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Anzahl der Einträge auf dieser Ebene: 43.

  Arantes, Gilberto und Rocco, Evandro Marconi und da Fonseca, Ijar und Theil, Stephan (2010) Far and proximity maneuvers of a constellation of service satellites and autonomous pose estimation of customer satellite using machine vision. Acta Astronautica, 66 (9-10), Seiten 1493-1505. Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2009.11.022. ISSN 0094-5765. file

  Bindel, Daniel und Theil, Stephan und Cirillo, Francesca und Gath, Peter (2008) Optimized Thruster Control Algorithm for Drag-free Spacecraft. In: Tagungsband Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2008. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2008, 2008-09-23 - 2008-09-25, Darmstadt, Germany. Volltext nicht frei. file

  Gandia, Fernando und Paoletti, Alessio und Tomassini, Angelo und Sagliano, Marco und Ankersen, Finn (2011) GNCDE: Exploiting the Capabilities of Development Environments for GNC Design. In: GNCDE: Exploiting the Capabilities of Development Environments for GNC Design. SFMMT 2011 - 4th International Conference on Spacecraft Formation Flying Missions & Technologies, 2011-05-18 - 2011-05-20, St-Hubert, Quebec, Canada. Volltext nicht online.

  Guilherme, Michel Silas und Leite Filho, Waldemar Castro und Theil, Stephan (2008) Strategies for in-orbit calibration of drag-free control systems. Aerospace Science and Technology, 12 (5), Seiten 365-375. ELSEVIER FRANCE-EDITIONS SCIENTIFIQUES MEDICALES ELSEVIER, 23 RUE LINOIS, 75724 PARIS, FRANCE. doi: 10.1016/j.ast.2007.09.002. file

  Keil, Ralf und Theil, Stephan (2010) Modelling the Attitude Noise of the Gaia Spacecraft. A Simplified Approach. Space Science Reviews, 151 (1-3), Seiten 197-207. Springer. doi: 10.1007/s11214-009-9623-5. ISSN 0038-6308. Volltext nicht online.

  Krüger, Hans und Theil, Stephan (2010) TRON - Hardware-in-the-Loop Test Facility for Lunar Descent and Landing Optical Navigation. In: IFAC Papers Online. IFAC-ACA 2010 Automatic Control in Aerospace, 2010-09-06 - 2010-09-10, Nara, Japan. Volltext nicht frei. filefile

  Lüdtke, Daniel und Ardaens, Jean-Sébastien und Deshmukh, Meenakshi und Paris Lopez, Rosa und Braukhane, Andy und Pelivan, Ivanka und Theil, Stephan und Gerndt, Andreas (2012) Collaborative Development and Cataloging of Simulation and Calculation Models for Space Systems. IEEE Computer Society Press. 21th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE), 2012, 2012-06-25 - 2012-06-27, Toulouse, Frankreich. doi: 10.1109/WETICE.2012.64. Volltext nicht frei. file

  Maass, Bolko und Krüger, Hans und Theil, Stephan (2011) An Edge-Free, Scale-, Pose- and Illumination-Invariant Approach to Crater Detection for Spacecraft Navigation. 7th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA) 2011, 2011-09-04 - 2011-09-06, Dubrovnik, Croatia. Volltext nicht frei. file

  Marconi Rocco, Evandro und Arantes, Gilberto und da Fonseca,, Ijar und Theil, Stephan (2008) Far and Poximity Maneuvres of a Constellation of Service Satellites and Autonomous Pose Estimation of Customer Satellite Using Machine Vision. In: Proceedings of the 59th International Astronautical Congress. 59th International Astronautical Congress, 2008-09-29 - 2008-10-03, Glasgow (UK). Volltext nicht frei. file

  Mengali, Giovanni und Quarta, Alessandro und Romagnoli, Daniele und Circi , Christian (2010) H2-Reversal Trajectory: a New Mission Application for High-Performance Solar Sails. file

  Oehlschlägel, Thimo und Theil, Stephan und Krüger, Hans und Knauer, M. und Tietjen, J. und Büskens, C. (2011) Optimal Guidance and Control of Lunar Landers with Non-throttable Main Engine. In: Selected Papers of the 1st CEAS Specialist Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control Advances in Aerospace Guidance, Navigation and Control, Selected Papers of the 1st CEAS Specialist Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control . Springer Verlag. Seiten 451-463. ISBN 3642198163. Volltext nicht online.

  Ovchinnikov, Michael und Bindel, Daniel und Ivanov, D. und Smirnov, G. und Theil, Stephan und Zaramenskikh, Ira (2010) Development and laboratory verification of control algorithms for formation flying configuration with a single-input control. Acta Astronautica, 67 (9-10), Seiten 1157-1163. Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2010.06.035. ISSN 0094-5765. Volltext nicht frei. file

  Ovchinnikov, M. Y. und Bindel, D. und Ivanov, D. S. und Smirnov, G. V. und Theil, Stephan und Zaramenskikh, I. E. (2009) Development and Laboratory Verification of Control Algorithms for Formation Flying Configuration with a Single-Input Impulsive Control. In: Proceedings of the 60th International Astronautical Conference IAC 2009, October 12-16, Daejeong, Korea. International Austronautical Congress, 2009-10-12 - 2009-10-16, Daejeon, Korea. Volltext nicht frei. file

  Pelivan, Ivanka und Heidecker, Ansgar und Theil, Stephan (2012) High performance satellite dynamics and control simulation for multi-purpose application. Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Sciences and Applications, IV (3), Seiten 119-130. Brazilian Aerospace Association (AAB). doi: 10.7446/jaesa.0403.11. ISSN 2236-577X. Volltext nicht online.

  Pelivan, Ivanka und Smoot, Sara und Hipkins, David und Theil, Stephan (2008) Generic Drag-free Control Simulation – Lessons Learned from Gravity Probe B. In: Proceedings of the 31th Annual AAS Guidance and Control Conference. 31th Annual AAS Guidance and Control Conference, 2008-02-01 - 2008-02-06, Breckenridge, Colorado (USA). file

  Pettazzi, Lorenzo und Krüger, Hans und Theil, Stephan und Izzo, Dario (2009) Electrostatic Force for Swarm Navigation and Reconfiguration. Acta Futura (3), Seiten 80-86. ESA/ESTEC. doi: 10.2420/ACT-BOK-AF03. file

  Pettazzi, Lorenzo und Lanzon, Alexander und Theil, Stephan und Ercoli Finzi, Amalia (2009) Design of Robust Drag-Free Controllers with Given Structure. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 32 (5), Seiten 1609-1621. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). doi: 10.2514/1.40279. Volltext nicht online.

  Qaise, Omar und Theil, Stephan und Bindel, Daniel (2008) Cost Effective One-Way Doppler Measurements Correction of NOAA Satellites Using GPS Dissemination. In: Proceedings of the SpaceOps 2008 Conference. SpaceOps 2008 Conference, 2008-05-12 - 2008-05-16, Heidelberg, Germany. Volltext nicht frei. file

  Romagnoli, Daniele und Circi, Christian (2008) Lunar Global Positioning System using L<sub>1</sub> and L<sub>2</sub> libration points. DGLR International Symposium "To Moon and Beyond" 2008, 2008-09-15 - 2008-09-17, Bremen (GERMANY). Volltext nicht online.

  Romagnoli, Daniele und Circi, Christian (2008) Earth-Moon Weak Stability Boundaries in the restricted three and four body problem. Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 103 (1), Seiten 79-103. Springer Netherlands. doi: 10.1007/s10569-008-9169-y. Volltext nicht online.

  Romagnoli, Daniele und Circi, Christian (2010) Lissajous trajectories for lunar global positioning and communication systems. Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 107 (4), Seiten 409-425. Springer. doi: 10.1007/s10569-010-9279-1. Volltext nicht online.

  Romagnoli, Daniele und Oehlschlägel, Thimo (2011) High performance two degrees of freedom attitude control for solar sails. Advances in Space Research, 48 (11), Seiten 1869-1879. Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2011.04.027. Volltext nicht online.


  Romagnoli, Daniele und Theil, Stephan (2012) De-orbiting satellites in LEO using solar sails. Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Sciences and Applications, IV (2), Seiten 49-59. Brazilian Aerospace Association (AAB). doi: 10.7446/jaesa.0402.05. ISSN 2236-577X. Volltext nicht frei. file

  Sagliano, Marco (2011) An explicit formulation of the transition matrix for formation flying manoeuvres in L2. In: An explicit formulation of the transition matrix for formation flying manoeuvres in L2. SFFMT 2011 - 4th International Conference on Spacecraft Formation Flying Missions & Technologies, 2011-05-18 - 2011-05-20, St-Hubert, Québec, Canada. Volltext nicht online.

  Sagliano, Marco und Krüger, Hans und Theil, Stephan (2012) TRON Tool: REPRESENTING A MOON LANDING SCENARIO IN TRON. GLEX 2012, 2012-05-22 - 2012-05-24, Washington D.C.. file

  Samaan, Malak und Steffes, Stephen und Theil, Stephan (2011) STAR TRACKER REAL-TIME HARDWARE IN THE LOOP TESTING USING OPTICAL STAR SIMULATOR. 2011 Space Flight Meeting,, 2011-01-30 - 2011-02-02, New Orleans, USA.. Volltext nicht frei. file

  Samaan, Malak und Theil, Stephan (2008) ON-GROUND ATTITUDE AND TORQUE RECONSTRUCTION FOR THE GAIA MISSION. In: AAS/AIAA Spaceflight Meeting 2008. AAS 08-133, 2008-01-31, Galveston, TX (USA). file

  Samaan, Malak und Theil, Stephan (2008) On-Ground Attitude and Torque Reconstruction tor the Gaia Mission. In: Proceedings of the AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Winter Meeting 2008. AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Winter Meeting; 2008, 2008-01-27 - 2008-01-31, Galveston, Texas (USA). file

  Samaan, Malak und Theil, Stephan (2011) Development of a low cost star tracker for the SHEFEX mission. Aerospace Science and Technology, 23 (1), Seiten 469-478. Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.ast.2011.09.013. file

  Schlotterer, Markus (2008) Robuste Schätzung und Sensorfusion zur Navigation von wiederverwendbaren Raumtransportern. Dissertation, Universität Bremen. Volltext nicht online.

  Schlotterer, Markus (2008) Navigation System for Reusable Launch Vehicle. In: 31st Annual AAS Guidance and Control Conference. 31st Annual AAS Guidance and Control Conference, 2008-02-01 - 2008-02-06, Breckenridge, Colorado. file

  Schlotterer, Markus und Theil, Stephan (2010) Testbed for on-orbit servicing and formation flying dynamics emulation. AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference 2010, 2010-08-02 - 2010-08-05, Toronto, Ontario Canada. file

  Scholz, Christina und Romagnoli, Daniele und Dachwald, Bernd (2010) PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF AN ATTITUDE CONTROL SYSTEM FOR SOLAR SAILS USING SLIDING MASSES. file

  Schwarz, René (2012) Development of an illumination simulation software for the Moon's surface: An approach to illumination direction estimation on pictures of solid planetary surfaces with a significant number of craters. Books on Demand, Norderstedt, Germany. ISBN 978-3-8482-1628-4. file

  Steffes, Stephen R. und Samaan, Malak und Conradt, Michael und Theil, Stephan (2011) Reconfigurable Hardware-in-the-Loop Test Bench for the SHEFEX2 Hybrid Navigation System Experiment. AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, 2011-08-08 - 2011-08-11, Portland, Oregon. Volltext nicht frei. file

  Steffes, Stephen R. und Samaan, Malak und Theil, Stephan (2012) Alignment Between IMU and Star Tracker Using the Night Sky and an On-Board Navigation System. 35th Annual AAS Guidance and Control Conference, 2012-02-03 - 2012-02-08, Breckenridge, Colorado, USA. Volltext nicht frei. file

  Steffes, Stephen R. und Steinbach, Jan Philipp und Theil, Stephan (2011) Investigation of the Attitude Error Vector Reference Frame in the INS EKF. In: Advances in Aerospace Guidance, Navigation and Control Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. Seiten 345-358. ISBN 978-3-642-19816-8. file

  Theil, Stephan (2010) Satellite dynamics: Modelling, In-Orbit Calibration and Data Processing - Introduction. Space Science Reviews, 151 (1-3), Seiten 1-3. Springer. doi: 10.1007/s11214-009-9618-2. ISSN 0038-6308. Volltext nicht online.

  Theil, Stephan (2007) Drag-Free Satellite Control. In: Astrophysics and Space Science Library, 349. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. Seiten 341-359. ISBN 978-3-540-34376-9. Volltext nicht frei. file

  Theil, Stephan und Schlotterer, Markus und Conradt, Michael und Hallmann, Marcus (2008) Integrated Navigation System for the second SHarp Edge Flight EXperiment (SHEFEX-2). In: Proceedings of the 31th Annual AAS Guidance and Control Conference. 31th Annual AAS Guidance and Control Conference, 2008-02-01 - 2008-02-06, Breckenridge, Colorado (USA). Volltext nicht frei. file

  Theil, Stephan und Schlotterer, Markus und Hallmann, Marcus und Conradt, Michael und Markgraf, Markus und Vanschoenbeek, Inge (2008) Hybrid Navigation System for the SHEFEX-2 Mission. In: Proceedings of the AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference and Exhibit 2008. AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference and Exhibit, 2008-08-18 - 2008-08-21, Honolulu, Hawaii (USA). Volltext nicht frei. file

  Theil, Stephan und Steffes, Stephen und Samaan, Malak und Conradt, Michael und Markgraf, Markus und Vanschoenbeek, Inge (2009) Hybrid Navigation System for Spaceplanes, Launch and Re-Entry Vehicles. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Space Planes and Hypersonics Systems and Technologies Conference. AIAA. 16th AIAA/DLR/DGLR International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, 2009-10-19 - 2009-10-22, Bremen, Deutschland. Volltext nicht frei. file

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