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Number of items: 106.
Atanasov, Georgi (2022) Aircraft Modeling Results, Short-Range Turboprop Baselines (D250-321TP-2040, D220-320TP-2040). [Other] |
Atanasov, Georgi (2022) Aircraft Modeling Results, 70PAX Regional Aircraft Baseline (D70-840-2040). [Other] (Unpublished) Volltext nicht online. |
Atanasov, Georgi (2022) 70 PAX Fuel Cell Aircraft D70-FCLH2-2040. [Other] |
Atanasov, Georgi (2022) Concept Introduction: 70 PAX Plug-In Hybrid-Electric Aircraft (D70-PHEA). [Other] |
Barth, Nadine and Kunc, Oliver (2022) PermasVmap. Zenodo. [Other] Volltext nicht online. |
Bernehed, Aiko and Milow, Ida (2022) Innovative Akkus für elektrisches Fliegen. Wiley-VCH. [Other] Volltext nicht online. |
Birschmann, Nils and Heil, Julia (2022) DLRmagazin 170 - Erst rechnen, dann fliegen. [Other] |
Birschmann, Nils and Heil, Julia (2022) DLRmagazine 170 - Compute before flight. [Other] |
Birschmann, Nils and Heil, Julia (2022) DLRmagazin 171 – Den schlafenden Riesen wecken. [Other] |
Birschmann, Nils and Heil, Julia (2022) DLRmagazine 171 – Awakening the sleeping giant. [Other] |
Bosch, Esther Johanna (2022) Human Factors in Transportation: Learning from Psychophysiological Data. [Other] Volltext nicht online. |
Brochhagen, Mathias and Haupt, Carina and Jäger, Till and Müller, Verena and Schlauch, Tobias and Stumvoll, Konstantin (2022) Nutzung von Open-Source-Software im DLR Mathias Brochhagen, Carina Haupt, Dr. Till Jaeger (JBB Rechtsanwälte), Verena Müller, Tobias Schlauch, Dr. Konstantin Stumvoll. DLR. [Other] Volltext nicht frei. |
Costa, Diogo (2022) European researchers probing hemp cellulose for use in high-tech gels. Hemp Today. [Other] |
Dyck, Alexander (2022) Anwendungsbereiche von Brennstoffzellen. [Other] Volltext nicht online. |
Ehlers, Sören (2022) Schiffsantriebe der Zukunft - Ein Podcast über die Decarbonisierung von Schiffen. Geladen - der Batteriepodcast. [Other] Volltext nicht online. |
Ehlers, Sören (2022) DEKARBONISIERUNG DER SCHIFFAHRT - Podcast. Markus Fritz & Julius Wesche, Breslauer Str. 48, 76139 Karlsruhe. [Other] Volltext nicht online. |
Fabel, Yann and Nouri, Bijan and Wilbert, Stefan and Blum, Niklas and Zarzalejo, L. F. and Pitz-Paal, Robert (2022) All-sky imager based irradiance nowcasts: combining a physical and a deep learning model. ISES. [Other] |
Feeken, Linda and Glawe, Matthias (2022) Developing and Using a Digital Twin of a Decentralized Robot Fleet. Talk at the Finnish Industrial Internet Forum. [Other] Volltext nicht online. |
Galbas, Roland and Neurohr, Christian and Rosenberger, Philipp and Schunk, Gerhard (2022) Application of SET Level results in the VVMethods Project. SET Level. [Other] |
Gessner, Ursula (2022) Der Blick von oben. Wie Satellitendaten genutzt werden können, um die Landoberfläche und deren Einfluss auf unser Wasser zu erfassen. [Other] |
Glück, Roland and Körber, Marian Karl (2022) Automated Control and Simulation of Dynamic Robot Teams in the Domain of CFK Production. Cornell University. [Other] |
Grimme, Wolfgang and Maertens, Sven (2022) Wie werden sich mittel- und langfristig die Ticketpreise entwickeln und welchen Einfluss hat dabei eine mögliche Erhöhung der Energiepreise im Luftverkehr? Neun Zeichen GmbH. [Other] |
Hamann, Anneke and Carstengerdes, Nils (2022) Dataset for: Hamann, Anneke & Carstengerdes, Nils. Assessing the development of mental fatigue during simulated flights with concurrent EEG-fNIRS measurement. PsychArchives. [Other] Volltext nicht online. |
Hamann, Anneke and Carstengerdes, Nils (2022) Code for: Hamann, Anneke & Carstengerdes, Nils. Assessing the development of mental fatigue during simulated flights with concurrent EEG-fNIRS measurement. PsychArchives. [Other] Volltext nicht online. |
Hermwille, Lukas and Obergassel, Wolfgang and Pérez Català, Anna and Fragkos, Panagiotis and Van de Ven, Dirk-Jan and José Sanz, Maria and Torres Gunfaus, Marta and Briand, Yann and van Asselt, Harro and Oberthür, Sebastian and Kronshage, Stefan and Jochem, Patrick and Xia-Bauer, Chun (2022) Ensuring an Effective Global Stocktake with a Sectoral Perspective. [Other] |
Hesse, Jan-Timo and Willberg, Christian (2022) Peridigm User Material Interface Dataset. [Other] Volltext nicht online. |
Holke, Johannes and Burstedde, Carsten and Knapp, David and Dreyer, Lukas and Elsweijer, Sandro and Ünlü, Veli and Markert, Johannes and Lilikakis, Ioannis and Böing, Niklas (2022) t8code. [Other] Volltext nicht online. |
Holzäpfel, Frank and Rotshteyn, Grigory (2022) Plate Lines - Mitigating Wake Turbulence Risks and Increasing Runway Throughput. [Other] |
Kaul, Robert (2022) 5G Innovationen in der Mobilitätsregion Braunschweig-Wolfsburg: Beispiele aus dem 5G-Reallabor. [Other] Volltext nicht online. |
Knake-Langhorst, Sascha (2022) Digitalisierung macht den Verkehr sicherer. [Other] Volltext nicht online. |
Knapmeyer, Martin and Marusiak, A and Nunn, C. and Knapmeyer-Endrun, B. (2022) Seismologie im Sonnensystem / Seismology across the Solar System. Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft. [Other] Volltext nicht online. |
Knapmeyer, Martin and Walterova, Michaela (2022) Tables of Planetary Core Radii and Underlying Parameters (1.0.275) [Data set]. [Other] Volltext nicht online. |
Knauer, Markus Wendelin and Denninger, Maximilian and Triebel, Rudolph (2022) HOWS-CL-25: Household Objects Within Simulation Dataset for Continual Learning. [Other] Volltext nicht online. |
Konstantynov, Mykhailo and Schmeling, Daniel and Wagner, Claus (2022) Numerical Simulation of the Aerosol Formation and Spreading in a Train Cabin. [Other] |
Kopp, Gerhard (2022) Digital - First im Strukturleichtbau von Morgen. [Other] Volltext nicht frei. |
Kubiczek, Jan-Manuel and Herrnring, Hauke and Ehlers, Sören (2022) Raw data of the temperature measurements on the ship structure of RV Polarstern during the MOSAiC expedition. [Other] Volltext nicht online. |
Kubiczek, Manuel and Herrnring, Hauke and Ehlers, Sören (2022) Raw data of strain measurements on the ship structure of RV Polarstern during the MOSAiC expedition. [Other] Volltext nicht online. |
Kölbl, Christoph and Dreier, Lisa (2022) PCT/EP2022/058784: Optische Vorrichtung mit einer Triggereinheit, Triggereinheit und Verfahren zur Aufnahme von Infrarotabsorptionsspektren. [Other] (Submitted) Volltext nicht online. |
Kölbl, Christoph and Dreier, Lisa (2022) Einrichtung und Verfahren zur Detektion eines Stoffes. [Other] (Submitted) Volltext nicht frei. |
Kühn, Martin Joachim (2022) Mathematical modeling of infectious diseases. Universität Bonn. [Other] Volltext nicht online. |
Lange, Pascal and Westhoff, Andreas and Kohl, Andreas and Müller, Axel (2022) Experimental study of the indoor aerosol-dynamics for a low-momentum ventilation system with an air purifier unit. [Other] |
Lehner, Andreas (2022) VIRTUELLES KUPPELN. Institute of Land and Sea Transport Systems (ILS), Technical University (TU) Berlin. [Other] Volltext nicht frei. |
Lobe, Elisabeth (2022) Combinatorial Problems in Programming Quantum Annealers -- Verteidigung der Doktorarbeit. [Other] |
Lobe, Elisabeth (2022) Quantum Annealing. [Other] |
Lukasch, Bernd and Raffel, Markus and Short, Simine (2022) Otto Lilienthal - the Flying Man. [Other] Volltext nicht online. |
Madrigal, Victor (2022) i4Port: Simulation of drayage operations based on vehicle communication technologies at port terminals. [Other] Volltext nicht frei. |
Magagna, Barbara and Moncoiffe, Gwenaelle and Devaraju, Anusuriya and Stoica, Maria and Schindler, Sirko and Pamment, Alison (2022) InteroperAble Descriptions of Observable Property Terminologies (I-ADOPT) WG - outputs and recommendations. [Other] |
Malzacher, Gregor (2022) Wohin fährt der "Next Generation Train"? [Other] Volltext nicht frei. |
Marwege, Ansgar and Hantz, Christian and Klevanski, Josef and Gülhan, Ali and Vos, Jan and Charbonnier, Dominique and Karl, Sebastian (2022) RETALT2 – AERODYNAMIC DATA BASE 2.0. [Other] Volltext nicht online. |
Marwege, Ansgar and Hantz, Christian and Klevanski, Josef and Gülhan, Ali and Vos, Jan and Charbonnier, Dominique and Karl, Sebastian (2022) RETALT1 – AERODYNAMIC DATA BASE 2.0. [Other] Volltext nicht online. |
Meister, Sebastian (2022) Automated Defect Analysis using Optical Sensing and Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Fibre Layup Processes in Composite Manufacturing - LAYMANS TALK. [Other] Volltext nicht frei. |
Meister, Sebastian and Brauer, Christoph (2022) Ressourceneffizientes Fliegen durch intelligente Qualitätssicherung im Fertigungsprozess. [Other] Volltext nicht frei. |
Mäurer, Nils and Gräupl, Thomas and Schmitt, Corinna (2022) L-band Digital Aeronautical Communications System (LDACS) draft-ietf-raw-ldacs-10. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). [Other] |
Mäurer, Nils and Gräupl, Thomas and Schmitt, Corinna (2022) L-band Digital Aeronautical Communications System (LDACS) draft-ietf-raw-ldacs-11. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). [Other] |
Mäurer, Nils and Gräupl, Thomas and Schmitt, Corinna (2022) L-band Digital Aeronautical Communications System (LDACS) draft-ietf-raw-ldacs-12. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). [Other] |
Mäurer, Nils and Gräupl, Thomas and Schmitt, Corinna (2022) L-band Digital Aeronautical Communications System (LDACS) draft-ietf-raw-ldacs-12. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). [Other] |
Mäurer, Nils and Gräupl, Thomas and Schmitt, Corinna (2022) L-band Digital Aeronautical Communications System (LDACS) draft-ietf-raw-ldacs-13. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). [Other] |
Mäurer, Nils and Gräupl, Thomas and Schmitt, Corinna (2022) L-band Digital Aeronautical Communications System (LDACS) draft-ietf-raw-ldacs-14. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). [Other] |
Mönsters, Michael and Flamm, Leander and Gilg, Jonas and Parise, Riccardo (2022) Next Generation Train NGT - Slip Coaching and Virtual Coupling Demonstrator. [Other] Volltext nicht online. |
Neurohr, Christian (2022) Criticality Analysis for the Verification & Validation of Automated Driving Systems. VVMethoden. [Other] |
Niebling, Julia (2022) A multiobjective view on creating counterfactual explanations for explaining uncertainty in machine learning. [Other] |
Oesingmann, Katrin (2022) The effect of the European Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) on aviation demand: An empirical comparison with the impact of ticket taxes. [Other] Volltext nicht online. |
Padiya, Trupti and Löffler, Frank and Klan, Friederike (2022) Need for Design Patterns: Interoperability Issues and Modelling Challenges for Observational Data. Cornell University. [Other] Volltext nicht frei. |
Pagenkopf, Johannes and Böhm, Mathias and Jäger, Victoria Carolin and Konrad, Marcel (2022) Kernergebnisse der Machbarkeitsanalyse alternativer Antriebe im Einsatzgebiet von Rangierloks in Deutschland. [Other] |
Pauly, Peter and Bauer, Tobias (2022) Dynamic Configuration Adjustment in the TMA. [Other] Volltext nicht online. |
Pereira, Aaron and Lii, Neal Yi-Sheng and Krueger, Thomas (2022) How do we control robots on the moon? [Other] |
Rieger, Vanessa and Grewe, Volker (2022) Lookup-tables for TransClim. World Data Center for Climate. [Other] Volltext nicht online. |
Rädel, Martin (2022) Complete Model Storage - A Solver-Agnostic Hierarchical Approach. [Other] |
Rädel, Martin and Lefevre, Jean and Schuster, Andreas (2022) VMAP as an ingredient in virtual end-to-end processes @ DLR Virtual Product House. [Other] (Unpublished) Volltext nicht frei. |
Sand, Stephan (2022) LB259 Comment Resolution. IEEE 802.11bd Task Group NGV. [Other] Volltext nicht frei. |
Sand, Stephan (2022) LB258 Comment Resolution B.4.4 MAC protocol. IEEE 802.11me Task Group Maintenance/Revision. [Other] Volltext nicht frei. |
Sand, Stephan (2022) Collision Avoidance, Virtual Coupling of Trains, Autonomous Trains - Novel Train Localization Methods for Next Generation Railways. Institute of Radio Frequency Engineering and Electronics (IHE), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIt). [Other] |
Sand, Stephan (2022) SA Ballot CR 11bd D4.0 NGV Ranging. IEEE 802.11bd Task Group NGV. [Other] Volltext nicht frei. |
Sand, Stephan (2022) 2nd SA Ballot CR 11bd D5.0 NGV. IEEE 802.11bd Task Group NGV. [Other] Volltext nicht frei. |
Schimeczek, Christoph and Torralbe Diaz, Laura and Kochems, Johannes and Guthoff, Felix (2022) ERAFlex II - Modellkopplung zur Bestimmung realisierbarer & kostenoptimaler Energiesysteme. [Other] |
Schmied-Kowarzik, Rahel Louise and Tuppatsch, Jens-Peter and Albrecht, Michael (2022) Approach towards process digitalisation and the integration of digital twins into aircraft maintenance shop floor procedures. [Other] |
Schmitz, Nicole (2022) Mein Tag hat 24 Stunden und 37 Minuten. Kursbuch Kulturstiftung gGmbH. [Other] Volltext nicht online. |
Schoenawa, Stefan and Neurohr, Christian (2022) Identification and Analysis of Criticality Phenomena within the GIDAS database. VVMethoden. [Other] |
Scholz, Michael and Fischer Prestes, Laura (2022) OpenDRIVE dataset of ViVre research track in Brunswick. [Other] Volltext nicht online. |
Scholz, Michael and Fischer Prestes, Laura (2022) OpenDRIVE dataset of 5G Living Lab research track in Wolfsburg. [Other] Volltext nicht online. |
Siefkes, Prof. Dr. Tjark (2022) Morgen kommt das autonome Fahren - Eine Weihnachtsgeschichte. [Other] |
Sigle, Sebastian and Schneider, Tobias and Huschenhöfer, Dennis (2022) Leitfaden: Ladeinfrastruktur für E-Fahrzeuge. [Other] |
Silberhorn, Daniel (2022) Aircraft Modeling Results, Short-Range LH2 Mild-Hybrid-Electric-Propulsion Concepts; EXACT Mid Term Review. [Other] Volltext nicht online. |
Silberhorn, Daniel and Balack, Philip (2022) Aircraft Modeling Results, Short-Range Hydrogen Concepts; EXACT Mid Term Review. [Other] Volltext nicht online. |
Silberhorn, Daniel and Balack, Philip (2022) Aircraft Modeling Results, Short-Range Turbofan Baselines; EXACT Mid Term Review. [Other] Volltext nicht online. |
Sourmelis Terzopoulos, Venizelos Eleftherios and Kühl, Viktor and Weigl, Andreas and Schmidt, Matthias (2022) Kalkstein - Saisonaler Strom-Wärme-Speicher für Gebäude. [Other] |
Stadermann, Michael Günter (2022) Maritime Verkehrssicherung in Zeiten der Autonomisierung. [Other] |
Stoffers, Martin and Meinel, Michael (2022) Effective Software Tests (with Python). [Other] |
Stolz, Maria (2022) Die Zukunft der Luftfahrt - Der Traum vom grünen Fliegen - Podcastbeitrag im RBB. [Other] Volltext nicht online. |
Strickert, Gordon and Lorenz, Sven (2022) Unbemannter Drehflügler, System und Verfahren zum Ausbringen eines Spritzguts. [Other] Volltext nicht frei. |
Stumpf, Xenia Sophia (2022) Technologietransfer zum Anfassen auf den EmpowerAX Days 2022 - Von einer Vision zur Realität. [Other] |
Tomsche, Laura and Piel, Felix and Mikoviny, Tomas and Nielsen, Claus J. and Guo, Hongyu and Campuzano-Jost, Pedro and Nault, Benjamin A. and Schueneman, Melinda K. and Jimenez, Jose L. and Halliday, Hannah and Diskin, Glenn S. and DiGangi, Joshua P. and Nowak, John B. and Wiggins, Elizabeth B. and Gargulinski, Emily and Soja, Amber J. and Wisthaler, Armin (2022) Measurement report: Emission factors of NH3 and NHx for wildfires and agricultural fires in the United States. [Other] (Submitted) |
Verdonck, Hendrik and Hach, Oliver and Balzani, Claudio and Polman, Jelmer and Braun, Otto and Rieke, Johannes and Müller, Sarah (2022) Framework for uncertainty quantification of aeroelastic wind turbine simulations. [Other] Volltext nicht online. |
Viele andere Mitglieder, IALA and Raulefs, Ronald (2022) G1117 VHF Data Exchange System (VDES) Overview. IALA. [Other] Volltext nicht online. |
Viergutz, Kathrin Karola (2022) Smart City bedeutet Alltagsnutzen statt Science Fiction. [Other] |
Wagner, Michael (2022) EXCELLERAT Success Story: Transparent Integration of Emerging HPC Technologies into the Computational Fluid Dynamics Software CODA. [Other] |
Westhofen, Lukas and Neurohr, Christian (2022) Functional Use Cases - Characteristic Scenarios for the Evaluation of Urban Driving Automation. VVMethoden. [Other] |
Willberg, Christian (2022) Was macht einen Windpark aus? [Other] Volltext nicht online. |
Wolf, Christian and Hardinghaus, Michael (2022) Umgestaltungen in Barcelona: Pionier der Superblocks. [Other] |
Wolf, Christian and Hardinghaus, Michael (2022) Pontevedra: lange Tradition der „Fußgängerisierung“ der Innenstadt. [Other] |
Wolf, Christian and Hardinghaus, Michael (2022) Methoden der Stakeholderbeteiligung in der Mobilitäts- und Quartiersplanung. [Other] |
Wolf, Christian and Hardinghaus, Michael and Seiffert, Robert (2022) Oslo: autoarme Innenstadt mit Fokus auf Partizipation. [Other] |
Wörmann, Julian and Bogdoll, Daniel and Bührle, Etienne and Chen, Han and Chuo, Evaristus Fuh and Cvejoski, Kostadin and van Elst, Ludger and Gleißner, Tobias and Gottschall, Philip and Griesche, Stefan and Hellert, Christian and Hesels, Christian and Houben, Sebastian and Joseph, Tim and Keil, Niklas and Kelsch, Johann and Königshof, Hendrik and Kraft, Erwin and Kreuser, Leonie and Krone, Kevin and Latka, Tobias and Mattern, Denny and Matthes, Stefan and Munir, Mohsin and Nekolla, Moritz and Paschke, Adrian and Pintz, Maximilian Alexander and Qiu, Tianming and Qureishi, Faraz and Raza Rizvi, Syed Tahseen and Reichardt, Jörg and Von Rüden, Laura and Rudolph, Stefan and Sagel, Alexander and Schunk, Gerhard and Shen, Han and Stapelbroek, Hendrik and Stehr, Vera and Srinivas, Gurucharan and Tran, Anh Tuan and Vivekanandan, Abhishek and Wang, Ya and Wasserrab, Florian and Werner, Tino and Wirth, Christian and Zwicklbauer, Stefan (2022) Knowledge Augmented Machine Learning with Applications in Autonomous Driving: A Survey. [Other] |
Wörmann, Julian and Bogdoll, Daniel and Srinivas, Gurucharan and Kelsch, Johann and Bührle, Etienne and Chen, Han and Fuh Chuo, Evaristus and Cvejoski, Kostadin and Gleißner, Tobias and van Elst, Ludger and Gottschall, Philip and Griesche, Stefan and Hellert, Christian and Hesels, Christian and Houben, Sebastian and Joseph, Tim and Keil, Niklas and Königshof, Hendrik and Kraft, Erwin and Kreuser, Leonie and Krone, Kevin and Latka, Tobias and Mattern, Denny and Matthes, Stefan and Munir, Mohsin and Nekolla, Moritz and Paschke, Adrian and Alexander Pintz, Maximilian and Qiu, Tianming and Qureishi, Faraz and Tahseen Raza Rizvi, Syed and Reichardt, Jörg and von Rueden, Laura and Rudolph, Stefan and Sagel, Alexander and Schunk, Gerhard and Shen, Hao and Stapelbroek, Hendrik and Stehr, Vera and Tuan Tran, Anh and Vivekanandan, Abhishek and Wang, Ya and Wasserrab, Florian and Werner, Tino and Wirth, Christian and Zwicklbauer, Stefan (2022) Knowledge Augmented Machine Learning with Applications in Autonomous Driving: A Survey. [Other] |
Zeidler, Conrad (2022) Controlled Environment Agriculture in Space. [Other] (Unpublished) Volltext nicht online. |