Alrutz, Thomas und Orlt, Matthias (2006) Parallel dynamic grid refinement for industrial applications. In: Proceedings ECCOMAS CFD 06. TU Delft, The Netherlands. ECCOMAS CFD 06, 2006-09-05 - 2006-09-08, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands. ISBN 90-9020970-0.
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This paper covers a description of the algorithms and data-structures used in the parallel DLR TAU-Code Adaptation tool. Attention is given to the basic algorithms of the parallel anisotropic refinement and de-refinement, as well as the data-structures for distributed grids and grid hierarchy. The parallelization issues for distributed data are discussed along with the dynamic repartitioning and the load-balancing algorithm. To demonstrate the dynamic character of the TAU-Code adaptation, we choose a simulation for a complex aircraft configuration and perform a parallel CFD calculation using varying numbers of CPUs. The obtained results show good parallel scalability with respect to memory and CPU-time consumption.
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Dokumentart: | Konferenzbeitrag (Vortrag, Paper) | ||||||||||||||||
Titel: | Parallel dynamic grid refinement for industrial applications. | ||||||||||||||||
Autoren: |
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Datum: | 5 September 2006 | ||||||||||||||||
Erschienen in: | Proceedings ECCOMAS CFD 06 | ||||||||||||||||
Referierte Publikation: | Nein | ||||||||||||||||
Open Access: | Nein | ||||||||||||||||
Gold Open Access: | Nein | ||||||||||||||||
In SCOPUS: | Nein | ||||||||||||||||
In ISI Web of Science: | Nein | ||||||||||||||||
Herausgeber: |
| ||||||||||||||||
Verlag: | TU Delft, The Netherlands | ||||||||||||||||
ISBN: | 90-9020970-0 | ||||||||||||||||
Status: | veröffentlicht | ||||||||||||||||
Stichwörter: | Grid adaptation, parallel dynamic refinement, unstructured hybrid grids, distributed grid data-structures | ||||||||||||||||
Veranstaltungstitel: | ECCOMAS CFD 06 | ||||||||||||||||
Veranstaltungsort: | Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands | ||||||||||||||||
Veranstaltungsart: | internationale Konferenz | ||||||||||||||||
Veranstaltungsbeginn: | 5 September 2006 | ||||||||||||||||
Veranstaltungsende: | 8 September 2006 | ||||||||||||||||
Veranstalter : | TU Delft | ||||||||||||||||
HGF - Forschungsbereich: | Luftfahrt, Raumfahrt und Verkehr | ||||||||||||||||
HGF - Programm: | Luftfahrt | ||||||||||||||||
HGF - Programmthema: | Starrflügler (alt) | ||||||||||||||||
DLR - Schwerpunkt: | Luftfahrt | ||||||||||||||||
DLR - Forschungsgebiet: | L AR - Starrflüglerforschung | ||||||||||||||||
DLR - Teilgebiet (Projekt, Vorhaben): | L - Konzepte & Integration (alt) | ||||||||||||||||
Standort: | Göttingen | ||||||||||||||||
Institute & Einrichtungen: | Institut für Aerodynamik und Strömungstechnik > CASE | ||||||||||||||||
Hinterlegt von: | Alrutz, Thomas | ||||||||||||||||
Hinterlegt am: | 26 Jun 2007 | ||||||||||||||||
Letzte Änderung: | 24 Apr 2024 19:11 |
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