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Infrared absorption cross-sections in HITRAN2016 and beyond: Expansion for climate, environment, and atmospheric applications

Kochanov, Roman and Gordon, I.E. and Rothman, L.S. and Shine, K.P. and Sharpe, Steven and Johnson, T.J. and Wallington, T. and Harrison, J.J. and Bernath, P. F. and Birk, Manfred and Wagner, Georg and Le Bris, K. and Bravo, I. and Hill, C. (2019) Infrared absorption cross-sections in HITRAN2016 and beyond: Expansion for climate, environment, and atmospheric applications. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 230, pp. 172-221. Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2019.04.001. ISSN 0022-4073.

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Accounting for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is crucial for many applications, including, for example, climate change monitoring, tracking of pollution and biomass burning, and atmospheric remote sensing. For many such molecules, the line-by-line spectroscopic data are still either unavailable, or incomplete. The spectroscopic databases, however, often give the wavenumber-dependent absorption cross-sections for each temperature and pressure set. In this paper we give a detailed overview for the current state of the HITRAN2016 infrared absorption cross-section part. The updated cross-sections include data for around 320 compounds, with more than 260 compounds being included in the database for the first time. These cross-sections come from high-resolution laboratory observations, predominantly from Fourier transform spectrometers. The update largely relies on spectra from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory quantitative spectroscopic database and the Hodnebrog et al. (Rev Geophys 2013) compilation, but also on other recently published data. We give a description for the most atmospherically important compounds arranged by chemical categories, and validate the existing data sources for many of them. We also describe the HITRAN infrastructure which gives access to the data for all molecules from HITRAN, and discuss the best practices of searching the data. This update increases the amount of molecules in the HITRAN database almost six-fold compared to the previous edition, HITRAN2012; it is available via the HITRANonline website (www.hitran.org) and HITRAN Application Programming Interface (HAPI).

Item URL in elib:https://elib.dlr.de/120863/
Document Type:Article
Title:Infrared absorption cross-sections in HITRAN2016 and beyond: Expansion for climate, environment, and atmospheric applications
AuthorsInstitution or Email of AuthorsAuthor's ORCID iDORCID Put Code
Kochanov, RomanTomsk State University, Laboratory of Quantum Mechanics of Molecules and Radiative Processes, Tomsk, RussiaUNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Gordon, I.E.Harvard-Smithsonian Center for AstrophysicsUNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Rothman, L.S.Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Atomic and Molecular Physics Division, Cambridge, MA 02138, USAUNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Shine, K.P.Univ. of Reading, Reading, UKUNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Sharpe, StevenBattelle Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland WA, USAUNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Johnson, T.J.Battelle Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland WA, USAUNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Wallington, T.Ford Motor Company, Research & Advanced Engineering, Dearborn MI, USAUNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Harrison, J.J.Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leicester, Leicester, UKUNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Bernath, P. F.Old Dominion Uni. Norfolk, Vir. USAUNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Le Bris, K.St. Francis Xavier University, Department of Physics, Antigonish, NS, CanadaUNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Bravo, I.University of Castilla-La Mancha, Faculty of Pharmacy of Albacete, SpainUNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Hill, C.International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, AustriaUNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Date:June 2019
Journal or Publication Title:Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer
Refereed publication:Yes
Open Access:No
Gold Open Access:No
In ISI Web of Science:Yes
Page Range:pp. 172-221
Keywords:HITRAN, spectroscopic database, absorption cross sections, infrared
HGF - Research field:Aeronautics, Space and Transport
HGF - Program:Space
HGF - Program Themes:Earth Observation
DLR - Research area:Raumfahrt
DLR - Program:R EO - Earth Observation
DLR - Research theme (Project):Vorhaben Spectroscopic Methods in Remote Sensing (old)
Location: Oberpfaffenhofen
Institutes and Institutions:Remote Sensing Technology Institute > Experimental Methods
Deposited By: Birk, Manfred
Deposited On:21 Nov 2019 09:40
Last Modified:16 Jun 2023 10:36

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