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Items where Subject is "Institute of Transport Research > Means of Transport"

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Number of items at this level: 46.

  Abu Daieh, Omar (2024) Relationship between Fuel Demand and Freight Transport and Mileage of Non-Resident Trucks in Germany. Bachelor's, German Jordanian University School of Applied Technical Sciences. file

  Ahlwes, Laura (2022) Technologie Akzeptanz im Rahmen des Campbell Paradigmas – Erkenntnisse einer Skalenentwicklung. Master's, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg. Volltext nicht online.

  Bergfeld, Moritz and Anderson, John Erik (2024) Ladeverhalten von E-Fahrzeugnutzern: So lädt Deutschland. Mobility Agenda (2), pp. 10-17. Mobility Communications UG. ISSN 2942-268X. Volltext nicht online.

  Bergfeld, Moritz and Hoyer-Klick, Carsten and Anderson, John Erik and Eisenmann, Christine (2023) Inductive charging can reduce the need for uncontrolled charging and increase flexibility through electric cars in Germany. 8th International Electric Vehicle Conference, 2023-06-21 - 2023-06-23, Edinburgh, Schottland. Volltext nicht frei. filefile

  Bergfeld, Moritz and Obersteller, Denise and Nguyen, Do Minh and Anderson, John Erik and Nobis, Claudia (2022) Real-world insights into user acceptance of e-fuels for passenger vehicles in Germany. In: 2022 Conference Proceedings Transport Research Arena, TRA Lisbon 2022, 72, pp. 1303-1310. Elsevier. Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conference, 2023-11-14 - 2023-11-17, Lissabon, Portugal. doi: 10.1016/j.trpro.2023.11.591. ISSN 2352-1457. file

  Brandenburger, Niels and Dreßler, Annika and Grippenkoven, Jan Daniel (2023) DLR Workload Assessment Tool (DLR-WAT)-Official English Version. [Other] file

  Brost, Mascha and Ehrenberger, Simone and Dasgupta, Isheeka and Hahn, Robert and Gebhardt, Laura (2023) DAS POTENZIAL VON ELEKTROLEICHTFAHRZEUGEN ZUR CO2-MINDERUNG IM VERKEHR. ADAC Talk: Regional zur Mikro- und Leichtmobilität, 2023-12-12, online. Volltext nicht frei. file

  Brost, Mascha and Gebhardt, Laura (2023) Elektrische Leichtfahrzeuge als großes Potential zur CO2-Minderung im Verkehr. Themenabend der Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Mobilität & Verkehr der Grünen (BAG MoVe), 2023-03-01, online. Volltext nicht online.

  Deineko, Elija and Knitschky, Gunnar and Rischke, Daniela (2023) Exploratory Analysis of Transportation System for Modular Vehicle Concept Operated as Passenger and Goods Transport Using Continuum Approximation Techniques. In: Advances in Resilient and Sustainable Transport : Proceedings of the 6th Interdisciplinary Conference on Production, Logistics and Traffic 2023, pp. 223-240. Springer, Cham. Interdisciplinary Conference on Production, Logistics and Traffic (ICPLT), 2023-03-21 - 2023-03-22, Dortmund. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-28236-2_14. ISBN 978 3 031 28235 5, 978 3 031 28236 2, 978 3 031 28196-9. ISSN 2194-8917. Volltext nicht online.

  Dubernet, Ilka and Seibert, Dennis and Koller, Florian (2023) Investigating preferences for powertrains when buying a car in Germany. 11th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART 2023), 2023-09-06 - 2023-09-08, Zürich, Schweiz. Volltext nicht frei. file

  Fahrner, Vera Maria and Bergfeld, Moritz (2024) Einfluss der Wohnsituation auf die Akzeptanz von bidirektionalem Laden. Mobility Agenda (5), pp. 42-47. Mobility Communications UG. ISSN 2942-268X. Volltext nicht online.

  Fahrner, Vera Maria and Bergfeld, Moritz and Eisenmann, Christine (2023) Electric vehicles and their charging – in or out? User acceptance of bidirectional charging in Germany. In: 8th International Electric Vehicle Conference, EVC 2023, 70, pp. 196-203. Elsevier. 8th International Electric Vehicle Conference (EVC 2023), 2023-06-21 - 2023-06-23, Edinburgh, Schottland (UK). doi: 10.1016/j.trpro.2023.11.019. ISSN 2352-1457. file

  Frankenberger, Maximilian (2023) Identifikation potenzieller Nutzungsszenarien von Mikromobilen. Master's, Hochschule Rhein-Main, Wiesbaden. Volltext nicht online.

  Galich, Anton and Heinrichs, Matthias and Anderson, John Erik and Nieland, Simon and Keim, Stefan (2024) A new interactive tool for the holistic evaluation of multiple aspects of the transportation system. Transport Research Arena, 2024-04-15 - 2024-04-18, Dublin, Irland. Volltext nicht online.

  Gebhardt, Laura and Brost, Mascha and Seiffert, Robert (2023) What Potential Do Light Electric Vehicles Have to Reduce Car Trips? Future Transportation (3), pp. 918-930. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI). doi: 10.3390/futuretransp3030051. ISSN 2673-7590. file

  Grippenkoven, Jan Daniel (2024) Automation, Human Factors and Unicorns. Auto[nom]Mobil, 2024-05-15 - 2024-05-16, Hanau, Deutschland. file

  Grippenkoven, Jan Daniel and Kolarova, Viktoriya and Gebhardt, Laura and Milakis, Dimitrios (2024) Societal Readiness: Die Brücke zwischen Mobilitätsinnovation und gesellschaftlicher Akzeptanz. 19. DortmunderAutoTag, 2024-09-05, Dortmund. filefile

  Gruber, Johannes and Plener, Martin and Seiffert, Robert and Rudolph, Christian (2024) Gewerblicher Einsatz von Lastenrädern - Vielfalt der Nutzungsmöglichkeiten. In: Radlogistik. Grundlagen zu Logistik und Wirtschaftsverkehr mit Lasten- und Transporträdern Springer Gabler Wiesbaden. pp. 67-88. doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-44449-5. ISBN 978-3-658-44449-5. file

  Hardinghaus, Michael and Weschke, Jan Volker (2023) Transforming bicycle market: Assessing cyclists route preferences on different bike types in a choice experiment. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 22 (100921). Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.trip.2023.100921. ISSN 2590-1982. file

  Hauslbauer, Andrea L. (2024) Pathways toward the reduction of private car use from a psychological perspective. Dissertation, Dresden University of Technology. file

  Hauslbauer, Andrea L. and Verse, Björn and Guenther, Edeltraud and Petzoldt, Tibor (2024) Access over ownership: Barriers and psychological motives for adopting mobility as a service (MaaS) from the perspective of users and non-users. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 23 (101005). Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.trip.2023.101005. ISSN 2590-1982. file

  Heldt, Benjamin and Nägele, Sophie (2023) Preferences for new public transport options in a lignite mining area - an app-based qualitative usability approach. HUMANIST, 2023-09-21 - 2023-09-22, Berlin. Volltext nicht online.

  Hoyer-Klick, Carsten and Bergfeld, Moritz and Anderson, John Erik (2023) Smart Charging of Electric Vehicles in Energy Systems with high Shares of Renewable Energies. International Conference of Energy and Meteorology, 2023-06-27 - 2023-06-29, Padua, Italien. file

  Kehlbacher, Ariane and Stark, Kerstin and Gebhardt, Laura (2024) Accounting for uncertainty in the presentation and valuation of travel time in SP experiments. hEART 2024 Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, 2024-06-17 - 2024-06-21, Helsinki, Finnland. file

  Kehlbacher, Ariane and Stark, Kerstin and Gebhardt, Laura and Jarass, Julia and Schuppan, Julia (2023) Comparing municipal progress in implementing temporary cycle lanes during the Covid-19 pandemic. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 174. Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.tra.2023.103752. ISSN 0965-8564. Volltext nicht frei. file

  Kelpin, Nele (2024) Das Stresserleben älterer Personen bei der Nutzung eines bedarfsorientierten Shuttledienstes – eine Feldstudie. Master's, Universität Potsdam. file

  Kolarova, Viktoriya (2023) Nutzungsbereitschaft von automatisierten Fahrzeugen und Nutzungskonzepten bei Berufstätigen in Deutschland – empirische Erkenntnisse zu potenziellen Nutzersegmenten und ihre Charakteristiken. Journal für Mobilität und Verkehr, 17. Deutsche Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft e.V. doi: 10.34647/jmv.nr17.id106. ISSN 2628-4154. file

  Kolarova, Viktoriya and Dubernet, Ilka (2025) Empirical insights on residential location and mode choices of commuters depending on household. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research. Delft University of Technology. ISSN 1567-7141. Volltext nicht online.

  Kolarova, Viktoriya and Dubernet, Ilka (2024) Empirical insights on residential location and mode choices of commuters depending on household type and teleworking options. 17th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research (IATBR), 2024-07-14 - 2024-07-18, Vienna, Austria. file

  Kolarova, Viktoriya and Grippenkoven, Jan Daniel (2023) Wahrgenommene Sicherheit bei Automatisierung. Empirische Ergebnisse über die Sicherheit von automatisierten vernetzten Fahrzeugen aus Nutzersicht. Internationales Verkehrswesen, 1, pp. 18-21. Deutscher Verkehrs Verlag Media Group, Hamburg. ISSN 0020-9511. Volltext nicht frei. file

  Kolarova, Viktoriya and Nobis, Claudia and Nägele, Sophie (2023) Towards a resilient and attractive future public transport: Insights from a study on public transport usage patterns during the COVID-19 pandemic. Transportation Research Procedia, 72, pp. 2992-2999. Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.trpro.2023.11.846. ISSN 2352-1457. file

  Kolarova, Viktoriya and Stark, Kerstin and Marco, Rehme and Langer, Vivien and Rother, Steve (2024) (Autonome) On-Demand-Shuttles für den ländlichen Raum. Internationales Verkehrswesen, 2024 (3). Deutscher Verkehrs Verlag Media Group, Hamburg. ISSN 0020-9511. Volltext nicht online.

  Koller, Florian and Köhler, Katja and Schulz, Angelika and Seiffert, Isabel and Gaus, Dennis and Link, Heike and Eisenmann, Christine (2024) Verkehr in Zahlen 2023/2024. Verkehr in Zahlen, 52. Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt. file

  Lischke, Andreas (2023) Stand und Perspektiven alternativer Antriebstechniken für schwere Nutzfahrzeuge. In: Tagungsband 34. Kasseler Abfall- und Ressourcenforum, pp. 368-378. Witzenhausen-Institut für Abfall, Umwelt und Energie GmbH. 34. Kasseler Abfall- und Ressourcenforum: Bioabfall- und stoffspezifische Verwertung V, 2023-04-18 - 2023-04-20, Kassel, Deutschland. ISBN 3-928673-84-X. Volltext nicht frei. file

  Lücke, Welf (2023) How do Environmental Fuel Taxes affect Carbon Emissions? Analysis of Fuel Tax Effects in Nordic European Countries. World Conference on Transport Research - WCTR 2023 Montreal, 2023-07-17 - 2023-07-21, Montreal, Kanada. file

  Nägele, Sophie and Anderson, John Erik and Kolarova, Viktoriya and Lenz, Barbara (2023) To Buy or Not to Buy – Exploratory Mixed-Method Results from Current and Potential Electric Vehicle Owners in Germany. ETC, 2023-09-06 - 2023-09-08, Mailand, Italien. Volltext nicht online.

  Nägele, Sophie and Corcoran, Katja and Klocke, Ulrich (2023) It is worth taking a closer look: A field experiment on intergroup contact between Austrian pupils and refugees. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations. SAGE Publications. doi: 10.1177/13684302231180828. ISSN 1368-4302. Volltext nicht online.

  Nägele, Sophie and Gebhardt, Laura (2023) The Need for Gender-Inclusive Means of Transport Design. ETC, 2023-09-06 - 2023-09-08, Mailand, Italien. Volltext nicht online.

  Onnasch, Linda and Hösterey, Steffen and Fahrner, Vera Maria (2023) To (Dis)agree with Automation: Effects of Automation Levels on Trust Attitude and Trust Behavior in High-Risk Situations. In: 67. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (HFES). Sage Journals. 67th International Annual Meeting Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2023-10-23 - 2023-10-27, Washington, DC, USA. doi: 10.1177/21695067231192910. ISSN 2169-5067. Volltext nicht online.

  Paz Martinez, Aaron and Adams, Yannek and Nägele, Sophie and Laqua, Vanessa and Winkler, Dirk (2024) Assessing Multimodal Mobility Systems for Benchmarking Rail-Bound Intermodal Pods in ERJU's FA7-Projekt Pods4Rail. In: Sixth International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance, 7 (27.2), pp. 1-14. Civil-Comp Press. Sixth International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance, 2024-09-01 - 2024-09-04, Prag, Czechien. doi: 10.4203/ccc.7.27.2. ISSN 2753-3239. file

  Plener, Martin and Seiffert, Robert and Gruber, Johannes (2024) Satteln wir um? Chancen und Barrieren gewerblicher Mobilität mit Lastenrädern und elektrischen Kleinfahrzeugen – erste Ergebnisse aus einem deutschlandweiten Langzeittest. 16. Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität, 2024-06-13, Duisburg. Volltext nicht frei. file

  Scheelhaase, Janina and Scheier, Benedikt and Grunewald, Erik and Seidel, Saskia and Christ, Thomas and Noyer, Ulf and Maertens, Sven and Knitschky, Gunnar and Rudolph, Florian (2023) How to Manage Delays and Disruptions at Intermodal Transportation Hubs in a Better Way? In: Eurasian Business and Economics Perspectives EBES, 26. pp. 135-145. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-30061-5_8. ISSN 2364-5067. Volltext nicht online.

  Schulz, Angelika and Magdolen, Miriam and Chlond, Bastian and Kuhnimhof, Tobias and Köhler, Katja (2024) Identifying and understanding long-distance travel demand by combining official transport statistics and survey data. Elsevier ScienceDirect. ISCTSC 2022 – 12th International Conference on Transport Survey Methods, 2022-03-20 - 2022-03-25, Vimeiro, Portugal. doi: 10.1016/j.trpro.2023.12.068. ISSN 2352-1465. filefile

  Seibert, Dennis and Mocanu, Tudor and Österle, Ines and Matteis, Tilman and Koller, Florian (2023) Decarbonizing the German transport sector: Why the 2030 sector targets are likely to be missed. In: 2022 Conference Proceedings Transport Research Arena, TRA Lisbon 2022, 72, pp. 2784-2791. Elsevier B.V.. Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conference, 2022-11-14 - 2022-11-17, Lissabon, Portugal. doi: 10.1016/j.trpro.2023.11.821. ISSN 2352-1457. file

  Stark, Kerstin and Gebhardt, Laura (2024) Focusing on the mobility of elderly people and families: How well does shared mobility work for them? Transportation Research Procedia. Elsevier. ISSN 2352-1465. Volltext nicht online.

  Thomsen, Nina and Schrömbges, Michael and Seibert, Dennis and Eisenmann, Christine (2024) Ein Modellsystem zur Abschätzung der Auswirkungen der Pkw-Automatisierung auf das deutsche Verkehrssystem. In: HEUREKA, 002/14. FGSV. HEUREKA 24, 2024-03-13 - 2024-03-14, Stuttgart, Deutschland. Volltext nicht frei. file

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