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Unsteady RANS modelling of flow past a rectangular cylinder: Investigation of Reynolds number effects

Mannini, Claudio und Soda, Ante und Schewe, Günter (2010) Unsteady RANS modelling of flow past a rectangular cylinder: Investigation of Reynolds number effects. Computers & Fluids, 39 (9), Seiten 1609-1624. Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2010.05.014. ISSN 0045-7930.

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The unsteady flow field around a two-dimensional rectangular prism with a fineness ratio (chord-to-thickness) of 5.0, is studied using Unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes (URANS) equations. A noncommercial unstructured flow solver is used in the simulations at various Reynolds numbers (from 26,000 to 1,850,000 based on the chord length), two different angles of attack (0° and 4°) and low Mach number (0.1). A grid-convergence study is presented in order to investigate the dependence of the flow solution on the spatial and temporal discretization. Results obtained with one- and two-equation turbulence models are compared, including models based on the Explicit Algebraic Reynolds Stress (EARSM) approach. The aim of this work is to assess the capability of the computationally efficient two-dimensional URANS calculations to predict the features of complex massively separated flow around this type of geometry. A further goal is to use numerical simulations to investigate the strong Reynolds number effects observed in wind-tunnel experiments. Satisfactory agreement with the wind-tunnel data is obtained for several test cases, but only the turbulence model based on the EARSM approach captured the significant lift increase at non-zero angles of attack due to variation of Reynolds number. This phenomenon is shown to be related to the progressive upstream migration of the time-averaged shear-layer reattachment location on one side of the rectangular cylinder. The effects of the Reynolds number on the mechanism of vortex shedding are also explored in the simulations.

elib-URL des Eintrags:https://elib.dlr.de/65787/
Titel:Unsteady RANS modelling of flow past a rectangular cylinder: Investigation of Reynolds number effects
AutorenInstitution oder E-Mail-AdresseAutoren-ORCID-iDORCID Put Code
Mannini, ClaudioDepartment of Civil Engineering, University of FlorenceNICHT SPEZIFIZIERTNICHT SPEZIFIZIERT
Soda, AnteFaculty of Mechanical and Naval Engineering, University of Zagreb, CroatiaNICHT SPEZIFIZIERTNICHT SPEZIFIZIERT
Datum:9 Oktober 2010
Erschienen in:Computers & Fluids
Referierte Publikation:Ja
Open Access:Nein
Gold Open Access:Nein
In ISI Web of Science:Ja
Seitenbereich:Seiten 1609-1624
HerausgeberInstitution und/oder E-Mail-Adresse der HerausgeberHerausgeber-ORCID-iDORCID Put Code
Deville, M.Laboratory of Computational Engineering (LIN), Institute of Mechanical Engineering (IGM), STI, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), ME-Ecublens, Station 9, CH-1015 Lausanne, SwitzerlandNICHT SPEZIFIZIERTNICHT SPEZIFIZIERT
Stichwörter:rectangular cylinder; unsteady aerodynamics; Reynolds number; Computational Fluid Dynamics; turbulence modelling; Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes; Detached-Eddy Simulation
HGF - Forschungsbereich:Luftfahrt, Raumfahrt und Verkehr
HGF - Programm:Luftfahrt
HGF - Programmthema:Starrflügler (alt)
DLR - Schwerpunkt:Luftfahrt
DLR - Forschungsgebiet:L AR - Starrflüglerforschung
DLR - Teilgebiet (Projekt, Vorhaben):L - Flexibles Flugzeug (alt)
Standort: Göttingen
Institute & Einrichtungen:Institut für Aeroelastik
Hinterlegt von: Erdmann, Daniela
Hinterlegt am:26 Okt 2010 11:29
Letzte Änderung:31 Jan 2025 11:41

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