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ExploreNEOs. II. The Accuracy of the Warm Spitzer Near-Earth Object Survey

Harris, A.W. and Mommert, M. and Hora, J.L. and Mueller, M. and Trilling, D.E. and Bhattacharya, B. and Bottke, W.F. and Chesley, S. and Delbo, M. and Emery, J.P. and Fazio, G. and Mainzer, A. and Penprase, B. and Smith, H.A. and Spahr, T.B. and Stansberry, J.A. and Thomas, C.A. (2011) ExploreNEOs. II. The Accuracy of the Warm Spitzer Near-Earth Object Survey. Astronomical Journal, 141 (3), pp. 1-10. American Astronomical Society. doi: 10.1088/0004-6256/141/3/75.

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Official URL: http://iopscience.iop.org/1538-3881/141/3/75/pdf/1538-3881_141_3_75.pdf


We report on results of observations of near-Earth objects (NEOs) performed with the NASA Spitzer Space Telescope as part of our ongoing (2009–2011) Warm Spitzer NEO survey (“ExploreNEOs”), the primary aim of which is to provide sizes and albedos of some 700 NEOs. The emphasis of the work described here is an assessment of the overall accuracy of our survey results, which are based on a semi-empirical generalized model of asteroid thermal emission. The NASA Spitzer Space Telescope has been operated in the so-called Warm Spitzer mission phase since the cryogen was depleted in 2009 May, with the two shortest-wavelength channels, centered at 3.6 μm and 4.5 μm, of the Infrared Array Camera continuing to provide valuable data. The set of some 170 NEOs in our current Warm Spitzer results catalog contains 28 for which published taxonomic classifications are available, and 14 for which relatively reliable published diameters and albedos are available. A comparison of the Warm Spitzer results with previously published results (“ground truth”), complemented by a Monte Carlo error analysis, indicates that the rms Warm Spitzer diameter and albedo errors are ±20% and ±50%, respectively. Cases in which agreement with results from the literature is worse than expected are highlighted and discussed; these include the potential spacecraft target 138911 2001 AE2. We confirm that 1.4 appears to be an appropriate overall default value for the relative reflectance between the V band and the Warm Spitzer wavelengths, for use in correction of the Warm Spitzer fluxes for reflected solar radiation.

Item URL in elib:https://elib.dlr.de/69511/
Document Type:Article
Additional Information:Article i.d: The Astronomical Journal, Volume 141, Issue 3, article id. 75 (2011)
Title:ExploreNEOs. II. The Accuracy of the Warm Spitzer Near-Earth Object Survey
AuthorsInstitution or Email of AuthorsAuthor's ORCID iDORCID Put Code
Hora, J.L.Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, USAUNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Mueller, M.Universite de Nice Sophia Antipolis, FranceUNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Trilling, D.E.Northern Arizona University, USAUNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Bhattacharya, B.NASA Herschel Science Center Caltech, USAUNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Bottke, W.F.Southwest Research Institute, USAUNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Chesley, S.Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USAUNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Delbo, M.Universite de Nice Sophia Antipolis, FranceUNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Emery, J.P.Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of Tennessee, USAUNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Fazio, G.Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, USAUNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Mainzer, A.Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USAUNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Penprase, B.Department of Physics and Astronomy, Pomona College, USAUNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Smith, H.A.Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, USAUNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Spahr, T.B.Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, USAUNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Stansberry, J.A.Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, USAUNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Thomas, C.A.Northern Arizona University, USAUNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Date:March 2011
Journal or Publication Title:Astronomical Journal
Refereed publication:Yes
Open Access:No
Gold Open Access:No
In ISI Web of Science:Yes
Page Range:pp. 1-10
Publisher:American Astronomical Society
Keywords:Asteroids, Near-Earth objects, Spitzer Space telescope
HGF - Research field:Aeronautics, Space and Transport (old)
HGF - Program:Space (old)
HGF - Program Themes:W EW - Erforschung des Weltraums
DLR - Research area:Space
DLR - Program:W EW - Erforschung des Weltraums
DLR - Research theme (Project):W - Vorhaben Asteroiden und Kometen (old)
Location: Berlin-Adlershof
Institutes and Institutions:Institute of Planetary Research > Asteroids and Comets
Deposited By: Harris, Prof. Alan
Deposited On:11 May 2011 14:09
Last Modified:10 Jan 2019 15:46

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