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SciGRID_gas: The final IGGIELGNC-3 gas transmission network data set

Diettrich, Jan and Pluta, Adam and Sandoval, J. and Dasenbrock, Jan and Medjroubi, Wided (2021) SciGRID_gas: The final IGGIELGNC-3 gas transmission network data set. [Other]

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This document describes the final resulting non-OSM data set “IGGIELGNC-3”, where all missing values have been estimated using heuristic processes, and was generated by combining the following data sources: - InternetDaten data set (INET) - Gas Infrastructure Europe data set (GIE) - Gas Storages Europe data set (GSE) - International Gas Union data set (IGU) - EntsoG-Map data set (EMAP) - Long-term Planning and Short-term Optimization data set (LKD) - Great Britain data set (GB) - Norway data set (NO) - Consumers data set for Europe (CONS), based on NUTS 3 level. The goal of the SciGRID_gas project is twofold: a) to generate a comprehensive gas transmission network dataset for Europe and b) to develop and supply automated processes to create such data sets for Europe. Gas transmission networks and their data are essential for gas network modelling. The modelling community can derive major characteristics from such networks. Such simulations have a large scope of application, for example, they can be used to perform case scenarios, to model the gas consumption, to minimize leakages and to optimize overall gas distribution strategies. The focus of SciGRID_gas will be on the European transmission gas network, but the principal methods will also be applicable to other geographic regions. Data required for gas transport models are the gas facilities, such as compressor stations, LNG terminals, pipelines etc. One needs to know their locations, in addition to a large range of attributes, such as pipeline diameter and capacity, compressor capacity, configuration etc. Most of this data is not freely available. However, throughout the SciGRID_gas project it was determined, that data can be grouped into two categories: a) OSM data, and b) non-OSM data. The OSM data consists of geo-referenced facility location data that is stored in the OpenStreetMap (OSM) data base, and is freely available. The OSM data set currently delivers highly accurate topological information on pipelines, however, does rarely contain any required meta information. The Non-OSM data set can fill some of those pipeline data gaps, and can additionally supply information such as pipeline diameter, compressor capacity and more. Part of the SciGRID_gas project is to mine and collate such data, and combine it with the OSM data set. Tools have been designed to fill data gaps and handle copy right issues. This will result in a complete gas network data set. In this document, the chapter “Introduction” will supply some background information on the SciGRID_gas project, followed by the chapter “Data structure“ that gives a detailed description of the data structure that is being used in the SciGRID_gas project. Chapter “Data sources” describes the different non-OSM input data sets: INET, GIE, GSE, IGU, EMAP, LKD, GB, NO and CONS. To estimate any missing data, the chapter “Heuristic methods” describes in detail, how missing attribute values (e.g. pipeline diameter) were generated. This is followed by the chapter “Final data set”, which gives a brief overview on each set of components and in addition summarizes the changes to a previously published SciGRID_gas data set. In addition, a chapter has been added, in which the heuristic methods used to generate missing attribute values have been analysed in respect of their impact/sensitivity.

Item URL in elib:https://elib.dlr.de/143221/
Document Type:Other
Title:SciGRID_gas: The final IGGIELGNC-3 gas transmission network data set
AuthorsInstitution or Email of AuthorsAuthor's ORCID iDORCID Put Code
Diettrich, JanUNSPECIFIEDhttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-0156-9720UNSPECIFIED
Pluta, AdamUNSPECIFIEDhttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-3423-3246UNSPECIFIED
Medjroubi, WidedUNSPECIFIEDhttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-2274-4209UNSPECIFIED
Date:1 July 2021
Journal or Publication Title:Zenodo
Refereed publication:No
Open Access:Yes
Number of Pages:220
Keywords:data, gas, transmission network, Europe, SciGRID_gas
HGF - Research field:Energy
HGF - Program:Energy System Design
HGF - Program Themes:Energy System Transformation
DLR - Research area:Energy
DLR - Program:E SY - Energy System Technology and Analysis
DLR - Research theme (Project):E - Systems Analysis and Technology Assessment
Location: Oldenburg
Institutes and Institutions:Institute of Networked Energy Systems > Energy Systems Analysis, OL
Deposited By: Diettrich, Jan
Deposited On:19 Aug 2021 13:25
Last Modified:19 Aug 2021 13:25

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