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The SBRC-190 a cryogenic multiplexer for moderate-background FIR astronomy

Erickson, E.F. and Young, E.T. and Wolf, J. and Asbrock, J.F. and Lum, N.A. (2002) The SBRC-190 a cryogenic multiplexer for moderate-background FIR astronomy. In: Proceedings FAR-IR, SUB-MM & MM Detector Technoloy Workshop, 211408, 3-15-. NASA. FAR-IR, SUB-MM & MM Detector Technoloy Workshop, Monterey, CA, 1-3 April 2002.

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The SBRC 190, a cryogenic multiplexer developed for far-infrared (FIR) photoconductor detectors operating at moderate backgrounds, is described. The circuit is based on the 32-channel CRC 696 CMOS device used on SIRTF. For applications such as encountered on SOFIA or Herschel, the new device permits higher backgrounds, a wider range of backgrounds, faster sampling, and enhanced synchronization of sampling with chopping. A relationship between sampling efficiency and noise requirements needed to achieve background-limited instrument (BLIP) performance is derived. Major design differences relative to the CRC 696 which have been incorporated in the SBRC 190 are: (a) an AC coupled, capacitive feedback transimpedance unit cell, to minimize input offset effects, thereby enabling low detector biases, (b) selectable feedback capacitors to enable operation over a wide range of backgrounds, and (c) clamp and sample & hold output circuits to improve sampling efficiency, which is a concern at the relatively high readout rates required. The paper emphasizes requirements for use on SOFIA, and touches on the design, expected performance, and fabrication of the new multiplexer.

Item URL in elib:https://elib.dlr.de/18594/
Document Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Additional Information: LIDO-Berichtsjahr=2003,
Title:The SBRC-190 a cryogenic multiplexer for moderate-background FIR astronomy
AuthorsInstitution or Email of AuthorsAuthor's ORCID iDORCID Put Code
Erickson, E.F.NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, USAUNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Young, E.T.Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USAUNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Asbrock, J.F.Raytheon IR Center of Excellence, Santa Barbara, CA, USAUNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Lum, N.A.Raytheon IR Center of Excellence, Santa Barbara, CA, USAUNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Journal or Publication Title:Proceedings FAR-IR, SUB-MM & MM Detector Technoloy Workshop
Open Access:No
Gold Open Access:No
In ISI Web of Science:No
Page Range:3-15-
EditorsEmailEditor's ORCID iDORCID Put Code
Series Name:NASA CP
Keywords:Multiplexer, Ferninfrarot, Terahertz, Detektor, SOFIA
Event Title:FAR-IR, SUB-MM & MM Detector Technoloy Workshop, Monterey, CA, 1-3 April 2002
HGF - Research field:Aeronautics, Space and Transport (old)
HGF - Program:Space (old)
HGF - Program Themes:W EW - Erforschung des Weltraums
DLR - Research area:Space
DLR - Program:W EW - Erforschung des Weltraums
DLR - Research theme (Project):UNSPECIFIED
Location: Berlin-Adlershof
Institutes and Institutions:Institut für Weltraumsensorik und Planetenerkundung
Deposited By: Pieth, Susanne
Deposited On:16 Sep 2005
Last Modified:14 Jan 2010 19:29

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