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Viewpoint Selection for Rover Relative Pose Estimation Driven by Minimal Uncertainty Criteria

Chiodini, Sebastiano und Giubilato, Riccardo und Pertile, Marco und Salvioli, Federico und Bussi, Diego und Barrera, Marco und Franceschetti, Paola und Debei, Stefano (2021) Viewpoint Selection for Rover Relative Pose Estimation Driven by Minimal Uncertainty Criteria. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 70. IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. doi: 10.1109/TIM.2021.3117089. ISSN 0018-9456.

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Offizielle URL: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9555599


Pose estimation is critical for mobile robots to fulfill various tasks, such as path following or mapping the environment. This is usually accomplished by simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). However, computationally constrained systems, such as planetary rovers, rely on less intensive guidance navigation and control (GNC) solutions generally derived solely from visual odometry (VO), wheel odometry, and the onboard inertial measurement unit. Although providing adequate localization performances, the drift accumulated overtime is not compensated by loop closing capabilities, typical of SLAM. Usually, rovers send surface images to the ground station, and these images are used for multiple purposes, such as scientific and operational planning. The number of images is constrained by the communication bandwidth and power budget. The set of transmitted images can be used as a means to correct the robot’s trajectory in an off-line manner. In this work, a solution is presented to the problem of selecting the optimal set of viewpoints belonging to the planned path from which to capture and transmit images: 1) it guarantees accurate trajectory correction and 2) complies with the maximum number of images that can be transmitted to ground control given the available data budget. To this end, it is proposed: 1) a delocalized/decentralized sensor fusion approach based on pose graph optimization and structure from motion and 2) a strategy to select a minimal set of viewpoints along the trajectory that, given a tentative geometry of the environment and the global path that the rover must follow, minimizes the uncertainty of all the robot poses. Optimal camera viewpoint positions are selected as a function of the planned trajectory, the approximate scene geometry, and the maximum transmittable number of images. The proposed method has been tested on a dataset of stereo-images collected in a representative Martian environment, the ALTEC Mars Terrain Simulator (MTS), with the ExoMars testing rover (ExoTeR—European Space Agency, Paris, France, property). Rover stereo-images ground truth was given with millimetric accuracy by a motion capture (MC) system.

elib-URL des Eintrags:https://elib.dlr.de/192898/
Titel:Viewpoint Selection for Rover Relative Pose Estimation Driven by Minimal Uncertainty Criteria
AutorenInstitution oder E-Mail-AdresseAutoren-ORCID-iDORCID Put Code
Chiodini, SebastianoUniversity of PadovaNICHT SPEZIFIZIERTNICHT SPEZIFIZIERT
Giubilato, RiccardoRiccardo.Giubilato (at) dlr.dehttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-3161-3171NICHT SPEZIFIZIERT
Pertile, MarcoCISAS - Center for Studies and Activities for Space, University of PadovaNICHT SPEZIFIZIERTNICHT SPEZIFIZIERT
Franceschetti, PaolaThales Alenia Space ItaliaNICHT SPEZIFIZIERTNICHT SPEZIFIZIERT
Debei, StefanoDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, University of Padova, Via Venezia 1, 35131 Padova, ItalyNICHT SPEZIFIZIERTNICHT SPEZIFIZIERT
Datum:1 Oktober 2021
Erschienen in:IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
Referierte Publikation:Ja
Open Access:Nein
Gold Open Access:Nein
In ISI Web of Science:Ja
Verlag:IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Stichwörter:Active vision, bundle adjustment (BA), structure from motion
HGF - Forschungsbereich:Luftfahrt, Raumfahrt und Verkehr
HGF - Programm:Raumfahrt
HGF - Programmthema:Robotik
DLR - Schwerpunkt:Raumfahrt
DLR - Forschungsgebiet:R RO - Robotik
DLR - Teilgebiet (Projekt, Vorhaben):R - Multisensorielle Weltmodellierung (RM) [RO], R - Planetare Exploration
Standort: Oberpfaffenhofen
Institute & Einrichtungen:Institut für Robotik und Mechatronik (ab 2013) > Perzeption und Kognition
Institut für Robotik und Mechatronik (ab 2013)
Hinterlegt von: Strobl, Dr.-Ing. Klaus H.
Hinterlegt am:23 Dez 2022 11:23
Letzte Änderung:23 Dez 2022 11:23

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