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High Definition Mapping for Inland Waterways: Techniques, Challenges and Prospects

Hösch, Lukas und Llorente, Alonso und An, Xiangdong und Llerena, Juan Pedro und Medina, Daniel (2023) High Definition Mapping for Inland Waterways: Techniques, Challenges and Prospects. In: 26th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, ITSC 2023. 26th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems ITSC 2023, 2023-09-24 - 2023-09-28, Bilbao, Spanien. doi: 10.1109/ITSC57777.2023.10422210. ISBN 979-835039946-2. ISSN 2153-0009.

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Inland waterway transport (IWT) is an efficient way of mass good transportation with low energy consumption and reasonable ecological impact. As for other transport systems, there is a need for reliable advanced driver-assistance functions and increased autonomy. In this regard, High Definition (HD) Maps play a role by enhancing vessels’ localisation and perception capabilities. Obtaining HD Maps is an important step towards the ongoing digitalisation of water-based transport and forms the basis for assistant systems to captains of inland vessels or even higher automated ships. This work discusses the workflow for HD map generation by using vessels as information platforms (i.e., by having precise localisation and environment-detecting perception capabilities). An architecture for HD map generation from vessels provided with geodetic equipment for precise localisation and environment-detecting perception is presented. An overview on standard techniques for HD mapping within the automobile and robotics domain are discussed, as well as the particular challenges and needs present for water-based applications. Finally, the conceptual use and appropriate data exchange of HD Maps are drafted.

elib-URL des Eintrags:https://elib.dlr.de/199534/
Dokumentart:Konferenzbeitrag (Vortrag)
Titel:High Definition Mapping for Inland Waterways: Techniques, Challenges and Prospects
AutorenInstitution oder E-Mail-AdresseAutoren-ORCID-iDORCID Put Code
Hösch, LukasLukas.Hoesch (at) dlr.dehttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-0656-6502NICHT SPEZIFIZIERT
Llorente, Alonsoalonso.llorentelandero (at) dlr.deNICHT SPEZIFIZIERTNICHT SPEZIFIZIERT
An, XiangdongXiangdong.An (at) dlr.dehttps://orcid.org/0000-0001-5190-9503NICHT SPEZIFIZIERT
Llerena, Juan Pedrollerena (at) inf.uc3m.esNICHT SPEZIFIZIERTNICHT SPEZIFIZIERT
Medina, DanielDaniel.AriasMedina (at) dlr.dehttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-1586-3269NICHT SPEZIFIZIERT
Datum:24 September 2023
Erschienen in:26th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, ITSC 2023
Referierte Publikation:Ja
Open Access:Ja
Gold Open Access:Nein
In ISI Web of Science:Nein
Stichwörter:HD Mapping, Inland waterway transport, global SLAM
Veranstaltungstitel:26th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems ITSC 2023
Veranstaltungsort:Bilbao, Spanien
Veranstaltungsart:internationale Konferenz
Veranstaltungsbeginn:24 September 2023
Veranstaltungsende:28 September 2023
HGF - Forschungsbereich:Luftfahrt, Raumfahrt und Verkehr
HGF - Programm:Verkehr
HGF - Programmthema:Verkehrssystem
DLR - Schwerpunkt:Verkehr
DLR - Forschungsgebiet:V VS - Verkehrssystem
DLR - Teilgebiet (Projekt, Vorhaben):V - FuturePorts
Standort: Neustrelitz
Institute & Einrichtungen:Institut für Kommunikation und Navigation > Nautische Systeme
Hinterlegt von: Hösch, Lukas
Hinterlegt am:29 Nov 2023 18:56
Letzte Änderung:17 Jan 2025 09:53

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