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Modelling of population dynamics: GIS versus Remote sensing – a case study for Istanbul

Kubanek, Julia und Nolte, Eike-Marie und Taubenböck, Hannes und Kappas, Martin und Wenzel, Friedemann (2010) Modelling of population dynamics: GIS versus Remote sensing – a case study for Istanbul. In: Proceedings of TIEMS, Seiten 1-10. The International Emergency Management Society - 17 Annual Conference, 2010-06-08 - 2010-06-12, Beijing, China .

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Over the last decades, the rapid growth of the world population has led to a large number of emerging megacities. The 1999 Izmit (Turkey) earthquake is a striking example of the impact of natural hazards on megacities. On August 17 1999, a magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck the area of Izmit in Turkey, causing about 20.000 fatalities and US$6.5 billion economic loss. The probability of a magnitude 7 earthquake striking Istanbul within the next 30 years ranges between 30% to 70%. In order to reduce the impact of natural hazards on human lives, emergency management plans are essential. The development of these plans strongly relies on up-to-date population and inventory data. However, existing techniques for population data generation do not meet the requirements of today’s dynamic cities. In this context remote sensing has become an important source of information in the last years. However, a rational discourse on the suitability of remote sensing for urban applications is still missing. In this study a quantitative evaluation of the suitability of IKONOS imagery for population modelling using the district of Zeytinburnu (Istanbul, Turkey) is conducted. The results reveal that IKONOS images can be used for complementing existing inventory data set. The automated extraction of single buildings was identified as the major source of error in the population estimation. Further advantages and limitations such as the associated costs are discussed in this present paper.

elib-URL des Eintrags:https://elib.dlr.de/64397/
Dokumentart:Konferenzbeitrag (Vortrag, Paper)
Titel:Modelling of population dynamics: GIS versus Remote sensing – a case study for Istanbul
AutorenInstitution oder E-Mail-AdresseAutoren-ORCID-iD
Kubanek, Julia Geographisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Nolte, Eike-Marie Center for Disaster Management and Risk Reduction Technology, Geophysikalisches Institut, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Taubenböck, Hanneshannes.taubenboeck (at) dlr.dehttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-4360-9126
Kappas, Martinmkappas (at) uni-goettingen.de
Wenzel, FriedemannCenter for Disaster Management and Risk Reduction Technology, Geophysikalisches Institut, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Datum:8 Juni 2010
Erschienen in:Proceedings of TIEMS
Referierte Publikation:Nein
Open Access:Ja
Gold Open Access:Nein
In ISI Web of Science:Nein
Seitenbereich:Seiten 1-10
Stichwörter:Population estimation, building inventory, emergency planning, remote sensing, Istanbul
Veranstaltungstitel:The International Emergency Management Society - 17 Annual Conference
Veranstaltungsort:Beijing, China
Veranstaltungsart:internationale Konferenz
Veranstaltungsbeginn:8 Juni 2010
Veranstaltungsende:12 Juni 2010
HGF - Forschungsbereich:Verkehr und Weltraum (alt)
HGF - Programm:Weltraum (alt)
HGF - Programmthema:W EO - Erdbeobachtung
DLR - Schwerpunkt:Weltraum
DLR - Forschungsgebiet:W EO - Erdbeobachtung
DLR - Teilgebiet (Projekt, Vorhaben):W - Vorhaben Geowissenschaftl. Fernerkundungs- und GIS-Verfahren (alt)
Standort: Oberpfaffenhofen
Institute & Einrichtungen:Deutsches Fernerkundungsdatenzentrum > Umwelt und Sicherheit
Hinterlegt von: Taubenböck, Prof. Dr. Hannes
Hinterlegt am:27 Okt 2010 11:04
Letzte Änderung:24 Apr 2024 19:29

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