dominic and Rüschen, Daniel and Bayer, Justin and Vogel, Jörn and van der Smagt, Patrick (2012) Identification of human limb stiffness in 5 DoF and estimation via EMG. ISER 2012, 2012-06-17 - 2012-06-21, Quebec City, Canada. |
Lampariello, R. and Agrawal, S. and Hirzinger, G. (2003) Optimal Motion Planning of Free-Flying Robots. In: CD. 2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Taipei, Taiwan, Sept. 14-19, 2003. Volltext nicht online. |
Lampariello, R. and Deutrich, K. (1999) Simplified Path Planning for Free-Floating Robots. Project Report, DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-99-04. 142 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Lampariello, R. and Deutrich, K. and Fukushima, Y. and Oda, M. (2000) GETEX Dynamic Motion Experiments: A First Analysis. Final ETS-VII NASDA International Conference, Tokyo, March 2000. Volltext nicht online. |
Lampariello, R. and Hirzinger, G. (2000) Freeflying Robots -Inertial Parameters Identification and Control Strategies. In: Proceedings. ASTRA 2000 6th ESA Workshop on Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, Dec. 5-7. Volltext nicht online. |
Lampariello, Roberto and Abiko, Satoko and Hirzinger, Gerd (2008) Dynamic Modeling of Structure-Varying Kinematic Chains for Free-Flying Robots. In: Proceedings of ICRA. International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2008-05-19 - 2008-05-23, Pasadena, California. |
Lampariello, Roberto and Hirzinger, Gerd (2005) Modeling and Experimental Design for the On-Orbit Inertial Parameter Identification of Free-flying Space Robots. In: Proceedings of ASME. International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers Information in Engineering Conference, 2005-09-24 - 2005-09-28, Long Beach, California. |
Landzettel, K. and Brunner, B. and Deutrich, K. and Hirzinger, G. and Schreiber, G. and Steinmetz, B.M. (1999) DLR's Experiments on the ETS VII Space Robot Mission. In: Proceedings of the 9th ICAR. 9th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR'99), Tokyo,25.-27.10.1999. Volltext nicht online. |
Landzettel, K. and Brunner, B. and Lampariello, R. and Preusche, C. and Reintsema, G. and Hirzinger G., (2004) System Prerequisites and Operational Modes for On Orbit Servicing. In: Proceedings. ISTS International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, Miyazaki, Japan, May 30-June 6, 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Landzettel, K. and Brunner, B. and Lampariello, R. and Preusche, K. and Reintsema, D. and Hirzinger, G. (2004) System prerequisites and operational modes of on-orbit. ISTS International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, Miyazaki, Japan, May 30. Volltext nicht online. |
Landzettel, K. and Brunner, B. and Schreiber, G. and Steinmetz, B-M. and Dupuis, E. (2001) MSS Ground Control Demo with MARCO. In: CD i-SAIRAS 2001. i-SAIRAS 2001, 6th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics & Automation in Space, St-Hubert, Quebec, Canada, June 18-22,2001. Volltext nicht online. |
Landzettel, K. and Schreiber, G. and Brunner, B. and Steinmetz, B.M. and Deutrich, K. and Hirzinger, G. (2000) DLR/NASDA's Joint Robotics Experiments on ETS VII. In: ETS VII Symposium, pp. 136-145. ETS VII Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, 14.03.2000. Volltext nicht online. |
Landzettel, K. and Schreiber, G. and Brunner, B. and Steinmetz, B.M. and Deutrich, K. and Hirzinger, G. (1999) NASDA/DLR Joint Robotic Experiment on ETS VII. Journal of the robotics society of Japan, 17 (8), pp. 34-43. Volltext nicht online. |
Landzettel, K. and Steinmetz, B.M. and Brunner, B. and Arbter, K. and Pollefeys, M. and Vergauwen, M. and Moreas, R. and Xu, V. and Steinicke, L. and Fontaine, B. (2004) A micro-rover navigation and control system for autonomous planetary exploration. In: Advanced Robotics Special Issue Service Robots in Space, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp.285-314. VSP, Netherlands. ISBN ISSN 0169-1864. Volltext nicht online. |
Lange, F. (2003) Adaptiv vorausplanende Steuerung für schnelle sensorbasierte Roboterbewegungen. Dissertation, Univ. Karlsruhe, Fakultät für Informatik. Volltext nicht online. |
Lange, F. (2004) Visual Servoing and Force Control for Industrial Robots. Seminar Lecture at Laboratoire de Robotique de Paris, France, March 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Lange, F. and Hirzinger, G. (2000) Sensorgeführte Roboter für industrielle Aufgaben. In: VDI-Bericht, Nr.1552, pp. 173-178. VDI-Verlag. VDI/VDE Konferenz für Robotik, 28./29.06.2000. Volltext nicht online. |
Lange, F. and Hirzinger, G. (1999) Learning Accurate Path Control of Industrial Robots with Joint Elasticity. International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Detroit, Michigan, USA, Mai 1999. Volltext nicht online. |
Lange, F. and Hirzinger, G. (1999) Adaptive Minimization of the Maximal Path Deriations of Industrial Robots. In: nur als CD erhältlich. European Control Conference (ECC'99), Karlsruhe, August/September 1999. Volltext nicht online. |
Lange, F. and Hirzinger, G. (2001) A Universal Sensor Control Architecture Considering Robot Dynamics. In: Proceedings, pp. 277-282. MFI 2001, International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems, Baden-Baden, 19.-22.08.01. Volltext nicht online. |
Lange, F. and Hirzinger, G. (2001) Is Vision the Appropriate Sensor for Lost Oriented Automation ? Elsevier Science Ltd., Oxford, UK. IFAC Symposium on Cost Oriented Automation (Low Cost Automation LCA 2001), Berlin, Oct. 8-9, 2001. Volltext nicht online. |
Lange, F. and Hirzinger, G. (2003) Kameragestützte räumliche Regelung von schnellen Roboterarmen. In: VDI-Berichte 1800. VDI/VDE Konferenz Applied Machine Vision, Stuttgart, Okt. 2003. Volltext nicht online. |
Lange, F. and Hirzinger, G. (2004) Anwendungsspezifische Adaption für schnelle sensorgestützte Roboterbewegungen. In: VDI-Bericht 1841, pp. 91-99. Robotik 2004, München 17./18.6.2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Lange, F. and Hirzinger, G. (2004) Spatial Control of High Speed Robot Arms using a Tilted Camera. In: Proceedings. ISR 2004, 35th International Symposium on Robotics, Paris, France, March 23-26, 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Lange, F. and Langwald, J. and Hirzinger, G. (1999) Predictive Feedforward Control for High Speed Tracking Tasks. In: nur als CD erhältlich. European Control Conference ECC'99, Karlsruhe, Germany, August/September 1999. Volltext nicht online. |
Lange, F. and Wunsch, P. and Hirzinger, G. (1998) Predictive vision based control of high speed industrial robot paths. In: Proceedings, pp. 2646-2651. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Leuven, Belgium, May 1998. Volltext nicht online. |
Lange, Friedrich and Hirzinger, Gerd (2003) Predictive Visual Tracking of Lines by Industrial Robots. International Journal on Robotics Research (IJRR), 22 (10), pp. 889-903. ISSN 0278-3649. Volltext nicht online. |
Lange, Friedrich and Hirzinger, Gerd (2007) Spatial Vision-Based Control of High-Speed Robot Arms. In: Industrial Robotics - Theory, Modelling and Control pro literatur Verlag, Mammendorf, Germany. pp. 693-712. ISBN 3-86611-285-8. Volltext nicht online. |
Lange, Friedrich and Jehle, Claudius and Suppa, Michael and Hirzinger, Gerd (2012) Revised Force Control Using a Compliant Sensor with a Position Controlled Robot. In: 2012 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 1532-1537. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2012-05-14 - 2012-05-18, St. Paul, MN, USA. doi: 10.1109/icra.2012.6224630. ISBN CFP12RAA-USB. |
Lange, Friedrich and Suppa, Michael and Hirzinger, Gerd (2012) Control with a Compliant Force-Torque Sensor. 7th German Conf. on Robotics ROBOTIK 2012, 2012-05-21 - 2012-05-22, Munich, Germany. |
Laurent, Fabien (2012) Fusion Diskreter Planung mit dynamischer Pfadplanung auf Basis von Circular Fields. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 572-2012/26. Master's. TU München. 108 S. Volltext nicht frei. |
Lay, K. and Prassler, E. and Stopp, A. and Lawitzky, G. and Grunwald, G. and Schöner, G. and Dillmann, R. and Hägele, M. and Dose, M. and Fröhlich, C. (2003) MORPHA: interactive and co-operative robots - at the frontier to a new generation of robots. In: Proceedings Human Computer Interaction Status Conference 2003. HCI 2003Human Computer Interaction Status Conference, Berlin, 03.-04. June 2003. Volltext nicht online. |
Le-Tien, Luc and Albu-Schäffer, Alin (2012) Adaptive Friction Compensation in Trajectory Tracking Control of DLR Medical Robots with Elastic Joints. In: IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 1149 -1154. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2012-10-07 - 2012-10-12, Vilamoura-Algarve, Portugal. doi: 10.1109/iros.2012.6385609. ISBN 978-1-4673-1735-1/12/S31.00 ©2012 IEEE. ISSN 978-1-4673-1735-1/12/S31.00 ©2012 IEEE.. |
Le-Tien, Luc and Albu-Schäffer, Alin and De Luca, Alessandro and Hirzinger, Gerd (2008) Friction Observer and Compensation for Control of Robots with Joint Torque Measurement. In: Proceedings of IROS, pp. 3789-3795. IEEE/RSJ 2008 International Conference on Intelligent RObots and Systems, 2008-09-22 - 2008-09-26, Nice, France. |
Lee, K-K. and Hähnle, M. and Hirzinger, G. (2004) Optimization of robot links. 10th IASTED International Conference on Robotics and Applications (RA 2004), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, August 23-25, 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Lee, K. and Hähnle, M. and Sporer, N. (2004) Optimization of Robot Links. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-04-09. Diploma. 65 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Lehmann, Frank and Bucher, Tilman and Pless, Sebastian and Wohlfeil, Jürgen and Hirschmüller, Heiko (2009) Airborne camera and spectrometer experiments and data evaluation. In: Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring, GIS Applications, and, 7478. SPIE. Remote Sensing 2009, 2009-08-31 - 2009-09-03, Berlin, Deutschland. ISBN 9780819477835. Volltext nicht online. |
Leidner, Daniel and Borst, Christoph and Hirzinger, Gerd (2012) Things Are Made for What They Are: Solving Manipulation Tasks by Using Functional Object Classes. International Conference on Humanoid Robots (HUMANOIDS), 2012-11-29 - 2012-12-01, Osaka, Japan. doi: 10.1109/HUMANOIDS.2012.6651555. |
Lemke, P. and Hirzinger, G. (2004) Auslegungsoptimierung einer hochpoligen einzelpolbewickelten permanenterregten Synchronmaschine. VDI/VDE Elektrisch-mechanische Antriebssysteme, Innovationen - Trends - Mechatronik, Fulda 6.-7. Okt. 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Leupolz, C. (2012) Konzeption und Aufbau eines Prüfstandes für taktile Sensoren. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB-572-12-08. Bachelor's. Robotik und Mechatronik Zentrum. 94 S. |
León, Beatriz and Sancho-Bru, Joaquín L. and Jarque-Bou, Néstor J. and Morales, Antonio and Roa Garzon, Máximo Alejandro (2012) Evaluation of Human Prehension Using Grasp Quality Measures. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 9, pp. 1-12. SAGE Publications. doi: 10.5772/51907. ISSN 1729-8806. Volltext nicht online. |
Lii, Neal Y. and Chen, Zhaopeng and Pleintinger, benedikt and Borst, Christoph H. and hirzinger, Gerd and Schiele, Andre (2010) Toward understanding the effects of visual- and force- feedback on robotic hand grasping performance for space teleoperation. 2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2010-10-18 - 2010-10-22, Taipei, Taiwan. |
Lii, Neal Y. and Chen, Zhaopeng and Roa, Maximo A. and Annika, Maier and Pleintinger, Benedikt and Borst, Christoph (2012) Toward a task space framework for gesture commanded telemanipulation. 21st IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication - RoMan 2012, 2012-09-09 - 2012-09-13, Paris, France. doi: 10.1109/ROMAN.2012.6343869. |
Lii, Neal Y. and Sturm, Stefan and Coombs, Timothy A. (2010) Redundant Dissimilar Sensor Fusion with Dynamic Driver Input Classification and Graceful Degradation for Drive-by-Wire Applications. 71st IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2010-Spring), 2010-05-16 - 2010-05-19, Taipei, Taiwan. |
Lin, G. and Unterschütz, T. and Vogel, V. and Reintsema, D. and Koeppe, R. (2001) Telekommunikationsnetze in CORBA-basierten Echtzeit-Systemen am Beispiel wirklichkeitsnaher Telepräsenzanwendungen. Springer-Verlag. Fachkonferenz der Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI), Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen, KiVS, Hamburg, 20.-23. Februar 2001. ISBN 3-540-41645-5. Volltext nicht online. |
Liu, H. and Butterfass, J. and Grebenstein, M. and Hirzinger, G. (2001) DLR Multisensory Articulated Hand I and II. International Workshop on Bio-Robotics and Teleoperation, Beijing, P.R. China, 2001. Volltext nicht online. |
Liu, H. and Butterfass, J. and Knoch, S. and Meusel, P. and Hirzinger, G. (1999) A New Control Strategy for DLR's Multisensory Articulated Hand. Control Systems, 19 (2), pp. 47-54. Volltext nicht online. |
Liu, H. and Butterfaß, J. and Grebenstein, M. and Hirzinger, G. (2001) DLR Multisensory Articulated Hand I and II. International Workshop on Bio-Robotics and Teleoperation, Beijing, P.R. China, May 27-30, 2001. Volltext nicht online. |
Liu, H. and Meusel, P. and Butterfass, J. and Hirzinger, G. (1998) DLR's Multisensory Articulated Hand, Part II: The Parallel Torque, Position Control System. In: Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE ICRA, 3, pp. 2087-2093. Omnipress. ICRA'98, Leuven, Belgien, 1998. ISBN 0-7803-4758-7 (auf CD). Volltext nicht online. |
Liu, R. and Heindl, J. (2003) Automatisches Matching von sich überlappenden Laser-Scan Punktwolken für die 3D- Rekonstruktion. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-03-13. Diploma. 92 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Lohmann, Martin and Konietschke, Rainer and Hellings, Anja and Borst, Christoph and Hirzinger, Gerhard (2012) A workspace analysis method to support intraoperative trocar placement in minimally invasive robotic surgery (MIRS). CURAC 2012, 2012-11-15 - 2012-11-16, Düsseldorf. |
Looye, G. (2001) Design of Robust Autopilot Control Laws with Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion. at Automatisierungstechnik, 49 (12), pp. 523-531. Volltext nicht online. |
Looye, G. (2001) Aeroelastic aircraft modelling in the time domain for loads analysis. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-01-10. Volltext nicht online. |
Looye, G. and Muhler, M. (2002) Automatic tuning of pilot models for manoeuvre loads analysis in LODEMA using MOPS. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-02-13. Volltext nicht online. |
Looye, G. and Bals, J. (2001) Auslegung robuster Autopilotenfunktionen mit nichtlinearer dynamischer Inversion. 35. Regelungstechnisches Kolloquium, 2001-02-14 - 2001-02-16, Boppard. |
Looye, G. and Joos, H.-D. (2002) Design of Autoland Controller Functions with Multi-Objective Optimization. Proc. of AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit, 2002-08-05 - 2002-08-08, Monterey, CA. |
Looye, G. and Joos, H.-D. and Willemsen, D. (2001) Application of an Optimization-based Design Process for Robust Autoland Control Laws. In: CD-ROM, pp. 1-11. Proc. of Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit, 2001-08-06 - 2001-08-09, Montreal, Canada. |
Looye, G. and Sancho, C.E.S. and Makdoembaks, A.A. and Mulder, J.A. (2002) Design of Robust Autoland Control Laws using mu-Synthesis. Proc. of AIAA Guidance, Navigation & Control Conference and Exhibit, 2002-08-05 - 2002-08-08, Monterey, CA. |
Looye, Gertjan (1999) Integrated Flight Mechanics and Aeroelastic Aircraft Modeling using Object-Oriented Modeling Techniques. In: Proceedings of the Modeling and Simulation Technology Conference. AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technology Conference, AIAA-99-4192, x. |
Looye, Gertjan and Joos, Hans-Dieter (2001) Design of Robust Dynamic Inversion Control Laws using Multi-Objective Optimization. Proc. of Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit, 2001-08-06 - 2001-08-09, Montreal (Canada). |
Lovera, Marco and Varga, Andreas (2005) Optimal discrete-time magnetic attitude control of satellites. In: Proceedings. 16th IFAC World Congress, 2005-07-03 - 2005-07-08, Prague (Czech Republic). |
Ludersdorfer, Marvin (2012) Mechanische Eigenschaften des menschlichen Arms: räumliche Modellierung und Identifikation. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 572-2012/06. Bachelor's. Hochschule Deggendorf. 58 S. Volltext nicht frei. |
Luijerink, H. (2003) Optimisation-based clearance of flight control laws for a generic fighter aircraft model. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-03-22. Diploma. 143 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Léger, A and Rouan, D and Schneider, J and Barge, P and Fridlund, M and Samuel, B and Ollivier, M and Günther, E and Deleuil, M and Deeg, H and Auvergne, M and Alonso, R and Aigrain, S and Alapini, A and Almenara, J and Baglin, A and Barbieri, M and Bruntt, H and Bordé, P and Bouchy, F and Cabrera, Juan and Catala, C and Carone, L and Carpano, S and Csizmadia, Szilard and Dvorak, R and Erikson, Anders and Ferraz-Mello, S and Foing, B and Fressin, F and Gandolfi, D and Gillon, M and Gondoin, P and Grasset, O and Guillot, T and Hatzes, A and Hébrard, G and Jorda, L and Lammer, H and Llebaria, A and Loeillet, B and Mayor, M and Mazeh, T and Moutou, C and Pätzold, M and Pont, F and Queloz, D and Rauer, Heike and Renner, Stefan and Samadi, R and Shporer, A and Sotin, C and Tingley, B and Wuchterl, G and Adda, M and Agogu, P and Appourchaux, T and Ballans, H and Baron, P and Beaufort, T and Bellenger, R and Berlin, Rainer and Bernardi, P and Blouin, D and Bodin, P and Boisnard, L and Boit, L and Bonneau, F and Borzeix, S and Briet, R and Buey, J and Butler, B and Cailleau, D and Cautain, R and Chabaud, P and Chaintreuil, S and Chiavassa, F and Costes, V and Cuna Parrho, V and De Oliveira Fialho, F and Decaudin, M and Defise, J and Djalal, S and Epstein, G and Exil, G and Faur, C and Fenouillet, T and Gaboriaud, A and Gallic, A and Gamet, P and Gavalda, P and Grolleau, E and Gruneisen, R and Gueguen, L and Guis, V and Guivarc’h, V and Guterman, P and Hallouard, D and Hasiba, J and Heuripeau, F and Huntzinger, G and Hustaix, H and Imad, C and Imbert, C and Johlander, B and Jouret, M and Journoud, P and Karioty, F and Kerjean, L and Lafaille, V and Lafond, L and Lam-Trong, T and Landiech, P and Lapeyrere, V and Larqué, T and Larqu, T and Laudet, P and Lautier, N and Lecann, H and Lefevre, L and Leruyet, B and Levacher, P and Magnan, A and Mazy, E and Mertens, F and Mesnager, J and Meunier, J and Michel, J and Monjoin, W and Naudet, D and Nguyen-Kim, K and Orcesi, J and Ottacher, H and Perez, R and Peter, Gisbert and Plasson, P and Plesseria, J and Pontet, B and Pradines, A and Quentin, C and Reynaud, J and Rolland, G and Rollenhagen, Fritz and Romagnan, R and Ruß, Natalie and Schmidt, R and Schwartz, N and Sebbag, I and Sedes, G and Smit, H and Steller, M and Sunter, W and Surace, C and Tello, M and Tiphéne, D and Toulouse, P and Ulmer, B and Vandermarcq, O and Vergnault, E and Vuillemin, A and Zanatta, P and Baudin, F (2009) Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission VIII. CoRoT-7b: the first Super-Earth with measured radius. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 506 (1), pp. 287-302. EDP Sciences. doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/200911933. ISSN 0004-6361. Volltext nicht online. |
Maier, Sebastian and Smagt van der, Patrick (2008) Surface EMG suffices to classify the motion of each finger independently. In: Proceedings of MOVIC 2008. 9th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control, 2008-09-15 - 2008-09-18, Technische Universität München. |
Mair, Elmar (2012) Efficient and Robust Pose Estimation Based on Inertial and Visual Sensing. Dissertation, Technische Universität München (TUM). Volltext nicht frei. |
Manders, E.J. and Biswas, G. and Mosterman, P.J. and Barford, L.A. and Barnett, R. J. (2000) Signal Interpretation for Monitoring and Diagnosis, A Cooling System Testbed. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 49 (3), pp. 503-508. Volltext nicht online. |
Manders, E.J. and Narasimhan, S. and Biswas, G. and Mosterman, P. (2000) A Combined Qualitative/Quantitative Approach for Fault Isolation in Continuous Dynamic Systems. In: Proc. of the 4th Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes (Safeprocess 2000), pp. 1074-1079. 4th Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes (Safeprocess 2000), Budapest, June 14-16, 2000. Volltext nicht online. |
Mansfeld, Nico (2012) Principle performance requirements, safety analysis, and control for elastic joint robots. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 572-2012/23. Master's. TU München. 78 S. Volltext nicht frei. |
Marcus, M. and Schmid, T. (2004) DLR Kunstherz: Konformitätsbewertung und Entwicklung eines Versuchstandes für in-vitro-Tests der künstlichen Ventrikel. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-04-25. Diploma. 143 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Mareczek, Jörg and Hecker, Simon and Buss, Martin (2001) Intelligent Switching Control of Nonlinear Non-Minimum Phase Relative Degree two Systems. Proc. of the European Control Conference 2001, 2002-09-07, Porto (Portugal). ISBN 972-752-047-2. |
Mattsson, Sven Erik and Elmqvist, Hilding and Otter, Martin and Olsson, Hans (2002) Initialization of Hybrid Differential-Algebraic Equations in Modelica 2. In: Proc. of 2nd International Modelica Conference, Oberpfaffenhofen, March 18-19, pp. 10-15. Modelica 2002, 2002-03-18 - 2002-03-19, Oberpfaffenhofen. |
Mattsson, Sven Erik and Otter, Martin and Elmqvist, Hilding (1999) Modelica Hybrid Modeling and Efficient Simulation. In: Proceedings fo the 38th IEEE Confrence on Decision and Control, CDC 1999, pp. 3502-3507. 38th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1999-12-07 - 1999-12-10, Phoenix, Arizona (USA). ISBN 0-7803-5253-X. |
Mauermann, Dirk (2004) Echtzeitsimulation detaillierter Fahr- und Antriebsstrangdynamik. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-04-14. 118 S. |
Mayr, M. and Konietschke, R. (2004) Matching zweier Punktwolken zur intraoperativen Patientenregistrierung. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-04-10. Diploma. 40 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Mehrmann, V. and Sima, V. and Varga, A. and Xu, H. (1999) A MATLAB MEX-file environment of SLICOT. SLICOT Working Note SLWN1999-11. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-99/18. 30 S. |
Mesquita, Alexandre Rodrigues and Kienitz, Karl-Heinz (2005) Persistent Motion and Chaos in Attitude Control with Switching Actuator. 16th IFAC World Congress, 2005-07-03 - 2005-07-08, Prague. |
Mettin, Florian (1978) Ein Überblick über Charge Transfer Devices (CTD's), CTD-Kameras. DLR-Forschungsbericht. DLR-IB 552-78I19. DLR. 35 S. (Unpublished) |
Meyerhans, D. and Ortmaier, T. (2001) Prediction of Heart Surface Trajectories using Multiple Time Series Embedding and Neural Networks. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-01-09. Diploma. 127 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Michaud, S. and Gibbesch, A. and Thueer, Th. and Krebs, A. and Lee, C. and Despont, B. and Schäfer, B. and Slade, R. (2008) Development of the ExoMars Chassis and Locomotion Subsystem. Proceedings of i-SAIRAS 2008 - 9th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space, 2008-02-25 - 2008-02-29, Los Angeles, CA, USA. |
Montoya Zamarron, Silvia and Panzirsch, Michael (2011) Development of a third rotational input on a force feedback joystick. Diploma, DLR Oberpfaffenhofen. |
Moormann, D. (2002) Automatisierte Modellbildung der Flugsystemdynamik. In: Fortschritt-Berichte VDI Reihe 8, Meß-, Steuerungs- und Regelungstechnik, Nr. 931. VDI Verlag GmbH Düsseldorf. ISBN 3-18-393108-7. Volltext nicht online. |
Moormann, D. and Bennet, D. (1999) The HIRMplus Aircraft Model and Control Laws Development. Other. TP-119-2. GARTEUR. Volltext nicht online. |
Moormann, D. and Godfroij, N. (1998) Description of the RealCAM model. Other. BRPR-CT98-0627/TP-01v01. BRITE/EuRam-Projekt REAL. Volltext nicht online. |
Moormann, D. (2000) Physical Model-Building Leading to Automatic Code Generation. In: Flight Control Design - Best Practices. Project Report. RTO-TR-29. Research and Technology Organization. 118 S. |
Moormann, D. (2002) The HIRM+ Flight Dynamics Model. In: Lecture Notes in Control and Information, 283. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York. pp. 121-139. ISBN 3-540-44054-2. |
Moos, A. and Sporer, N. and Haehnle, M. (2002) DLR-Sensorantrieb - Optimieren von Wickelanlagen. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-02-19. Diploma. 87 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Moser, Kurt H. and Schott, Jörg (1978) Ein ausbaufähiges Multiplex-Anzeigesystem für den 8 bit Mikroprozessor INTEL SBC 8080 A. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 552-1978/5. DLR. 19 S. (Unpublished) |
Mosterman, P. J. (1999) An Aircraft Elevator System as a Benchmark for Hybrid Dynamic Systems Modeling. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-99/21. Volltext nicht online. |
Mosterman, P.J. (2001) Diagnosis of Physical Systems with Hybrid Models using Parametrized Causality. In: Hybrid Systems: Computational and Control, 4th International Workshop, HSCC 2001, Rome, Italy, March 28-30, 2001 Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2034. Springer. ISBN 3-540-41866-0. Volltext nicht online. |
Mosterman, P.J. and Biswas, G. (2002) A Hybrid Modeling and Simulation Methodology for Dynamic Physical Systems. SCS Transaction, 78 (1), pp. 5-17. Volltext nicht online. |
Mosterman, P.J. and Manders, E. J. and Biswas, G. (2000) Qualitative Dynamic Behavior of Physical System Models with Algebraic Loops. In: Proc. of DX'00, pp. 155-162. Eleventh International Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis (DX'00), Morelia, Mexico, June 8-10, 2000. Volltext nicht online. |
Mosterman, P. (2000) Handling the Normal Component in Frictionless Collision Sequences With Central Impact. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-00-10. Volltext nicht frei. |
Mosterman, P. J. (2000) Implicit Modeling and Simulation of Discontinuities in Physical System Models. In: ADPM2000, pp. 35-40. The 4th International Conference on Automation of Mixed Processes: Hybrid Dynamic Systems, 2000-09-18 - 2000-09-19, Dortmund. |
Mosterman, P. J. and Biswas, G. (2000) Towards Procedures for Systematically Deriving Hybrid Models of Complex Systems. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1790. Springer Verlag, Berlin. ISBN 3-540-67259-1. |
Mosterman, P. J. and Biswas, G. (1999) Building Hybrid Automata of Complex Physical Systems for Real-time Applications. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 3514-3519. Conference on Decision and Control, 1999-12, Phoenix. |
Mosterman, P. J. and Neumann, P. and Preusche, C. (2000) Modeling Systems with Variable Algebraic Constraints for Explicit Integration Methods. In: ADPM2000, pp. 251-256. The 4th International Conference on Automation of Mixed Processes: Hybrid Dynamic Systems, 2000-09-18 - 2000-09-19, Dortmund. |
Mosterman, P. J. and Vangheluwe, H. (2000) Computer Automated Multi-Paradigm Modeling in Control System Design. In: CD-ROM. IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Aided Control Systems Design, , Sept. 25-27, 2000, 2000-09-25 - 2000-09-27, Anchorage, Alaska. |
Mosterman, P.J. (2000) Implizite Modellierung und Simulation geschalteter kontinuierlicher Dynamik und diskreter Steurungen. KONDISK-Kolloquium,, 15. Nov. 2000, 2000-11-15, Ulm. |
Mosterman, P.J. (2000) Qualitative Model Based Diagnosis of Abrupt Faults. Seminar, 2000-12-19, Hamburg. |
Mosterman, P.J. (2001) Higher Intelligence in Embedded Systems Design and Operation: A research and development proposal. DLR-Interner Bericht, Project Report. 515-01-02. 12 S. |
Mosterman, P.J. and Remehle, M.A.P. (2001) Modelica und Metamodellbildung: Ein Vergleich und Kombination. DFG Modelltransformation und Werkzeugkopplung Workshop, 2001-06-11 - 2001-06-12, Braunschweig. |
Mosterman, Pieter and Remelhe, Manuel A. Pereira and Engell, Sebastian and Otter, Martin (2002) Simulation for Analysis of Aircraft Elevator Feedback and Redundancy Control. In: Lecture Notes in Control and Information Science, 279. Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 369-390. ISBN 3-540-43812-2. |
Mosterman, Pieter J. (2000) A Simulation Environment for Hybrid Dynamic Systems. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR- IB 515-00/2. 36 S. Volltext nicht frei. |
Muhler, M. (2002) Mapping MIMO control system specifications into parameter space. In: Proc. of CDC'02, pp. 1-6. 41st IEEE 2002 Conference on Decision and Control, December 10-13,, 2002-12-10 - 2002-12-13, Las Vegas. ISBN 0-7803-7517-3. |
Muhler, M. and Odenthal, D. (2001) PARADISE: Ein Werkzeug für Entwurf und Analyse robuster Regelungssysteme im Parameterraum. 3. VDI/VDE-GMA Aussprachetag, Rechnergestützter Entwurf von Regelungssystemen, 2001-09, Dresden. |
Mühlbauer, C. and Albu-Schäffer, A. (2000) Modellidentifikation und Reglerauslegung für eine elektromechanische Bremse. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-00-03. Diploma. 128 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Müller, U. and Lemke, P. and Pühlhofer, T. (2002) Formoptimierung von Statorpolen eines elektrischen Leichtbauantriebs zur Erhöhung des Drehmoments mit Hilfe eines genetischen Algorithmus. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-02-05. Diploma. 149 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Müller, Gert (2004) Entwicklung von MATLAB basierten Werkzeugen zur Realisierung von LFT-Modellen niedriger Ordnung für die Anwendung in der robusten Regelung. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 515-2004/11. Diploma. 63 S. Volltext nicht frei. |
Nadia, Figueroa and Ali, Haider and Schmidt, Florian (2012) 3D Registration for Verification of Humanoid Justin's Upper Body Kinematics. CRV 2012, 2012-05-27 - 2012-05-30, Toronto, Canada. doi: 10.1109/CRV.2012.43. |
Narr, Alexander (2012) Automated 3D Reconstruction of Unknown Objects by Planning the Next-Best-View based on a Spatial Data Structure. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 572-2012/01. Bachelor's. Hochschule Heilbronn. 81 S. Volltext nicht frei. |
Natale, C. and Koeppe, R. (1999) An Automatic procedure for Force Controller Design. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-99-05. 21 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Natale, C. and Koeppe, R. and Hirzinger, G. (1999) An Automatic Procedure for Force Controller Design. In: Proceedings of the AIM'99. International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM'99), Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 19.-23.09.1999. Volltext nicht online. |
Natale, C. and Koeppe, R. and Hirzinger, G. (2000) A Systematic Design Procedure of Force Controllers for Industrial Robots. IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics, 5 (2), pp. 122-131. Volltext nicht online. |
Neumann, P. and Preusche, C. and Schedl, M. (1999) Modellbildung und Simulation eines Außenläufermotors. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-99-16. Diploma. 141 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Niethammer, T. and Gombert, B. and Hirzinger, G. (1998) Konstruktion und Entwicklung einer elektromechanischen Scheinwerferverstellung unter Verwendung der DLR Planeten-Waelz-Gewindespindel. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-98-01. Diploma. Volltext nicht online. |
Nottensteiner, Korbinian (2012) Schätzung des Kontaktzustands bei robotergestützten Montageaufgaben. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 572-2012/12. Diploma. TU München. 164 S. Volltext nicht frei. |
Oara, C. and Varga, Andras (1999) The General Inner-Outer Factorization Problem for Discrete-Time Systems. In: Proc. of ECC'99. European Control Conference 1999, ECC99, 1999-08-31 - 1999-09-03, Karlsruhe (Germany). |
Oara, C. and Varga, Andras (1999) Coprime Factorization with J All-Pass Denominator: The Noncanonical Case. In: Proc. ECC'99. European Control Conference ECC99, 1999-08-31 - 1999-09-03, Karlsruhe (Germany). |
Obermeier, Thomas (2012) Entwurf und Aufbau einer Spannungsversorgungseinheit für Bauteilqualifikationstests in Bestrahlungsanlagen. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 572-2012/16. Bachelor's. Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften München. 116 S. Volltext nicht frei. |
Odenthal, D. (2002) Ein robustes Fahrdynamik-Regelungskonzept für die Kippvermeidung von Kraftfahrzeugen. In: Fortschritt-Berichte VDI Reihe 12 Verkehrstechnik/Fahrzeugtechnik, Nr. 505. VDI-Verlag Düsseldorf. pp. 1-166. ISBN 3-18-350512-6. Volltext nicht online. |
Odenthal, D. and Blue, P. (2000) Mapping of frequency response magnitude specifications into parameter space. In: Proceedings ROCOND 2000, Prag. 3rd IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design, Prague, Czech. Republic, 2000. Volltext nicht online. |
Odenthal, D. and Bünte, T. and Ackermann, J. (1999) Nonlinear steering and braking control for vehicle rollover avoidance. In: Proceedings ECC'99. ECC'99, Karlsruhe, Germany, Sept. 1999. Volltext nicht online. |
Odenthal, D. and Bünte, T. and Heitzer, H.-D. and Eicker. C., (2003) Übertragung des Lenkgefühls einer Servo-Lenkung auf Steer-by-Wire. at - Automatisierungstechnik, 51, pp. 329-337. Volltext nicht online. |
Odenthal, D. and Bünte, T. and Heitzer, H.-D. and Eicker, C. (2002) How to Make Steer-By-Wire Feel Like Power Steering. Proc. of 15th IFAC World Congress b'02, 2002-07-21 - 2002-07-26, Barcelona. |
Odenthal, D. and Bünte, T. and Heitzer, H.-D. and Eicker, Ch. (2002) Übertragung des Lenkgefühls einer Servo-Lenkung auf Steer-by-Wire. In: VDI-Berichte 1672. VDI/VDE-GMA, Steuerung und Regelung von Fahrzeugen und Motoren - AUTOREG 2002, April 15-16, 2002, 2002-04-15 - 2002-04-16, -. |
Odenthal, Dirk (2001) Kippvermeidung von Fahrzeugen durch robuste Lenk- und Bremsregelung. Proc. Fahrwerk-Tech 2001,, München. |
Omote, K. and Ungeheuer A., and Feussner, H. and Arbter, K. and Wei, G.Q. and Siewert, J.R. and Hirzinger, G. (1998) Self-guided robotic camera control system for laparoscopic surgery. MITAT Minimally Invasive Therapy & Allied Technologies, 7 (1), 36-. Volltext nicht online. |
Omote K., and Ungeheuer A., and Feussner H., and Wei G.-Q., and Arbter K., and Siewert J.R., and Hirzinger G., (1998) Selbststeuerndes Kamerasystem für die laparoskopische Chirurgie: Erste klinische Erfahrungen. 18. Kongress der DGE-BV, München, 25.03.1998. Volltext nicht online. |
Ortmaier, T. (2003) Motion Compensation in Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery. Dissertation, VDI. Volltext nicht online. |
Ortmaier, T. (2002) Medical Applications of Visual Servoing. EURON Summer School on Visual Servoing, Benicassim, Spain, 16-20 Sept. 2002. Volltext nicht online. |
Ortmaier, T. (2004) Telepresence Issues in Minimally Invasive Surgery. In: Methodology and Tools in Telemanipulation Systems via Internet Volltext nicht online. |
Ortmaier, T. (2005) Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery of the Future - Introducing Autonomy into the OR. ICRA 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Barcelona, Spain, April 18-22, 2005, Tutorial Medical Robotics and Welfare - Part 1: Medical Robots in the Surgical. Volltext nicht online. |
Ortmaier, T. and Gröger, M. and Hirzinger, G. (2002) Robust Motion Estimation in Robotic Surgery on the Beating Heart. In: Proceedings, pp. 206-211. Springer Verlag. CARS 2002, Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Paris, France, June 26-29, 2002. Volltext nicht online. |
Ortmaier, T. and Gröger, M. and Hirzinger, G. (2002) Multisensorielle Schätzung der Herzbewegung in der minimal invasiven Chirurgie. CURAC-Jahrestagung, Leipzig, Germany, 4.-5. Okt. 2002. Volltext nicht online. |
Ortmaier, T. and Gröger, M. and Hirzinger, G. (2002) Robuste Prädiktion der Herzbewegung für die robotergestützte Chirurgie mit EKG und Atemdrucksignal. In: Proceedings: Tagungsbeiträge der Universität Karlsruhe (TH), pp. 105-111. Human Centered Robotic Systems - HCRS, Karlsruhe, Germany, 5.-6. Dec. 2002. Volltext nicht online. |
Ortmaier, T. and Gröger, M. and Kotzor, D. (2002) Bewegungsschätzung in der minimal invasiven Herzchirurgie. at - Automatisierungstechnik, 6 (50), pp. 262-270. Volltext nicht online. |
Ortmaier, T. and Hirzinger, G. (2000) Cartesian Control Issues for Minimally Invasive Robot Surgery. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 2000. International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Takamatsu, Japan, 30.10.-05.11.2000. Volltext nicht online. |
Ortmaier, T. and Hirzinger, G. (2000) Cartesian Control of Robots with Working-Position Dependent Dynamics. In: Preprints, Vol. II, pp. 717-721. 6th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control (SYROCO'00), Vienna, Austria, Sept. 21-23. Volltext nicht online. |
Ortmaier, T. and Morel, G. and Vitrani, M.A. (2005) Real-Time Instrument Tracking in Ultrasound Images for Visual Servoing. In: Proccedings BVM - Bildverarbeitung in der Medizin, pp. 232-236. Springer Verlag. BVM - Bildverarbeitung in der Medizin, March 13 - 15, 2005, Heidelberg, Germany. Volltext nicht online. |
Ortmaier, T. and Reintsema, D. and Seibold, U. and Hagn, U. and Hirzinger, G. (2001) The DLR Minimally Invasive Robotics Surgery Scenario. In: Proceedings. Hieronymus Buchreproduktions GmbH, München. Workshop on Advances in Interactive Multimodal Telepresence Systems, Munich, March 29-30, 2001. ISBN 3-00-007586-0. Volltext nicht online. |
Ortmaier, T. and Seibold, U. and Hagn, U. and Boehm, D. and Reichenspurner, H. and Hirzinger, G. (2001) Autonomy and Haptic Feedback in Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery. Fourth Annual Meeting of the International Society for Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery (ISMICS), Munich, June, 27-30, 2001. Volltext nicht online. |
Ortmaier, T. and Vitrani, M.A. and Morel, G. and Pinault, (2005) Robust Real-Time Instrument Tracking in Ultrasound Images. SPIE Medical Imaging Conference, San Diego, California, USA, February 12-17, 2005. Volltext nicht online. |
Ortmaier, T. and Vitrani, M.A. and Morel, G. and Pinault, S. (2005) Robust Real-Time Instrument Tracking in Ultrasound Images for Visual Servoing. In: CD ICRA 2005. ICRA 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Barcelona, Spain, April 18-24, 2005. Volltext nicht online. |
Ortmaier, T. and Weiss, H. and Hirzinger, G. (2004) Telepresence and Teleaction in Minimally Invasive Surgery. In: VDI-Berichte 1841, pp. 761-768. Robotik 2004, München, 17./18. 06.2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Ortmaier, T. and Weiss, H. and Hirzinger, G. (2003) Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery: Foundations and Perspectives,. In: CD. ICRA 2003 - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Workshop IV: Recent Advances in Medical Robotics, Taipei, Taiwan, Sept. 15, 2003. Volltext nicht online. |
Ortmaier, Tobias and Weiss, Holger and Hagn, Ulrich and Grebenstein, Markus and Nickl, Mathias and Ott, Christian and Albu-Schäffer, Alin and Hirzinger, Gerd and Essensreiter, Robert and Bertram, Michael (2005) Ein neuer Roboter zum navigierten Setzen von Pedikelschrauben. In: VDI-Berichte, pp. 661-686. VDI Wissensforum - Mechatronik 2005, 2005-06-01 - 2005-06-02, Wiesloch bei Heidelberg. Volltext nicht online. |
Ortmaier, Tobias and Weiss, Holger and Hagn, Ulrich and Ott, Christian and Hirzinger, Gerd and Essenreiter, Robert and Bertram, Michael (2005) Ein neues System zum robotergestützten, navigierten Setzen von Pedikelschrauben. XXVII Münchner Symposium für Experimentelle Orthopädie, 2005-02-04 - 2005-02-05, München, Klinikum Grosshadern. Volltext nicht online. |
Ortmaier, T. and Weiss, H. and Hirzinger, G. (2003) Mechatronics and Autonomy in Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery. In: Proceedings. 3rd International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids2003), Munich and Karlsruhe, Oct. 2003. Volltext nicht frei. |
Ortmaier, T. and Weiss, H. and Hirzinger, G. (2004) A New Robot for Minimally Invasive Surgery. CURAC 2004 3. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Computer- und Roboterassistierte Chirurgie e.V., München, 8.-9. Okt. 2004. Volltext nicht frei. |
Ortmaier T., (2003) Motion Compensation in Minimally Invasive Beating Heart Surgery. PhD Workshop on "Vision-Based Tracking, Scene Perception and Related Applications" , Munich, Germany, July 23-25, 2003. Volltext nicht online. |
Ortmaier T., (2003) Concepts for an advanced (tele-) surgical robot system. Tutorial, Euron Summer School on Surgical Robotics, Montpellier, France, September 6-13, 2003. Volltext nicht online. |
Ortmaier T., (2003) Telepresence Issues in Minimally Invasive Surgery. Tutorial, EURON Summer School in Online and Internet Robots: Advanced Techniques for Telemanipulation, Benicassim, Spain, September 15-19 2003. Volltext nicht online. |
Oswald, A. and Gombert, B. and Hirzinger, G. (1998) Kraftreflektierendes Gaspedal - Auslegung, Konstruktion und Inbetriebnahme eines kraftreflektierenden Gaspedals. Project Report, DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-98-7. 117 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Ott, C. and Albu-Schäffer, A. and Kugi, A. and Hirzinger, G. (2003) Decoupling Based Cartesian Impedance Control of Flexible Joint Robots. In: CD. 2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Taipei, Taiwan, Sept. 14-19, 2003. Volltext nicht online. |
Ott, C. and Albu-Schäffer, A. and Kugi, A. and Stramigioli, S. and Hirzinger, G. (2004) A Passivity Based Cartesian Impedance Controller for Flexible Joint Robots Part I: Torque Feedback and Gravity Compensation. In: Proceedings, pp. 2659-2665. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation ICRA, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, April 26 - May 1, 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Ott, C. and Albu-Schäffer, A. and Kugi, A. and Stramigioli, S. and Hirzinger, G. (2004) Ein passivitätsbasierter Ansatz zur kartesischen Impedanzregelung von Robotern mit elastischen Gelenken. In: VDI-Bericht 1841, pp. 71-79. Robotik 2004, München, 17./18.06.2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Ott, C. and Borst, C. and Hillenbrand, U. and Brunner, B. and Bäuml, B. and Hirzinger, G. (2005) The Robutler: Towards Service Robots for the Human Environment. In: CD ICRA 2005, pp. 1399-1405. ICRA 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Barcelona, Spain, April 18-22, 2005. Volltext nicht online. |
Ott, C. and Schreiber, G. (2000) Stabilisierung eines Inversen Pendels mit einem redundanten Roboter. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-00-14. Diploma. Volltext nicht online. |
Ott, Ch. and Albu-Schäffer, A. and Hirzinger, G. (2002) Comparison of Adptive and Nonadaptive Tracking Control Laws. In: Proceedings IROS 2002, pp. 2018-2024. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Lausanne, Switzerland, Oct. 2002. Volltext nicht online. |
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Otter, M. and Schweiger, C. and Walter, W. (2004) Simulative Feasibility Study for the Drives of the Atacama Cosmology Telescope. Project Report, DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-04-28. 19 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Otter, Martin (2000) Objektorientierte Modellierung Physikalischer Systeme, Teil 17: Modellierung mechanischer Systeme. at Automatisierungstechnik, 48 (12), A65-A68. |
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Otter, Martin and Elmqvist, Hilding and Mattsson, Sven Erik (2003) The New Modelica MultiBody Library. In: 3rd International Modelica Conference, pp. 311-330. Modelica 2003, 2003-11-03 - 2003-11-04, Linköping (Schweden). |
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Oumer, Nassir W. and Panin, Giorgio (2012) 3D Point Tracking and Pose Estimation of a Space Object Using Stereo Images. ICPR 2012, 2012-11-11 - 2012-11-15, Tsukuba, Japan. Volltext nicht frei. |
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Panzirsch, Michael and Artigas, Jordi and Tobergte, Andreas and Kotyczka, Paul and Preusche, Carsten and Albu-Schäffer, Alin and Hirzinger, Gerd (2012) A Peer-to-Peer Trilateral Passivity Control for Delayed Collaborative Teleoperation. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7282 , pp. 395-406. Springer. Eurohaptics 1, 2012-06-13 - 2012-06-15, Tampere, Finland. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-31401-8_36. ISBN 978-3-642-31400-1. ISSN 1611-3349. Volltext nicht online. |
Panzirsch, Michael (2010) Trilaterale Regelung für einen Telechirurgietrainer. Diploma, DLR Oberpfaffenhofen. |
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Para-Vega, V. and Arimoto, S. and Hirzinger, G. (2000) Sliding Modes with Continuous Controllers for Robot Manipulators: Theory and Experiments. In: Preprints, Vol. I, pp. 193-198. 6th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control (SYROCO'00), Vienna, Austria, Sept. 21-23. Volltext nicht online. |
Parra-Vega, V. and Hirzinger G., (2000) Finite-Time Tracking for Robot Manipulators with Continuous Control. In: Preprints, Vol. II, pp. 591-596. 6th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control (SYROCO'00), Vienna, Austria, Sept. 21-23. Volltext nicht online. |
Parra-Vega, V. and Rodiguez-Angeles, A. and Arimoto, S. and Hirzinger, G. (2001) High Precision Constrained Grasping with Cooperative Adaptive Handcontrol. In: Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems Theory & Applications, Vol 32. Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. pp. 235-254. ISBN ISSN 0921-0296. Volltext nicht online. |
Peer, A. (2003) Modellierung und Regelung eines Force-Feedback Aktuators für Steer-by-Wire Systeme. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-03-16. Diploma. 122 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Peer, Angelika and Bajcinca, Naim and Schweiger, Christian (2003) Physical-based Friction Identification of an Electro-Mechanical Actuator with Dymola/Modelica and MOPS. In: 3rd International Modelica Conference, Linköping, Sweden, November 3-4, pp. 241-248. Modelica 2003, 2003-11-03 - 2003-11-04, Linköping, Sweden. |
Pelchen, Christopher and Schweiger, Christian and Otter, Martin (2002) Modeling and Simulating the Efficiency of Gearboxes and of Planetary Gearboxes. In: Proceedings of 2nd International Modelica Conference, pp. 257-266. Modelica 2002, 2002-03-18 - 2002-03-19, Oberpfaffenhofen. |
Perretta, Roberto (2011) A preliminary study in EMG-based upper-limb stroke rehabilitation. DLR-Interner Bericht. [DLR-IB 572-11-20]. Master's. Università degli studi di Napoli, Italien. 98 S. |
Petit, Florian and Lakatos, Dominic and Friedl, Werner and Albu-Schäffer, Alin (2012) Dynamic Trajectory Generation for Serial Elastic Actuated Robots. SYROCO 12, 2012-09-05 - 2012-09-07, Dubrovnik. doi: 10.3182/20120905-3-HR-2030.00159. |
Plura, Markus and Müller, Heiko and Stelzer, Martin and Florian, Sellmaier (2011) Mission Control Concepts for Robotic Operations: Existing approaches and new Solutions. 11th Symposium on Advanced Space Technologies in Robotics and Automation, 2011-04-12 - 2011-04-15, Noordwijk, Niederlande. |
Prattichizzo, Domenico and Malvezzi, Monica and Aggravi, Marco and Wimböck, Thomas (2012) Object motion-decoupled internal force control for a compliant multifingered hand. In: Proceedings of ICRA 2012. ICRA 2012, 2012-05-14 - 2012-05-18, St. Paul, USA. doi: 10.1109/icra.2012.6225094. Volltext nicht online. |
Preusche, C. (2000) Sicherheitsanforderungen an ein kraftreflektierendes Eingabegerät (SIKE). DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-00-13. 23 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Preusche, C. and Hirzinger, G. (2000) Scaling Issues for Teleoperation. 5. PHANToM Users Group Workshop, Aspen, 2000, Oktober. Volltext nicht online. |
Preusche, C. and Hirzinger, G. (2002) Ein Sicherheitskonzept für die Mensch-Roboter Interaktion. BKM-Berichte OTS-Systeme in der Robotik, ISBN 3-8316-0901-2, 6-1-6-17. Volltext nicht online. |
Preusche, C. and Hirzinger, G. and Rettig, A. (2002) Assembly Verification in Digital Mock-Ups using Force Feedback. In: Proceedings ISMCR'02 und CD, SessionB16-. 12th International Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics (ISMCR'02), Bourges, France, June 20-21 2002. Volltext nicht online. |
Preusche, C. and Hirzinger, G. and Ryu, J.H. and Hannaford, B. (2003) Time Domain Passivity Control for 6 Degrees of Freedom Haptic Displays. In: Proceedings, pp. 2944-2949. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Las Vegas, Nevada, Oct. 2003. Volltext nicht online. |
Preusche, C. and Hoogen, J. and Reintsema, D. and Schmidt, G. and Hirzinger, G. (2002) Flexible Multimodal Telepresent Assembly using a Generic Interconnection Framework. In: Proceedings ICRA 2002, pp. 3712-3718. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Washington D.C., May 2002. Volltext nicht online. |
Preusche, C. and Koeppe, R. and Albu-Schäffer, A. and Hähnle, M. and Sporer, N. and Hirzinger, G. (2001) Design and Haptic Control of a 6 DoF Force-Feedback Device. In: Proceedings. Hieronymus Buchreproduktions GmbH, München. Workshop: Advances in Interactive Multimodal Telepresence Systems, München, March 29-30, 2001. ISBN 3-00-007586-0. Volltext nicht online. |
Preusche, C. and Koeppe, R. and Albu-Schäffer, A. and Schaefer, I. and Hirzinger, G. (2001) Force Feedback Devices and Haptic Control Strategies. Workshop Advances in Interactive Multimodal Telepresence Systems, Munich, March 29-30, 2001. Volltext nicht online. |
Preusche, C. and Ortmaier, T. and Hirzinger, G. (2001) Teleoperation Concepts in Minimal Invasive Surgery. 1. IFAC Conference on Telematics Application in Automation and Robotics, Weingarten, 2001, Juli. Volltext nicht online. |
Preusche, C. and Ortmaier, T. and Hirzinger, G. (2002) Teleoperation concepts in minimal invasive surgery. Control Engineering Practice, 10 (11), pp. 1245-1250. Volltext nicht online. |
Preusche, C. and Reintsema, D. and Landzettel, K. and Fischer, M. and Hirzinger, G. (2004) DLR on the way towards Telepresent On-Orbit Servicing. Mechatronics & Robotics 2004, IEEE Industrial Electronics Society APS -. Volltext nicht online. |
Preusche, C. and Reintsema, D. and Landzettel, K. and Hirzinger, G. (2003) ROKVISS - towards Telepresence Control in Advanced Space Missions. In: CD Proceedings. 3rd. International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids 2003), Munich and Karlsruhe, Oct. 2003. Volltext nicht online. |
Rebele, B. and Schäfer, B. and Lopez-Doriga, D.B. (2002) Dynamics Aspects in Satellite Capturing by Robotic Manipulator. In: PAMM, Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, pp. 1-2. GAMM, Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung, Augsburg, Germany, March 25-28, 2002. Volltext nicht online. |
Rebele, Berhard and Wedler, Armin and Apfelbeck, Maximilian and Hirschmüller, Heiko and Kuss, Sebastian and Schäfer, Bernd and Hirzinger, Gerd (2010) Advanced testbed and simulation environment for planetary exploration and mobility investigations. |
Reich, Maxim (2012) Development of an object recognition and tracking for anthropomorphic robots using a stereo vision system. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 572-2012/17. Diploma. TU Dresden. 123 S. Volltext nicht frei. |
Reijerkerk, Marianne (2007) Study of winglet aerodynamics for static aero-elastic purposes. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 515-07-41. Diploma. Volltext nicht online. |
Reintsema, D. and Hirzinger, G. and Vogel, J. and Unterschütz, T. (1999) CORBA - Ein standardisierter Software-Bus für verteilte Aufgaben in der Robotik. In: Industrielle Automation und Internet/Intranet Technologien, pp. 181-192. VDI-Verlag. GMA-Fachtagung: Industrielle Automation und Internet/Intranet Technologien, Langen, Hessen, 8./9.11.1999. ISBN 3-18-091515-3. Volltext nicht online. |
Reithmeier, Michael (2012) Evaluation of the Ti DaVinci DM3730 Coprocessors focusing on Image Processing Algorithms in order to disburden the CPU. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 572-2012/31. Bachelor's. TU München. 74 S. Volltext nicht frei. |
Remelhe, Manuel A. Pereira and Engell, Sebastian and Otter, Martin and Deparade, André and Mosterman, Pieter J. (2002) An Environment for the Integrated Modelling of Systems with Complex Continuous and Discrete Dynamics. In: Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 83-105. ISBN 3-540-43812-2. |
Renz, M. and Preusche, C. and Pötke, M. and Kriegel, H.-P. and Hirzinger, G. (2001) Stable Haptic Interaction with Virtual Environments Using and Adapted Voxmap-PointShell Algorithm. Eurohaptics, Birmingham, Juli 2001. Volltext nicht online. |
Reschke, Christian (2004) Inertially Coupled Equations of Motion for an Elastic Aircraft. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 515-2004/39. 27 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Reschke, Christian (2005) Flight Loads Analysis with Inertially Coupled Equations of Motion. Proc. of AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, 2005-08-15 - 2005-08-18, San Francisco. |
Roa, Maximo A. and Argus, Max J. and Leidner, Daniel and Borst, Christoph and Hirzinger, Gerd (2012) Power grasp planning for anthropomorphic robot hands. In: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 563-569. International Conference of Robotics and Automation 2012, 2012-05-14 - 2012-05-18, St. Paul USA. doi: 10.1109/icra.2012.6225068. ISBN 978-1-4673-1403-9. Volltext nicht online. |
Roa, Maximo Alejandro and Koiva, Risto and Castellini, Claudio (2012) Experimental Evaluation of Human Grasps Using a Sensorized Object. In: Proceedings of BioRob 2012, pp. 1662-1668. BioRob 2012, 2012-06-24 - 2012-06-27, Rom, Italien. doi: 10.1109/BioRob.2012.6290670. |
Roa, Maximo A and Hertkorn, Katharina and Zacharias, Franziska and Borst, Christoph and Hirzinger, Gerd (2011) Graspability map: A tool for evaluating grasp capabilities. In: Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots and Systems - IROS, pp. 1768-1774. IEEE. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots and Systems - IROS, 2011-09-25 - 2011-09-30, San Francisco, CA, USA. ISBN 978-1-61284-454-1. ISSN 2153-0858. Volltext nicht frei. |
Roa, Maximo A. and Suarez, Raul (2010) Contact Trajectories for Regrasp Planning on Discrete Objects. Springer. ISBN 978-3-642-14115-7. Volltext nicht frei. |
Rohrmeier, M. and Vogel, J. and Hirzinger, G. (1997) Telemanipulation eines Roboters via Internet mittels VRML 2.0 und Java. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-97-19. Diploma. 74 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Ryu, J.H. and Hannaford, B. and Preusche, C. and Hirzinger, G. (2003) Time Domain Passivity Control with Reference Energy Behavior. In: Proceedings, pp. 2932-2937. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Las Vegas, Nevada, Oct. 2003. Volltext nicht online. |
Rzeznicka, A.M. and Gröger, M. (2004) Tracking von Farbmarken auf der Herzoberfläche. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-04-32. Diploma. 114 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Rüker, Antje Therese (2011) Gestaltung eines Laserscanners als Roboter- und als handgeführtes Modul. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 572-11-19. Other. Technische Universität Dresden, Fakultät Maschinenwesen. 205 S. Volltext nicht frei. |
Rückstieß, Thomas and Osendorfer, Christian and Smagt van der, Patrick (2012) Minimizing Data Consumption with Sequential Online Feature Selection. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, April 2012. Springer. doi: 10.1007/s13042-012-0092-x. ISSN 1868-8071. Volltext nicht online. |
Sagardia, Mikel (2008) Enhancements of the Voxmap-PointShell Algorithm. Diploma, Tecnun - Uneversity of Navarre. Volltext nicht online. |
Sagardia, Mikel and Hulin, Thomas and Preusche, Carsten and Hirzinger, Gerd (2009) A Benchmark of Force Quality in Haptic Rendering. International Human Computer Interaction 2009, San Diego, United States. Volltext nicht online. |
Sagardia, Mikel and Weber, Bernhard and Hulin, Thomas and Preusche, Carsten and Hirzinger, Gerd (2012) Evaluation of Visual and Force Feedback in Virtual Assembly Verifications. IEEE VR 2012, 2012-03-04 - 2012-03-08, Orange County, United States. doi: 10.1109/VR.2012.6180872. Volltext nicht online. |
Sahin, Akin (2005) Inversion of Vehicle Dynamics with Modelica. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-2005/01. Diploma. 95 S. Volltext nicht frei. |
Salvador Escobar, Jesus and Schäfer, B. and Krenn, R. (2001) ISS Columbus Climbing Robot Design. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-01-05. Diploma. 94 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Samiie-Farahani, M. and Nadler, M. and Schmid, T. (2000) Simulation des Blutes und sein Verhalten im künstlichen Herz. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-00-16. Diploma. 48 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Scalise, Genny (2012) Study on Target Tracking Control for a Free-Floating Space Robot. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 572-2012/27. Master's. Università degli studi di Roma “La Sapienza”. 107 S. Volltext nicht frei. |
Schabreiter, Heinz Perter (2007) Aufbau einer interaktiven Desktop-Simulationsumgebung für den Entwurf und die Evaluierung von Fehlererkennungsalgorithmen und fehlertoleranten Regelungen. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 515-07-42. Diploma. Technische Universität München. Volltext nicht online. |
Schaub, Alexander and Brembeck, Jonathan and Burschka, Darius and Hirzinger, Gerd (2011) Robotisches Elektromobil mit kamerabasiertem Autonomieansatz. ATZ-Elektronik (02/2011), pp. 10-16. Springer. ISSN 1862-1791. |
Schedl, M. (2001) Mechatronik - von der Weltraumrobotik zu Medizin- und Fahrzeugtechnik. IMAPS Seminar 2001, Göppingen, 15.02.2001. Volltext nicht online. |
Schedl, M. (2005) Systemintegrierte Leistungselektronik für Aktuatorik und Robotersysteme. Kooperationsforum Leistungselektronik, Fraunhofer IISB, Erlangen, 28. April 2005. Volltext nicht online. |
Schiela, A. (2002) Sparsing in Real Time Simulation. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-02-28. Diploma. 75 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Schiela, A. and Olsson, H. (2000) Mixed-mode Integration for Real-time Simulation. In: Workshop Proceedings, pp. 69-75. Modelica 2000 Workshop, 2000-10-23 - 2000-10-24, Lund, Sweden. |
Schiela, Anton and Bornemann, Folkmar (2003) Sparsing in Real Time Simulation. ZAMM, 83 (10), pp. 637-647. |
Schillhuber, G. (2002) Geometrische Modellierung oszillationsarmer Trajektorien von Industrierobotern. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-02-22. Diploma. 64 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Schindlbeck, Christopher (2012) Optimal Control of Intrinsically Compliant Robots. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 572-2012/33. Diploma. TU München. 108 S. Volltext nicht frei. |
Schlemmer, M. (2000) Eine SQP-Rückwärtskinematik zur interaktiven, semi-autonomen Bahnführung kinematisch redundanter Manipulatoren. In: VDI Fortschritt-Berichte 8, Meß-, Steuerungs- und Regelungstechnik Nr. 825. VDI. pp. 1-156. ISBN 3-18-382508-2. Volltext nicht online. |
Schmid, Korbinian and Ruess, Felix and Suppa, Michael and Burschka, Darius (2012) State Estimation for highly dynamic flying Systems using Key Frame Odometry with varying Time Delays. In: 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp. 2997-3004. IEEE. IROS 2012, 2012-10-07 - 2012-10-12, Vilamoura, Portugal. doi: 10.1109/iros.2012.6385969. ISBN 978-1-4673-1735-1. Volltext nicht online. |
Schmid, T. and Gruber, R. and Schiller, W. and Liepsch, D. and Hirzinger, G. and Welz, A. (2004) Transcoutaneous energy system for implantable artifcial hearts. In: Proceedings Int. Artifical Organs, Vol. 27, 622-. XXXI. Congress of the European Society for Artificial Organs, Sept. 8th - 11th 2004, International Center of Biocybernetics, Warschau, Polen. Volltext nicht online. |
Schmid, T. and Hirzinger, G. and Liepsch, D. and Schiller, W. and Welz, A. (2001) Neuartiges Kunstherz soll überleben helfen. Other. Fachhochschule München. 72 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Schmid, T. and Liepsch, D. and Schiller, W. and Nadler, M. and Hirzinger, G. and Welz, A. and Richter, E. (2002) Flow Visualisation and Flow Measurement with Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) in the Chamber of a New Left Vetricular Assist Device (DLR-Heart). In: Proceedings, Vol 4, pp. 522-523. 13th Conference of the European Society of Biomechanics, Wroclow, Poland 2.-4. Sept. 2002. Volltext nicht online. |
Schmid, T. and Schiller, W. (2003) A New Artificial Heart for Regeneration and Support of Severe Cardiac Insufficiency. Medical Technology in Bavaria, Hrsg. fb-werbeservice, pp. 66-69. Volltext nicht online. |
Schmid, T. and Schiller, W. (2003) Neuartiges Kunstherz zur Regeneration und Unterstützung bei schwerer Herzinsuffizienz. Medizintechnik in Bayern, Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft und Verkehr, Hrsg. fb-werbeservice, München, pp. 74-77. Volltext nicht online. |
Schmid, T. and Schiller, W. and Liepsch, D. and Hirzinger, G. and Welz, A. (2003) Linksventrikuläre Unterstützung mit Hilfe einer voll implantierbare, pulsatilen Zweikammerpumpe. In: CD Proceedings. 3. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomechanik, München, 29-5-2003.. Volltext nicht online. |
Schmid, T. and Schiller, W. and Liepsch, D. and Hirzinger, G. and Welz, A. (Univ.Klinik Bonn (2004) Flow measurements in the chamber of a pulsatile left ventricular assist device with Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). In: Proccedings Int. Artifical Organs, Vol. 27, 570-. XXXI. Congress of the European Society for Artificial Organs, September 8th - 11th 2004, Warschau, Polen. Volltext nicht online. |
Schmid, T. and Schiller, W. and Liepsch, D. and Laschka, B. and Hirzinger, G. and Welz, A. (2003) A new implantable left ventricular assist device with two chambers. In: Proceedings, 174-. 7th Conference of the European Society for Engineering with European Society of Biomechanics (ESB) Symposium: Biofluid Mechanics, Halle (Saale), Germany, 18-21 Sept. 2003. Volltext nicht online. |
Schmid, T. and Schiller, W. and Liepsch D., and Hirzinger G., and Welz, A. (2002) The DLR-Heart: A New Implantable, Pulsatile Left Ventricular Assist Device. First In Vitro Testing. 12th International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology (ICMMB-12), Lemnos, Greece, 9.-19. Sept. 2002. Volltext nicht online. |
Schmid, Korbinian and Hirschmüller, Heiko and Dömel, Andreas and Grixa, Iris and Suppa, Michael and Hirzinger, Gerd (2012) View Planning for Multi-View Stereo 3D Reconstruction Using an Autonomous Multicopter. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, Volume (1), pp. 309-323. Springer. doi: 10.1007/s10846-011-9576-2. ISSN 0921-0296. Volltext nicht frei. |
Schmidt, E. and Gulla, P. and Haberzettl, W. and Lohnert, F. and Hansen, E. and Hirzinger, G. and Koeppe, R. and Seelen, W. von and Janßen, H. and Malsburg, C. von der and Würtz, R.P. (1998) NEUROS - Neuronale Skills intelligenter Roboter. Statustagung Intelligente Systeme, Neu-Ukm, 2./3.12.1998. Volltext nicht online. |
Schmidt, E. and Koeppe, R. and Janßen, H. and Würtz, R. and Hansen, V. and Gulla, P. (1999) NEUROS - Neuronale Skils intelligenter Roboter (Schlussbericht Förderkennzeichen 01 IN 504)). Project Report. BMBF. 141 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Schmieder, L. and Mettin, Florian (1978) Technische Beschreibung des Kraft-Momenten-Fühlers. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR- IB 552-78/8. DLR. 25 S. (Unpublished) |
Schneider, Anja (2012) Analyse der Kommunikationsmuster in klinischen Teams bei roboterassistierter minimal invasiver Chirurgie. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 572-2012/11. Bachelor's. LMU München. 71 S. Volltext nicht frei. |
Schneider , D. (2012) Erweiterung einer Auswerteeinheit für taktile Sensoren zum multimodalen Sensorsystem. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 572-12-09. Bachelor's. Robotik und Mechatronik Zentrum. 81 S. |
Schnepper, K. (1999) Mehrzielige Aufstiegsbahnoptimierung eines zweistufigen Raumtransportsystems mit luftatmenden Triebwerken. DLR-Forschungsbericht. Dissertation. Dissertation. 125 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Schopf, L. and Deitemann, R. and Schmid, T. (2000) Entwicklung eines Herstellungsverfahrens von Schläuchen und Herzkammern aus medizinischem Silikon. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-00-17. Diploma. 126 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Schott, J. (2002) Passive Differential Input Filters. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-02-17. 25 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Schott, J. and Thümmel, M. (2002) 1 dimensional Accelerometer. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-02-16. 29 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Schott, K. and Tobolar, J. (2004) Development of a Spatial Track Module in SIMPACK and Application to a Simple Roller Coaster Example. SIMPACK User Meeting, Eisenach, November 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Schreiber, G. (2005) Steuerung für redundante Robotersysteme: Benutzer- und aufgabenorientierte Verwendung der Redundanz. Dissertation, Universität Stuttgart. Volltext nicht online. |
Schreiber, G. and Albu-Schäffer, A. and Fischer, M. and Schoeppe, F. and Hirzinger, G. (2004) Achievable Cartesian Stiffness with Passively Compliant, Uncoupled Joints. In: Proceedings. 9th International Symposium on Advances in Robot Kinematics(ARK), Sestri Levante, Italy, June 28 - July 1, 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Schreiber, G. and Hirzinger, G. (2000) An Intuitive Interface for Nullspace Teaching of Redundant Robots. In: Advances in Robot Kinematics, pp. 209-216. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands. International Symposium on Advances in Robot Kinematics, Portoroz, Slovenia, 26.-29.06.2000. Volltext nicht online. |
Schreiber, G. and Ott, C. and Hirzinger, G. (2001) Interactive Redundant Robotics: Control of the Inverted Pendulum with Nullspace Motion. In: 2001 IEEE/RSJ IROS, pp. 158-164. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots, and Systems (IROS), Maui, Hawaii, USA, Oct. 29-Nov. 03, 2001. ISBN 0-7803-6614-X. Volltext nicht online. |
Schreiber, G. and Ott, C. and Hirzinger, G. (2004) Interactions with a Kinematic Redundant Robot while Balancing an Inverted Pendulum. In: Advances In Human Robot Interaction Series : Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, Vol. 14. Springer Verlag. ISBN 3-540-23211-7. Volltext nicht online. |
Schreiber, Günter and Otter, Martin and Hirzinger, Gerd (1999) Solving the Singularity Problem of Non-Redundant Manipulators by Constaint Optimization. In: Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Systems, pp. 1482-1488. Kyunghee Printing Co.Ltd; Korea. International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Systems, 1999-10-17 - 1999-10-21, Korea. |
Schupp, G. (2004) Numerische Verzweigungsanalyse technisch-mechanischer Systeme mit Anwendungen im Schienenfahrzeugbereich. Oberseminar Numerik von Differentialgleichungen, Halle, 17. Juni 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Schupp, G. (2004) Computational Bifurcation Analysis: An Efficient Method for Studying Stationary and Periodic Motions. SIMPACK User Meeting, Eisenach, 10 November 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Schupp, G. and Kaiser, I. (2004) ENAS - Erprobung neuer Auslegungsstrategien für moderne Schienenfahrzeuge und neuartige Schienenfahrzeugkonzepte. Project Report, DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-04-16. 89 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Schupp, G. (2004) Railway Vehicle Dynamics, Multibody Systems, and Bifurcation Analysis. ECMI Newsletter, 36 (Mathem), pp. 6-11. |
Schwarzbach, Marc and Kondak, Konstantin and Laiacker, Maximilian and Shih, Chia-Yen and Marron, Pedro Jose (2012) Helicopter UAV systems for in situ measurements and sensor placement. In: International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), pp. 4766-4769. IGARRS 2012, 2012-07-22 - 2012-07-27, München, Deutschland. doi: 10.1109/IGARSS.2012.6352548. ISBN 978-1-4673-1160-1. ISSN 2153-6996. Volltext nicht online. |
Schweiger, Christian and Otter, Martin (2003) Modeling 3D Mechanical Effects of 1D Powertrains. In: 3rd International Modelica Conference, pp. 149-158. Modelica 2003, 2003-11-03 - 2003-11-04, Linköping (Schweden). |
Schäfer, B. (2001) Leichtbau-Robotik auf der Internationalen Raumstation (ISS) - Einsatzszenarien und Experimente zur Dynamik. Oberseminar zum Thema Mechatronik, Hannover, 23. April 2001. Volltext nicht online. |
Schäfer, B. (2001) New Trends in Space Robotics: Light Weight and Enhanced Intelligence. Seminar-Vortrag bei INPE Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil, 26. Nov. 2001. Volltext nicht online. |
Schäfer, B. (2003) Using Orbital Testbeds to Achieve Confidence in Space Robotics Dynamics and Control Performance. In: IFIP'2003 Actes / Proceedings, pp. 103-104. IFIP, TC7: 21st Conference on System Modeling and Optimization. Volltext nicht online. |
Schäfer, B. (2003) On Space Robotics. Strasbourg, France, 29. Oct. 2003. Volltext nicht online. |
Schäfer, B. (2005) Advanced Space Robotics. Kolloquium ISU, International Space University, Strasbourg, France, 17. Jan. 2005. Volltext nicht online. |
Schäfer, B. (2005) Advanced Robotics: Planetary Exploration and Special Topics. Kolloquium ISU, International Space University, Strasbourg, France, 17. Jan. 2005. Volltext nicht online. |
Schäfer, B. (2005) Space Robotics and Planetary Rovers: Dynamics, Modeling and Simulation; Projects and Missions. Kolloquium University of Padova, Italy, 21. April 2005. Volltext nicht online. |
Schäfer, B. (2005) Raumfahrt-Robotik und Planetare Rover: Dynamik, Modellierung und Simulation; aktuelle Raumfahrtprojekte. Kolloquium für Mechanik und Regelungstechnik, Univ. Siegen 18. Okt. 2005. Volltext nicht online. |
Schäfer, B. and Fenili, A. and Krenn, R. (2003) Contact Dynamics Parameter Identification Experiments at the ISS. 2nd Contact Dynamics Workshop (CDW), Nara, Japan, 24 May 2003. Volltext nicht online. |
Schäfer, B. and Goes, L.C.S. and Fonseca, R.A. (1999) Dynamics, Control, and Identification Experiments in Space Robotics. In: kein Tagungsband. EURODINAME'99, Günzburg, 11.-16.07.1999. Volltext nicht online. |
Schäfer, B. and Krenn, R. (1999) Force/Torque Sensor Feedback Measuring Contact Dynamics in Space Manipulator Hybrid Systems. Navigation and Control Conference, Portland, OR, USA, 9.-11.08 1999. Volltext nicht online. |
Schäfer, B. and Krenn, R. and Hirzinger, G. (2003) On Design Characteristics, Inverse Kinematics and Kinetics of Redundant Space Manipulator Systems. In: X-DINAME, 10th Int. Symposium on Dynamic Problems of Mechanics, pp. 63-69. X-DINAME, Ubatuba, Brasilien, 10-14 March 2003. Volltext nicht online. |
Schäfer, B. and Krenn, R. and Hirzinger, G. and Silva da, A.R. (2001) Lightweight Space Robotics: Rapid Design Approach and Efficient Simulation Environment. Machine Intelligence & Robotic Control, 31 (3), pp. 99-111. Volltext nicht online. |
Schäfer, B. and Krenn, R. and Lösch, M. and Rulka, W. (1999) Space Robotics Dynamics Simulation Performance in Real-Time Environments. In: EUROMECH Colloquium 404, pp. 541-560. EUROMECH Colloquium 404, Lisbon, 20-23.Sept. 1999. Volltext nicht online. |
Schäfer, B. and Krenn, R. and Rebele, B. (2002) On Inverse Kinematics and Kinetics of Redundant Space Manipulator Simulation. In: Proceedings NMCM2002. Euro Conference on Numerical Methods and Computational Mechanics (NMCM2002), Miskolc, Hungary, July 15-19, 2002. Volltext nicht online. |
Schäfer, B. and Krenn, R. and Rebele, B. (2003) On Inverse Kinematics and Kinetics of Redundant Space Manipulator Simulation. Journal of Computational and Applied Mechanics, 4 (1), pp. 53-70. Volltext nicht online. |
Schäfer, B. and Landzettel, K. and Hirzinger, G. (2004) ROKVISS: Orbital Testbed for Tele-Presence Experiments, Novel Robotic Components and Dynamics Models Verification. 8th ESA Workshop on Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation (ASTRA), Noordwijk, The Netherlands, Nov. 2-4, 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Schäfer, B. and Rebele, B. and Fenili, A. (2004) Space Robotics Contact Dynamics Investigations and Numerical Simulations: ROKVISS. In: CD-Proceedings, pp. 1-8. ROMANSY 2004 15th CISM-IFToMM Symposium on Robot Desgin, Dynamics and Control, Montreal, Canada, June 14-18, 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Schäfer, B. and Rebele, B. and Hirzinger, G. (2003) On Path Generation of Redundant Space Robots Attached to a Free-Flying Satellite. In: CD, pp. 1-11. ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Advances in Computational Multibody Dynamics, Lisbon, Portugal, 1-4 July 2003. Volltext nicht online. |
Schäfer, B. and Rebele, B. and Landzettel, K. (2004) ROKVISS - Space Robotics Dynamics and Control Performance Experiments at the ISS. In: 16th IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace, Vol. I+II, Vol. I, pp. 333-338. ACA2004 IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace, St . Petersburg, Russia, 13-18 Juni 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Schäfer, B. and Silva, A. R. da (2000) Joint Modeling and Parameter Identification for Elastic Space Manipulators in Micro-Gravity Long-Term Missions. JCONNE 2000, Sao José dos Campos, Brazil, 31.07-04.08.2000. Volltext nicht online. |
Schäfer, B. and Silva, A.R. da (2000) Space Robotics Experiments for Increasing Dynamics Modelling Fidelity. ECCOMAS 2000, Barcelona, Spain, 11.-14.09.2000. Volltext nicht online. |
Schäfer, M. and Gruber, H. and Schmid, T. (2000) Anfertigung eines Kunstherzmodells zur strömungstechnischen Untersuchung. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-00-15. Diploma. 128 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Schürmann, Nikolaus (2005) Energieoptimale Regelung eines Ram Air Inlet Actuators. DLR-Interner Bericht, Project Report. 515-2004/38. 30 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Schäfer, Bernd (2008) Robotic Technologies for Planetary Exploration Missions. Vortrag für HGF Alliance Week on Planetary Evolution and Life, 2008-05-15, DLR Adlershof, Berlin. Volltext nicht online. |
Schäfer, Bernd (2012) Planetary Robotics Exploration Activities at DLR. 16th CBDO Coloquio Brasileiro de Dinamica Orbital, 2012-11-26 - 2012-11-30, Serra Negra, SP, Brasilien. Volltext nicht online. |
Schäfer, Bernd and Rebele, Bernhard (2012) Autonomous Planetary Surface Exploration: DLR Perspectives for Long-Range Mobility. 16th CASI Astronautics Conference, 2012-04-24 - 2012-04-26, Quebec, Kanada. Volltext nicht online. |
Schäfer, B. and Hirzinger, G. (2003) On Design, Dynamics and Simulation of Space Robotics at DLR. Mech2K3, 2nd International Congress on Mechatronics, Graz, Austria, 14-17 Juli 2003. Volltext nicht frei. |
Schäfer, Bernd and Albiez, Jan and Hellerer, Matthias and Knapmeyer, Martin and Meinecke, Gerrit and Pfannkuche, Olaf and Thomsen, Laurenz and Wilde, Martina and Wimböck, Thomas and van Zoest, Tim (2004) Robotic Developments for Extreme Environments - Deep Sea and Earth's Moon. |
Seara, J.F. and Strobl, K.H. and Martin, E. and Schmidt, G. (2003) Task-Oriented and Situation-Dependent Gaze Control for Vision Guided Humanoid Walking. In: Proceedings. 3rd IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids2003), Munich and Karlsruhe, Germany, October 2003. Volltext nicht online. |
Sedlmayr, A. and Stelter, J. and Hirzinger, G. (1999) Aktive Schwingungsdaempfung an einem Industrieroboter mit elastischen Antrieben unter Verwendung abtriebseitiger Beschleunigungssensoren. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-99-03. 120 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Seeni, Aravind (2007) Systems Study for Robotic Moon Missions. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 515-2007/28. Other. Volltext nicht online. |
Seeni, Aravind and Lange, Caroline (2011) Study on Tools and Strategies for Planetary Exploration within the HG Project “Planetary Evolution and Life". 2011 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, USA. |
Seeni, Aravind and Schäfer, Bernd and Rebele, Bernhard and Tolyarenko, Nikolai (2008) Robot Mobility Concepts for Extraterrestrial Surface Exploration. In: Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE Aerospace Conference. 2008 IEEE Aerospace Conference, 2008-03-01 - 2008-03-08, Big Sky, MT (USA). Volltext nicht frei. |
Seibold, U. and Hirzinger, G. (2003) A 6-Axis Forche/Torque Sensor Design for Haptic Feedback in Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery. In: Proceedings. VDE MicroTec2003 Conference, München, 14.-15. Oktoboer 2003. Volltext nicht online. |
Seibold, U. and Kübler, B. and Weiss, H. and Ortmaier, T. and Hirzinger, G. (2004) Sensorized and Actuated Instruments for Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery. In: Proceedings, pp. 482-485. Eurohaptics 2004, München, Germany, June 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Seibold, Ulrich and Kübler, Bernhard and Hirzinger, Gerd (2005) Prototype of Instrument for Minimally Invasive Surgery with 6-Axis Force Sensing Capability. In: Proceedings, pp. 498-503. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2005-04-18 - 2005-04-22, Barcelona (Spain). Volltext nicht online. |
Seifert, Benjamin (2012) Quantifizierung der Störeinflüsse bei Fügeaufgaben mit impedanzgeregelten Robotern. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 572-2012/13. Diploma. TU München. 78 S. Volltext nicht frei. |
Seige, R. and Hähnle, M. and Sporer, N. (2003) Entwicklung eines mehrachsigen Handhabungsgerätes unter Verwendung von drehmomentgeregelten Servoantrieben. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-03-06. Diploma. 84 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Sepp, W. and Hirzinger, G. (2002) Featureless 6DoF Pose Refinement from Stereo Images. In: Proceedings, Vol. 4, pp. 17-20. 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Quebec City (Canada), August 11-15, 2002. Volltext nicht online. |
Sepp, W. and Neumann, H. (1999) A Multi-Resolution Filling-in Model for Brightness Perception. In: Proceedings of the 9th ICANN (1999), pp. 461-466. 9th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks. Volltext nicht online. |
Sepp W., and Hirzinger G., (2003) Real-Time Texture-Based 3-D Tracking. In: Proceedings of the 25th DAGM Symposium on Pattern Recognition (DAGM 2003), pp. 330-337. Springer Verlag. DAGM'03-25th Pattern Recognition Symposium, Magdeburg (Germany), September 10-12 2003.. Volltext nicht online. |
Shabaz, Bardia (2011) Entwicklung eines haptischen Feedback-Geräts zur Reinnervation von 3D-Kräften in den menschlichen Zeh. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 572-2011/24. Diploma. TU Dresden. 136 S. Volltext nicht frei. |
Sharma, Karan (2009) Automatic Online Generation of Robot Trajectories in KUKA Robot Language based on predefined acceleration patterns for the KUKA Robocoaster Simulator Platform. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 515-2009/11. Master's. Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten. 84 S. Volltext nicht frei. |
Shi, J. and Albu-Schäffer, A. and Hirzinger, G. (1998) Key issues in dynamic control of lightweight robots for space and. In: Proceedings, pp. 490-498. ICRA 1998 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Leuven, Belgium, May 16-20, 1998. Volltext nicht online. |
Sierra González, David (2012) Online prediction of the hand configuration using ultrasound images of the forearm. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 572-2012/20. Master's. Hochschule Karlsruhe. 121 S. Volltext nicht frei. |
Sierra González, David (2012) Online prediction of the hand configuration using ultrasound images of the forearm. Master's, Hochschule Karlsruhe – Technik und Wirtschaft. Volltext nicht frei. |
Silva da, A.R. and Schäfer, B. (2001) Harmonic Drive Modelling and Physical Parameter Identification for Robotic Joints. In: Proceedings, pp. 213-218. IX DINAME, IX International Symposium on Dynamic Problems of Mechanics, Florianopolis, SC, Brazil, March 5-9, 2001. Volltext nicht online. |
Silva da, A.R. and Schäfer, B. and Souza de, L.C.G. and Fonseca, R.A. (2000) Integrated Linear and Non-Linear Parameter Identification for Space Robot Dynamics. IAF 2000, 51st Int. Astronautical Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Oct. 2-6, 2000. Volltext nicht online. |
Silva da, A.R. and Schäfer, B. and Souza de, L.C.G. and Fonseca, R.A. (2001) Joint Dynamics Modeling and Parameter Identification for Space Robot Applications. In: Proceedings, pp. 40-45. 11th AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, Feb. 11-15, 2001. Volltext nicht online. |
Skudridakis, J. (1979) Aufstellung der Systemgleichung für ein Hubschrauber-Dreiachsen-Funktionsmodell bei starrer und elestischer Zellenmodellierung in Verbindung mit regeltechnischen Untersuchungen. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 552-78/5. DLR. 140 S. (Unpublished) |
Skudridakis, J. (1978) Untersuchungen zu einem aktiven Schwingungsisolationssystem für Hubschrauber bei starrer und elastischer Zellenmodellierung. DLR-Forschungsbericht. DLR-IB 552/78-6. DLR. 72 S. (Unpublished) |
Smagt, P. v.d. (1998) Cerebellar Control of Robot Arms. Connection Science, 10, pp. 301-320. Volltext nicht online. |
Smagt, P. van der and Hirzinger, G. (1998) Solving the Ill-Conditioning in Neural Network Learning. In: Neural Networks: Tricks of the Trade Springer-Verlag. pp. 193-206. ISBN 3-540-65311-2. Volltext nicht online. |
Smagt, P.van der and Hirzinger, G. (1998) Why Feed-Forward Networks are in a bad Shape. ICANN'98, International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks. Volltext nicht online. |
Smagt van der, P. (2000) Benchmarking Cerebellar Control. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 23 (3), pp. 237-251. Volltext nicht online. |
Smagt van der, P. and Hirzinger, G. (2000) The cerebellum as computed torque model. In: Proceedings, pp. 760-763. KES2000 Fourth International Conference on knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering Systems & Applied Technologies, Brighton, UK, Aug. 30 - Sept. 1, 2000. Volltext nicht online. |
Smagt van der, Patrick and Stillfried, Georg (2008) Using MRT data to compute a hand kinematic model. In: Proceedings of MOVIC 2008. 9th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control, 2008-09-15 - 2008-09-18, Technische Universität München. |
Sporer, N. (2000) Mechatronischer Ansatz zur Entwicklung einer neuen Leichtbauroboter-Generation. SMT ES&S Hybrid, Nürnberg, 29.07.2000. Volltext nicht online. |
Sporer, N. (1998) Improved Current Controller for Lightweight Robots. PCIM Europe, No. 6, pp. 326-329. Volltext nicht online. |
Steidle, Florian and Tobergte, Andreas and Hirzinger, Gerd (2012) Optical-inertial tracking with active markers and changing visibility. IROS 2012, 2012-10-07 - 2012-10-12, Vila Moura, Portugal. doi: 10.1109/IROS.2012.6385869. Volltext nicht frei. |
Steinhauser, R. and Looye, G. and Brieger, O. (2003) X-31 mit reduziertem Seitenleitwerk: Entwurf und Simulator-Evaluation eines dynamischen Inversionsreglers. In: Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2003, Jahrbuch 2003, I und II. Deutscher Luft- u. Raumfahrtkongress, München, 17.-20.11.2003. ISBN ISSN 0070-4083. Volltext nicht online. |
Steinhauser, R. and Looye, G. and Brieger, O. (2003) X-31 mit reduziertem Seitenleitwerk: Entwurf und Simulator-Evaluation eines dynamischen Inversionsreglers. In: DGLR, pp. 1-9. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress München, 17.-20.11.2003. Volltext nicht online. |
Steinmetz, B-M. and Arbter, K. and Brunner B., and Landzettel, K. (2001) Autonomous Vision-based Navigation of the Nanokhod Rover. In: CD i-SAIRAS 2001. i-SAIRAS 2001, 6th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics & Automation in Space, St-Hubert, Quebec, Canada, June 18-22,2001. Volltext nicht online. |
Stelzer, Martin (2012) Untersuchung der Anwendbarkeit des OMG Data Distribution Service auf eine Steuerungssoftware für robotische Raumfahrzeuge. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 572-2012/22. Master's. FernUniversität Hagen. 70 S. Volltext nicht frei. |
Stelzer, Martin and Brunner, Bernhard and Landzettel, Klaus and Steinmetz, Bernhard-Michael and Vogel, Jörg and Hirzinger, Gerd (2010) HIROSCO - A High-Level Robotic Spacecraft Controller. The 10th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space, 2010-08-29 - 2010-09-01, Sapporo, Japan. |
Stillfried, Georg and van der Smagt, Patrick (2009) Human hand kinematics based on MRI imaging. In: Understanding the Human Hand for Advancing Robotic Manipulation Workshop at Robotics: Science and Systems 2009. Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS) 2009, Workshop "Understanding the Human Hand for Advancing Robotic Manipulation", Seattle, WA, USA. |
Stoll, Enrico and Jaekel, Steffen and Katz, Jacob and Saenz-Otero, Alvar and Varatharajoo, Renuganth (2012) SPHERES Interact - Human–Machine Interaction aboard the International Space Station. Journal of Field Robotics, 29 (4), pp. 554-575. Wiley. doi: 10.1002/rob.21419. ISSN 1556-4959. Volltext nicht online. |
Streit, M. and Schmid, T. (2004) DLR-Herzunterstürzungssystem: Rechtliche Grundlagen für die Zulassung und Entwicklung eines Prüfstandes für In-Vitro-Tests der Antriebseinheit. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-04-15. Diploma. 155 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Strobl, K.H. and Sepp, W. and Wahl, E. and Bodenmüller, T. and Suppa, M. and Seara, J.F. and Hirzinger, G. (2004) The DLR Multisensory Hand-Guided Device: The Laser Stripe Profiler. In: Proceedings, pp. 1927-1932. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation ICRA, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, April 26 - May 1, 2004. Volltext nicht online. |
Strohmayr, M.W. (2012) Artificial Skin in Robotics -- A Comprehensive Interface for System-Environment Interaction. Dissertation, Robotik und Mechatronik Zentrum - RMC. Volltext nicht online. |
Sturm, M. and Hagn, U. and Seibold, U. (2000) Entwicklung eines chirurgischen Zangeninstruments für die minimal invasive Telechirurgie. DLR-Interner Bericht. 515-00-04. Diploma. 103 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Stäbler, Thomas (2012) Entwurf und Erprobung einer Strategie zum einfachen Wechseln von Instrumenten bei der MIRS. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 572-2012/14. Diploma. Universität Stuttgart. 170 S. Volltext nicht online. |
Stürzl, Wolfgang and Carey, Nicole (2012) A Fisheye Camera System for Polarisation Detection on UAVs. Computer Vision - ECCV 2012, Workshops and Demonstrations, 7584, pp. 431-440. Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-33868-7_43. Volltext nicht online. |
Suppa, M. and Hirzinger, G. (2004) A Novel System Approach to Multisensory Data Acquisition. In: Intelligent Autonomous Systems 8 (IAS-8), pp. 996-1004. IOS Press, Amsterdam. Intelligent Autonomous Sytems 8 (IAS-8), Amsterdam, March 10-13, 2004. ISBN 1 58603 414 6. Volltext nicht online. |
Suppa, M. and Hirzinger, G. (2005) Ein Hand-Auge System zur multisensoriellen Rekonstruktion von 3D-Modellen in der Robotik. AT Automatisierungstechnik, 53. Jahrgang - Juli 2005 (7), pp. 322-331. Volltext nicht online. |
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Varga, Andras (2000) Robust pole assignment for descriptor systems. In: CD-ROM. Proc. Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems MTNS 2000, 2000-06-19 - 2000-06-23, Perpignan (France). |
Varga, Andras (2000) Robust Pole Assignment via Sylvester Equation Based State Feedback Parametrization. In: CD-ROM. IEEE International Symposium on Computer Aided Control Systems Design, 2000-09-25 - 2000-09-27, Anchorage, Alaska (USA). |
Varga, Andras (2000) Model Reduction Software in the SLICOT Library. In: CD-ROM. IEEE International Symposium on Computer Aided Control Systems Design, 2000-09-25 - 2000-09-27, Anchorage, Alaska (USA). |
Varga, Andras (2000) Robust pole assignment techniques via state feedback. In: CD-ROM. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2000, 2000-12-12 - 2000-12-15, Sydney (Australia). |
Varga, Andras (2000) On stochastic balancing related model reduction. In: CD-ROM. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2000, 2000-12-12 - 2000-12-15, Sydney (Australia). |
Varga, Andras (2000) Balanced truncation model reduction of periodic systems. In: CD-ROM. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2000, 2000-12-12 - 2000-12-15, Sydney (Australia). |
Varga, Andras (2001) Computing Generalized Inverse Systems using Matrix Pencil Methods. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, 11 (5), pp. 1055-1068. |
Varga, Andras (2001) Numerical Approach for the Frequency-Weighted Hankel-Norm Approximation. In: Proc. of ECC 2001. European Control Conference 2001, 2001-09-04 - 2001-09-07, Porto (Portugal). |
Varga, Andras (2002) New Numerical Software for Model and Controller Reduction. DLR-Interner Bericht, Project Report. DLR-IB 515-02/09. 40 S. |
Varga, Andras (2002) Computational issues in fault detection filter design. In: Proc. of CDC'02. IEEE 2002 Conference on Decision and Control, 2002-12-10 - 2002-12-13, Las Vegas (USA). |
Varga, Andras (2002) Computation of transfer function matrices of periodic systems. In: Proc. of CDC 2002. IEEE 2002 Conference on Decision and Control, 2002-12-10 - 2002-12-13, Las Vegas (USA). |
Varga, Andras (2002) Numerical Software in SLICOT for Low Order Controller Design. In: Proc. of CCA/CACSD, pp. 51-56. IEEE Intern. Symposium on Computer-Aided Control System Design, 2002-09-18 - 2002-09-20, Glasgow (UK). |
Varga, Andras (2002) Optimisation-based clearance. In: Lecture Notes in Control and Information, 283. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York. pp. 107-117. ISBN 3-540-44054-2. |
Varga, Andras (2002) Optimisation-based clearence: the linear analysis. In: Lecture Notes in Control and Information, 283. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York. pp. 385-413. ISBN 3-540-44054-2. |
Varga, Andras (2003) On frequency-weighted coprime factorization based controller reduction. Proc. of American Control Conference, ACC, 2003-06-04 - 2003-06-06, Denver, Colorado (USA). ISBN 0-7803-7897-0. |
Varga, Andras (2003) Computation of minimal periodic realizations of transfer-function matrices. Proc. of American Control Conference, ACC, 2003-06-04 - 2003-06-06, Denver, Colorado (USA). ISBN 0-7803-7897-0. |
Varga, Andras (2003) On computing least order fault detectors using rational nullspace bases. Proc. of IFAC Symposium SAFEPROCESS '03, 2003-06-09 - 2003-06-11, Washington, DC (USA). |
Varga, Andras (2003) Coprime Factor Reduction of H-infinity Controllers. European Control Conference, ECC'03, 2003-09-01 - 2003-09-04, Cambridge (UK). |
Varga, Andras (2003) A numerically reliable approach to robust pole assignment for descriptor systems. Future Generation Computer Systems, 19, pp. 1221-1230. |
Varga, Andras (2003) Computation of transfer function matrices of periodic systems. International Journal of Control, 76 (17), pp. 1712-1723. |
Varga, Andras (2003) Strongly stable algorithm for computing periodic system zeros. Proc. of 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2003-12-09 - 2003-12-12, Maui, Hawaii (USA). |
Varga, Andras (2003) Reliable algorithms for computing minimal dynamic covers. Proc. of 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2003-12-09 - 2003-12-12, Maui, Hawaii (USA). |
Varga, Andras (2003) New computational approach for the design of fault detection and isolation filters. In: The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Sciences, Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 367-381. ISBN 1-4020-7607-X. |
Varga, Andras (2003) Computation of Kalman Decompositions of Periodic Systems. European Journal of Control, 10 (1), pp. 1-8. |
Varga, Andras and Anderson, Brain D.O. (2001) Accuracy Enhancing Methods for the Frequency-Weighted Balancing Related Model Reduction. In: Proc. of CDC 2000. 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2001-12-04 - 2001-12-07, Orlando, Florida (USA). |
Varga, Andras and Anderson, Brain D.O. (2003) Accuracy-enhancing methods for balancing-related frequency-weighted model and controller reduction. Automatica, 39 (3), pp. 919-927. |
Varga, Andras and Anderson, Brian D.O. (2002) Frequency-Weighted Balancing Related Controller Reduction. In: Proc. of 15th IFAC Congress. International Federation of Automatic Control World Congress on Automatic Control, 2002-07-21 - 2002-07-26, Barcelona (Spain). |
Varga, Andras and Dooren, Paul Van (2001) Computational Methods for Periodic Systems - An Overview. In: Preprints of PSYCO 2001, pp. 171-176. IFAC Workshop on Periodic Control Systems, 2001-08-27 - 2001-08-28, Cernobbio-Como (Italy). |
Varga, Andras and Dooren, Paul Van (2002) On computing the zeros of periodic systems. In: Proc. of CDC'02, pp. 1-6. 41st IEEE 2002 Conference on Decision and Control, 2002-12-10 - 2002-12-13, Las Vegas (USA). ISBN 0-7803-7517-3. |
Varga, Andras and Looye, Gertjan (1999) Symbolic and numerical software tools for LFT-based low order uncertainty modeling. In: Proceedings of CACSD'99, pp. 1-6. IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Aided Control System Design, 1999-08-22 - 1999-08-27, Hawaii (USA). ISBN ISBN 0-7803-5449-4. |
Varga, Andras and Parrilo, Pablo (2001) Fast Algorithms for Solving H-infinity-Norm Minimization Problems. In: Proc. of CDC 2001, pp. 1-6. 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2001-12-04 - 2001-12-07, Orlando, Florida (USA). |
Varga, Andreas (2010) Integrated algorithm for solving H2-optimal fault detection and isolation problems. Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (SYSTOL 2010), 2010-10-06 - 2010-10-08, Nice, France. |
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Vitrani, M.A. and Morel, G. and Ortmaier, T. (2005) Automatic Guidance of a Surgical Instrument with Ultrasound Based Visual Servoing. In: CD ICRA 2005. ICRA 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Barcelona, Spain, April 18-24, 2005. Volltext nicht online. |
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Vogel, J. and Brunner, B. and Landzettel, K. and Hirzinger, G. (1999) Internet Virtual Reality Technologien zur Fernvisualiierung für Teleservice- und Telerobotikanwendungen. In: Industrielle Automation und Internet/Intranet Technologie, pp. 199-210. VDI Verlag. GMA-Fachtagung: Industrielle Automation und Internet/Intranet-Technologien, Langen, Hessen, 8./9.11.1999. ISBN 3-18-091515-3. Volltext nicht online. |
Vogel, Jörn and Castellini, Claudio and van der Smagt, Patrick (2011) EMG-Based Teleoperation and Manipulation with the DLR LWR-III. In: Proceedings of IROS - International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp. 672-678. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2011, 2011-09-25 - 2011-09-30, San Francisco, USA. |
Vogel, Jörn and Haddadin, Sami and Simeral, J D and Stavisky, S D and Bacher, D and Hochberg, L R and Donoghue, J P and van der Smagt, Patrick (2010) Continuous Control of the DLR Light-weight Robot III by a human with tetraplegia using the BrainGate2 Neural Interface System. In: 12th International Symposium on Experimental Robotics (ISER). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. The 12th International Symposium on Experimental Robotics, Montreal. Volltext nicht online. |
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Webel, Sabine and Bockholt, Uli and Engelke, Timo and Gavish, Nirit and Olbrich, Manuel and Preusche, Carsten (2012) Augmented reality training platform for assembly and maintenance skills. In: Elsevier B.V.. doi: 10.1016/j.robot.2012.09.013. (In Press) Volltext nicht frei. |
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Weber, Bernhard (2012) Herausforderungen und Chancen der Ingenieurpsychologie. 6. Kongress des Vereins für Psychologie in Beruf und Praxis e.V., 2012-11-17, München. (Unpublished) Volltext nicht online. |
Weber, Bernhard and Panzirsch, Michael and Montoya-Zamarron, Silvia and Preusche, Carsten and Deml, Barbara (2011) Evaluation zweier Bedienkonzepte zur Steuerung eines Fahrzeugs mit drei Bewegungsfreiheitsgraden. Ergonomie im interdisziplinären Gestaltungsprozess (DGLR-Bericht 2011-01). DGLR. |
Weber, Bernhard and Panzirsch, Michael and Preusche, Carsten and Deml, Barbara (2011) Der aktive Sidestick als Bedienelement im Elektromobil. In: Mensch, Technik, Organisation - Vernetzung im Produktentstehungs- und -herstellungsprozess, pp. 473-476. GfA Press. 57. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft, 2011-03-23 - 2011-03-25, Chemnitz. ISBN 978-3-936804-10-2. Volltext nicht frei. |
Wedler, Armin and Chalon, Maxime and Landzettel, Klaus and Görner, Martin and Krämer, Erich and Gruber, Robin and Beyer, Alexander and Sedlmayr, Hans-Jürgen and Willberg, Bertram and Bertleff, Wieland and Reill, Josef and Schedl, Manfred and Albu-Schäffer, Alin and Hirzinger, Gerd (2012) DLRs dynamic actuator modules for robotic space applications. 41st Aerospace Mechanisms Symposium 2012, 2012-05-16 - 2012-05-18, Passadena, USA. Volltext nicht online. |
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Widmoser, Hannes (2012) Interaction Planning for collaborative Human-Robot Assembly Tasks. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 572-2012/32. Master's. TU München. 127 S. Volltext nicht frei. |
Willmann, Simon (2009) Entwurf und Simulation einer Zusatzaktuatorik für den Robocoaster zur Nachbildung der Fußbewegungen eines Skifahrers basierend auf realen Sensormessdaten. DLR-Interner Bericht. DLR-IB 515-2009/9. Diploma. Hochschule Esslingen. 130 S. Volltext nicht frei. |
Wimböck, Thomas and Ott, Christian and Albu-Schäffer, Alin and Hirzinger, Gerd (2012) Comparison of object-level grasp controllers for dynamic dexterous manipulation. The International Journal of Robotics Research, 31 (1), pp. 3-23. SAGE Publications. doi: 10.1177/0278364911416526. ISSN 0278-3649. Volltext nicht online. |
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Wimböck, Thomas and Reinecke, Jens and Chalon, Maxime (2012) Derivation and Verification of Synergy Coordinates for the DLR Hand Arm System. In: Proceedings of CASE 2012. 8th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering,, 2012-08-20 - 2012-08-24, Seoul, Korea. doi: 10.1109/CoASE.2012.6386364. Volltext nicht online. |
Wirth, Martin and Fix, Andreas and Mahnke, Peter and Schwarzer, Horst and Schrandt, Friedrich and Ehret, Gerhard (2009) The airborne multi-wavelength water vapor differential absorption lidar WALES: system design and performance. Applied Physics B, 96, pp. 201-213. Springer. doi: 10.1007/s00340-009-3365-7. |
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