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Items where Subject is "Institute of Atmospheric Physics > Atmospheric Remote Sensing"

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Number of items at this level: 254.

  Kazantzidis, A. and Bais, A. F. and Emde, Claudia and Kazadzis, S. and Zerefos, C. S. (2007) Attenuation of global ultraviolet and visible irradiance over Greece during the total solar eclipse of 29 March 2006. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 7 (23), pp. 5959-5969. Copernicus Publications. file

  Alexy, Martin (2013) Synergistische Nutzung von solaren und thermalen Kanälen zur Fernerkundung von Zirruswolken. Master's, DLR. Volltext nicht online.

  Battaglia, Alessandro and Simmer, Clemens and Crewell, Susanne and Czekala, Harald and Emde, Claudia and Marzano, Frank and Mishchenko, Michael and Pardo, J. and Prijent, Catherine (2006) Emission and scattering by clouds and precipitation. In: Thermal Microwave Radiation: Applications for Remote Sensing The Institution of Engineering and Technology. pp. 101-242. ISBN 0-86341-573-3. Volltext nicht online.

  Battaglia, Alessandro and Davis, Cory Philip and Emde, Claudia and Simmer, Clemens (2007) Microwave radiative transfer intercomparison study for 3-D dichroic media. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 105, pp. 55-67. Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2006.09.017. file

  Behrendt, Andreas and Pal, S. and Aoshima, F. and Bender, M. and Blyth, A. and Corsmeier, U. and Cuesta, J. and Dick, G. and Dorninger, M and Flamant, Cyrille and Di Girolamo, P. and Gorgas, T. and Huang, Y. and Kalthoff, N. and Wieser, Andreas and Wulfmeyer, V. and Khodayar, S. and Mannstein,, H. and Träumner, K. (2011) Observation of convection initiation processes with a suite of state-of-the-art research instruments during COPS IOP 8b. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 137, pp. 81-100. Wiley. doi: 10.1002/qj.758. file

  Betz, David (2013) Bestimmung der optischen Dicke von Kondensstreifen aus bildern des Schattens. Bachelor's, DLR. Volltext nicht online.

  Bickel, Marius (2014) Windberechnung aus ADS-B Daten und Vergleich mit Radiossondenmessungen. Bachelor's, DLR. Volltext nicht online.

  Broemser, Andreas (2008) Validierung von Kondensstreifen-Satellitenbeobachtungen mittels einer Himmelskamera. Diploma, LMU München. Volltext nicht online.

  Buchwitz, Michael and Reuter, Maximilian and Schneising, Oliver and Noel, Stefan and Gier, Bettina and Bovensmann, Heinrich and Burrows, John P. and Boesch, Hartmut and Anand, Jasdeep and Parker, Robert J. and Somkuti, Peter and Detmers, R. G. and Hasekamp, Otto and Aben, Ilse and Butz, Andre and Kuze, Akihiko and Suto, Hiroshi and Yoshida, Yukio and Crosp, David and O'Dell, Christopher (2018) Computation and analysis of atmospheric carbon dioxide annual mean growth rates from satellite observations during 2003 2016. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18 (23), pp. 17355-17370. Copernicus Publications. doi: 10.5194/acp-18-17355-2018. ISSN 1680-7316. file

  Buehler, Stefan A. and Jimenez, C. and Evans, K. F. and Rydberg, B. and Eriksson, P. and Heymsfield, A. J. and Stubenrauch, C. and Lohmann, U. and Emde, Claudia and John, V. O. and Sreerekha, T. R. and Davis, C. P. (2007) A concept for a satellite mission to measure cloud ice water path and ice particle size. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 133, pp. 109-128. Wiley. doi: 10.1002/qj.143. file

  Bugliaro, L. and Peharz, G. and Siefer, G. and Bett, A.W. (2011) Einfluss der Zirrusbewölkung auf die Effizienz von CPV-Modulen. Zweite Fachtagung Energiemeteorologie, 2011-04-06 - 2011-04-08, Bremerhaven. Volltext nicht online.

  Bugliaro, Luca and Krebs, Waldemar and Mannstein, Hermann and Mayer, Bernhard (2004) Sub-scale cloud detection using the HRV channel of MSG. In: Proceedings of The 2004 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference, 41, pp. 105-111. The 2004 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference, 2004-05-31 - 2004-06-04, Prague, (CS). ISBN 92-9110-066-8. ISSN 1011-3932. Volltext nicht online.

  Bugliaro, Luca and Mannstein, Hermann and Kox, Stephan (2012) Ice cloud properties from space. In: Atmospheric Physics: Background - Methods - Trends Research Topics in Aerospace. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 417-432. ISBN 978-3-642-30182-7. ISSN 2194-8240. Volltext nicht online.

  Bugliaro, Luca and Mayer, Bernhard (2005) Studying the life cycle of clouds with geostationary satellites. 5th GEWEX Conference 2005, 2005-06-20 - 2005-06-24, Orange County, CA (USA). (Unpublished) Volltext nicht online.

  Bugliaro, Luca and Mayer, Bernhard and Mannstein, Hermann and Krebs, Waldemar (2004) Subskalige Wolkenerkennung mit dem High Resolution Visible Kanal von MSG. Seminar, Abteilung für Energie- und Halbleiterforschung, Institut für Physik, Univ. Oldenburg, 2004-09-27, Oldenburg. (Unpublished) Volltext nicht online.

  Bugliaro, Luca and Meerkötter, Ralf (2003) Time sampling effects on UV daily doses derived from satellite data. Arctic-Alpine Ecosystems and people in a changing Environment, 2003-02-23 - 2003-02-28, Tromso, (N). (Unpublished) Volltext nicht online.

  Bugliaro, Luca and Faure, Françoise and Buras, Robert and Zinner, Tobias and Mayer, Bernhard (2011) Realistic Simulations of MSG/SEVIRI Scenes for Cloud Algorithm Validation. Cloud Retrieval Evaluation Workshop 3, 2011-11-15 - 2011-11-18, Madison, WI, USA. Volltext nicht online.

  Bugliaro, Luca and Mayer, Bernhard and Meerkötter, Ralf and Verdebout, Jean (2006) Potential and limitations of space-based methods for the retrieval of surface UV-B daily doses: A numerical study. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111 (D23207), pp. 1-15. Wiley. doi: 10.1029/2005JD006534. file

  Bugliaro, Luca and Zinner, T. and Keil, C. and Mayer, B. and Hollmann, R. and Reuter, M. and Thomas, W. (2011) Validation of cloud property retrievals with simulated satellite radiances: a case study for SEVIRI. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11, pp. 5603-5624. Copernicus Publications. doi: 10.5194/acp-11-5603-2011. file

  Buras, R. and Mayer, B. (2011) Efficient Unbiased Variance Reduction Techniques for Monte Carlo Simulations of Radiative Transfer in Cloudy Atmospheres: The Solution. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 112, pp. 434-447. Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2010.10.005. file

  Burkhardt, Ulrike and Arka, Ioanna and Bugliaro Goggia, Luca and Ewald, Florian and Groß, Silke Martha and Strandgren, Johan (2018) Using synergetic active and passive remote sensing for evaluating simulated cirrus properties. 7th International EarthCARE Science Workshop, 2018-05, Bonn. (Unpublished) Volltext nicht online.

  Butz, Andre and Dinger, Anna Solvejg and Bobrowski, Nicole and Kostinek, Julian and Fieber, Lukas and Fischerkeller, Constanze and Giuffrida, Giovanni Bruno and Hase, Frank and Klappenbach, Friedrich and Kuhn, Jonas and Lübcke, Peter and Tirpitz, Lukas and Tu, Qiansi (2017) Remote sensing of volcanic CO2, HF, HCl, SO2, and BrO in the downwind plume of Mt. Etna. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (AMT), 10, pp. 1-14. Copernicus Publications. doi: 10.5194/amt-10-1-2017. ISSN 1867-1381. file

  Cahalan, R.F. and Oreopoulos, L. and Marshak, A. and Evans, K.F. and Davis, A.B. and Pincus, R. and Yetzer, K.H. and Mayer, B. and Davies, R. and Ackerman, T.P. and Barker, H.W. and Clothiaux, E.E. and Ellingson, R.G. and Garay, M.J. and Kassianov, E. and Kinne, S. and Macke, A. and O�Hirok, W. and Partain, P.T. and Prigarin, S.M. and Rublev, A.N. and Stephens, G.L. and Szczap, F. and Takara, E.E. and Várnai, T. and Wen, G. and Zhuravleva, T.B. (2005) The I3RC - Bringing Together the Most Advanced Radiative Transfer Tools for Cloudy Atmospheres. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, pp. 1275-1293. American Meteorological Society. doi: 10.1175/BAMS-86-9-1275. file

  Denis, Marie-Ange and Muller, Jan Peter and Mannstein, Hermann (2007) ATSR-2 camera models for the automated stereo photogrammetric retrieval of cloud-top heights - initial assessments. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 28 (9), pp. 1939-1955. Taylor & Francis. doi: 10.1080/01431160600641723. Volltext nicht frei. file

  Ebert, E.E. and Schumann, U. and R. B. Stull, R.B. (1989) Nonlocal turbulent mixing in the convective boundary layer evaluated from large-eddy simulation. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 46, pp. 2178-2207. file

  Ehrlich, A. and Wendisch, M. and Bierwirth, E. and Gayet, J.-F. and Mioche, G. and Lampert, A. and Mayer, B. (2009) Evidence of ice crystals at cloud top of Arctic boundary-layer mixed-phase clouds derived from airborne remote sensing. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (9), pp. 9401-9416. Copernicus Publications. file

  Eichler, Heike and Ehrlich, André and Wendisch, Manfred and Mioche, Guillaume and Gayet, Jean-Francois and Wirth, Martin and Emde, Claudia and Minikin, Andreas (2009) Influence of ice crystal shape on retrieval of cirrus optical thickness and effective radius: A case study. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114 (D19203), pp. 1-10. Wiley. doi: 10.1029/2009JD012215. file

  Einfalt, Thomas and Hagen, Martin and Jäckel, Simon and Quirmbach, Markus (2014) Grundlagen der Radarmessung des Niederschlages und Anwendungen in der Wasserwirtschaft. Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft, 7 (12), pp. 729-736. ISSN 1616-430x. Volltext nicht online.

  Emde, Claudia and Mayer, Bernhard (2007) Solar radiation during a total eclipse: A challenge for radiative transfer. IUGG 2007, 2007-07-11, Perugia, (I). Volltext nicht online.

  Emde, Claudia and Buras, R. and Mayer, B. and Blumthaler, M. (2010) The impact of aerosols on polarized sky radiance: model development, validation, and applications. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10, pp. 383-396. Copernicus Publications. doi: 10.5194/acp-10-383-2010. file

  Emde, Claudia and Buras-Schnell, Robert and Kylling, A. and Mayer, Bernhard and Gasteiger, Josef and Hamann, Ulrich and Kylling, J. and Richter, B. and Pause, Christian and Dowling, Tim and Bugliaro, Luca (2016) The libRadtran software package for radiative transfer calculations (version 2.0.1). Geoscientific Model Development, 9 (5), pp. 1647-1672. Copernicus Publications. doi: 10.5194/gmd-9-1647-2016. ISSN 1991-959X. file

  Emde, Claudia and Mayer, Bernhard (2007) Simulation of solar radiation during a total eclipse: a challenge for radiative transfer. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 7, pp. 2259-2270. Copernicus Publications. file

  Emde, Claudia and Buras, Robert and Mayer, Bernhard (2011) ALIS: An efficient method to compute high spectral resolution polarized solar radiances using the Monte Carlo approach. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 112, pp. 1622-1631. Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2011.03.018. file

  Ewald , Florian (2009) Verbesserung einer Cirrus Detektion auf SEVIRI und Validierung mit MODIS. Bachelor's, LMU Müchen. Volltext nicht online.

  Ewald, Florian and Bugliaro, Luca and Mannstein, Hermann and Mayer, Bernhard (2013) An improved cirrus detection algorithm MeCiDA2 for SEVIRI and its evaluation with MODIS. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 6, pp. 309-322. Copernicus Publications. doi: 10.5194/amt-6-309-2013. ISSN 1867-1381. file

  Faure, Françoise and Bugliaro, Luca and Zinner, Tobias and Buras, Robert and Mayer, Bernhard (2009) Radiative transfer simulations for the validation of cloud products from MSG. ISBN 978-92-9110-086-6. ISSN 1011-3932. Volltext nicht online.

  Faust, Franz Xaver and Gnecco, Cristóbal and Mannstein, Hermann and Stamm, Jörg (2006) Evidence for the Postconquest Demographic Collapse of the Americas in Historical CO<sub>2</sub> Levels. Earth Interactions, 10, pp. 1-14. American Meteorological Society. file

  Filipitsch, Florian (2010) Simulationen zur Datenrückgewinnung von Aerosoleigenschaften. Diploma, Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck. Volltext nicht online.

  Forster, Linda (2009) Effekte dreidimensionalen Photonentransports auf den Strahlungsantrieb von Kondensstreifen. Bachelor's, LMU Müchen. Volltext nicht online.

  Forster, P. M. and Mayer, B. and et, al. (2011) Evaluation of radiation scheme performance within chemistry climate models. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116 (D10302), pp. 1-26. Wiley. doi: 10.1029/2010JD015361. file

  Fuchs, Martin Johann (2010) Quantification of multiple scattering effects on space borne Lidar retrieval. Master's, TU München. Volltext nicht online.

  Gasteiger, J. and Emde, Claudia and Mayer, Bernhard and Buras, Robertl and Buehler, S.A. and Lemke, O. (2014) Representative wavelengths absorption parameterization applied to satellite channels and spectral bands. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 148, pp. 99-115. Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2014.06.024. ISSN 0022-4073. Volltext nicht online.

  Gayet, J.-F. and Shcherbakov, V. and Bugliaro, Luca and Protat, A. and Delanoë, J. and Pelon, J. and Garnier, A. (2014) Microphysical properties and high ice water content in continental and oceanic mesoscale convective systems and potential implications for commercial aircraft at flight altitude. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14 (2), pp. 899-912. Copernicus Publications. doi: 10.5194/acp-14-899-2014. ISSN 1680-7316. file

  Gayet, Jean-Francois and Shcherbakov, Valery and Bugliaro, Luca and Protat, Alain and Pelon, Jacques and Garnier, Anne (2014) Microphysical properties and high ice water content in continental and oceanic Mescoscale Convective Systems and potential implications for commercial aircraft at flight altitude. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, pp. 899-912. Copernicus Publications. doi: 10.5194/acp-14-899-2014. ISSN 1680-7316. file

  Gayet, Jean-Francois and Shcherbakov, Valery and Mannstein, Hermann and Minikin, Andreas and Schumann, Ulrich and Ström, Johan and Petzold, Andreas and Ovarlez, Joelle and Immler, Franz (2006) Microphysical and optical properties of midlatitude cirrus clouds observed in the southern hemisphere during INCA. doi: 10.1256/qj.05.162. file

  Gierens, Klaus and Mannstein, Hermann (2009) Smart flight routing: Avoiding contrails that warm climate. 9th AIAA ATIO Conference and Aircraft Noise and Emissions Reduction Symposium, 2009-09-21 - 2009-09-23, Hilton Head, USA. Volltext nicht online.

  Graf, Kaspar (2007) Der Einfluss des Flugverkehrs auf den Zirrenbedeckungsgrad in Europa, Nordafrika und über dem Nordatlantik. Diploma, LMU München. Volltext nicht online.

  Graf, Kaspar and Mannstein, Hermann and Mayer, Bernhard and Schumann, Ulrich (2010) Some evidence of aviation fingerprint in diurnal cycle of cirrus over the North Atlantic. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Transport, Atmosphere and Climate (TAC-2), 2010-10, pp. 180-185. DLR. 2nd International Conference on Transport, Atmosphere and Climate (TAC-2), 2009-06-22 - 2009-06-25, Aachen, Germany and Maastricht, The Netherlands. ISSN 1434-8454. file

  Graf, Kaspar and Schumann, Ulrich and Minnis, Patrick and Duda, D. and Pallikonda, R. (2011) Case study: Comparison of contrail coverage predicted with CoCiP model and satellite observations. ACCRI Symposium, 2011-02-21 - 2011-02-25, Atlanta USA. Volltext nicht online.

  Graf, Kaspar (2013) Der Beitrag des Flugverkehrs zum Tagesgang der Zirrenbedeckung und der ausgehenden langwelligen Strahlung über dem Nordatlantischen Flugkorridor. Dissertation, LMU München. file

  Graf, Kaspar and Schumann, Ulrich and Mannstein, Herrmann and Mayer, Bernhard (2012) Aviation induced diurnal North Atlantic cirrus cover cycle. Geophysical Research Letters, 39 (L16804), pp. 1-5. Wiley. doi: 10.1029/2012GL052590. file

  Grewe, Volker and Dahlmann, Katrin and Flink, Jan and Frömming, Christine and Ghosh, Robin and Gierens, Klaus Martin and Heller, Romy and Hendricks, Johannes and Jöckel, Patrick and Kaufmann, Stefan and Kölker, Katrin and Linke, Florian and Luchkova, Tanja and Lührs, Benjamin and van Manen, Jesper and Matthes, Sigrun and Minikin, Andreas and Niklaß, Malte and Plohr, Martin and Righi, Mattia and Rosanka, Simon and Schmitt, Angela Rebecca and Schumann, Ulrich and Terekhov, Ivan and Unterstrasser, Simon and Vazquez-Navarro, Margarita and Voigt, Christiane and Wicke, Kai and Yamashita, Hiroshi and Zahn, Andreas and Ziereis, Helmut (2017) Mitigating the Climate Impact from Aviation: Achievements and Results of the DLR WeCare Project. Aerospace, 4 (3), pp. 1-50. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI). doi: 10.3390/aerospace4030034. ISSN 2226-4310. file

  Hagen, Martin (2014) Wetterradar – Eine Gerätevorstellung. Other. 12 S. Volltext nicht online.

  Hagen, Martin and Delanoe, Julien and Groß, Silke and Hirsch, Lutz (2015) Airborne remote sensing of clouds and precipitation using Ka- and W-band. 37th Conference on Radar Meteorology, 2015-09-14 - 2015-09-18, Norman, OK, USA. file

  Hagen, Martin and Hirsch, Lutz and Konow, Heike and Mech, Mario and Orlandi, Emiliano and Crewell, Susanne and Groß, Silke and Fix, Andreas and Wirth, Martin (2014) Airborne remote sensing of cloud properties with the German research aircraft HALO. 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology, 2014-09-01 - 2014-09-05, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. file

  Hagen, Martin and Höller, Hartmut and Schmidt, Kersten (2015) Evaluation of Mesoscale Events using dual-Polarization and Doppler Radar Observations. VII. Atmospheric Science Symposium, 2015-04-28 - 2015-04-30, Istanbul, Türkei. file

  Hamann, Ulrich (2010) Die Erwärmungsrate in der tropischen Tropopausenregion. DLR-Forschungsbericht. DLR-FB--2010-32. Dissertation. 219 S. Volltext nicht online.

  Hamann, Ulrich and Seckmeyer, Gunther and Raasch, Siegfried and Mayer, Bernhard (2006) Development of the Monte-Carlo radiative transfer model PROMT. In: IRS 2004: Current Problems in Atmospheric Radiation. IRS 2004, 2004-08-23 - 2004-08-28, Busan, Korea. ISBN 0-937194-48-4. Volltext nicht online.

  Hamann, U. and Walther, A. and Baum, B. and Bennartz, R. and Bugliaro, Luca and Derrien, M. and Francis, P. N. and Heidinger, A. and Joro, S. and Kniffka, A. and Le Gléau, H. and Lockhoff, M. and Lutz, H.-J. and Meirink, J. F. and Minnis, P. and Palikonda, R. and Roebeling, R. and Thoss, A. and Platnick, S. and Watts, P. and Wind, G. (2014) Remote sensing of cloud top pressure/height from SEVIRI: analysis of ten current retrieval algorithms. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 7 (9), pp. 2839-2867. Copernicus Publications. doi: 10.5194/amt-7-2839-2014. ISSN 1867-1381. file

  Hamann, Ulrich (2007) Die Strahlungsbilanz der tropischen Tropopause. In: Institutsseminar des DLR Instituts für Physik der Atmosphäre. Institutsseminar des DLR Instituts für Physik der Atmosphäre, 2007-01-08, Oberpfaffenhofen. (Unpublished) Volltext nicht frei. file

  Hamann, Ulrich (2010) Die Erwärmungsrate in der tropischen Tropopausenregion. Dissertation, LMU München. file

  Hamann, Ulrich and Mayer, Bernhard (2005) Radiation balance of the tropical transition region. In: 2005 Cargese Summerschool on Understanding the role of the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere in Climate. 2005 Cargese Summerschool on Understanding the role of the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere in Climate, 2005-10-03 - 2005-10-15, Cargese, Corse (F). (Unpublished) Volltext nicht frei. file

  Hanrieder, Natalie (2011) Schnee- und Eiserkennung mit MSG / SEVIRI. Master's, LMU München. Volltext nicht online.

  Hanrieder, Natalie and Wilbert, Stefan and Pitz-Paal, Robert and Emde, Claudia and Gasteiger, Josef and Mayer, Bernhard and Polo, Jesus (2015) Atmospheric extinction in solar tower plants: absorption and broadband correction for MOR measurements. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 8, pp. 3467-3480. Copernicus Publications. doi: 10.5194/amt-8-3467-2015. ISSN 1867-1381. file

  Helbert, Jörn and Maturilli, Alessandro and Roush, Ted and Mannstein, Herrmann (2011) Deriving optical constants of volcanish ash using measurements from the planetary emissivity laboratory at DLR. Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS), pp. 1-5. IEEE. doi: 10.1109/WHISPERS.2011.6080907. Volltext nicht online.

  Helbig, N. and Löwe, H. and Mayer, B. and Lehning, M. (2010) Explicit validation of a surface shortwave radiation balance model over snow‐covered complex terrain. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115 (D18113), pp. 1-12. Wiley. doi: 10.1029/2010JD013970. file

  Hendricks, J. and Kärcher, B. and Lohmann, U. and Ponater, M. (2005) Do Aircraft Black Carbon Emissions Affect Cirrus Clouds on the Global Scale? Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L12814. Wiley. doi: 10.1029/2005GL022740. Volltext nicht online.

  Hoch, S.W. and Whiteman, C.D. and Mayer, B. (2011) A Systematic Study of Longwave Radiative Heating and Cooling within Valleys and Basins Using a Three-Dimensional Radiative Transfer Model. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 50, pp. 2473-2489. American Meteorological Society. doi: 10.1175/JAMC-D-11-083.1. file

  Hoffmann, Alex and Clifford, Debbie and Aulinas, Josep and Carton, James G. and Deconinck, Florian and Esen, Berivan and Hüsing, Jakob and Kern, Katharina and Kox, Stephan and Krejci, David and Krings, Thomas and Lohrey, Steffen and Romano, Patrick and Topham, Ricardo and Weitnauer, Claudia (2012) A Novel Satellite Mission Concept for Upper Air Water Vapour, Aerosol and Cloud Observations Using Integrated Path Differential Absorption LiDAR Limb Sounding. Remote Sensing, 4, pp. 867-910. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI). doi: 10.3390/rs4040867. ISSN 2072-4292. file

  Hu, H. and Hasekamp, O. and Butz, A. and Galli, A. and Landgraf, J. and Aan de Brugh, J. and Borsdorff, T. and Scheepmaker, R. and Aben, I. (2016) The operational methane retrieval algorithm for TROPOMI. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (AMT), 9 (11), pp. 5423-5440. Copernicus Publications. doi: 10.5194/amt-9-5423-2016. ISSN 1867-1381. file

  Huber, Isabelle (2012) An estimation of the impact of climate change on solar resources: for photovoltaic and concentrating solar power applications. Diploma, LMU München. file

  Huber, Isabelle and Bugliaro, Luca and Ponater, Michael and Garny, Hella and Emde, Claudia and Mayer, Bernhard (2016) Do climate models project changes in solar resources? Solar Energy, 129, pp. 65-84. Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.solener.2015.12.016. ISSN 0038-092X. Volltext nicht online.

  Häring, Axel (2016) Synergetic Cloud Observations with Cloud Radar and Satellite Instruments. Master's, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. file

  Höller, Hartmut and Betz, Hans-Dieter and Morales, Carlos and Blakeslee, Richard J. and Bailey, Jeffrey C. and Albrecht, Rachel I. and Leitner, Margot (2014) Multi-sensor field studies of thunderstorms and lightning. In: ERAD. ERAD 2014, 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology, 2014-09-01 - 2014-09-05, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. file

  Jäkel, E. and Wendisch, M. and Mayer, Bernhard (2013) Influence of spatial heterogeneity of local surface albedo on the area-averaged surface albedo retrieved from airborne irradiance measurements. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 6, pp. 527-537. Copernicus Publications. doi: 10.5194/amt-6-527-2013. ISSN 1867-1381. file

  Kiemle, Christoph and Groß, Silke and Wirth, Martin and Bugliaro Goggia, Luca (2017) Airborne Lidar Observations of Water Vapor Variability in Tropical Shallow Convective Environment. Surveys in Geophysics, 38, pp. 1425-1433. Springer. doi: 10.1007/s10712-017-9431-5. ISSN 0169-3298. file

  Killius, Niels (2010) Bodengestützte passive Wolkenseitenfernerkundung der Wolkenphase. Diploma, LMU München. file

  Klinger, Carolin and Mayer, Bernhard (2014) Three-dimensional Monte Carlo calculation of atmospheric thermal heating rates. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 144, pp. 123-136. Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2014.04.009. ISSN 0022-4073. Volltext nicht online.

  Kokhanovsky, A.A. and Mayer, B. and Rozanov, V.V. and Wapler, K. and Burrows, J.P. and Schumann, U. (2007) The influence of broken cloudiness on cloud top height retrievals using nadir observations of backscattered solar radiation in the oxygen A-band. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 103, pp. 460-477. Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2006.06.003. file

  Kokhanovsky, A.A. and Mayer, B. and Rozanova, V.V. (2005) A Parameterization of the Diffuse transmittance and Reflectance for Aerosol Remote Sensing Problems. Atmospheric Research, 73, pp. 37-43. Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2004.07.004. file

  Kokhanovsky, Alexander and Mayer, Bernhard and von Hoyningen-Huene, Wolfgang and Schmidt, Sebastian and Pilewskie, Peter (2007) Retrieval of cloud spherical albedo from top-of-atmosphere reflectance measurements performed at a single observation angle. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 7, pp. 3633-3637. Copernicus Publications. file

  Kokhanovsky, Alexander A. and Budak, Vladimir P. and Cornet, Celine and Duan, Minzheng and Emde, Claudia and Katsev, Iosif L. and Klyukov, Dmitriy A. and Korkin, Sergey V. and C-Labonnote, L. and Mayer, Bernhard and Min, Qilong and Nakajima, Teruyuki and Ota, Yoshifumi and Prikhach, Alexander S. and Rozanov, Vladimir V. and Yokota, Tatsuya and Zege, Eleonora P. (2010) Benchmark results in vector atmospheric radiative transfer. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 111, pp. 1931-1946. Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2010.03.005. file

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  Kokhanovsky, Alexander A. and Mayer, Bernhard and Rozanov, Vladimir V. and Wapler, Kathrin and Lamsal, Lok N. and Weber, Mark and Burrows, John P. and Schumann, Ulrich (2007) Satellite Ozone Retrieval Under Broken Cloud Conditions: An Error Analysis Based on Monte Carlo Simulations. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 45, pp. 187-194. IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2006.886188. file

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  Kox, Stephan and Mannstein, Hermann and Ewald, Florian and Mayer, Bernhard (2010) COCS - Cirrus Optical properties derived from CALIOP and SEVIRI during day and night time. EUMETSAT Conference Proceedings. EUMETSAT. file

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  Kylling, A. and Mayer, B. and Blumthaler, M. (2011) Technical Note: A new discrete ordinate first-order rotational Raman scattering radiative transfer model - implementation and first results. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11, pp. 10471-10485. Copernicus Publications. doi: 10.5194/acp-11-10471-2011. file

  Kylling, A. and Webb, A.R. and Kift, R. and Gobbi, G.P. and Ammannato, L. and Barnaba, F. and Bais, A. and Kadzadzis, S. and Wendisch, M. and Jäkel, E. and Schmidt, S. and Kniffka, A. and Thiel, S. and Junkermann, W. and Blumthaler, M. and Silbernagl, R. and Schallhart, B. and Schmitt, R. and Kjeldstad, B. and Thorseth, T.M. and Scheirer, R. and Mayer, B. (2005) Spectral actinic flux in the lower troposphere: measurement and 1-D simulations for cloudless, broken cloud and overcast situations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 5, pp. 1975-1997. Copernicus Publications. file

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  Mannstein, Hermann and Brömser, Andreas and Bugliaro, Luca (2010) Ground-based observations for the validation of contrails and cirrus detection in satellite imagery. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 3, pp. 655-669. Copernicus Publications. doi: 10.5194/amt-3-655-2010. file

  Mannstein, Hermann and Büll, Rüdiger (2005) Contrails from (A)ATSR(2) Data. In: Proc. o the MERIS (A)ATSR Workshop 2005. ESA Publications Division. ESA ENVISAT MERIS-ATSR workshop, 2005-09-28, Frascati (I). ISBN 92-9092-908-1. ISSN 1609-042X. Volltext nicht frei. file

  Mannstein, Hermann and Gierens, Klaus and Krebs, Waldemar and Spichtinger, Peter (2006) How to avoid contrail cirrus. International Conference on Transport, Atmosphere and Climate (TAC), 2006-05-26 - 2006-06-09, Oxford, (UK). file

  Mannstein, Hermann and Gierens, Klaus and Spichtinger, Peter (2007) How to avoid contrail cirrus. 1st CEAS European Air and Space Conference, 2007-09-10 - 2007-09-13, Berlin (D). file

  Mannstein, Hermann and Krebs, Waldemar and Mayer, Bernhard (2006) Contrail Cirrus Coverage and Radiative Forcing derived from MSG-SEVIRI Data. In: X. 3rd MSG RAO Workshop, 2006-06-15, Helsinki, (F). file

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  Mayer, B. and Hoch, S.W. and Whiteman, C.D. (2010) Validating the MYSTIC three-dimensional radiative transfer model with observations from the complex topography of Arizona's Meteor Crater. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10, pp. 8685-8696. Copernicus Publications. doi: 10.5194/acp-10-8685-2010. file

  Mayer, Bernhard (2005) Remote sensing of cloud droplet size distributions from the backscatter glory. IAMAS 2005 Scientific Assembly, 2005-08-15, Beijing (CHN). Volltext nicht online.

  Mayer, Bernhard (2005) 1D and 3D radiative transfer - a MYSTIC experience with libRadtran. Third Intercomparison of 3D Radiation Codes (I3RC) Workshop, 2005-10-11 - 2005-10-14, Kiel/ Oslo. Volltext nicht online.

  Mayer, Bernhard (2005) Benchmarking radiation transfer models in clouds. Ensuring the quality and reliability of land and atmosphere Essential Climate Variables: The EU-25 contribution, 2005-12-15 - 2005-12-16, Krakow (PL). (Unpublished) Volltext nicht online.

  Mayer, Bernhard (2005) UV-parameterisation in coupled climate-chemistry models. SCOUT-O3 Annual Meeting, 2005-03-07 - 2005-03-10, Zürich (CH). (Unpublished) Volltext nicht online.

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  Mayer, Bernhard (2006) Simulation von Satellitendaten - eine Anwendung von 1D und 3D Strahlungstransport. Seminar der "Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring (CMSAF)" des DWD, 2006-03-30, Offenbach. Volltext nicht online.

  Mayer, Bernhard (2006) 3D-Strahlungstransport in der bewölkten Atmosphäre. Seminar des Meteorologischen Observatoriums Lindenberg, 2006-06-06, Lindenberg. Volltext nicht online.

  Mayer, Bernhard (2004) Ultraviolet radiative transfer: Status and challenges. IRS 2004, 2004-08-23 - 2004-08-28, Busan, Korea. Volltext nicht online.

  Mayer, Bernhard and Bugliaro, Luca and Mannstein, Hermann and Zinner, Tobias and Krebs, Waldemar and Wendling, Peter (2006) Remote sensing of water and ice clouds from MSG/SEVIRI. In: Proceedings of the 3rd MSG/RAO Workshop, SP-619. 3rd MSG/RAO Workshop, 2006-06-15, Helsinki, (FIN). Volltext nicht online.

  Mayer, Bernhard and Bugliaro, Luca and Zinner, Tobias (2007) Simulation of Extended Satellite Scenes for Validation Purposes. EarthCARE Workshop, 2007-05-07 - 2007-05-09, Noordwijk, (NL). Volltext nicht online.

  Mayer, Bernhard and Emde, Claudia and Buras, Robert and Kylling, Arve (2012) Radiative transfer: Methods and applications. In: Atmospheric Physics: Background - Methods - Trends Research Topics in Aerospace. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 401-416. ISBN 978-3-642-30182-7. ISSN 2194-8240. Volltext nicht online.

  Mayer, Bernhard and Krebs, Waldemar and Bugliaro, Luca and Mannstein, Hermann (2006) Life cycle of aircraft contrails by synergetic use of MetOp and MSG observations. In: Proceedings of the 1st MetOp/RAO Workshop, SP-618. 1st MetOp/RAO Workshop, 2006-05-15 - 2006-05-17, Frascati, (I). Volltext nicht online.

  Mayer, Bernhard and Zinner, Tobias and Bugliaro, Luca (2006) Remote sensing of real and artificial clouds with Meteosat Second Generation. AMS, 12th Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, 2006-07-09 - 2006-07-14, Madison, WI (USA). Volltext nicht online.

  Mayer, Bernhard (2009) Radiative transfer in the cloudy atmosphere. European Physical Journal - Special Topics, 1, pp. 75-99. Springer Nature. doi: 10.1140/epjconf/e2009-00912-1. ISSN 1951-6355. file

  Mayer, Bernhard and Emde, Claudia (2007) Comment on “Glory phenomenon informs of presence and phase state of liquid water in cold clouds” by Anatoly N. Nevzorov. Atmospheric Research, 84, pp. 410-419. Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2007.01.005. file

  Mech, Mario and Orlandi, Emiliano and Crewell, Susanne and Ament, Felix and Hirsch, Lutz and Hagen, Martin and Peters, Gerhard and Stevens, Bjorn (2014) HAMP – the microwave package on the High Altitude and LOng range research aircraft HALO. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 7, pp. 4539-4553. Copernicus Publications. doi: 10.5194/amt-7-4539-2014. ISSN 1867-1381. Volltext nicht frei. file

  Meerkötter, Ralf and Vázquez-Navarro, Margarita (2012) Earth’s radiation budget – the driver for weather and climate. In: Atmospheric Physics: Background - Methods - Trends Research Topics in Aerospace. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 55-68. ISBN 978-3-642-30182-7. ISSN 2194-8240. Volltext nicht online.

  Meerkötter, Ralf and Erbertseder, Thilo and Kammann, Jens and Blumenthal, Ralf and Flore, Fabrizio and Simeone, Emilio and Licitra, Gaetano and Tanskanen, Aapo (2006) The UV Service in the ESA-GSE Project PROMOTE. In: Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere XI, 6 (6362), 63621B-1-63621B-10. The International Society for Optical Engineering. Remote Sensing 2006, 2006-09-11 - 2006-09-14, Stockholm (S). ISBN 0-8194-6457-0. ISSN 0277-786X. Volltext nicht online.

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  Meerkötter, Ralf and Zinner, Tobias (2007) Satellite remote sensing of cloud base height for convective cloud fiels: A case study. Geophysical Research Letters, 34 (L17805), pp. 1-4. Wiley. doi: 10.1029/2007GL030347. file

  Meyer, Richard (2004) The role of the new IEA Task on 'Solar Resource Knowledge Management' for satisfying future data needs. Workshop on Solar Resource from the Local Level to Global Scale in Support of the Resource Management of Renewable Electricity Generation, 2004-12-06 - 2004-12-07, Ispra, (I). Volltext nicht online.

  Meyer, Richard (2005) Requirements to Improve Data Bases for Renewable Energy in the Dead Sea Region. International Workshop of Helmholtz Dead Sea Programme Research Area 'Atmosphere and Climate', 2005-03-22 - 2005-03-25, Karlsruhe. Volltext nicht frei. file

  Meyer, Richard (2005) Requirements for Information on Solar Irradiance for Concentrating Solar Power. 69th SolarPACES ExCo Meeting, 2005-11-14 - 2005-11-16, Berlin. Volltext nicht online.

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  Meyer, Richard and Hoyer, Carsten and Lohmann, Sina and Schillings, Christoph (2006) Validierung und Optimierung der satellitengestützten Bestimmung solarer Direktstrahlung mit Meteosat. DLR-Mitteilung. DLR-Mitt-2006-01. 98 S. Volltext nicht online.

  Meyer, Richard and Lohmann, Sina and Hoyer, Carsten and Schillings, Christoph and Diedrich, Erhard and Schroedter-Homscheidt, Marion (2005) Use of long-term solar irradiance products derived from satellite for solar power projects development. In: Proc. of the Solar World Congress 2005. Solar World Congress 2005, 2005-08-08 - 2005-08-12, Orlando, FL (USA). Volltext nicht online.

  Meyer, Richard and Lohmann, Sina and Schillings, Christoph and Hoyer, Carsten (2006) Climate Statistics for Planning and Siting of Solar Energy Systems: Long-Term Variability of Solar Radiation Derived from Satellite Data. In: Solar Energy Resource Management for Electricity Generation from Local Level to Global Scale Nova Science Publishers / Earthlink. pp. 55-68. ISBN 1-59454-919-2. Volltext nicht online.

  Meyer, Richard and Lohmann, Sina and Schillings, Christoph and Mayer, Bernhard (2005) Long-term Variability of the Solar Irradiance Components at the Surface Derived from Satellite Observations and Inter-Comparison to Reanalysis Data. 5th International Scientific Confernence on the Global Energy and Water Cycle, 2005-06-20 - 2005-06-24, L.A., CA (USA). Volltext nicht online.

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  Meyer, Richard and Buell, Rüdiger and Leiter, Christian and Mannstein, Hermann and Pechtl, Susanna and Oki, Taikan and Wendling, Peter (2007) Contrail observations over Southern and Eastern Asia in NOAA/AVHRR data and comparisons to contrail simulations in a GCM. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 28 (9), pp. 2049-2069. Taylor & Francis. doi: 10.1080/01431160600641707. Volltext nicht frei. file

  Minnis, Patrick and Palikonda, Rabindra and Walter, Bryan J. and Ayers, J. Kirk and Mannstein, Hermann (2005) Contrail properties over the eastern North Pacific from AVHRR data. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 14, pp. 515-523. Borntraeger Science Publishers. doi: 10.1127/0941-2948/2005/0056. Volltext nicht frei. file

  Muller, Jan Peter and Denis, Marie-Ange and Dundas, Rowan and Mitchell, Karl and Naud, Catherine and Mannstein, Hermann (2007) Stereo cloud-top heights and cloud fraction retrieval from ATSR-2. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 28 (9), pp. 1921-1938. Taylor & Francis. doi: 10.1080/01431160601030975. file

  Nissen, Katrin and Matthes, Katja and Langematz, Ulrike and Mayer, Bernhard (2007) Towards a better representation of the solar cycle in general circulation models. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 7, pp. 5391-5400. Copernicus Publications. file

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  Zinner, Tobias and Hausmann, Petra and Ewald, Florian and Bugliaro, Luca and Emde, Claudia and Mayer, Bernhard (2016) Ground-based imaging remote sensing of ice clouds: uncertainties caused by sensor, method and atmosphere. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (AMT), 9, pp. 4615-4632. Copernicus Publications. doi: 10.5194/amt-9-4615-2016. ISSN 1867-1381. file

  Zinner, Tobias and Mannstein, Hermann and Tafferner, Arnold (2008) Cb-TRAM: Tracking and monitoring severe convection from onset over rapid development to mature phase using multi-channel Meteosat-8 SEVIRI data. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 101, pp. 191-210. Springer. doi: 10.1007/s00703-008-0290-y. file

  Zinner, Tobias and Marshak, Alexander and Lang, Steven and Martins, J. Vanderlei and Mayer, Bernhard (2008) Remote sensing of cloud sides of deep convection: Towards a 3D retrieval of cloud partlicle profiles. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 8, pp. 4741-4757. Copernicus Publications. file

  Zinner, Tobias and Marshak, Alexander and Martins, Vanderlei and Li, Xiaowen and Lang, Steven and Tao, Wei-Kuo (2007) Remote Sensing of Cloud Side of Deep Convective Clouds. ARM Science Team Meeting, 2007-03-26 - 2007-03-30, Monterey, CA (USA). (Unpublished) file

  Zinner, Tobias and Wind, G. and Platnick, S. and Ackerman, A.S. (2010) Testing remote sensing on artificial observations: impact of drizzle and 3-D cloud structure on effective radius retrievals. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10, pp. 9535-9549. Copernicus Publications. doi: 10.5194/acp-10-9535-2010. file

  Zinner, Tobias and Wind, Gala and Platnick, Steven and Ackerman, Andy (2008) Impact of drizzle and 3D cloud structure on remote sensing of cloud effective radius. In: EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference 2008, P.52. EUMETSAT. EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference, 2008-09-08 - 2008-09-12, Darmstadt. ISBN 978-92-9110-082-8. ISSN 1011-3932. file

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