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Numerical studies on hybrid resonators for a medium-sized chemical oxygen iodine laser

Hall, Thomas (2005) Numerical studies on hybrid resonators for a medium-sized chemical oxygen iodine laser. Optical Engineering, 44 (11), pp. 1-6. SPIE/Journal Department.

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Off-axis negative-branch and off-axis positive-branch hybrid resonators, suitable for a laser with large medium cross section and a small output coupling are explored numerically. The basis of our theory is the Fresnel-Kirchhoff integral equation and the calculations describe a passive resonator. With respect to mirror tilting, the calculations confirm that in the unstable direction, the off-axis negative-branch resonator is less sensitive to mirror misalignments than the off-axis positive-branch one. In the stable direction, the sensitivity to mirror misalignment is larger than in the unstable direction and is dependent on the mirror curvature. The fabrication of cylindrical mirrors for such hybrid resonators is difficult, and deviations in mirror radius of curvature are possible. The effects of such deviations are addressed. Near the nominal mirror parameters, the off-axis negative-branch unstable resonator is insensitive to mirror curvature variations if the resonator length is appropriately adapted to the mirror curvatures.

Item URL in elib:https://elib.dlr.de/22358/
Document Type:Article
Title:Numerical studies on hybrid resonators for a medium-sized chemical oxygen iodine laser
AuthorsInstitution or Email of AuthorsAuthor's ORCID iDORCID Put Code
Journal or Publication Title:Optical Engineering
Refereed publication:Yes
Open Access:No
Gold Open Access:No
In ISI Web of Science:Yes
Page Range:pp. 1-6
Publisher:SPIE/Journal Department
Series Name:Optical Engineering
Keywords:hybrid resonator, Fresnel-Kirchhoff equation, chemical oxygen iodine laser, medium cross section
HGF - Research field:Aeronautics, Space and Transport (old)
HGF - Program:Aeronautics
HGF - Program Themes:Aircraft Research (old)
DLR - Research area:Aeronautics
DLR - Program:L AR - Aircraft Research
DLR - Research theme (Project):L - Laser Research and Technology (old)
Location: Stuttgart
Institutes and Institutions:Institute of Technical Physics
Deposited By: Eckel, Dr.rer.nat. Hans-Albert
Deposited On:10 Feb 2006
Last Modified:27 Apr 2009 05:00

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