Einträge mit Themengebiet "Institut für Verkehrsforschung > Clearingstelle Verkehr"
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Anzahl der Einträge auf dieser Ebene: 7.
Kelpin, Rene (2010) The ROADIDEA data sources – results, utilisations and mediation. In: Tagungsband SIRWEC 15th Interantional Road Weather Conference. SIRWEC 15th International Road Weather Conference, 2010-02-05 - 2010-02-07, Quebec, kanada. Volltext nicht frei. |
Kelpin, Rene (2009) The ROADIDEA data source identification – results and utilisations. In: Tagungsband. EASYWAYY International Workshop on ITS deployment, 2009-03-16 - 2009-03-17, Lillehammer, Norwegen. Volltext nicht online. |
Kelpin, Rene (2010) The ROADIDEA Data Mediation - Data Support for ITS Deployment. In: Confernce Proceedings. ITS World Congress Busan 2010, 2010-10-25 - 2010-10-29, Busan, Korea. |
Schulz, Angelika (2005) Transport Data Policy in Germany. In: Towards a European Transport Information System Nakladatelství a vydavatelství litomyslského semináre Praha. Seiten 16-23. ISBN 80-86709-06-X. Volltext nicht online. |
Vance, Colin und Hedel, Ralf (2007) THE IMPACT OF URBAN FORM ON AUTOMOBILE TRAVEL: DISENTANGLING CAUSATION FROM CORRELATION. TRANSPORTATION, 34 (5). Springer Netherlands. ISSN 0049-4488. Volltext nicht online. |
Vance, Colin und Hedel, Ralf (2006) ON THE LINK BETWEEN URBAN FORM AND AUTOMOBILE USE: EVIDENCE FROM GERMAN SURVEY DATA. Land Economics. The University of Wisconsin Press. ISSN 0023-7639. Volltext nicht online. |
Wolfermann, Axel (2011) Data issues in Europe: From the EU to the German Aerospace Center. 2nd International Workshop on Traffic Data Collection & its Standardisation, 2011-09-22 - 2011-09-23, Brisbane, Australien. |